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Make DLP Great Again

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sauce Bauss, May 27, 2018.

  1. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Including the rather excessive number of Other Fandom subforums? Because that'd be a pity, I'll admit.

    Edit: On only a vaguely related note, I happened to see that there are HP fics in the Review Board that have been sitting in there since 2017. Is that normal? How long are fics actually meant to be left for review?
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
  2. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Depends. Sometimes older stories get cycled back for another review process because they've fallen below 4 stars or have went above 3 stars. Atleast I'm pretty sure that used to happen.
  3. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    We might consolidate those more, but HP will remain separate at least for the time being.
  4. Nuhuh

    Nuhuh Dastardly Shadow Admin Retired Staff

    Nov 12, 2006
    I'm very happy to see this thread, especially the very serious level of work that's being put into the goal. The way I have in the past contributed to DLP best was to write here. I know that people saw mentions of DLP in my stories posted on FFN or profile page and followed them here. Maybe not as many as some of the ones with true cult followings, of course.

    That said, as my tastes have changed, I have moved away from DLP. Unfortunately, this community is hard to find elsewhere. The camaraderie and people's willingness to be invested is something that sets us apart. Sadly, that is not everyone's experience.

    I will slowly digest the many proposals discussed in this thread and try to offer something. But in the meantime, I can offer what I have in the past, and that is my writing. The community may not care for some of the genres or fandoms that I take part in now, but I suppose that's part of the price of being part of the community: Sometimes you're in step with the group and sometimes you're out of step.

    In many ways I'm a product of DLP. My writing definitely is.
  5. pbluekan

    pbluekan Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2014
    Dancing in the Mindfield
    I like this idea. Like @Joe said, 500 words is a little limited for actual in depth analysis, but somewhere in the range of ~2k word max is reasonable. Essentially, small one-shots down to individual scenes.

    We don't get (many) one shots posted to the WBA, which is a big loss, IMO.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
  6. Solfege

    Solfege Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 21, 2008
    East Coast & the South
    Thanks for continuing the discussion.
    Took your observations especially about WbA into account when thinking about the kind of user-base we want to build up. As you say, generating content is hard. People have to simply get down to it, do the work. Pause. Think. Write. Revise. They have to become habituated. That's why I focused so specifically on the story comps. I think it's just the right activity loop to build an engine on, as people jockey for recognition and improvement. The more we get readers used to giving quality feedback, the more interactions between authors and readers, the easier it gets as critiquing skills improve, and the more I envision an overflow into general WbA.

    The longer uninstructed form, and anticipated energy consumption, of general WbA posting is probably a bit intimidating, especially for newer readers, to focus a single aspect at a time on which to crystallize their thoughts. A shorter form is in very fact what I'd like to see the Story Comps subforum provide, via individual follow-up in a general post-comp discussion area. Having "critique-my-scene" play-by-plays, dedicated bite-sized interactions (as we may instruct new readers to practice giving), should train people up to it.

    Same goes for established forum members. Critiquing is a skill. Skills atrophy without use, no matter how instinctively we can recognize quality.


    Likewise, Writing Resources. If we start having habitual discussions about dedicated aspects of writing and pushing boundaries of writing standards; and it doesn't have to be solely fanfic-oriented — then this eases people into thinking about these issues on-sight.

    Writing is itself so complex if you try to break it down, and customized, that I can't see how we would settle on a standard technical guide and be done (beyond the convenience of giving newbs somewhere to start). Many views abound. Many authors have introduced their own angles on how they tackle peculiarities of process. I think there is a great deal worth discussing beyond the scope of Halt's excellent, if meandering, commentary.

    I've myself a couple major threads on the burner to start. One overlooked subject tends to be the art of sentence construction, and to reference beyond Strunk & White. I intend (and reserve!) it to be a place where people submit and discuss elegant sentences they've seen or thought up.

    Threads like these can be places for identifying and blocking particular techniques, so long as people are encouraged to dig into specific contexts that make them effective. As with Story Comps, they can be mini-practice areas.

    Had your user-guide in mind as Exhibit A for a Tutorials subforum, in fact. Looking at it now, you've made it more comprehensive in spirit than I thought; anticipating its limitations to a hand-holding-type manual/instruction set.

