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Ranked Diaries

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Churchey, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    I started at 1237. My ranked diary consists of mainly people trying to play Kayle as an AD carry and failing, 4v5 games (both for and against), multiple people on the team trying to out-troll each other and getting teamed up with people who have one ranked game played (which was a defeat).

    Isn't there supposed to be a newbie island kinda thing where people doing their placement matches are matched with and against other people doing placement matches?

    Also: Fuck Blitzcrank. In a world where nobody buys wards, that dude is on my permanent ban list.
  2. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    There is, usually the people with low amount of games also plays others similarly. This, however, does not prevent "trolling". I use this term lightly because different/nonmeta picks does not automatically mean troll. You will find them all the way up to 2k elo, and probably beyonod (though I wouldn't be one to know).

    As a side note though, Kayle ADC is not weak at all and is pretty strong if played properly.
  3. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Top Yorick, Orianna, Nocturne, Ashe and me as Soraka vs Critplank, Jungle Shen, Morgana, Blitzcrank and Shen.

    First pick Ashe and doesn't ban Blitz or Shen. He's slow to react to ganks that run right over my wards and gets caught out by Blitz a few times, melting instantly. The worst part is that he doesn't know how to last hit and facechecks brush instead of using hawkshot.

    Nocturne disconnects and doesn't reconnect until the 5 man invade on blue is finished. Orianna scores 2 on Morgana within 10 minutes, but gets ganked to even it off. Bot lane gets thoroughly fucked and Shen gets a somewhat early oracles after taking the outer turret.

    I give up on warding at that point and rush a 3rd gp/10 for aura items. Nocturne follows Orianna's orders and camps bot, getting us even fights but we're still be behind and thoroughly fucked. Top does surprisingly well, though, and turns around ganks for 1-1 exchanges, and keeps the outer turret nearly the entire game. Enemy team gets all the dragons and first baron, but after breaking middle inhibitor turret, they fuck up bad.

    Ashe lands an arrow through all 4 of them onto Draven, and we pounce. Nocturne goes in and tanks everything, Yorick wrecks melts him. Morgana ults but I do too, then spam the fuck out of everything. We lose Nocturne but they only have Shen and Blitz, who do no damage. Rush down Mid, take out two turrets and inhibitor, repeat for top just as they revive. Bug out and Yorick backdoors bottom's outer and inner turrets as they try to defend.

    We group up and bait baron, but Orianna gets caught out so I ult because I can't get in range for W. Full 5 on 5 fight and the same hilarious Ashe arrow slips past their line and conks Draven again. Same deal, Nocturne ults in and gets focused, but he's got a Randuin's. Ashe actually does damage at this point so after Yorick instagibs Draven, she melts Morg and GP for a double. Rush down mid, take out inhibitor, they revive and go after Ashe who I keep alive while everybody else whacks the nexus.

    Final score something like 32-58. Dem Yorick carries.
  4. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Played two more ranked 5s:
    Game 1: Picked Irelia into Jayce. My irelia sucks, but by 6 minutes I've evaded 3 ganks, outfarmed Jayce by double, and I am still 0/0/0. Even using the Q to ranged minion-->stun so that I can Q back to him when he knocks me away, I still can't get a kill on Jayce.
    It doesn't matter though, faggot first pick takes blitzcrank and fails to swap. So jungle ww has no smite, and support has no exhaust, which is the apparent reason why he died so many times bot. Meanwhile, ww is just a useless jungler for too long while mao makes plays against juede mid. Considering Juede nearly exclusively ADC/supports, I thought he did remarkably well. At one point Juede picks up a double kill from morde/mao. I call the jayce running towards him from top, but he runs straight back home. Jayce dives in between the second and third turrets to kill him. He should have ran into our bottom jungle, but neither of us expected jayce to go so deep for him. Warwick is busy farming wolves while jayce gets away with 200hp.

    Bot feeds, Juede gets camped mid, and I can't make any plays top vs Jayce or get big before the game is pretty much over. I would say Irelia does counter Jayce in the sense that Jayce can't faceroll to victory, but it's still a close lane and the kill/double buff from mid made it go in his favor.

