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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    I feel the need to defend my boy Serperior for a sec. My White Nuzlocke run he was my coverage against all physical-using types. With my other main hitters including a Stoutland and Darmanitan, Serperior had to be adapted to troll the other team's fighting, and did it fantastically, with a combination of Leaf Blade, Coil, Giga Drain and Strength/Wring Out. Set up enough with Coil and he becomes a beast beyond all measure, the kind that can withstand a Brave Bird to the face and sweep Alder with Leaf Blade. Oh, and the bonus? Put a Rocky Helmet on him and any opponent will go down trying their darndest to wail on Serperior's superior Coiled up bad self. For bonus points check out the fools throwing themselves into Take Down against a Rocky Helmet. Bam, it happens five times and they've KO'd themselves while Serperior's just Coiling some more and using the newly souped up Giga Drain to heal. Flawless system, won me the game.

    So fuck the haters, Serperior for life <3.
  2. Telrath

    Telrath Second Year

    Mar 31, 2011
    Seeing all the Nuzlockes going on, I decided to start one on Fire Red. Using some DLP names, hopefully no one minds.
    Picked Charmander from Oak and named it Alexander, because of Game of Champions. Left Pallet shortly after, catching a Pidgey on the way, named Lungs. Deciding a Mankey would be good, I headed off to Route 22. Lo and behold, a Mankey appeared. Alexander critting it almost made me piss myself, but she survived and was caught. Welcome to the team Cheddar. Next stop, Viridian Forest.
  3. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    Started a FireRed Nuzlocke a few days ago. I begun with Bulbasaur because he is bamf. In viridian forest I was lucky enough to catch Pikachu. I leveled Bulbasaur up till 21 but didn't evolve him because I wanted to rape Brock with a Bulbasaur. Cerulean city was reached without any hardship, my Pikachu raped my rival like nobody else. Got lucky again caught an Abra because sleeping powder from Ivysaur. Misty the bitch was executed by Pikachu after that. On the way to Vermilion city I caught a Meowth with the Pick up ability. To this day I got like 3 nuggets,1 pp up and countless of berries., plus he is my HM slave. Sarge was mostly dealt with Ivysaur without breaking a sweat. On the way to Celudon city I managed to catch a Growlithe with Flash Fire. So Erica and his bitch team got a nice dose of Ember in their faces. Picked up Eevee turned him into a Vaporeon. After that I taught him Water Pulse. The entire Team Rocket basement and Giovanni was steam rolled my cute little Vaporeon. Ohh and in between all of this Abra evolved into Kadabra. So now I'm on my way to the Ghost tower in Lavender city.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
  4. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Did we have the same team in Black/White? Because for a second there I thought you were talking about my team.


    Took off from the Professor's place towards route 103 since he told me to go talk to May. He didn't have to tell me twice as I left immediately. I quickly made my way to Route 103 and saw May staring at a tree. Obviously my first thought about her was true. Maybe too true. Because you seriously don't go after mentally handicapped chicks. That was one of the first things my dad ever taught me.

    Anyway after tapping her on the shoulder she challenged me to a Pokemon battle. I didn't feel like breaking her poor little spirit I accepted. Of course my Pokemon completely dominated hers. Couldn't lose to someone messed up in the head. Just wouldn't be right. Although she seemed pretty excited when she lost. Poor poor girl. Anyway I kept her company on her way home so nobody would try to take advantage of her.

    When the Professor saw us walk in he seemed relieved to see her. So relieved in fact that he gave me a Pokedex. And then May gave me some Pokeballs. This is good since that time in Johto when may have accidently set a Pokemart on fire. I haven't been allowed in one since and I doubt the legion of shopkeepers would let me inside one here even though it is a new region.

    I quickly headed home to tell my mother that I was off and she gave me a set of running shoes. She then told me to check up on Dad at his gym. I said I would and took off. The first thing I saw on the route looked like a mutated cross between a Caterpie and a Weedle. My Pokedex called it a Wurmple. Considering my dad also said that I should only catch the first Pokemon I see on any route I sigh as I proceeded to catch it. I shuddered again since this Pokemon also had gigantic eyes. I decided to call her Eyeslee.

    I then proceeded to the route where I found May and found a small brown Pokemon. My Pokedex called it a Zigzagoon and I caught it as well. This was a Pokemon I was actually happy to catch because its eyes weren't gigantic. I decided to name it Smokey because the name seemed apt for some reason. I then headed to route 104. There the first Pokemon I saw a Poochyena and caught that as well. I decided to name it Bandit because it also seems suitable.

