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Entry #2

Discussion in 'Q2 2018' started by Xiph0, Jun 20, 2018.

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  1. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Gaming the System

    “Breaking into Professor Snape’s office in the middle of the night is a risky idea at the best of times, but fortunately for you three, there’s no need to do the heavy lifting yourselves.”

    William Borden looked up from his notes, segregated from the rest of the table by an old-fashioned cardboard D&D game-master screen. A printout of the Hogwarts logo had been carefully glued over the relevant places. He offered his players a smile that was all teeth.

    “Having opted to stake out the corridor leading to Professor Snape’s office on this particular night instead of allowing Harry to take a dip into the prefect’s bathroom with the golden egg, for reasons entirely rational at this point,” he put additional emphasis to underline his distaste for their persistent metagaming, “it is no surprise to see a particular name on the Marauder’s Map as the hour grows late.”

    Harry Dresden took a swig off of his bottle of home-brewed ale and lowered his dog-eared copy of Goblet of Fire to the tabletop with a satisfying thump. “I think I’ll roll for stealth as we approach. Don’t want to risk dropping the map or stumbling into a suit of armor in my flabbergasted state.”

    Will might have growled behind his smile. “Go ahead.”

    Dresden took the polished little d20 in the center of the table in hand and gave it a shake before he rolled the die. It landed on 15.

    “You manage to avoid tripping over yourself in your excitement while Bartemius Crouch Jr pulls out his wand ahead of you. Ron, Hermione, roll for follow up.” He looked over to Andi Macklin, who could have easily played as Fleur for this campaign given her natural… graces. Instead she had continued with Ron, and no one in the room could argue that she didn’t match the Weasley hair color regardless of which form she was in, wolf or woman.

    She rolled 10, and next to her, Waldo Butters, who had played Hermione from the start of this campaign six months ago, rolled 12.

    “Congratulations. The three of you manage to sneak closer to an unsuspecting Bartemius Crouch.” With no little disgust Will turned to his wife, trying and failing to hide her amusement behind a raised hand over her smirk. “Your turn, Barty,” he said. “Roll for analysis of the environment.” She scooped up the die and a beat later a dull 2 stared back.

    “Oops?” was all that she offered.

    The vein over Will’s forehead pulsed. “Apparently Barty Crouch is still suffering from his long years of mental and physical ailment and is unable to cast a single detection charm.”

    “Should we take the chance to apprehend Crouch while his defenses are down?” Andi asked her partners as Dresden reached for the die.

    “I say we go for it,” Dresden answered at once. “Worst case scenario, we cause enough ruckus to bring Snape out and Barty makes a run for it.”

    “I don’t think that’s the worst case, Harry,” Butters added a moment later. While his friends might have forgotten about the disaster that had been the first task, he hadn’t. If not for those natural 20s two weeks ago, they would have all been expelled for their hand in so much destruction. And that wasn’t even accounting for the first three years that they had scraped by with so much luck more than skill with these sessions. “Worst case is that he captures you and brings you back to the Dark Lord now instead of during the third task.”

    “I’m okay with that outcome,” Dresden said and took another sip of perfect ale. “We’ve already addressed the horcrux with Fawkes, and I’ve been planning out that meeting since first year. Blood of the enemy, blah blah, willingly given.”

    “I’m right here,” Will muttered. No one paid him much mind other than his wife. “Right here.” Georgia patted him on the arm. “Harry, make a decision and roll,” he declared grimly.

    “I’m going for it. Harry Potter stuns Crouch.” Dresden rolled the die. There was a moment before it settled down. 20. Will actually groaned and pressed his hands against his brow while Harry cheered. “Yes! STEW-puh-fye!” he enunciated with glee.

    Will looked up and stared Harry straight into the eye. It was the look of a man who had gone into this campaign with pure intentions for a fun little occasional detour off of the canon plots gradually turned to ashes by players who refused to cooperate on a weekly basis. “Your stunning spell is so strong it kills the crippled Death Eater on Snape’s doorstep. His heart, weakened from years in Azkaban, goes into cardiac arrest. Congratulations. You’ve derailed the Dark Lord’s progression yet again.”

    Dresden finished his bottle as Will simmered after that. Will would need more time to plan what happened from there. The night was done, and everyone around the table knew it.

    “Good session, team. What’s that put our collective death count?” Dresden asked.

    “Including half of Durmstrang this year, or just named characters?” Georgia asked as she peered over the screen at her husband’s notes. “In either case, more than enough to question Harry Potter’s alignment again next session.”

    “I’ll take it.” Dresden showed absolutely no shame as he collected his paperback and stood. "Same time next week?"

  2. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    You cheeky motherfucker. Don't think I don't get what you did with that title, either.

