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Poytin's Video Game Reviews

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Poytin, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
    High Score:
    Poytin I found a way to net play some emulated games if you're interested
  2. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South

    No luck on finding an animated GIF on short notice, but I'm sure you haven't forgotten the mocking laughter.
  3. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    Really? Found like, 3 just googling "Duck Hunt gif."
  4. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    No luck finding one that would upload to IMGUR and post in the thread. Tried two of them and moved on.
  5. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Super Mario World for the SNES:

    The first Mario game for the Super Nintendo. This one added and subtracted things to good effect. The jumps feel less like you're floating and thus are more accurate. Cape Mario replaces Raccoon Mario. Hammer Mario, Tanooki Mario, Shoe Mario, and the P-Wing have all disappeared since the last game. This game is also the first time that you can use a Yoshi and the P-Balloon.

    This game takes the Mario formula and makes it better on all accounts. Music is great. Game looks great. Gameplay is great.


    Harvest Moon: Back to Nature for the PS1:

    How you play this game.

    And that's pretty much it. I mean the music is alright. The graphics look decent for a PS1 game. But the game is addictively monotonous. You'll either play it until you become unaware of the time or until you can't stand it anymore. Overall it's not my favorite thing to do as it's only a way to waste time without really enjoying yourself in my opinion.


    Braid for X-box 360, PC and PS3:

    A puzzle game. Messing with time is the theme of the puzzles in this game. The controls are pretty tight and the puzzles can be somewhat difficult.

    The art in this game was done by a webcomic artist and all of it looks pretty great. The music however is a non-entity. If there was any I can't remember it at all.

    It's a passable game. I just don't think it's very memorable.


    SMITE for the PC:

    A Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game. This game uses a 3rd person perspective and gods as the characters. You move with WASD and turn/aim around using the mouse. Skills are mapped to 1-4 with activated items on F and G. Consumables are automapped to Z and C. When you want to activate an ability you click on the corresponding number and then move your mouse to where you want to unleash the skill. Although the best way to see this is to watch a game.(I didn't realize that Smite's broadcaster didn't pick up in-game sounds so it's kind of quiet.)

    The music in this game is really good and the game looks great. This game also has the single loudest 'Game is Ready' sound to ever exist.

    Personally I like this game more than any of the other MOBAs out there.

  6. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Poytin, you should play Yoshi Story already.
  7. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I'll get around to it.

    American McGee's Alice for PC:

    An action platformer on the PC. I'll admit this game does have some control issues. Jumping is kind of an issue. As is gravity. While jumping you'll sometimes bounce off of things or fall in a direction opposite of where you're going. One example is an early level where I jumped to dodge an attack and instead of going forward like I was pressing I fell backwards towards instant death. Also somethings will kill you with no discernible reason. In one of the later levels you have to climb a clockworks. Towards the end I jumped at one of the final platforms and hit the edge of the gear I was landing on. This killed me instantly.

    The graphics are good for when they came out. The best part of this game is it's atmosphere and story. The story is dark in a good way and it's atmosphere reflects that. The weapons are fairly useful. However I found myself never using the Demon Dice or the deck of cards.

    The music of this game is very subdued and fits the tone of the game.

    Despite my frustration at points due to some of the mechanics I enjoyed my time with this game.


    .hack//INFECTION for the PS2:

    .hack is an action/adventure series on the PS2. .hack//INFECTION is the first game in the quadrilogy of the original game series. The game is designed to handle somewhat like an MMO. You trade with NPCs for gear and fight in fields and dungeons. Fighting in this game is alright but tends to get boring after a while.

    This game's strong points are it's story and it's characters. You come to care about these characters. You want them to succeed in their endeavors. The story is an epic length spanning 4 games that usually for me average at least 30 hours apiece.

    The music in this game is exceptional. Although not as good as it's sequel series. This compared to This.

    8/10 only because of how boring the combat gets after a while.
  8. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    By far the best weapon in .hack//IMOQ is Sora's blades (or whatever they're actually called) because, despite their actual attack power diminishing as the game goes on and you get theoretically stronger weapons, their gimmick is a surprisingly high chance of just hacking off 90% of your enemy's lifebar. It really does a lot to mitigate the fact that the game's combat system is incredibly tedious by the time you hit Quarantine.
  9. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Beneath a Steel Sky for PC:

    An oldschool adventure game for the PC. It's freeware meaning that's it's free. You can get it here. This game has a very simple control scheme. Click on item and another thing to interact. Or just click on a thing.