    On my way to Petalburg a bunch of kids kept challenging me to Pokemon battles. I taught them all to respect their superiors. Along this route Eyeslee also evolved into a purple cocoon with a big red eye with a yellow iris. My Pokedex called it a Cascoon. I'm not sure if I'm happy that it now has less eyes or more afraid because its eye now looks evil as all hell. This route I also found out that Smokey liked to break out of his Pokeball and bring me things. I think I have a new favorite Pokemon in the world. Goodbye Gengar.

    I got to Petalburg and went into the gym. I was surprised to find that my dad was standing in the front room. Maybe my mom had told him that I was coming. He seemed genuinely glad to see me although he was surprised that I had some Pokemon. While we were talking a kid came in to ask him something. Dad then asked me to go with the kid, whose name was Wally, to make sure he was safe while he caught a Pokemon. We headed back to route 102 and Wally found what my Pokedex called a Ralts. He then caught it. I congratulated him as we headed back to my dad's gym.

    Dad then told me that I wasn't ready to challenge him and then come back when I had a few more badges. He then directed me towards where the nearest gym was. He seemed genuinely giddy at the fact that I was taking the Pokemon challenge. I wished him well then headed off to route 104.

    It was there that a white and blue Pokemon showed up. My Pokedex called it a Wingull. I however couldn't help but call her Winona after I caught her. For some reason the name wouldn't leave my head.


    Stalker - Treecko - Level 10
    Eyeslee - Cascoon - Level 8
    Smokey - Zigzagoon - Level 9
    Bandit - Poochyena - Level 8
    Winona - Wingull - Level 5
  5. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    What are the rules for Safari Zone?
  6. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I just make up my own rules for Safari Zone tbh. You can play it straight like everything else in the challenge, suspend the rules entirely, limit yourself to one paid Safari Game, et cetera. AFAIK there are no 'official' rules for it, which you can probably take to imply that the normal restrictions hold up.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
  7. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631
    I left Oreburgh high on success, my pockets filled with money and a league badge. With my undefeated status I grew cocky and arrogant, showing little regard for opposing pokemon. The day only got worse...

    Entering the cave separating Oreburgh from Floaroma, a feisty Zubat lunged. Minutes later Bruce was just another comrade and I was exiting the cave. I began using him shortly after and he has proved a strong flyer and battler, much like Beaky, who I can see is beginning to grow jealous. A choice will need to be made soon and both of them know this.

    For a while all was well as more trainers fell and a brave Budew tried its, err, flippers at attacking me. She was courageous and for that I captured her, using my last pokeball at the time. I would learn this later upon attempting to capture a spirited Buizel that had already mastered Water Pulse.

    Floaroma seemed to be a nice town, but the presence of this mysterious Team Galactic I already encountered worried me. A young girl begged me to help find her father and my trainer pride would not allow to turn her down. The first Galactic grunt fell before the rapidly-improving Rider; he fled into the building he was previously guarding and I charged ahead into the Eterna Forest to save the mystery girls father.

    I remember it clearly...There were two grunts, just kids, like myself. I was fresh out of the Center and thought nothing could stop me. When the first grunt sent out a Stunky of higher level I was worried, but I did not return Rider. The battle started with a screech and a tail-whip - she was young and her attacks were not very damaging, though at the time my opponents choice was puzzling. When my opponent ordered his Stunky next to use Focus Energy the warning bells in my head started blaring, but I disregarded them and commanded Rider to burn the rodent with Ember. He tanked it like a boss and retaliated with a multitude of Fury Swipes. It struck thrice, and it was enough.

    The rest is a haze of grief and electricity at the hands of Luxy. When everything was said and done the girl's father offered his false sympathies and I nearly cut him down as I had done the grunts. He fled, leaving me alone in the silent forest to bury my far too young Ponyta. Her final resting place was beneath a tree slathered with honey...it was her favorite snack.

    I left and went to spend the night in the nearest Center. In the morning I plan on using the pilfered key to storm the base where these Galactic scumbags are holed up in.

    I will have my revenge.

