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TinyHunt #8

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Here's my response to that:

    (somewhat NSFW)

  2. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Only on p26 (20PPP) but wanted to say a couple things:

    I was expecting both to show up and immediately do something cool, mal did, font didn't, font then cased mal later which read acceptably. I've noticed the ping-ponging around I've been doing and I think it actually means something specific:

    Why does this make me feel pocketed ._.

    anyway I've looked into each of font, mal, Newcomb and then bounced off them for what I interpreted as towny posts. Once I'm done catching up I'm going to ISO each and pick one to settle on, because I think what this means is one of them at least is Actually Scum and I'm giving up on my read too easily because they're all good at projecting town D1 as either alignment.
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    and then the rest of the thread was boring so now I just look like a jackass

    okay, brb
  3. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Thanks. I'll skim Owner's at some point. I have this vague meta conception of Waco kind of like... one-noting things as a wolf, both in what he's talking about and who he's focusing on.
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    I straight up don't want to admit how long I sometimes spend looking for gifs. Feel like it kind of ruins the mystique. I do have a google doc with like 100 stored up gifs though. Sadly they're more situational.
  4. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Notes on Newcomb:

    - Opening post is apparently copypasta which limits how useful analyzing it is, but the votes are still game-specific. OTOH they're fairly standard so meh
    - I feel like Newcomb should know better wrt Jari? Like in particular it's weird he mentions Jari being mislynch bait in the same post he expounds on Jari being a wolfread. It's kind of weirdly not self aware and I'm not sure what to make of it.
    - Being lukewarm on both mal and font when I was up on mal and down on font is A Thing. Obvious read is caution, which I guess is fair enough, particularly on those two players? Feh.
    - Finally, there's a thread in the latter half of his ISO of trying to puzzle out the thought processes behind posts. This is a positive and ties up the general story of his play as "base level player reads" (i.e. look at what people are doing in this game and try to reason out what they want from that)

    Conclusion: Lukewarm townread, not crazy good but the thread of townplay is there. Playstyle is steady and consistent, and I note unbothered by the recent wagon.

    Oh, also mindmelded on the tom/Jan townreads so I'm happy w/ that.

    Notes on fontisian:

    - Biggest point of interest early is disagreeing hard with mal's lump valuation and then immediately lumping mal. I'm not really sure what to make of it though...
    - Ah okay she thinks lumping mal is good in a vacuum. Fair enough.
    - Okay so I can sum up the rest of the ISO with "reactionary shitposting", "case on mal", and "abandon case on mal with no comment given"

    Conclusion: Actually kind of ew. I feel like the lump valuation was "people who are liable to be early mislynch bait" but then she goes after mal despite this, but then she drops it when it fails to take off past 3 votes? It kinda reads like fishing for a mislynch bait wagon, particularly since her second choice is a naked Jari vote. Like. >_>. Additionally she just feels kinda stilted/reactionary and disjointed. Like, questions are there but they seem less like trying to figure the game out than Newcomb's on reread.

    Also if I had to make a meta read it'd be "this isn't princess!font" (although princess!font did have a townfirm in her pocket, in fairness)

    Lynch: fontisian

    Notes on mal:

    - Lynch votes are off-kilter from thread consensus, which could be voteparking but not in a world where so many lynch votes are (scum are perfectly safe hiding in abstain or on scummy but not yet wagoned townies, but mal has instead chosen people who aren't getting attention at all). Rather it reads as kinda spicy.
    - Considers me for lump which is immediately ++ (while I won't selflump because I personally get more info if someone else is lumped, I am in my own personal opinion a decent candidate for it and also I still kinda want it even if it's not the best thing FMPOV)
    - Goes in-depth in response to questioning in a positive way, I think? Like taking the question as an opportunity to expound on his thoughts, which I find is a town impulse.

    Conclusion: Not many posts, but I think what's there is good. Would like mal to post more both to get a better handle and because I think more of his content would be helpful.

    Oh, also his methodical, erm, method of catching up and posting based on where he is in the thread demonstrates a level of "just wanting to get thoughts out and not being concerned with how he looks". This is further evidenced by multiple people (me included) being confused as to where in the thread he is posting from.

    I'd be potentially interested to see where the Delphine thing goes, but I would prefer to harass font for now.
  5. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Necessity doesn't have a lot to do with it. More like some combination of laziness and the pretty dramatic -EV swing you're risking by lynching a potentially town Jan/fonti/me. Like... that's someone who almost always has to die in the night if a villager, and especially in a game like this where mislynches are going to be pretty hard for wolves to scrounge up anyway, that's almost like.... a potentially game-throwing risk.

    It's like Reg wanting to lynch Pozzai without a CC in JPM - (like, ignore the fact that they were both wolves and Reg was bussing him, heh) - if you do that and you're wrong, that's basically handing wolves a win on a silver platter. And there's just no reason to shove that early when it's decently likely it'll get resolved in the night anyway.
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    100% not going to engage about your read on me, yeah.

    I think you're ~moderately town - I don't think you'd have the testicular fortitude to swipe at me that hard off the bat as a wolf - which means I'm like... zero% interested in engaging you about your read on me.

