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Favorite Fanfic Harrys

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by kira and light, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. kira and light

    kira and light Seventh Year

    Jul 27, 2013
    What are your favorite fanfic HP´s? I want to read more stories in which there is a really well developed Harry, a relatable one or just a plain badass, since canon Harry is a bit bland in my books

    So i just list some of mine

    1.Denarian Harry from Shezza, just a total badass who takes shit from no one, loves to kick ass and be a total asshole yet still somewhat charming, he can sometimes be too much of an asshole but I love his character especially in interactions with Dumbledore and Meciel when he sometimes can show a emotinal side, without coming of as a pussy :cool: and he is imo the funniest Harry ever.

    2.Harry Potter and the Hero´s Path. i know the story is terribly cliche and is seriously outdated in most aspects (founders heir, bad OC, torturing dursleys, massively overpowered Harry) but the Harry in this is just awesome he is somehow relatable, rational, taking care of his own problems, takes shit from no one and can be quite cruel to his enemies. Just a perfect Indy Harry for me :D.

    3.Ectomancer, a Harry who is a really good at improvising, funny, talented, a passion for magic without being a bookworm and best of all he has still many aspects of canon Harry which make him still somewhat feel like this could actually be him, like the temper or his caring side

    4. Harry Potter and the Boy who Lived. A academic Harry who has a hard on for spell books, can be quite vicious, very proud and arrogant, ambitious, smart but still yet (hopefully that won´t change) no psychopath who cares for his family and friends though he can sometimes be annoying with his elitist attitude.

    5. What would Slytherin Harry do? Just the real definition what a real Slytherin should look like a Harry who pawns with brain instead of muscle, but he is to much of a dick for my tastes.

    6. Reign of Power. Can´t remember that much about him anymore, just that he was a good Indy Harry who just wanted to be left alone and not be the center of the war but still proactive to protect himself :fire

    Other cool Harrys are in TLIL, Alexandra Potter or dumbledoreseque ones where he gets his memories or becomes his pupil

    So what are your Favorites?
  2. Bramastra

    Bramastra Groundskeeper

    Sep 26, 2014
    a rip in time and space
    You took all the good ones, but imma have to say hhhhhhhhhh's harry
  3. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    I give credit to the Harry in 'Make a Wish'- fairly guileless but willing to banter with people, had an understanding of some things while ignoring others... up until he got offended. Then he stormed a cult of evil wizards (in Germany I think?) using old Russian battle magic to turn the whole enclave into bloody paste.
  4. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    This 100%.

    Forging the Sword Harry is also a great "canon, but highlighting his positive qualities" fanfiction Harry.

    Similar for On His Way to Greatness, though albeit a more AU Harry.
  5. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I don't like the "Brooding, Badass, Macho motherfucker Harry" cliche that DLP seems to like so much (or at least it did judging by the many fics in the library).

    Instead, I like the Dumbledore!Harry from Taure's "The One He Feared". Also, the Harry from Forging the Sword is nice, as he's close to canon.
  6. kira and light

    kira and light Seventh Year

    Jul 27, 2013
    Really? I haven´t red to many Fanfics just stumbled a year upon it and found the C2 community shortly after that, red some fics like A Second Chance at life and NOFP and some with many favorites on FF.net (I´m one of the few who wasn´t that exposed to giant magical trunks and epic shopping trips)

    Haven´t red many others like Wasteland of Time or Circular Reasoning or other highly rated ones in the C2. Really dissapointing if I really have red the best storys already because after story like this I won´t be able to read too many stupid cliche storys which were fine with me at the start of Fanfiction :mad:
  7. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    AK(aka Nuhuh'sNonjon's Harry from Dimension Hopping for Beginners), as well as Harry in A Black Comedy, are both right up there for entertainment value.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  8. Stan

    Stan Order Member

    Aug 19, 2014
    How are people fans of the Harry Potter series if they disliked the protagonist himself? I don't really like overpowered, over-studious and over-intelligent versions of Harry, at least not while he is still a kid. Prodigy Harry can be done well, but over-saturation of prodigy!Harry fics has made me develop a distaste for it.

    Anyway, for me, the best Harry is Harry from On the Way to Greatness. Intelligent, but not prodigious. Wary, but not paranoid. Hard working (when required), but still human. Politically savvy, but hardly in an over-the-top way. A lovely character voice, slightly snarkier than canon. He dislikes Dumbledore, but is not stupid enough to needlessly antagonize him. His 'People-Saving Thing' is not as suicidal as in canon, but he still risks his life to protect his friends. He is different from canon Harry, but none of those changes happened inexplicably or in a day. At his core, he still recognizable as Harry, and that is an important point to me.

    As for other popular versions of Harry, Dark!Harry is fine as long as he doesn't wake up one day and suddenly decide to go evil. Denarian Harry is a great character, but I'm not sure whether I could really call him Harry Potter. He is Harry in nothing but name. Harry in Equal and Opposite is great, as the story very convincingly shows his fall into darkness. He's probably my favorite characterization of Dark!Harry.

    As to versions of Harry I dislike, most versions of Harry who reach school and try to clear the library in a day are an auto-fail to me. Harry Potter does not study hard unless he has some particular motivation, and I prefer him that way. Not the most DLP popular version, but different preferences, I suppose. Any version of Harry who decides to become 'independent' in the course of the summer (generally after fifth year), and comes back with a 'badass' attitude that somehow involves publicly putting down either Ron or Ginny (The fact that they risked their lives for him two months ago is somehow irrelevant now) should be killed with fire. Overly snarky Harry. Over-Angsty Harry. Pussy!Harry, Super-Hermione's sidekick!Harry. Gay!Harry. Fuck them all.