    March: Level 18 (Male - Prinplup)
    Beaky: Level 13 (Female - Starly)
    Barrel: Level 4 (Male - Bidoof)
    Luxy: Level 14 (Male - Shinx)
    Bruce: Level 11 (Male - Zubat)
    Rosy: Level 10 (Female - Beduw)

    Geobroad: Level 5 (Female - Geodude)

    Rider: Level 11 (Female - Ponyta)
  8. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
  9. Telrath

    Telrath Second Year

    Mar 31, 2011
    Due to some triple crit bullshit on Nugget bridge my Nuzlocke came to a premature end. Dat fucking mankey...:fire

    Edit: After a bit of thought, I've decided to do a Black Nuzlocke. I've only played the first few minutes of it, so it'll be mostly blind.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
  10. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631
    I'd suggest B2 instead, if possible. It's got a shitload of pokemon from previous generations and the areas are stacked. Like if you're lucky enough you can get a Riolu before level 10 and pretty much every grass is loaded with OP pokemon. At least this is how it seems to me and I've only got 5 badges. Although it's kinda stupid how they all but removed the fishing rod...like seriously?
  11. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    If you play on roms on your computer or have a flash cart + sdhc card, get one of the hacks. BlazeBlack2 or VoltWhite2
  12. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631
    That's what I'm using - a rom and emulator, I mean. What's the hack do? Also, has anyone managed to patch Heart Gold or Soul Silver? My game always crashes after some time.
  13. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    BB2/VW2 are "challenge mode" versions that have higher leveled pokemon and a more difficult scaling. I think N's pokemon in the actual challenge mode version of the hack are at level 105. It also has all pokemon available via catching and dreamworld abilities are just a random encounter chance like normal versions. Besides that, the story and everything else is the same.

    I'm playing a perfect heart atm, which is basically the same thing as the BB/VW, but it is occasionally freezing up on me. Starts with missing-no-esque sprites then dead sound then blackscreen. I found that if I save the game and reload the rom (or restart desmume, dont remember which) after the no sound starts, it works fine at reload.
  14. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    Here's the link for BlazeBlack and VoltWhite2


    And here's one for the HGSS hacks


    Basically, they add all of the pokemon from all of the games into the hack, but the good ones do it in such a way that it doesn't seem crowded, it seems pretty natural. Trade based evolutions (i.e. Haunter -> Gengar) were done away with, and some types got changed (i.e. Serperior changed to Grass/Dragon (yes, Contrary boosted STAB Draco Meteors and Leaf Storms), Golduck to Water/Psychic, Cofagrigus to Ghost/Steel, etc), trainer rosters were edited (regular randys and gym leaders and what not. it's more challenging. and you can add on to the "difficulty" by using challenge mode which you unlock 2 minutes in), and there's a lot more stuff they did that comes in the documentation.
  15. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631
    Yeah, HG works fine, but it crashes and if the rom crashes even after saving it it doesn't register the save - like you said, you have to close and reopen it. I forgot that little bit and started a new file and was saving like every two seconds, it was annoying but I was like, "This isn't so bad!" then the rom crashed and when I turned it back on I was at the beginning again.
  16. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Are you saving saving or using save states? I use both and haven't had any issues so far, but then again I'm using a hack and not just an AP patch

    Also: http://imgur.com/j6E2F
    Someone making a custom Pokemon game (not sure on all the details like if its a hack or a stand alone) called Pokemon Imperial Sky.

    It looks fucking badass and I really like the pokemon sprites. The 1st party pokemon sprite in HG/SS was the greatest thing ever but here they've taken even further by making the sizes much more impressive. I wonder if you can have a giant ass steelix following you.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
  17. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Personally I like to go with 'the first pokemon you see in the safari zone is the only thing you can catch from there'.
  18. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631
    I've been using NO$GBA and it doesn't have the save state feature, I think. You use DeSmuME? I suppose using that would be easier to save when it does crash, I just don't really like the split-screen it uses.
  19. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Quick update.

    Surfed down to Cinnabar after beating Sabrina. Stopped to fish, hoping for maybe a Staryu but instead got a shitty Tentacool, caught and named Slick.

    Took a moment to revive my Fossils and stick both of them (Omanyte and Aerodactyl) in the exhibit box.

    Pokemon Mansion (come on Growlithe!) ruined by another fucking Rattata. I'll never do Gen I completely straight on No Repeats again. Every. Single. Fucking. Route. In this game has the same shitty common Pokemon. I have had so many places ruined by the Four Horsemen of Shit Pokemon (Pidgey, Rattata, Zubat, Tentacool). Never again, by God.

    Anyway, got the key, went into Cinnabar Gym and failed the shit out of the quizzes so I could farm the gym trainers for experience. Blaine was easy pickings for my Gyarados despite the level disadvantage that I'll be dealing with to the end I think. Grinding is just too slow in this game due to the sheer number of crappy non-evolved Pokemon that give shit experience and lurk in every place there is. Too much effort to level up in general.