    Picked TF into Diana. Killed the Diana in lane at level 4, Leesin flashes to kill me. All in all I felt like we could have won this, but not with our jungler. Khazix is a good character in some situations, but our jungler just sucked dick. At level 6, lee and diana are both diving me in mid. I get them both to 200 hp from tanking tower and cards, but khazix waits until he finishes killing wraiths to jump over the wall, by which time I'm already dead. He jumps in and suicides, dealing ZERO damage before dying, not because they one-shot him, but because he jumped over and turned to run without even attempting to fight.

    My plan was picking TF into Diana to make global plays, not attempt to win lane, because Diana has the advantage. I ended up getting camped early but still outlaning the Diana. Meanwhile at top lane, Khazix and Teemo firstblood the enemy lee top. Both junglers went to level 2 gank top, but Khazix got there first from blue buff and they were able to 2v1 Lee before Darius could even get in on the action.
    Teemo then dies to Darius a few seconds later. Surprisingly, not the most useless member of the team.

    Mid game was just constant 4 man ganks bot. I would go down as often as possible to countergank, but despite great warding and CONSTANT awareness of the incoming ganks, khazix never came to help. Slowly, 1 for 3 trades became 3 for 0 trades in their favor because of the constant 4v3s while Khazix farmed jungle.

    I don't think this was winnable with this Khazix, who ended game with a score of 0/7/3 or something equally useless.

    Played 9 games of Twisted Treeline because another friend wanted in on the gold.
    Team Blitzkrunk is created.

    Game 1: Jayce/Nunu/Garen into Olaf/Shen/Gragas. All of my TT knowledge comes from early season 1, so when juede dies to creeps when I told him to jungle nunu, I'm a bit surprised.
    Still, stomp these guys 5 to 1 before they surrender early. Bringing a nunu+smite, we just control dragon/lizard and get a level advantage they can't overcome.

    Game 2: Jayce/Panth/Annie vs Soraka/Teemo/Malph.
    We get stomped hard 4 to 19. Attempted invade turns around on us 0-3. Friend 2 hits his stun on ONLY malph instead of all 3, meanwhile teemo's passive makes his autos super strong while soraka is star calling the SHIT out of us. Friend 2 dies twice 1v1 top to teemo autoattacking him to death. Don't understand it, but whatever.

    Game 3: Malphite/Garen/Khazix vs WK/Lee/Sion
    WK gets early 3 kills, giving him a wriggles to jungle with. Despite this, KZ is super strong duelist and I win lane. Their sion is some sort of retarded (his final build is boots3+rylais).
    My mobility and strength 1v1 lets me take WK's killing spree. Good warding top lets me gank Lee while he attempts to get buffs. Sion is useless bottom and just lets garen free farm+kill him whenever. Easy game is easy.

    Game 4: Diana, Malphite, Darius vs Shen, Akali, Garen.
    They brought a lot of exhausts. Picked up 2 kills early because they split. Shen comes a-face-checkin and gets killed. Akali runs up to help and also dies, Garen gets away.
    Diana has some serious strength on this map, but I don't like the difficulty of farming. I like the more passive SR but still do fine on Diana. Friend 2 is much better on Darius than he is on Garen. 21-11

    Game 5: Server crashed, not sure if we got points or not.

    Game 6: Diana/Soraka/Darius vs Malph/Irelia/Skarner
    After getting shit on by the soraka/teemo/malph, we decided that Juede should give his soraka an attempt. We wait for them to come to us, but they don't, so we invade their jungle by going through top brush and back down into middle jungle. At the same time, they cross through red buff and into our jungle. They catch me in lane and firstblood me. Lucky shit that they left when they did, a few seconds either way and we would've ran into them 3v3.

    Skarner wastes his early advantage on a philo stone. I keep harassing him with Q and beating his CS. Once he hits 6 he attempts to gank bot. However, malph/Irelia vs Darius/Soraka is so one sided it isn't funny. We keep mid warded and they never manage a kill. Skarner spends so much time attempting ganks/waiting for ganks using his 'op ult', I free farm top and small minion camps and get level 9 before he gets level 7. When I come down to gank and they are unaware of my presence, triple kill. Final score 16-10.

    Game 7: Diana/Malph/Garen vs Jayce/Udyr/Leesin
    Early advantage turns against us as Juede and myself both DC midfight. They dive Garen twice more during our reconnection time. By that point it's pretty far gone and they don't give us a chance to get back into the game, so we lose pretty handily. I think we would've won had Riot's servers not caught fire.

