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Dresden Casefiles #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Riley, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    I was reaching for someone to put at position #3 on the list as you had requested three scum and reasons for thinking it. Again, Luckylee wasn't exactly screaming scum-tells to me then and I had forgotten about Zeelthor due to his complete lack of participation while Kalas kept being mentioned by Riley.

    I was playing devil's advocate - assume the other guy is scum unless proven otherwise, rather than assume he's town. Kalas could afford to be late to the party as a scum with Riley reminding us not to go after him due to real life obligations, and I'll be honest here, Riley has not proven himself to be the most able of GM's(Dresden 1). Being so blatant about leaving Kalas alone so he could mosey on in, play the role of being a good townie, and then shank one of us free of charge put me on edge, so I raised a bit of a stink about him.

    As for "We'll", just look through some of my last month of 500 club entries - I usually substitute alike-sounding words when I write quickly and don't catch on until afterwards. I corrected myself publicly rather than go the ninja-edit route as I could have at the time.

    If I were scum, wouldn't it be better to just sit back and contribute conversation that did not paint any one person so heavily in a particularly bad light, leaving me free to use my night action(s) with no one the wiser? I did not appear on your radar or much of anyone elses beyond Zeit's until I started in on Sloth.

    I'll state it outright now - I'm a vanilla mortal. Using words and suspicions is all I can do as I've pointed out in older posts, and I suspect Sloth of being scum. Luckylee has made my list, yes, but Sloth first and foremost.
  2. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I mean your reasoning is sound, Zenzao. But wtf? That means 1 less person Scum will shoot immediately. If they know you're vanilla, obviously they'll shoot someone else :/
  3. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    It's actually been a few hours since I accepted I'd be the one lynched. I don't mind too much, but it'd have been nice to have gotten farther.

    But anyway, what I've been doing since is trying to get as much info out as I can to you lot before I go, so, like I said, keep an eye on Lee, Bill...
    ...And, maybe Zennith? I don't know, that last post felt a little like a Good Cop situation.

    Either way, it was fun guys, though apparently I'm just not that good at it. Maybe on the next one.

  4. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Dermon I'd like you to post whatever you have written if anything before day ends in the next minute or so. It's been awhile since your last post.
  5. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA

    [4] Luckylee - Aekiel (#108 ) Sloth (#80) Citrus(#90) Zennith (#91)
    [6] Sloth - Zenzao (#82) Dermon (#83) Kalas(#92) Zeitgeist(#94), RuckyRee(#96), BillDoor(#98 ),
    [1] Zeelthor - Zircon (#32)
    [1] Zircon - Lyrium (#127)

    [1] Not Voting - Zeelthor,

    With 13 alive, it is 7 to hard lynch, and 4 to soft lynch.




    "Oh. I see decision was made with some reluctance. Are you sure?

    If you're sure well then, I hope you're prepared for this."

    A loud tinkling is heard and then a wash of bright neon green covers the room. A bloodcurdling shriek followed by several disheartened gasps is heard and then the lights dim down to midnight black. No one can see, but everyone can hear the last words of "Sloth" as he croaks out a final statement.

    "But I was new."

    The crowd as a whole listens as Sloth breathes his last, some grumble promises of murder, some remain silent.

    "Now, it's nighty-night time. Sleep tight, don't let the red bite. Oh and Dresden, I'm waiting."

    With the quiet descends and no one can hear anything. A curse is heard in the night followed by some shuffling before finally silence swallows the captives for the time being.


    You obviously can now post in QTs
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  6. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
  7. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA

    The night had been filled with sound. A brief glow encompassed one of the still sleeping forms, too dim to determine who or where it'd happened. Another had subtly altered the air around two members, disguising them as each other. But the biggest problem was the death cry that woke everyone.

    "Tut tut, vigilance and paranoia serve you well here folks. Just ask Zenzao.

    Er, what's left of him that is.

    For indeed an orange clad husk remains motionless as the other members of the game gather around him. He has been bled dry in the night. He has a small piece of paper in which a single word had been written in blood. 'Ouch'

    "Dresden, what happened to your vaunted hopes and dreams of keeping everyone safe? I hope you're still alive in there somewhere. Maybe just maybe, we'll see what's what today."

    Day 2 dawns, Zenzao has been murdered in the night.

    1. Kalas
    2. BillDoor
    3. Zeelthor
    4. Zenzao
    5. Zennith
    6. Dermon
    7. Aekiel
    8. RuckyRee
    9. Citrus
    10. Sloth
    11. Lyrium
    12. Zeitgeist
    13. OllieK

    With 11 alive, it is 6 to hard lynch, and 4 to soft lynch.


    sorry, for late post. internet issues. 72 hours till Day 2 end.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2014
  8. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Okay, I want to see a lot more from Zennith, Kalas, Dermon, Zircon and Zeelthor. None of you posted enough yesterday and you need to fix that now. Also Lucky you said you didn't want to do stuff on day 1, do it now.
  9. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Never said I didn't "want" to do stuff day 1. Thats an annoying imply, Bill.