    Anyway, Blaine down. Fire Blast TM gotten and taught to Gyarados because why not? I was going to put it on Snorlax, but when I saw that Leviathan could use it, I changed my mind and went that direction. Snorlax gets taught Psychic instead.

    Quick break to run around and catch my exhibit Legendary Birds. Seaform Islands yielded a Snowlegs the Krabby because I spammed Max Repels until I could get to a fishing spot (I refuse to see another Zubat). Articuno also snagged there. Item Ball the Voltorb gotten at the Power Plant, and fuck that place's retarded high encounter rate btw. Zapdos caught. Both birds into the non-usable box. Both water routes between Cinnabar and Fuchsia were, of course, spoiled by jellyfish.

    Viridian Gym, more leveling. Giovanni goes down like a bitch. Leviathan leads and drowns his Dugtrio with Surf, with the mole being retarded and trying Fissure on a Flying type to open the battle. Snorlax beats down his Persian with a couple Body Slams, taking a critical Slash in the process but no danger. Dr. House the Hypno sinks both Nidos with Psychic and Gyarados returns to mop up on Rhydon.

    So that's done. Heal up and it's into Victory Road. Quick pit stop outside to hand Blue his ass for the second to last time. Just basic type matching, no need to go into detail. He never managed to damage me.

    And now we're in the final stretch.


    Pikachu - 48
    Henry VIII (Nidoking) - 46
    Leviathan (Gyarados) - 47
    Dr. House (Hypno) - 47
    Behemoth (Snorlax) - 46
    Xavier (Pidgeotto) - 28

    ...Not updating the box, too lazy and nobody actually cares now. With how slow it is to grind, I'll probably quit if I have a death past this point. Will just have to be careful not to let that happen.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 AM ----------

    Pokemon Yellow, Championship Edition

    Walkin' the mile, walkin' the mile...walkin' the Green Mile.

    But it's not my execution we're headed to. Teamwork carries us through Victory Road (Moltres gets caught with the Master Ball), and before I know it, we're at the gates of the Pokemon League. My inventory is prepared. Now this is where I would usually go and get my levels up to snuff, but I've been playing with a huge level handicap since Fuchsia Gym. No reason to stop now, but I will make one exception. I won't be able to get past Lance at my present level due to those Hyper Beams. So all my Rare Candies get used up on Gyarados, breaking my level balance but it's of little importance now. I never did find a worthy sixth member of my team, so we're rolling with the Fabulous Five.


    Pikachu - Level 48: Thunderbolt/Swift/Double Team/Thunder Wave
    Henry VIII (Nidoking) - Level 48: Strength/Earthquake/Rock Slide/Double Kick
    Leviathan (Gyarados) - Level 55: Hyper Beam/Fire Blast/Ice Beam/Surf
    Dr. House (Hypno) - Level 48: Psychic/Meditate/Hypnosis/Headbutt
    Behemoth (Snorlax) - Level 48: Double-Edge/Psychic/Amnesia/Body Slam

    And here we go, on to immortality!

    Lorelai is the first battle. It would be safest to lead with Gyarados and wall her down slowly, but I'm going dangerous and throwing out Pikachu. It proves to be a hilariously wise decision. Pikachu goes Super Saiyan, or whatever that gold aura around him is. It's probably just his electricity, but he's gone into Beast Mode.

    Thunderbolt criticals against Dewgong, dropping it down into the yellow. Aurora Beam does decent damage and lowers Pika's Attack stat, but that's no matter. A second Thunderbolt reduces that seal to a whimpering heap on the ground.

    Next up is Cloyster. Thunderbolt criticals again and oneshots it.

    Slowbro...another Thunderbolt critical! It's also down in a single blow!

    Jynx is next, and it might be time to stop pushing my luck here since Pikachu can't hit Jynx for Super Effective damage. Gyarados comes out instead and melts the ugly thing's poor little heart, along with the rest of her. Fire Blast OHKO's Jynx.

    And then the ace, Lapras. First, a Hyper Beam to bring Lapras below half health. Body Slam counter paralyzes Leviathan, but the damage is poor. A couple more slams as Gyarados recharges and then has to struggle through its paralysis, but Lapras never poses a legitimate threat and goes down to a second Hyper Beam.

    With Lorelai defeated, the next opponent is the hulking Bruno. Dr. House gets the call here.

    First turn, Bruno leads with an Onix. I pop an X Special on House to guarantee things, while Onix drops its defense severely with Screech. It matters not. House outspeeds everything Bruno has to throw at it and proceeds to sweep his entire team with epic OHKO Psychic rape.