    The graphics are oldschool. This means you will see the pixels. The voice acting is from about the time when they really started doing it and as such isn't very good. The music and sounds are simplistic but fit pretty well.

    The story is set in a cyberpunk setting. This is where the game really shines. It's a good story.


    Back to the Future: The Game for PC:

    Another point and click adventure game. This one much more modern and made by Telltale. Although the gameplay is about the same. Use items on things. Talk to people. Solve puzzles doing these two things.

    The graphics are pretty smooth if cartoony. The voice acting is pretty solid and I found myself enjoying character's voices. The music is pretty good and even includes the Back to the Future theme song.

    The story is satisfying and I look forward to playing the 3 episodes that I haven't gotten to yet.


    Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers for PC:

    Another oldschool point and click adventure game for the PC. This is Sierra's take on the horror genre for an adventure game. The controls in this game are the same as they are for the other two. Collect items. Use items on other things. Talk to people to get stuff done.

    The graphics are a bit better than the ones in Beneath a Steel Sky. However this game's voice acting are incredibly superior and features Tim Curry as the titular character and Mark Hamill as his friend Detective Mosely. The music in this game is intensely atmospheric.

    The story in this game is phenominal. Indeed I would count it as my favorite adventure game story of all time. I would not be mad at all if this game were to be remade with better graphics.

  10. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    I just finished playing through this last night. It is good.

    One strange things about it is the next three episodes. They don't feel quite as episodic as eps 1 and 2, and they take a much darker turn, especially in ep 4 and 5. I won't spoil it, but it's well worth playing and Marty's kinda a monster. He's amoral, willing to do anything, manipulate anybody for what he considers to be right. And yeah, he's a monster too.

    Great game, but I came to dislike the protagonist. Does he just switch off from being a calculating sociopath when he's living his normal non-time travelling life? It's very strange for a game to make me look at the protagonist as being separate from myself.

    Actually, Telltale did it with the Walking Dead too. I wonder if they shared writers between the two dev teams.
  11. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Just tried DA:O on the PC. Amazing how much shittier the combat feels.
  12. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Xiph0/Poytin: Would the combat be improved by using a 360 controller, or is the problem deeper than that?

    edit: DA:O doesn't have gamepad support at all. There goes my plans to plug in a 360 controller. The only way to get it working is to map key presses to gamepad controls with the likes of Xpadder, or use Pinnacle which has already mapped the keys for many games, but costs money. Both have mixed results.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2013
  13. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    I'm misclicking a lot trying to get through combat scenes, wrestling the camera a bit here and there, whereas I had neither issue on the PS3. My little dude would target the enemies and run up and start hacking them automatically most of the time, and the camera would mostly stay in a good position.

    I'm loathe to really criticize them more than that because I can tell they were trying to do more with the PC version - make the tactics deeper, etc. And I don't actually mind that aspect of it. It has 'tactics slots' like on the PS3 version, and those work just fine and are my preferred way of managing parties in games like that [Final Fantasy too].
  14. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    The Blackwell Legacy for PC:

    A point and click adventure game in the old style by Wadjet Eye Games. This game was streamed mostly on Irene's suggestion.

    First off you can tell that this game takes a large amount of inspiration from the Laura Bow games. You know without the horrific murders. So less stuff like a guy having a stuffed porcupine shoved through his chest. The controls are standard and in addition to your generic inventory puzzles you also have puzzles with talking to people and combining phrases together in your notebook. It's these notebook puzzles that'll really frustrate you because you'll recognize a solution to a problem but not realize that you have to combine things in the notebook for the character to realize it.

    The game looks like it was designed to look. It's very deliberate in what it looks like. And for what they were going for it looks very good.

    There are some sound issues with this game. Whoever mixed the sound put the voice actors way too loud in comparison with the background noise. The background music is also forgettable.

    The story is fairly enjoyable overall.


    Also I started moving all of my streams over to youtube. Excluding the next game. So here's the first part of the playthrough for this game. Part 2 is also up on my channel.