    If you want to talk about other people, sure, go for it.
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    Just a little bit. lolme.
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    I mean yeah, kind of agreed more with tom's side even if I kinda think it's TMI.
  6. shadowlancerx

    shadowlancerx Muggle

    Nov 8, 2017
    I’m sad to see silver leave too! I was looking forward to playing with him again, it’s been like 7 months.

    Despite scum being my preference this one is already much better than the office; having actually read the thread this time and having a whole different type of game to get the feel for I’m feeling pretty optimistic.

    Lump Tom
    If y’all have never seen a game with a townfirmed Tom you’re missing out, it’s a thing of beauty. And if he’s scum, we catch him well before he does real damage.

    Pretty obvious that Vaimes is town, though if someone wants to link me the scum game he won I’ll pretend to read it (probs just Iso him if I get the chance).

    Newcomb’s copy/paste made me roll my eyes, I feel like it’s just as useful for scum trying to catch town in a bad reaction as it is the other way around.

    I’m at about post 440 right now and I have to take a break.
  7. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    No, dC, I voted for Jari because he tmi'd that Mal was town.
  8. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Maybe it's just my unreasonable expectation of your scumgame, but I feel like if Gemma's your partner there, that post has a bit more spice in some direction.
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    Before I forget, here's my snarky response to this: wow, it sure is scummy to play the game.
  9. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Townfirmed Tom is pretty fun.
  10. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Out for the day, probably. The siren call of my new 144Hz monitor is calling my name.

    Quick and dirty "where I'm at":

    Townreads I feel fairly decent about:


    (moderate gap)

    Cobalt, Waco

    (small gap)


    People I've gone back and forth on a few times, don't super want to lynch toDay as of right this second, probably ~a wolf here though:


    PoE / lol what are reads


    Probably just a wolf:


    His own special category of "this looks like his towngame and I've been getting better at reading him, I like the idea of him being checked and cleared and having two votes, a good enough wolf where a check isn't a waste, sounds like a good Lump to me":


    Doing a quick mental inventory of strength of reads, odds are there's a witch in Cobalt/Mal/Waco in a "too many townreads" kind of way.

    Vaimes doesn't have the seal of approval yet, but he's getting there.

    I'd be kinda sad if Jan were a witch this game because that would mean my ability to read him is backsliding pretty badly between this and the Westeros game. Pretty unlikely I lynch him D1 but I want to leave myself some room to be wrong here and not lock it in. Not like he's out of his range, really. Just sending up some good signal flares.
  11. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    You, uh, wanna share that with the rest of us?
  12. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    See above.

    His response to my case on Mal, btw, indicated that he wasn't thinking critically about the case. Jari argued that Mal dropping questions is fine, but the case was about Mal talking about how he was having trouble getting into the game at the same time Mal had a lot of small things he /was/ interested in, but immediately let drop. (Basically, if town!Mal is struggling to find an entry point into the game, why isn't he pursuing some of the small things he thought were important or, if he changed his mind, explaining what changed his mind. This is especially true because Mal opened the game by talking about how important he thought it was t to be more transparent.) Jari missed out on that nuance completely and concluded that town!me was suspicious of town!Mal for not following up on questions, and thought he could position himself well by defending Mal from a terrible push.
  13. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:

    How do you interpret him also campaigning for lump? Shouldn't that lead to him being checked and lynched?
  14. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    One weird thing about mal's lump explanation is that he indicated he knew silver replaced out just before it, then included a section about silver without mentioning the replacement. Which, why?

    That, in addition to the lack of discussion of my points about lump, or DC's, I guess (both of which he asked for), makes it feel like he just wrote that post to defend himself instead of solving, when that again could have been a good point fir him to try to get into the game.
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    Is this real?

    Jari knows he most likely isn't getting lump. It's helpful for mafia, depending on the circumstances, to campaign for lump provided they do not get it, precisely so people can call it towny (and, subsequently, decide to lump a scummier read instead).

    I want to townread you, for the flipping flopping around me, newcomb and mal, among other things, but this is the kind of thing you're doing that sketches me out.
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    How can this be a real thought you're having when three quarters of the game is actively campaigning for lump. What.
  15. shadowlancerx

    shadowlancerx Muggle

    Nov 8, 2017
    @Fonti: Thoughts on Waco? I feel like his Lump campaign is even more over the top and unlikely even than Jari’s.
  16. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    I mean, sure to the over the top bit, but I don't think him getting lump is at all unlikely.
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    To be clear, it doesn't matter. Pursuing lump shouldn't be in anyone's favor, when the ideal use of lump is lumping scum.
  17. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    What? I see Jari/tom/Waco going for lump and that's about it.

    (FWIW I have not played a game with lump before so I'm still on the first order of "scum want to avoid the scrutiny that comes with it")
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    ...double what? Isn't it lumping someone who's "probably town, but we can't be certain without lumping them"?
  18. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    No. We should be lumping scum. It's basically deciding where we put the priest check, and it's really dumb to not aim for scum with that. Clearing an easy mislynch so that they get shot instead is nice, but obviously not ideal.

    You, Von, Jari, Waco, Tom, Jan and Cobalt have all expressed interest in lump, off the top of my head. I'm sure I'm missing some bids.
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    Lumping someone who's probably town just means scum will shoot them. What's the point?
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    It would be nice if I had an idea of where Shadow is at.
  19. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    fonti what's your read on me atm?
  20. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Kind of town, not outside of your scum range. Think most of the arguments against you border on the insane.
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