    Aek answer my question from earlier.
  10. Dermon

    Dermon Muggle

    Nov 30, 2013
    Ok, I apologize for my extended absence yesterday. I got literally shit on by work Sunday and Monday.

    Luckylee: Why do you think Sloth didn't claim before his lynch?

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:16 ---------- Previous post was at 21:11 ----------

    Also, Ollie/Rents/Zircon - do you still stand by your vote on Zeelthor?
  11. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Dermon, I would like your opinions on these two posts please.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:37 PM ----------

    Also Zeelthor, your only post yesterday was:

    You didn't even place a vote.

    I expect a response of some sort in the next bit, as I see you are reading the thread.
  12. Dermon

    Dermon Muggle

    Nov 30, 2013
    Zenzao was probably a power role. There wouldn't be any reason to claim if he truly were vanilla, seeing as that statement in no way townfirmed him.

    Combined with this, Luckylee looks like he's trying to distance himself from a Zenzao nightkill, as scum probably know that there's no reason for vanilla town to claim.
  13. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Thank you for responding. I was also wondering why you were around at day-end but didn't post (saw you were viewing).

    @Zeelthor I saw you viewing the thread when I posted earlier, and you still said nothing. Are you going to post or what?
  14. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Okay, the one person that Zenzao was obsessed with attacking was Kalas. Whatever the scum were thinking, Kalas must have been on their minds when they shot him. Kalas, what are your thoughts on Zenzao's death? Dermon's doubtcasting on Luckylee, coupled with his relative silence, also disconcerts me a little. Dermon, why do you think Zenzao was killed?

    Luckylee, start contributing to the discussion, or else you might eat a lynch. The odds are currently not in your favour.
  15. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    You have Ollie listed instead of Zircon on Day 2 player list

    I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of posts although I guess it's still pretty early in the day - 72 hours is fairly long.

    Thoughts I currently have:


    So first off, there's three possibilities for last night:

    1) Mafia targeted Zenzao, who is town
    2) Merlin made a switch, and Zenzao is town
    3) Merlin made a switch, and Zenzao is scum

    That being said, I have very high confidence 3 is wrong and 2 is very unlikely. The likeliest scenario is that Zenzao is town, and was targeted by scum.


    Next, I wanted to point out this:

    This reads poorly to me for a few reasons that I saw:

    1) I feel like this is a bit of forced filler, especially with the attitude change from earlier that held the very hands-off approach
    2) Rucky specifically mentioned how he doesn't/wouldn't jockey for towncred D1. This reads to me as going against that grain of thought


    Next up, thoughts on Sloth.

    Sloth had many chances to claim and did not fail to do so, but rather chose not to do so. The three possibilities of his role are TPR, vanilla, and scum. From a TPR point of view this makes the least sense, as it deprives us of a power role AND does not inform us that we have lost it. From a scum point of view, this does not make much sense either, as claiming would likely push the lynch train off for at least a day AND/OR cause the real TPR to out in a counter-claim. He still had a fairly cool tone towards the end of the day, plus with his coaching from Font strongly makes me believe he was in fact a vanilla. Assuming this is right, I wonder if Font told him not to claim rather than claim vanilla because it ends up strengthening the view later on (and such a gambit is fairly suboptimal if he's scum).

    I also believe Rucky and Sloth are unaligned players, from their interactions and the fact that they were counter-trains.

    For now, vote RuckyRee


    Now to look at the voting tallies. First off, the lynch trains.

    [4] Luckylee - Aekiel (#108 ) Sloth (#80) Citrus(#90) Zennith (#91)
    [6] Sloth - Zenzao (#82) Dermon (#83) Kalas(#92) Zeitgeist(#94), RuckyRee(#96), BillDoor(#98 ),

    We have 6 players on Sloth's lynch train at day end. Eliminating Zenzao gives us 5 players, and as Rucky and Sloth both voted each other, removing Rucky's vote leaves:

    Dermon, Kalas, Zeitgeist, and BillDoor

    Also of note is the fact that Kalas, Zeit, Rucky, and Bill all placed their votes after Zennith, meaning a train was forming on Rucky before the counter-train on Sloth occurred.

    Thus, going off the assumptions that Sloth and Zenzao were both town, I'm almost certain there's at least one scum in that grouping, since either:

    A) Rucky is scum, and at least 1 scummate voted Sloth to help push that train
    B) Rucky is town, meaning at least 1 of the 4 players is scum or it was entirely a town train


    Now to discuss lurkers and non-committal players. Zeelthor is hard-core lurking, as I have seen him multiple times viewing this thread since day started, but he has failed to vote each and every time. Ironically, he said he is here and seems to in fact be, but not through his voice - he's not even totally afk, as twice in Day 2 I SAW him in the viewing section, but he nevertheless fails to post. If I had two votes, I'd place the second one here.