    .hack//MUTATION for the PS2:
    Yeah this exact thing except with some additions. I now realize why this game got concurrently lower reviews upon every release. Because you get angry at how the controls are boring and don't change. And the music starts to get on your nerves. So I'm going to go ahead and call it here.

    7/10. With OUTBREAK being 6/10 and QUARANTINE being 5/10.
  15. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Glad they're on Youtube dude.

    Watching people game isn't really my thing but I put one on in the background the other night (and kept half an eye on it). *thumbs up*

    Here's hoping the channel takes off :p
  16. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Borderland 2 for PC, PS3, and X-box 360:

    A first person shooter/RPG hybrid game by Gearbox Software. This game is very good at what it does. And what it does is cause me to laugh maniacally while hitting enemies in the face with a saw-hatchet. The shooting in this game is very satisfying and the RPG elements actually effect your character.

    The game looks very nice on my computer which enhances my enjoyment of turning an enemy into mutliple bloody chunks. The music is very understated and fits very well when you actually pay attention to it.

    All I'm going to say is that I would recommend that people play this game themselves.


    My playthrough on youtube starts here.
  17. Dark Minion

    Dark Minion Bright Henchman DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Sep 22, 2006
    ... Duck Tales? You are playing Duck Tales????

    (Poytin wanted me to bump this thread so that it doesn't look like as if he is the only one posting in here)
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2013
  18. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Neverwinter MMO for PC:

    A 3D action MMO by Perfect World Games. This is probably the best MMO I've ever played. It's the only one that I've ever hit max level in to be certain. However my MMO add kicked in shortly afterwards and I was bored of it. It's an action MMO meaning that you can dodge attacks and in fact dodging/guarding is a big part of the game.

    The game has excellent graphics and interesting attack animations. The music is top notch and always seems to fit the area/situation you're in.


    XCOM: Enemy Unknown for PC, PS3, and X-box 360:

    A turn based strategy game featuring aliens developed by Firaxis Games. This game is my new definitive game for the turn-based strategy genre. The game handles very well and is extremely fun. You become attached to your characters and are sad when they die... except when you aren't(Looking at you Chaos). The game handles very well except in one circumstance. This circumstance is a gamebreaking glitch where the enemy AI will bug out and attempt to move to a spot that they can't. This causes the game to lock up. The game is still running but you can't do anything but stare at the screen as the enemy turn attempts to finish but can't.

    The graphics in this game are top-notch and quite effective. The music is low-key and very nice. The sound effects are great and fitting for the situations you hear them.

    I'll eventually get back to streaming more of this game and see just how far all of you DLPeeps can go. Playthrough of mine on Youtube begins here.


    Amnesia: The Dark Descent for the PC:

    A survival horror game developed by Frictional Games. This game is held as a gold standard for modern horror games and for very good reason. It seemingly jumps back in time to the golden age of horror games. Back when you didn't fight back against what was after you because you would lose. When you try to hide desperately as your heart decides that being in front of your ribcage is a better position than within it.

    The graphics in this game aren't the best. But they are very fitting for their purpose. Dark colors with brief bits of color are strewn throughout the entire game. Darkness seems like actual darkness instead of being pitch black. Grime covers everything you see and makes it all that more brilliant. The sound in this game is some of the most effective horror sounds that I've heard in a game. But to be honest the sound after a while stops being scary and moreso becomes a warning system. Beginning of my Amnesia stream uploaded here.

  19. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream for the PC:

    Based on the chilling short story by Harlan Ellison this game was released in 1995 by Cyberdreams. This is a point and click adventure game released during the decline in the genre. The story of this game is excellent and will genuinely make you feel uncomfortable or in some cases angry. It's not as unsettling as it's source material but then again it never could be. Harlan Ellison himself voices the supercomputer antagonist AM and does a surprisingly or unsurprisingly based on how he writes his stories great job as a supercomputer with a severe hatred for humanity. All of the voice acting in this game is great.

    However this game has some flaws in it's coding. Mostly in recognition of objects on the screen that can only be accessed after certain triggers are done. So until you trigger these items you'll see them but be unable to touch them and the character you're playing won't be able to see them either. This game also doesn't have a traditional happy ending... but with the subject matter what could you expect?

