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Ultimate Figher 3

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by SLASH SUCKS, May 25, 2006.


    SLASH SUCKS Backtraced

    Apr 1, 2006
    Sacramento, California
    I know this is a reality t.v show, but you got to love the violence and I love UFC fighting combined with the tention of 16 guys sharing a house together. I'm really looking forward to the Irish cat, Ed Herman, to prove his worth in the next episode. He has talked so much shit I think he is going to tear someones head off and deficate down their throat, but this is just my opinion.

    Has anybody else scene this, if not; I recommend it. It's on spike the website has more info on times and summaries of what has occured so far with pictures.

    The website for Ultimate fighter 3 gives stats on all the fighters and their backround in fighting.

  2. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Hm, I want Ed to win also, but it's been the usual rule on the show that the people that run their mouth about how good they are tend to lose once the time comes to back it up (Chris Leben, Bobby Southworth, Melvin Guilliard, et cetera). Actually, I'm a bit torn. I like Ed a lot, but I also want to see that outdated hack Shamrock not win another fight all season. On another note, I can't stand Jesse, but I'm almost glad they brought him back in so that I can watch Mike Bisping execute him in the semis.

    SLASH SUCKS Backtraced

    Apr 1, 2006
    Sacramento, California
    I liked Hutcherson, He practicaly made that show just by running his mouth. I wish they brought him back to take that nerd out in a rematch, he's a nurse for christ sake. He got lucky with that sloppy roundhouse kick.

    Jesse is lame he's going to get smoked by Bisping, who is my 2nd favorite on the show. Ed Herman and Bisping are the only ones im rooting for; I don't really care for anybody else.

    I'm rooting against that douche who made up the whole team dagger thing god that guy is annoying. Kendell grove, i looked his name up, I really dislike him. I hope he gets knocked out with a broken nose, jaw, or he loses some teeth or something.
  4. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I HATE Kendall Grove. HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII. Hutcherson had personality, but he was...not very good in the octogon. He has terrible cardio (not helped by Scamrock's horrible lack of a training regimen) and poor Jiu-Jutsu (again not helped by Scammy NOT BRINGING IN A JIU JUTSU COACH). Solomon was dominated most of that fight on the ground, spending all his time evanding Rory's submission attempts and very nearly being caught on several occasions. I think Rory's a douchebag, but he was clearly the superior fighter in that contest.

    SLASH SUCKS Backtraced

    Apr 1, 2006
    Sacramento, California
    Great fight with Matt (the deaf fighter). He was a little too composed though, I think it is because of the conditioning wrestlers go through. He didn't even try to wrestle him and jacked his shit up. I would say Matt is one of my favorite fighters behind Ed, and Bisping. He has more heart than anybody on the show combined, I think he milks his injuries a bit or he just happens to over do it because he always gives it his all. I'm a bit unsure about it. Plus Shamrock lost another fighter hahaha, man that guy cannot coach for shit. Tito is a dickhead, but you got to hand it to him he's destroying the Sham.
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