    Frankly, this is a bit of a bitch to judge. The Dresden characters are all in character, as far as I know. I've never really given much of a shit about the werewolves, so I'm not sure if they're according to canon, but Dresden and Butters are fine. The Harry Potter characters are a bit off, but that's for understandable reasons - i.e. they're being controlled by a bunch of metagamers. Easiest example is probably Harry "rolling for stealth" in his flabbergasted state. HP being stealthy even while surprised would raise an eyebrow if it was actually him, but it isn't, so I basically can't really criticize that. Look at what a position you've put me in, you wanker.

    My problem with the plot is that for all the incidents that apparently took place in previous sessions, they're still stuck on the track of canon, but I suppose that's more of a problem with Will as a GM than anything.

    I've got no remarks on the technical writing, except that you lean on Will's thing with the smiles a little too hard ("smile that was all teeth", "growled behind his smile"). The ending's a little anticlimactic, but it's a fun little oneshot so it's hard to mind.

    Plot & Pacing: 2/5
    Characters: 3/5
    Prompt Use :1/5
    Other: 2/5
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
  3. Red

    Red High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2008
    I mean I like it, but it’s not really enough of Harry Potter or Harry Dresden. There are no real stakes here with Dresden high rolling all the time, and not enough material for one to get a feel for the characters. Would have loved to see Harry Dresden as Potter use some of his signature wittiness/quips/sarcasm in some capacity. However, it’s a short, tight piece and I can respect it for what it is.

    Plot/Pacing 3/5
    Characters 2/5
    -It’s not that anything is bad, there’s just not enough content for me to say you’ve written the characters well.
    Prompt Use 4/5
    -Because that is a clever way to use it.
    Other 4/5
    -Technical aspects are clean and it works well as a oneshot.
  4. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    I see what you've done here.

    This was a jumble for me. I think the biggest tip I've ever been given in concerns to dialogue is to break it up a bit. It flows better. Instead I've got a big mash of scene and setting all in one neat bite, but its not really all that neat.

    Plot and Pacing: 4/5
    I mean honestly. Your pacing wasn't all that bad? There wasn't much plot to speak over other than this being a DnD session. I felt like this was super limited and super meta. Especially with how it turned out. There is none Dresden's wit. His support characters are 1 dimensional and they are really only here to move the story along. I give you such a high rating mostly for pacing. Because this could have just went on forever. Thanks for keeping it so short.

    Characters: 2/5
    This wasn't Dresden. I'm almost offended that it was like a Reads the Books/Meta mashup. Like I said above your characters are pretty one dimensional and doesn't match their canon voices. There is nothing here that makes me like them, nor makes me want to continue to read about them playing DnD.

    Prompt Use: 4/5
    You used the prompt. This is pretty much a gimmie. It was also interesting that you made it into a gaming session. Its not something I would have considered had I wrote for the prompt myself.

    Other: 2/5
    There are a lot of things that I don't like about this. Its short. I don't like the use of the Dresden cast. There is no action, there is no wit other than your own personal wit for how you utilized the prompt. The characters feel flat and not worth engaging. I guess if I was to comment about grammar, it was at least solid and I wasn't confused on anything. Formatting would be something you could work on in the future. In a forum format, or FFN or web-serial time format, formatting is key. It helps direct the reader subconsciously and it could use some work here. That's a bit of a nitpick, but I'm telling you everything I felt about your offering.

    Overall, I was largely impressed by your use of the prompt but that wasn't enough to keep me invested.
  5. Faun

    Faun Fourth Year

    Mar 2, 2017
    High Score:
    Plot and Pacing: 2/5
    There wasn't much in way of plot. It's a fun little one-shot.

    Characters: 2/5
    I haven't read Dresden Files, so it was pretty generic.

    Prompt use: 3/5
    I didn't see this coming.

    Others: 2/5
    There's nothing much for me in this. If I had read Dresden Files I might have appreciated this.
  6. theimmortalhp

    theimmortalhp Third Year

    Mar 22, 2015
    Plot & Pacing: 2/5
    Characters: 2/5
    Prompt Use: 4/5
    Other: 3/5

    This was pretty amusing. The issue is that there's not much to judge on. There's too many characters in too little space to really say anything about any individual one and there's not really an actual plot. It's just a run through of their different actions. The pacing was good actually, no slow moments, but the plot isn't there.

    That said, I really liked the creativity in the use of the prompt and the fic idea. And it was really fun, so I put other as 3/5 to bring up the score a bit.
  7. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Plot & Pacing: 2/5
    Characters: 3/5
    Prompt Use: 2/5
    Other: 3/5

    There's really not a lot here to judge off of. Technical writing is decent, idea use is interesting at first, but lacks any impact after the first reading which is why I gave this a 2 instead of a 3. Characters of DF seem to be in character and can't really complaint about how the HP characters are portrayed given they're being controlled. That said, the scene was way too bloated and character heavy. You needed a few more thousand words (maybe writing out an actual one-shot or a snippet of a campaign with a narrative thread) in order to make this work with the number of characters you had. There also wasn't a lot of reason to care about whether they succeeded or not, there's no investment.