    Game 8: Diana/Malph/Garen vs Ez/Nunu/KZ
    Garen/Malph has 0 chance of laning vs nunu/ez, and we get our asses kicked. We lose 15 to 6.

    Game 9: Kz/Soraka/Garen vs Mundo/Kog/Darius
    Support mundo est weaksauce. Mundo wastes a lot of gold on wards and kog/mundo can't stand up to garen/soraka early game. Darius kills me a couple times top because his 5 MS means he gets away when I want a kill and catches me when I want to live.
    Still win game, 11/3/7.
    Final is 27-10.

    End rating: 1392. 1450 for gold. I think without the dropped game and the game lost to DCs, we would have it already.
  5. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
  6. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Did you guys just not ban anyone that game Evan?
  7. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    Rengar, Jayce, Eve, Blitz, Ali, and Malphite. Anyone else was easy to beat compared to those guys if fed, especially with how derpy our ADC was on cleanse usage.

    Amumu got shut down hard. Stole his blue and started in on his red several times.

    Morg was comparatively easy since it's Morg farm vs Veigar farm, and Veigar kind of takes massive dumps on people like that.

    Top Rumble can't catch Nid and got pushed back constantly after tower down.

    The only hard part was dealing with stupid Graves who would get caught out of position and eating 4 hard CCs.
  8. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    So Juede logged on and we did 3 games of ranked duo queue. Was and still am sick as a dog.

    Game 1:
    Ez/Taric bot lane. Won lane, lost game. It's too easy for half-decent mid/jungle to camp a bot lane after destroying mid/top. Our jungle spent too much time coming bot and 'helping' to be of any value. When we are up 4-0, it doesn't do us any good for the jungle to dive bot and trade kills. If he had spent some time camping mid/top instead, I think the game could've been winnable.

    When he goes bot, the enemy team sees 3 bot and is forced to respond. If he goes mid, then enemy mid calls to jungle for help, they are stuck in that lane. Same at top. If he goes bot, it's immediately ok top can dive, mid can roam, jungle can go bot, lets go countergank. My mistake was not making the calls to tell the jungler to gank top/mid.

    Game 2: Diana vs Ahri mid, carry game. 9/1/8, doin work. Don't remember much, I think the enemy team devolved into raging at ahri hard.

    Game 3: Diana vs Morgana mid. Stomped Morg, despite being camped mid. First turret, first blood, first biggest balls in the world. Despite all this, can't carry that hard as a few mistakes snowball into a defeat.

    One major mistake I made was engaging 3v5. I thought it was 4v5 but our carry was dicking around at wolves instead of following. If he had been there, we would've won for sure. As it was, it was a 1 for 3 trade with 3 people leaving with sub200 hp and a 40%HP chogath (jungle). If corki had even been there just sitting still and being present as an alternative target for them to even consider clicking on for half a second, I could've won the fight. That mistake was still us ahead, but corki valked into the enemy 3 times after that. After the first time he said "I should take valk off smartcast" but then never did and valkd dtwice more into suicide. So thanks for that corki.

    I made a few risky plays that I probably wouldn't have made again, but at the time they paid off. Either Myst or Shezz was spectating when I escaped from 5 people with 100hp.17/6/2 with a quadrakill. Retarded corki is retarded.

    After that friend2 logged on and so we played 3s. Quick 2 games to gold.

    Game1: One rule on TT is to never ban rengar as first pick and always ban rengar as 2nd pick. They didn't ban rengar so we picked him up and it was an easy victory. Malphite/Soraka/Rengar vs Garen/Kennen/Renekton. Had a 2 for 2 exchange level 1. Would've been 3 for 1 but I was tabbed out watching fuckin finals because karthus got a quadra (FUCK). I was 2 seconds late to the fight and kennen ended up getting into his tower with 10 hp remaining. Quickly killed renekton top because rengar is just fucking LOL on TT. Game just snowballed in our favor because in the two level 6 teamfights we got into, the enemy team would focus me until I stealthed away, then I would come back in healed up and bouncing around.