    Only that coding flaw keeps this from being one of the greatest adventure games of all time.


    Watch my playthrough here.

    Psychonauts for the PS2, X-box, and PC:

    An action-adventure game released by Double Fine games. This is one of the best action-adventure games ever released. I'm not sure if there's anything about this game I can say that hasn't already been said by everyone and their mother. It has amazing humor, amazing levels, tight controls(even though I'm not the best at keyboard controls), brilliant music, and great characters. All I can really say is that you all should play it for yourself. Or just watch my playlist.


    Watch my playthrough here.

    Stacking for the PC:

    Stacking is a 3d puzzle game created by Double Fine. This is an odd little game created during the original Amnesia Fortnight. The premise of the game is that you're the smallest size of Matryoshka doll and can jump into dolls a size up to gain control of them. You can continue doing this until you reach the largest size of doll. Each doll has it's own special ability that you'll use to try to solve the puzzles of each level. Each puzzle has mutiple solutions for you to search for.

    The controls are very simple which is good in a puzzle game. The music in the game is almost all classical music which is very nice. The humor is standard for a Double Fine game which is a good thing. You can tell however that this game was made very quickly and in a rushed manner. I beat it in less than 2.5 hours. Someone more inclined to solving puzzles could probably finish it in less than an hour and a half if they only do one solution for each puzzle. I also don't find that much replay value in this game.


    Watch my playthrough here. I had tech issues so there are 2 more videos than there should have been.
  20. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Brutal Legend for the X-Box 360, PS3, and PC:

    This is an action/RTS hybrid game created by Double Fine games and published by EA. Let's start by saying that if you get this game on the PC you should get out a gamepad to play it with. This game was never meant to be transferred to the PC and it shows. I'm going to try to give this game a fair evaluation despite my anger at it.

    This is beyond all a great looking and great sounding game. The voice acting is top notch with people like Jack Black, Lita Ford, Rob Halford, and Tim Curry. The sound track is amazing but I'm biased because I was raised on metal music. The animations are smooth and the story is interesting.

    The controls however are another story. Movement feels way too tight especially when driving the car. RTS combat is awkward when you're trying to direct troops while at the same time fighting yourself. And using a Guitar Solo in the middle of a fight breaks up the flow and seems distracting. There are also some incredibly jarring difficulty spikes.

    Look and Sound: 10/10
    Gameplay: 5/10

    And despite how good it looks and how awesome it sounds gameplay is the most important part of the game.

    6/10 <-Might be affected by my rage. Watch how I came by my rage here.

    Yoshi's Story for the Nintendo 64:

    Yoshi's Story is a platformer released by Nintendo. This game is short and to the point. It's 6 pages where you play 1 level per page. So the game is over after 6 'levels'. But each page has 5 levels you can chose from.

    This game is very much a game related to Mario. And it plays as such. The only difference between this game and other 2.5d Mario games is that Mario doesn't show up at all except in name. This games graphical design is adorable. The music is also very cute.

    8/10 Watch my quick playthrough here.

    Wheel of Fortune for the SNES:

    Wheel of Fortune is a daytime gameshow. This is a video game release of it for the SNES.

    The controls aren't bad if a little odd since you use X as your primary button instead of A or B. The AI is incredibly dumb though.

    6/10 Watch my video of it here and see Proudboar's skills.

    Family Feud for the SNES:

    Family Feud is another daytime tv gameshow. This is also the SNES version.

    The controls are pretty good nowadays. The only difficulty with the game is trying to put yourself in an early 90's mindset. Which Proudboar does very well again. The AI is also broken.

    6/10 Watch everyone in stream participate here.

    You Don't Know Jack Volume 4: The Ride for the PC:

    You Don't Know Jack is a trivia game made by Jackbox Games. This game probably should be played by yourself or with other people playing against you in person.

    This game has very basic controls which it uses very well. The game is pretty funny and informative. I enjoyed my time playing this game even though I lost the first two rounds.

    8/10 Watch the video here.

    Frogger for the PS1:

    This is a variation of the arcade classic. There are also various other levels added in for variance.

    I really enjoy this game. In short doses. Goal is to move around and not die while collecting the frogs.

    8/10 Watch me suck at this game here.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013