    What I imagined earlier was a still more comprehensive attempt at referencing signature contributions, beyond links to Potter-dom and a smattering of RL mega-threads. Inclusions aside; my categorical objection is more of the overlapped Venn diagram, where pointing people to iconic threads (like 2A, or even as Halt's writing thread could develop to) doesn't really help them from relitigating old points; and worse, puerile arguments buried in the many dozens of pages few have the patience to wade through.

    I'm interested in long-lived threads, not as merely places to corral irredeemable clusterfucks, but as potentially developing quality over time and a variety of contextual narratives. The issue with megathreads, I find, is lack of indexing ability, thereby risking memoryless discussion.

    Or maybe I, as much as anyone, need look to develop the potential of forum tools... because:
    My god. This is a thing? How have I not learnt about threadmarks, and how do they work — because I've been checking my usual haunts, and while I can very, very occasionally see others' threadmarks, I can't instantiate any of my own.

    ... enabling threadmarks should be a default for any thread. And readers should be encouraged to pitch in, so that newcomers can be directed to them as learning/bootstrapping material.

    Couldn't agree more. That's why I tried to focus tightly around 1) habituating readers and writers via bite-sized opportunities and 2) creating reference materials and reference discussions to assist and instruct around that central engine of activity. Behavioral change is what we're after. Intrinsic is the need, along with any tools, to provide systemic nudges and pathways for conditioning, of which the specifically overhauled approach to Story Comps is majorly one.

    I understand trivia takes time and effort to plan in such a way as to incentivize participation and ensure lurkers see a fair shot of winning [some kind of meaningful prize]. It's one of those things I'd be happy to help look at and work through.

    My proposals largely revolved around what we, as community members, can do. Skin-in-the-game, instead of relying on Raven for silver bullets, nice as QoL changes may be. I'll urge that a Writing Resources subforum, visibly posited by Story Comps, is a key part of the positive feedback loop in which, if we altogether agree to invest, should see dividends.

    At the end of the day, if people aren't well-situated with the technical aspects of critiquing and the social aspect of following up with each other, they'll find it more convenient to lurk than speak. In some way, whether IRC or here, it's the art of conversation we must resurrect.

    Skimmed the subject earlier because I wasn't interested in mythical silver bullets. But I do think counting for quality is essential to the way we use the forum. Let's extend that infrastructure — piggyback on @TheWiseTomato 's suggestion of points for threadmarked posts, with different branches of trophies for 1) contest winners 2) author submissions 3) particularly insightful reviews 4) library recommendations and 5) miscellaneous contributions.

    To convey a Paradox-style distinction scheme, mark suitable levels of achievement with style emblems that members can carry around. We should sell the aspiration to join these Big Boys on Campus. Just like our flamingo pals. Fete them once a year.

    For this to work, we'd have to develop a threadmarking culture and its own tutorial/alert system. Points can be earned 1:1, with an exception. Since writers have the best sense for what feedback is most useful, and to incentivize reviewing in threads with little activity/guard against perverse incentives from fellow reviewers, a reviewer should have the opportunity to earn more from an author's threadmark (and maybe these points can be at liberty for the writer to give, from a scale of say 1-5).

    Edit: and Big Girls.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
  7. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Threadmarks work by basically bookmarking individual posts in a thread. I'm not sure about the exact limitations behind it, system wise, but as far as I can tell only the creator of a thread (the OP) and the mods (Maybe?) can threadmark a post.

    When you post a topic, you have the option to tick a box that says threadmark this post. Just give the threadmark a title, and the computer does the rest of the magic. I believe it is already enabled for all threads, although obviously you can only have this option if you are the OP. You can threadmark posts that you yourself did not post (see, for example, Seyllian's post on Grammar in the Writing Thread).

    This is a fantastic idea. Agreed that 500 words may be too short (scenes can only be meaningfully criticized beyond the shallow technical points when in context). Around 2k seems reasonable, I rarely see any scenes longer than that. At the same time, this isn't meant to be a reskinned WBA is what I understand from this, so we don't want people just posting their entire chapters here instead.
  8. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    I envisioned more of a sample than a story, something that people can critique more on writing style/dialogue/character interaction/scene building/pacing/repeated grammar mistakes etc. The mechanics over the plot (though that of course as well if the author is after that.) Bonus if the reviewers provide examples of exactly where it is good/bad and either provide their opinion how it could be altered or point to some resources/writing examples that they think illustrates a way to improve. In that way we could also build up the writing resources thread.