    Game 2: Khazix/Soraka/Garen vs Amumu/Xin/Diana. Get a firstblood level 1. I think XZ decided to fight but his team didn't, so he just stood and took it like a man. Killed Diana top because extended trades nearly always go in KZ's favor with his low CD Q spam coupled with Diana starting doran's ring instead of boots, so she couldn't run to her tower fast enough. She started playing like a bitch, but then I jumped over from dragon into the lane for another kill.
    Bot lane was incredibly one sided and soraka/garen just shat all over amumu/xz. Once we had control of the red buff we had a level advantage so it was easy pickings.
    The first time Diana came down to gank (which is generally how Diana works in TT, level 6 then go for kills), I jumped over the wall from lane and met her while my team pincered her. It went soraka silence-->garen silence-->dead. The second time she tried to come down, I called for them to back and jumped over to dragon and solo'd it while they ran.

    So quick guide to TT: Always ban or pick rengar. Never expect the enemy team NOT to pick rengar. Tanky champs still rule the game, but APs, supports, and ADCs have their places. Never sacrifice your lane phase entirely. Take advantage of an enemy's weak early game by counterpicking them. A garen/malphite/udyr team will be easily countered by a strong ADC+Support lane. Wards are important. Dragon/Red buff are more important than towers. Playing champs that you are strong with is better than playing champs that are OP, as always.

    Juede ran soraka into a lot of teams where it was at best a split-pick, but because he has several hundred games on soraka, it worked out extremely well.

    Controlling the jungle in general is imperative. Generally, we would lane 1 top 2 bot. If we ever got a kill that put us ahead enough, we would go for an early red buff. As top lane, my job was to:
    1) Not die.
    2) Get a kill and/or farm well.
    3) Get 6 early, get wriggles (optional), control top jungle and as many of the buffs as possible.

    Once I hit 6, we would split 1/1/1 and I would farm jungle while they split their lanes, OR if that wasn't feasible it was my job to push my lane hard and farm jungle in between to get a significant advantage over the enemy top lane. On KZ I grab wriggles to help facilitate this. On Diana I just built standard with AP and grabbed a few HP pots because between shield/q/passive she can farm all TT camps very easily.

    On top jungle: check both camps before you start taking a buff. If you get doubles, just kill both. If you get green/white, take green first, then white, so that the speed buff lasts longer for you to gank with.
  9. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    Mid Orianna, Support Morgana, ADC Ez, Top Garen, Jungle Warwick (me) vs Mid Karthus, Support Ali, ADC Ashe, Top Riven, Jungle Maokai.

    I get FB and a double at level 4. This turns into five kills, zero deaths before ten minutes because their bot either never bought wards or didn't have any map awareness. Regardless. Orianna DC'ed around 20 minutes in. Instead of surrendering, we decided we were going to win. And we did. It took until like 50 minutes or so, but they decided they were going to push straight up the gut with two inhibs and a nexus turret down. I rolled through their jungle and base raced the idiots, mauling their turret and their nexus in short fashion.
  10. Red

    Red High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2008
    Started at 1339. Won two games, one as top Jax (7-7) and then Graves (13-2). Ended at 1365. Good progress, logged off for the night.

    Next day I play two more and lose both. One as Graves (Worst support NA so I played passive and farmed). Lost the game due to other lanes losing hard. I discover the enemy Vayne's elo is 1515 and her support is 1467. So that gave me confidence since I went even with them in lane. Whatevs, I queue up again. I support as Janna, but this Corki gives up first bird at 1:40 by checking our invaded jungle and when he gets back to lane they're level 2 and we get zoned hard. Painful game, we lost handily.

    Ended at 1341. Net progress +2 Elo. It's gonna be a long trek to 1500.

    Update: Won one as Graves (7-2-11) then lost one as Sona (3-4-12). So, back to square one again. Played after as Jax (8-6-11) and then Blitz (2-4-11) and won both. Now at 1369, hopefully I don't lose the next two I play.

    Update: After much fluctuation I've clawed my way up to 1415 with Graves and Jax (I suck with him, but apparently he's just so goddamn op. Farm, wait for mid game, fuck up their carries). So 85 elo to go, wish me luck.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
  11. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    I played a couple rank games today, and they were mostly sad except for the last one.

    Game 1: Duo queued with a 1200 elo player that I know, who wanted me to carry them. This was perhaps the saddest game of them all. I was Cho mid. Naturally, I destroyed my lane (since I was facing like 1400-1500s). The other lanes lost pretty hard. Top was expected as it was Singed vs Teemo. Bot lost, giving birth to an unstoppable Tristana. Jungle did poorly, Lee Sin was level 4 when I was level 9. But really, I didn't mind too much. Sure there was an unstoppable Teemo and unstoppable Tristana, but I was unstoppable too. Team fight came, I instant gibbed Teemo. We still lost that teamfight, making it something like a 3-5 exchange. In all honesty, I thought that wasn't that bad of a trade. Sure we lost teamfight, but considering how we lost two lanes horribly, that's a good step to catching back up. But, what annoys me is they decided to surrender right then. 4-1. I can't do anything to stop it. I mean, even my duo queue partner voted yes -,- How am I suppose to carry you up in elo when she had no faith in me!