    Total: 10/20
  8. Dubious Destiny

    Dubious Destiny Seventh Year

    May 3, 2018
    Before I write anything, I must confess a lack of knowledge of the DresdenVerse, save my tentative dip into a few HP crossovers.
    In addition, I had never heard of metagaming before.

    Plot & Pacing - 2/5
    There was no well defined plot. This oneshot was more of a single event happenning, with no beginning, end, or motivations apparent.
    The fic would have been better served by a self-contained plot. There were too many references made with no point.

    Character - 1/5
    I have no way of working out whether the character is consistent or not because of the shortness of the fic and my lack of knowledge of DredenVerse. The only substantially described character is Will Borden.

    Prompt Use - 3/5
    Prompt is important only as a tangential reference to an oft-overlooked mention of Snape's office in canon. Gaming Bartemius Crouch seemed to be the centre of the story.

    Other - 3/5
    No errors were detected by my reading of this story. Writing style was exceptional.

    Total - 9/20

    This fic would have gotten a much higher rating if I had found some context and purpose. The whole oneshot felt trivial.
  9. Stealthy

    Stealthy Groundskeeper

    Feb 21, 2014
    Plot & Pacing: 2/5
    Characters: 2/5
    Prompt Use: 4/5
    Other: 3/5

    Total: 11/20

    Too short. Not in an "I want more" way, but in a "you needed more" way. This was a neat idea, and what we got was amusing enough, but it was underdeveloped. Maybe a "how we got here" would do, I dunno. Needed something more than just the one encounter. Hell, Ron and Hermione and their players didn't do anything. They were just there to fill out the cast. Hardly got a sense of character from anybody except Will Borden. Can't grade on accuracy because I don't know Dresden.

    That said, a great concept. What we got was nicely done. If you actually decided to do a full length piece I expect it'd be pretty good. Just kinda wish you actually did.
  10. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
    High Score:
    Entry #2

    Let's start from the top here. I like the idea of doing a sort of crossover, and D&D stuff can be fun. But I gotta be honest, there was no tension, no fear, no feeling that this was a Dresden Files world other than a few tossed off references. Respect the attempt, disappointed by the execution.

    Plot and Pacing - 2/5
    Far too short for me to think anything other than "Oh that was it?" There was also no plot to speak of other than a very thin one. D&D is a cute idea for a plot, but to me you need to tie it back to either themes or meta-plot. This could work as a scene in a larger story, but there's no "idea" here for me to latch on to.

    Characters - 1/5
    These didn't feel right to me. I can forgive the HP characters being off (despite these players having dog-eared copies and extensive knowledge of the books), but the rest? Dresden was anodyne, Will was macho dude, and Butters wasn't anything but a wordy expository point of entry.

    Prompt Use - 3/5
    All that other stuff said, the prompt idea is a clever one. Didn't feel like it really lived up to the potential of the idea.

    Other - 1/5
    Clumsy wording at times, some grammatical issues. Annoying descriptions here and there, some surface level understanding of the gang. For example, the weird way Andi's physical appearance was mentioned but forgotten about. Dresden can be a bit of a perv, but another issue here is: What's the POV? It's not Dresden 1st person like the books, it seems more generally 3rd POV omniscient, so that Andi aside breaks it.

    Total - 7/20
  11. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Oooh, Dresden crossover.

    “Having opted to stake out the corridor leading to Professor Snape’s office on this particular night instead of allowing Harry to take a dip into the prefect’s bathroom with the golden egg, for reasons entirely rational at this point,” he put additional emphasis to underline his distaste for their persistent metagaming, “it is no surprise to see a particular name on the Marauder’s Map as the hour grows late.”

    Hahahaha.... HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA. Yeah, I can see this from a bunch of players.

    I love this. It's like... one of those 'quests' or whatever I see people writing, only Will is having to do a lot of it on the spot with a bunch of players who refuse to follow the script in the books and insist on using knowledge they have (but their characters don't) to their advantage.

    If you ever decide to continue this I'd love to see Will really throw a wrench into things. Because you did not go to Prefect's bathroom to listen to the egg, Moaning Myrtle is no longer enamored with Harry and does not show him how to get to the Merpeople's village during the second task. In addition she latches onto Draco Malfoy instead and helps him smuggle Death Eaters into the school in a way that the books do not even begin to hint at.

    And lol@Dresden of all people asking about the collective death count. I recall in canon he played a Barbarian/Warrior or whatever, trying out something completely different to his life... maybe he's doing the same thing here? He sure as shit can't kill anyone with magic in his own story.

    Good job - this is great. And exactly the sort of thing I think it's fun to see in ~1500 words. The prompt use was... erm, mediocre? But you did use it and it did made sense and have somewhat of a role in the plot, so no actual complaints there. Well done.
  12. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    ...shit, that wasn't 250 words, it was just under it. FINE. I'll adjust the minimum required word count to 200 in the other freaking thread. >.>
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