    Again, different preferences, I suppose. The disgusting immaturity displayed by Harry and Sirius in front of the Wizengamot in A Black Comedy made me cringe. Definitely not my favorite story.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
  9. kira and light

    kira and light Seventh Year

    Jul 27, 2013
    Hmm... "highlighting canon Harrys positive qualities" I haven´t actually thought about it this way but you are right. This kind of fics are among the best since they have a very canon feel to them which i love

    Not like DBZ level wandless magic or concentrate and have just the intent without any magical theory to perform awesome magic.

    And I can´t believe I forgot Forging the Sword:facepalm Harry since he is basically canon Harry only fixed without the massive beef i have with the canon one (no curiosity about learning magic or discovering the the new world he lives in) granted he is sometimes a bit too much of a moralapostel imo.

    Haven´t red On the Way to Greatness completly yet since it felt so much of a rehash but I will continue it now.

    Have some people other suggestions for a cool Harry in storys so I can read them :eek:
  10. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    OTWTG is a canon rehash for the first 4 years. 100k words basically wasted. All you need to know is that Harry has made friends in pretty much all Houses and is wary of DE kids in Slytherin. Neville took Ron's place and Harry's relationship with Sirius is rather like acquaintances rather than family.

    Skip to 5th year. It gets good there.

    OT: The Unforgiving Minute by Voice of the Nephilim and The Prisoner's Cipher by I don't remember who, but you'll find it easily.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
  11. Radmar

    Radmar Disappeared

    Feb 3, 2014
    Czech Republic
    As long as Harry is rational, emotionally mature (no temper tantrums, textbook example is Harry's behavior when insulted by Marge in PoA movie), stable, and is not an asshole, I don't really care. I don't exactly have preferences, although I tend to prefer stories where I can relate to how Harry feels and acts. I haven't seen an exact match yet, but I like that Harry in Delenda Est.
  12. Starfox5

    Starfox5 Seventh Year

    Aug 27, 2014
    Delenda Est has a nice Harry. I like the "older, more experienced" Harry. Other than that, I like him loyal, passionate, and pro-active.
  13. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    I rather liked that, actually. Just what I imagine someone fed up with insults against his parents might do, without it being completely over the top.
  14. kira and light

    kira and light Seventh Year

    Jul 27, 2013
    Maybe I used the wrong words but, I don´t dislike canon Harry. I actually liked him in the first books I understand JKR wanted to portray him as a normal kid who just accidently fell under LV´s radar and focused more on friendship and love than adventure in the books.

    But I want a Harry who is on Riddle, Dumbledore level skill when they were young like in HPBWl that is not too overpowered since they would still own him due to decades of experience.

    I as a reader want to emphasize with Harry and his complete lack of wanting to discover all secrets of the magical world is really irratating me, his life as a muggle completly sucked. And he has a new chance to live in a new world and start from scratch yet he doesn´t invest any time in learning about this world, he didn´t even knew what apparating was till 6th year I think and spends his time on Quidditch instead of changing freaking reality itself or conjure the elements or other awesome spells.

    I would get it if he were a born in Wizarding world since this would be nothing special for him but he is esentially a muggle and even than magic is completly different from learning most stuff in RL I would never consider someone a nerd if he wanted to learn everything about magic.

    Besides he can sometimes be so much of moralapostel like not keeping the elderwand in the end that he sometimes feels like a wizard Jesus in the later books 5-7 which I believe did a real disservice to his character.

    But I like him otherwise love his backstory and his realistic kid like character in the first books but he just didn´t develop at all and I just want more magic in my Harry Potter who actually doesn´t need a asspull to defeat LV and canon HP acts to often like a muggle.

    Ahh... sorry for bringing this off topic but just had to get this rant off :fire
  15. apoc

    apoc The Once and Ginger King DLP Supporter

    Aug 24, 2012
    People's Republic of California
    I agree with a lot of the one's posted so far but I'm gonna have to single out all of Joe's fics. I usually don't like cliched badass or super competent Harry's but his are just so enjoyable to read that it doesn't matter.

    Whether its Wastelands of Time Harry quoting "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" during a fight or An Unfound Door Harry selling concentration potions illegally to fund his research, they never strike me as unrealistic nor do they ever break my suspension of disbelief. They have identifiable flaws and weaknesses despite being much much stronger than canon Harry.

    He takes fanfiction cliches and writes them so well and so enjoyable that I don't even notice they're cliches until I reflect on the fic afterwards and that's something impressive.
  16. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
    High Score:
    That is the opposite of what I want. Harry isn't that person. Maybe he could get closer as he gets older, but he's not a prodigy or a sociopath.
  17. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    That's Nonjon, not Nuhuh.

    Anyways, Shezza's Harry is the best in my opinion, and it's not really close. A lot of the others mentioned here are alright, but overstated I feel. I find myself caring more about the characterizations of the ancillary characters more than Harry himself.
  18. Owimbowé

    Owimbowé Fourth Year

    Dec 23, 2009
    Water Mage writes what I think is the best Indy!Harry. He has a nice sense of humour and doesn't take himself too seriously, though when the chips are down he unleashes Awesome Magic™ on his enemies.

    I second everything that's been said of Harry in Forging the Sword, brilliant portrayal.
  19. Gurukid

    Gurukid Third Year

    Jan 12, 2007
    in The Zone
    I agree with most of these. The Harry in Conlaodh's Song by enembee is also a favorite of mine.

    The Harry in What You Leave Behind by Lane Anasazi is fast becoming a favorite as well.
  20. Arrowjoe

    Arrowjoe Auror

    Jan 27, 2011
    Vancouver, Canada
    I'm a big fan of Lens is Sanity's Harry from "An Old and New World" (badass Harry) and lulu42's Harry from "Path of Decision" (cross-over with Sandman).