    Game 2: Same 1200 elo duo queue partner. I went adc this time, and she went my support. Our jungler died after blue because enemy camped at bush. So enemy Ezreal started lane with blue buff. Nonetheless, it wasn't too bad. That ezreal was terrible, and I outfarmed and outpoked him. The nightmares began when Nautilus decided to gank. My taric went in, stunned, exhausted , and died shortly after. Taric simply initiated too early for that one. Nautilus still had no arrived even after all that. At this point, we had a big enemy minion wave, maybe like 2 and a half wave. The fight would've gone a lot better if taric waited, as I would've cleared the wave in preparation for Nautilus to gank. But, due to that fast start, eventually enemy got a triple kill :S. Long story short for this game, all lanes lose gg.

    Game 3: This one was with Jon. My client bugged for some reason, so I didn't get into game until 2:40. Nonetheless, I pooped on my enemy mid after some help from Shaco. There's not much to say with this one tbh. Our team just didn't group, enemy took objectives. They pushed and won.

    Game 4: I solo queue. Got kind of sick of losing. Destroyed bot lane, despite a rough start with Maokai ganks. Best play though belongs to Teemo and enemy stupidity. They kept track of Baron Spawn time and went just before it spawned. But there was like 7-8 shrooms there. All their hp dropped to like 20%, and I think Soraka even ulted. They went back and healed, and we got free Baron. After that, I got a Quadra kill as we pushed their inhibitor. My teammate all fountain dove the Soraka to try and get my the Penta, but sadly my Orianna ended up getting the kill. No matters though, we aced them, I was still alive and finished off their nexus.

    Final comments: I qq, because all my losses I dropped around 30 elo per game. I got 12 elo for my victory -,-
  12. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Dear Diary,

    I just won number 7 of of placements. That is to say it was my seventh win out of seven games for this season. Also, it was fucking painful. Being carried hurts the feels bro. ;_; Didn't help I was up with Platz y0.
  13. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    Well, you're doing something right, or the plats would have capitalized on you.

    I just got 4th pick in two ranked games and picked Kayle mid both times. Carried hard, making plays =D

    On my 2nd account I was practicing top and just won a game as Singed vs Fiora. They had stacked all AD with Fiora top and Vi mid. Built a bunch of armor and hp and they couldn't touch me.
  14. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006

    No but seriously. I got our 'plat' sion mid fed early game and he then proceeded to feed the gold to the enemy team going 4/9 -_-
  15. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Silver 1 LeBlancz ShadowzDancerz z z z.

    End result was 8/2
  16. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Got 2 silent people in my only game of today & figured the worst, doubly so when they locked in Rammus/Thresh without saying a word. Left me to play ADC, easily my worst role - Hell, I own Ashe, Sivir and Graves. Figured Graves would be the best pick as we had Thresh and they had a Lulu. Enemy ADC picked Sivir, not sure why but it worked out in the long run.

    That Thresh was amazing, Doran's shield start but it worked out great as we got FB off an invade (which Thresh 'secured' over my ignite) on Lulu, forced Sivir to stay ta her tower so an easily won lane after Rammus came down just as I hit 6 for a simple double.

    Team as a whole communicated well, warded, had a laugh at each others screw ups, were well behaved and generally pleasant people to play with. To have found a team like this in Silver IV's made my weekend LoL wise, great game, doubly so when I was basically spoon fed to go 6/0/9 by the time they surrendered. Not very often I finish a game and feel that happy about the game as a whole, need more people like that down here in Silver.

    Edit; Promotion series lost because of 2 people going afk at the start of both games, unbelievable. That & I hate people who can't beat Shen when you leave him open in lane. It's stupid, Shen is such a terrible laner and people just don't get the concept of picking someone who dumps on him. Instead they pick shit like Singed & wonder why they get ganked, jesus christ...
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2013
  17. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    So, one month of the new League system. Let's see what my spreadsheet says!