    Zircon is also showing very low activity - I don't actually remember a single post since his vote on Zeelthor - at least it was more useful than Zeelthor's "I'm here." He needs start posting so he's readable.

    I want Zennith to start posting his thoughts also. I want to see his thoughts/reads on the current living players, and whether there's any fence-sitting when he does so.


    Aekiel and Lyrium, I haven't forgotten you guys. I'd like you two (along with the grouping of Dermon, Kalas, Zeitgeist, and BillDoor) to comment on what I've said in this post-wall.



    Sloth likely town
    Zenzao likely town
    Rucky still scummy (it rhymes!)
    Dermon, Kalas, Zeitgeist, and BillDoor likely contains 1+ scum
    Zeelthor hardcore lurking
    Zircon/Zennith need to post more thoughts and reads
    Aekiel and Lyrium, I would like you guys to post your thoughts on the above

    At this point I'm heading to bed because I'm way past the time when I was supposed to sleep, so I'll be back tomorrow.
  16. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    They're the same guy.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 AM ----------

    I want to say that analysing nightkills, or trying to at least, isn't that great an idea because scum usually try to WINE it up with them.

    I disagree with your conclusion that Sloth was probably vanilla, I think the only way he doesn't claim is if he's scum.

    I agree that Lucky and Sloth are probably unaligned.

    You didn't include Lyrium and Zircon in your vote analysis, what do you think their votes suggest about their alignment. Also, what do you conclude in a Scum!Sloth/Town!Lucky world, who looks good/bad from their votes?

    I think Zeelthor has gone past the point of merely lurking to the point of not playing at all, in which case a replacement would be nice.

    It's interesting that you don't include Dermon and Kalas in your list of lurkers, they both have similar numbers of posts to the ones you called out. WHy is that?
  17. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    We have a number of options. We could pursue the Kalas link heavily suggested by Zenzao before his untimely demise or we could pursue Luckylee, under the predication that Sloth is innocent. The third option is we lynch Zeelthor or another super-lurker, because no talk is worst than bad talk, as established in the old school meta of the first tinyhunts.

    Zircon and Zeelthor are both ridiculously quiet, and unless they speak up, they're hurting the town more than anything, even if they are vanillas. Same applies to Zennith.
  18. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    …Me pointing on Zenzao's claim is somewhat weird when it could either result in a power player being murdered is bad? Alright. Citrus I really hate making NOU post but ffs your reasoning/ability to ignore others is bothering me. What ever happened to your pressure of Dermon.

    People that've been lurking badly have already been called out, so post.

    Aek still hasn't answered my question :/

    Citrus, if you're SO SURE that Sloth was town, why didn't he claim? In a game where you're town and they're no reveals on death, claiming should be an obvious move to give town some form of information if you're going to be mislynched. And I know/think Fonti would tell him that?

    Lynching a lurker is a bad idea, imho. Zeelthor just needs to be replaced :/

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 AM ----------

    Edit, missed Dermon posts :/

    So I'll take back the thing about ignoring Dermon. The rest of my post still stands.
  19. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    Zeit, if you assume a scum Sloth world who do you think would be his teammates?
  20. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Interesting, really? I explained my logic and both you and Rucky disagree, so could either of you tell me where the logic fails? Merely stating "oh it's less info, less info is not town" seems a bit weak AND it is actually explained with the logic in my post.

    Whoops, I did have some brief thoughts on these two's votes but failed to get it down on paper. Guess it's what I get for staying up way past my bedtime before putting together a long post.

    [1] Zeelthor - Zircon (#32)
    [1] Zircon - Lyrium (#127)

    Lyrium's post is notably late, when both lynch trains had fully developed. At that point, the only place he could have placed his vote is on Rucky (as voting Sloth would cause an early hammer) while he stated he wanted to place it on Sloth. That being said, it's still non-committal since he posted he was wary until Sloth was at/near L-1. I agree with placing it on Zeelthor, but any alignment can easily say "Hey a lurker vote on you!" Still a more useful vote than Zircon's and Zeelthor's.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Zircon posted and left. He kinda threw a vote out, which is more useful than Zeelthor, but it literally means his vote is not useful if anyone other than Zeelthor was lynched.

    Has anyone else here played with Zeelthor before, and does he usually do this? If replacing him is an option I would love for that to happen. That said, I have literally seen him viewing the thread multiple times and he still refuses to post.

    Vote analysis will be much more useful with a few more days, especially if lurking ceases.

    Is there a way to view a member's posts without reading through the thread and finding them specifically? I'm pretty sure Zeelthor and Zircon both posted once and left for the entirety of Day 1. Dermon and Kalas both did more than that. Additionally, Kalas was around much more during the second half of the day, and Dermon specficially cited being busy (which wouldn't really fly if he said it again, and it occurred during Day 1). So no, I didn't include them in my list of lurkers.
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