    It would work better as a sub-forum than a thread since earlier samples would probably only get a few replies till the next was posted. Possibly combined with a writing resources thread with stickied resource topic threads at the top that people could add resources too? (E.g 'Grammar' 'Structure' 'Character building' etc) Make it a rule of the sub that if you want to post your work to critique you have to take the time to go through at least 2 other samples and provide feedback.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
  9. BitMyFinger

    BitMyFinger Banned

    May 31, 2013
    Deep in the Heart
    Poetry sections when?

    Edit: Poetry has wba but it shouldn't be so hidden imho
  10. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    The biggest issue here isn't the mechanic, its the usage. I haven't enough fingers the number of ideas we've had and asked for in the past that's not been used. There has to be concentrated effort. And it has to be appealing to /everyone/ not just your group here on the forums.

    Commenters travel in packs here and its easy to see. X Author updates, and then X author gets X amount of comments from the same group of people. Or thumbs or what have you.

    @Joe has some merit in the fact that the sample size is too low to give constructive feedback because in the end you're going to get a lot of people just repeating the same things. Its like WbA but in a small format. I think we should just utilize what we have no, instead of asking for yet another subforum that will die after a couple weeks of use and just go from there.

    We have FanFic Discussion currently, that can cover any number of topics. Someone start a thread, and then lets go from there. Make sure you're clear in your OP what the point of the thread is going to be for, and either encourage other users to start their own threads, or make it clear that your thread is for everyone. In this case, I feel like a mega thread would actually benefit some users. We also have threadmarks, so they can be used as a categorization tools. Its not like they're being used substantially anywhere else (yet another request that was never taken advantage of other than a few select members).

    You're also making it too complicated. Our forum is composed of minimum effort posters. As evidenced by all the threads in the library that have either thumbs or thread rates, but no comment supporting their argument. We've went away from discussion and become more about pack mentality. There is no more personality to the user base because someone thinks its easier to thumb a post that might match what they're going to say.

    The whole point of a forum is to have a discussion. That being said. If use can be justified, I don't think anyone would have a problem with it. Talking about it is one thing, doing is another.
  11. BitMyFinger

    BitMyFinger Banned

    May 31, 2013
    Deep in the Heart
    Yes, yes, I'll post some poetry you nerd.
  12. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Short stories are hard. I've posted several. Go give them a whirl. :)

    Agreed. I'm all about pushing activity. Its easier to see now that the community is waking up a bit. I like it. I'm all for the comps. Don't get me wrong. I'm just trying to illlustrate the other side. Its one thing to be all LETS DO IT. But then you gotta look around and be like, well, WHO is going to do it?

    Get to writing, boyo. I'll contribute happily.

    Yeah, threadmarks. They're pretty easier, they're an OP type thing. When you start a post you can do story content or thread post. The OP has to go back later and put thread marks in themselves. I utilize it in several of my threads to get people to content. Re: My cooking thread, and my story threads. They're super useful.

    Yeah, its something we asked for and have had since VB. They don't get much use because they're really only useful for WbA. But if you start a thread yourself? You can use it to curate content. Re: Halt's writing thread utilizes them too. Look at the top of the post. Click Thread Marks, to see all posts. Its basically the threaded view that VB used to offer, in a sense.

    I can't make you engage with the forum. But if you see something, chip in. That's all I can say. There is nothing wrong with posting. I feel like people feel like if they're not writing books on here they can't contribute. A one line shit post? Yeah, don't do that. Show that you have some thought, and even if you push the same sentiment as someone else, explain why. Its like writing a paper, or a thesis. Restate the problem, and break it down.

    Yea, prestige isn't all its cracked up to be. The benefits of it are widely underused. I like it is as concept, but /shrug. I could just go on and on here. I'll just wait for another time to mention it.

    @BitMyFinger I'd suggest doing more than a one line shit post in the future. This is for discussion. You're not contributing anything.
  13. BitMyFinger

    BitMyFinger Banned

    May 31, 2013
    Deep in the Heart
    " I'd suggest doing more than a one line shit post in the future. This is for discussion. You're not contributing anything."