    Bronze II - Diana's Cheetahs
    Games played:		12 (9 wins, 3 losses, 75% win rate)
    Most played role:	Carry (7)
    Most played champion:	Caitlyn (5)
    Average KDA:		6.9 - 4.8 - 10.1
    Best KDA:		11 - 5 - 26 (Amumu)
    Worst KDA:		0 - 4 - 0 (Caitlyn)
    Not much to say really. For those three losses, one game was a 4v5 where our Vayne didn't connect, one game was a super close match which could've gone either way and the last was a complete stomp.
    Fun fact: For the game which got me promoted, I was stuck on support while the last pick took Heimerdinger mid. Talk about hard mode.

    Bronze I - Diana's Cheetahs
    Games played:		18 (12 wins, 6 losses, 66.7% win rate)
    Most played role:	Carry (9)
    Most played champion:	Caitlyn (7)
    Average KDA:		5.2 - 4.7 - 9.9
    Best KDA:		11 - 3 - 19 (Jarvan IV)
    Worst KDA:		0 - 10 - 4 (Olaf)
    Bronze II was straightforward and easy enough to carry teams, but Bronze I was a nightmare. This is where I kept running into the people with one ranked game played. A lot of these games also featured at least one person flaming, going AFK or rage quitting, though that could be down to the times I was playing more than the division I was in. The losses were crushing and the wins were gruelling. Not a fun division at all.
    Fun fact: That Jarvan IV game was me carrying the hell out of a 4v5 game. Our Tristana died early, raged and just sat in the fountain waiting to lose. The team wanted to surrender, but I pointed out Mordekaiser had crushed mid and I'd owned top. I convinced them to wait for one team fight, they agreed, we dominated it and went on to win the game.

    Silver V - Yorick's Panthers
    Games played:		10 (7 wins, 3 losses, 70.0% win rate)
    Most played role:	Jungle (4)
    Most played champion:	Jarvan IV (3)
    Average KDA:		4.2 - 4.5 - 15.2
    Best KDA:		10 - 1 - 20 (Jarvan IV)
    Worst KDA:		2 - 9 - 9 (Vi)
    Silver V was strange. I expected it to be more difficult, but it turned out to be much easier than Bronze I. The games that I lost weren't my fault exactly, but I still could've played better. The last five games were duo queue with my fellow Silver V buddy who'd just gone on a 7 game losing streak. Strangely enough, while that 5 game win streak got me promoted to Silver III - skipping over Silver IV entirely - he's still stuck at 25 LP. I guess the losing streak tanked his MMR so far that the system doesn't think he should be silver anymore.
    Fun Fact: Jarvan IV + Volibear is a really nice combination for ganks. When you have the enemy Corki screaming over all chat that Volibear is OP... you know you're doing something right.

    So at the end of the month I'm in Silver III, with 40 games played, 28 wins, 12 losses and 1 division skipped. 19 games played as AD Carry, 14 of which were as Caitlyn.
  18. TSN

    TSN Auror

    Nov 7, 2008
    winning 2 losing 2, thats the rule for the last 10 day. Annoying, espcially since even if I do shitty if its within the 2 win streak i'm going to win, heck riot seem to love giving me a leaver at 40 min when we're about to win to force a loss on me if it deviate from the pattern or verse versa
  19. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Losing every promotional series I get to, starting to get frustrating. I play my arse off to get to a promotion series, then I'm 5th pick, every damn time so I have to supp. Then I get an ADC with no balls and mid laners who pick Malz with no idea what they're against. Every mid lane in my promotion series has been a Malz, and I have no idea why. 2 Series lost this morning, the first due to technical faults, Power cut in the first, laptop going bluescreen on me in the 2nd, damage already done by the time I got back. Technology at times...

    The one game I've got to jungle my team screws up. I dunno how Quinn loses to Ashe but she did it in spectacular fashion. Fallen in love with Naut jungle lately but there's nothing you can do when your mids pick Malz into Diana and tops go Zed into Renek and get FB'd. It's just interesting I get teams who play really well together to get to my series, then I get stuck with the retards in my series, hell I don't think Soraka knew what her ult did last game, she'd pop it for no reason.
  20. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Hmmm, I was at 80LP, then in a short series of games went:
    +10 -> 90
    +6 -> 96
    -20 -> 76
    +23 -> 99
    ....not sure on specifics, but after just two matches -> 48
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