    Now on to Agatha. She's an old bitch, folks. Old enough to have lived in Tudor England. And so dealing with her will fall to His Royal Majesty, Henry VIII.

    Agatha leads with a Gengar, and sets up Confuse Ray and a Substitute while I spend two turns augmenting Henry's speed with X Speeds. The confusion only manages to annoy Henry once, and every other turn he breaks through and wrecks Gengar's Substitutes with Rock Slide, only to have the poltergeist set up another. But Agatha decides to break with her stalling strategies and use a noneffective Giga Drain the same turn Henry finally snaps out of confusion for good. Earthquake sinks it the next turn, and proceeds to do the same to the rest of her team (aside from Golbat, which has to be deal with via Rock Slide).

    And that's done.

    Shit gets serious here as we're up against the Grand Champion, Lance. It's going to be a battle of huge fucking water serpents. Gyarados versus Gyarados. But mine is better. Several turns spent setting up. First, two X Defends to tank those Hyper Beams while I do the rest, and then an X Speed and two X Specials. Not taking ANY chances here since I know Lance is packing several Pokemon with Electric moves. Some healing required in here as well, but Lance spends most of his time using Dragon Rage and trying to neutralize Leviathan's defense boosts with Leer. It misses all but one time.

    Anyway, when the setup is complete, first order of business is to reduce the other Gyarados' health with Surf. It's Not Very Effective, but with those two Special boosts it still takes a big bite out of the sea monster. A Hyper Beam overkills it next turn.

    Loading RAPE.EXE for the rest. Ice Beam kills one Dragonair, then another, Surf wastes Aerodactyl and one more Ice Beam buries the mighty Dragonite. And we have a new champ...what?

    Lance isn't Champion? Wat. Gary? R u srs, son? That's a horrible joke. But I suppose I'll have to play along with it. So it's in to the final room. Blue is even more full of swagger than ever, and claims that it's my duty as his Rival to keep him sharp.

    Okay, hold it.

    I whipped your candy ass with a completely wild Pikachu.

    I whipped it again while you sat there dreaming about the League so long ago.

    You weren't even a proper warmup for those jobbers on the Nugget Bridge.

    I schooled you in front of an entire boat load of people on the S.S. Anne and killed your shitty Raticate.

    I beat your ass in front of that shitty Raticate's grave for laughs.

    You were just as worthless as the rest of Team Rocket in Silph Co.

    And you started your final ascent to the League by losing to me.

    Seven battles, seven overwhelming losses. And you dare call me your Rival? Fuck you, douchebag. Assume the position, bitch.

    Gyarados is still full of rage from his fight with Lance, and picks right back up by drowning Sandslash.

    Gary sends out his Alakazam, I counter with Snorlax. The battle with Sabrina taught me well, and I set up with Amnesia while Blue herps and derps around with shit like Kinesis and Recover. He finally does try Psychic at the end, but it's too late. Miniscule damage, and Alakazam gets put down hard with Double-Edge.

    Leviathan is back out to deal with Exeggutor. All Blue has to throw at Gyarados is Leech Seed. Useless, and quickly annihilated with a couple Ice Beams.

    Pikachu zaps Cloyster with a single Thunderbolt. Worried yet, Gary? I can see the desperation mounting.

    Ninetales? Gyarados bait. Next.

    And last is Jolteon. Blue already knows what's coming. Kiss the royal feet, bitch boy.

    Jolteon uses Pin Missile to open, which for some reason is Super Effective. But it's too weak. Earthquake...does not OHKO. Way to show some fighting spirit at last, Blue. Now come on, do your worst. Pin Missile hits five times and lowers King Henry to near critical HP. But, just like Blue, it just isn't good enough. Double Kick. First kick knocks out Jolteon and the next kicks Blue in his retarded face.

    It's over. Professor Oak is here now, to tell me how amazing I am while scolding you for being useless trash. Ha ha ha ha ha.

    We crushed your innocence, we stole your dreams and now we've even snatched away the love of your grandfather. And we did it like a motherfucking boss.

    And so ends the story of the first Perfect Nuzlocke Run I have ever played. Hoo hah!
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2013
  20. Telrath

    Telrath Second Year

    Mar 31, 2011
    I was actually thinking of getting B2 for my DS. Maybe I'll do that next week, sometime near pay. At any rate, I'm almost positive I lost because I got cocky. I should've ground out a few more levels in Mt. Moon. Oh well. The Black Nuzlocke was going good until I discovered the first gym likes to use Bide to great effect.:facepalm