    Sorry if I misinterpreted you. The main gist of the thread was post more and reorganize the forum to be a bit more fiction generic, with the values of being a hp ff forum at heart, making DLP into a good reads thing but more freeware sharing via fanfiction sites and hosting docs on the forum. I'm sure theres a snappy new app and everything to boot.

    The brainstorming solution to make DLP Cool Again I came up with was poetry.
  14. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Remember how I was talking about dead subforums?

    We have one for poetry. Go write some poetry.
    There was an app, but it was read only.

    Keep an eye on the change log of features that @Lord Ravenclaw is implementing. He's got a summer project type thing going where he's working on features and enhancements for the site.

    The doc upload thing has been talked about and to my knowledge is something on the burners to be implemented. As well as direct FFN import. Its just a matter of time. Raven's only one person.
  15. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    To be fair on the poetry subforum, it has not even been visible for quite a while. Plus I don't see why ' it might die' should be a reason not to try something. If nobody uses it properly and it does then we just kill it as a failed experiment.

    Having a place for writing resources would be nice. Combining it with a area where people can apply the resources (up to however many words people agree on, 2000 sounds good) and get feedback is nice, in that it allows people to improve or to dip their toe into writing without having to commit to a whole story before they feel ready too. It's just one idea though there are lots of ways to go about it.

    The story competition is another way of getting people into writing, but since that now is 3 months and a 60,000(?) word limit it can seem daunting, even if there is no lower limit, as well as a bigger commitment.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
  16. BitMyFinger

    BitMyFinger Banned

    May 31, 2013
    Deep in the Heart
    The second part is just a drabble vomit thread - > forum. Or maybe thats just a hope of my own.


    @Zombie posted that shit... Like i said i would.. In the shit post

    Feedback appreciated k thnx luv u bye
  17. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    We have WBA for wider sweep critique, although many people also dig in deep to go paragraph by paragraph and find even missing commas. A place to specifically target that kind of feedback--grammar issues, sentence structure, paragraph management--woild also provide value if recipients extrapolate such advice to their other work. I suspect everyonee has had a moment when they wanted to post feedback in WBA but perhaps felt that a more general comment was less valuable than a really in-depth wallpost, but OP posted a huge chapter. Easier to bite into the nitpicky stuff when the finish line is close. At least I know it's happened to me. We have members who write shorter snippets more frequently. They deserve feedback too, not just our big name authors' long-awaited WIPs. That's not a dig at people who write those popular stories, or people who comment on them, of course. Just tossing my 2c in, for what it's worth.
  18. Agent

    Agent High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 2, 2016
    High Score:
    A place for WBA but for smaller stuff is something that I would quite enjoy. There's been plenty of times where I've had simple questions about grammar or punctuation or vernacular for a specific part but didn't really know where to ask.

    Going off track a bit here but these new tools would be what keep new users from leaving. In my opinion as a newbie, the issue is getting those new users in the first place.

    When somebody types "darklordpotter" in Google, the first result is admittedly this Forum. The second however is a group of reddit results, among which are r/hpfanfiction and r/HPMOR, the latter of whom are headed by someone who despises us and the the former has pretty much opposite tastes to the majority on this site. Both links also discuss DLP and there are more than few commentors who don't have a favourable view of us.

    If someone mentioned DLP to you, you'd be more inclined to click the second set of links first as Reddit is more well known and you'd think they could give a fair opinion of the website. While both Reddit links have people advocating for DLP, there a few detractors and that would probably be enough to put any new users off.

    We could always go into r/hpfanfiction and start converting some new followers. I've been on there a few times and mentioned DLP offhandedly but nothing ultimately detailed.
  19. Sataniel

    Sataniel High Inquisitor

    Jan 24, 2016
    High Score:
    I've never got to read through and reply to the thread, but I would assume that this terrible idea would be shot down. And yet it passed through in the most stupid way possible, as it does nothing to include Almost Recommended (and no, going from yes/no ratio is not a real solution as there is vast difference, between "no, but it's readable" and "no, it's absolute trash". I mean I sort of understand the idea, some people tend to throw 5/5 on everything they like, but I wouldn't call it a solution.
  20. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    This wasn't implemented at all. Thread rating was removed from WbA to encourage people to post instead of rating. That's it.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018