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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Neville /tenchar
  2. Alpaca Queen

    Alpaca Queen Fourth Year

    May 12, 2014
    New York
    Reading Worm right now. I just finished the Slaughterhouse Nine arc, and god damn am I tempted to write a crack Worm/Slaughterhouse-Five crossover fic, with Billy Pilgrim joining the Nine and using time-related abilities to prove that powers are the result of aliens.
  3. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:

    Assuming that I went with that angle, and given that my thought process for the overarching story to date would be serious in nature most of the time, that raises a few questions; why would Neville be kicking up as many disturbances around the world as possible(crack response; he was disappointed with his wizarding world-tour post-Hogwarts graduation and thought it needed sprucing up), how would he have come by the resources to integrate himself into these positions of power in the first place(I suppose the Longbottom vault and/or auctions to amass the gold to fund his expeditions, but that's only a small part of the issue), and what does he hope the end result of his efforts would have lead to(global revolution? Nullify the Statute of Secrecy? Blend the wizarding and muggle worlds together again at long last?).

    I mean, with some effort I could maybe justify Neville if he's been warped by the end of the war with Voldemort, gone the way of his parents in the head just a little, but... hm. I don't want to invent someone out of whole cloth, or to make it too cliche, like a villain out of the history books(Herpo the Foul, in example). I once tossed the idea around of it actually being a displaced Harry himself, to prepare his past self for some apocalyptic future confrontation against the forces of the world so there'd be two of him to fight back when the era came, but quickly tossed that to the scrap bin. Same for magic-itself conjuring up some spirit to oppose/encourage the destructive nature of man.

    I suppose that it proving to be a variant of Voldemort would also come off bland. Say that someone manages to pull his mangled scrap of a soul out of purgatory, but who, why, and why would an unhinged Voldemort conduct himself so vastly differently compared to canon?
  4. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    It's actually all just misunderstandings. Neville keeps trying to get import taxes or restrictions reduced so he can bring in his new Egyptian Sunflower, but all the people he tries speaking to end up misunderstanding him due to translation issues. Neville doesn't actually realise he's nearly toppled the world governments.

    Seriously though, I see your point. If you make it another pureblood supremacist, you might as well have it be Voldemort reborn. If you did want to use Voldemort, then maybe something about the ritual itself binds him - "bone of the slave, flesh of the enemy, blood of the master", which means he has limited amounts of freedom, and has to follow their orders. Maybe he's doing everything the way he does in the hopes that Harry Potter releases him for the agony of his unlife.

    If Harry still has all the Hallows, you could have someone doing a Thanos - they're trying to stir up enough death and destruction that they get noticed from something from beyond the veil, or that it gets easier to remove the veil itself.
  5. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Since I'm a big fan of Erased these days, I thought about HP/Erased fusion.

    Lord Voldemort never existed and Harry Potter is just another young wizard struggling with his life. He also has an unique ability to travel short periods in time and actually change the outcome, something that is impossible with the Time-Turners.

    What he and many of his classmates doesn't remember (thanks to their parents decision to use a Memory Charm on them) is a murder case of 1992/1993 when few Muggle-borns where killed. Then something happens and Harry slowly regains his memories, but when he thinks it doesn't really matter since it was so long time ago, his mother is killed by the same murderer (she's accidentally discovered who he was) and he's framed for it.

    Now on the ran from his own estranged father who is an Auror he suddenly gets back in time, but not few minutes as he usually does, but to the beginning of 1992/1993 year at Hogwarts.

    Unfortunately he knows where little about the case. Only names of the victims (Hermione Granger, Colin Creevey, Justin Finch-Fletchley) and that the original suspect was Rubeus Hagrid (after he was arrested the murders stopped and the authorities stopped looking for anyone else).

    Who is the real killer though? While I'm unsure, I would definitely put universally liked by his students Professor Riddle as the prime suspect for the readers. For Harry though it would be Snape because of the connections with his mother, but there are more suspicious people like Quirinus Quirrell or two newly hired teachers, Gilderoy Lockhart and Remus Lupin. The point is that everyone has a secret for Harry to discover and the question is whether it's their identity as the killer or something else.
  6. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    The premise is that Hermione doesn't exist. Either she was never born or simply is a muggle. Bottom line is that she's out of the picture.

    This is an attempt to figure out the most plausible timeline of events given canon facts.

    Basically, what would most likely happen, not what a fanfiction author wants to happen.

    Events altered by her absence:

    - Neville looks for his toad alone. Probably helped by a prefect or another older student.

    - When Draco tricks Harry and Ron for a midnight duel, Neville comes with them (in canon both Neville and Hermione went).

    However, they are caught by Filch since there is no Hermione to use Alohomora to open Fluffy's room.

    All three then get a detention for being out of bed at night.

    It does however bring Neville closer to Harry and Ron.

    - During Halloween when the Troll is released, all students are accounted for so it is a non-issue for them.

    - During Harry's first Quidditch match his broomstick goes out of control as in canon, but this time Hermione doesn't interfere with setting fire to Snape's robes and Harry falls.

    Fortunately, Snape manages to save Harry in time before he hits the ground, but Gryffindor loses the game.

    - When Harry receives the Insibility Cloak for Christmas, he doesn't use it for going out at night since in this timeline there is no Flamel Mystery.

    As such, Harry never encounters the Mirror of Erised and does not see his parents.

    - Harry, Ron and Neville eventually learn that Hagrid is raising a baby dragon in his hut.

    However, they are reluctant to smuggle it out of the country at night since they already were caught once.

    McGonagall, having been informed by Draco discovers Norbert which is then taken away by the Ministry. Hagrid gets in trouble, but Dumbledore manages to keep him out of Azkaban.

    The incident is however used by Lucius Malfoy in small ways (furthering his influence in the Ministry).

    - Several weeks later, Professor Quirrell suddenly disappears.

    While Quirrell was able to easily get past the Stone's defences, he is ultimately stopped by the Mirror of Erised and takes too much time before Dumbledore arrives and Voldemort is

    forced to flee, leaving Quirrell to die.

    The year ends with Slytherin winning the House Cup.

    - Harry's summer is like in canon with Dobby stopping his letters and wanting Harry to not return to Hogwarts.

    - Canon follows more or less the same until Diagon Alley when Harry and the Weasleys encounter the Malfoys.

    In canon the presence of Hermione's parents caused a fight between Arthur and Lucius but here they are not present and no fistfight happens.

    Of course, since Lucius plans on giving Ginny the Diary anyway, it is possible and plausible that he manages to somehow give it to her anyway.

    We will assume that he does, since due to the Muggle Protection Act Arthur is pushing Lucius really wants to ruin Arthur.

    - Events again follow as in canon with Harry and Ron taking the flying car to Hogwarts.

    We stick with canon more or less until Halloween when the Chamber is opened.

    - Hermione isn't there to pressure Binns to tell about the Chamber, but Harry, Ron and Neville most likely learn about it from a different source.

    - There is also no plan to use the Polyjuice Potion, so the boys are left with just suspicions that Draco is the Heir of Slytherin.

    - The Dueling Club still happens, Harry speaks Parseltongue and falls under suspicion of being the Heir himself. Thankfully, Ron and Neville stick with him.

    - Because there is no polyjuice plan, the boys don't learn from Draco that a muggleborn girl died the last time the Chamber has been opened.

    - When Ginny tries to get rid of the Diary in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, Harry finds it as in canon and learns from Ron that Tom Riddle received an award for service to the school 50 years ago.

    - Eventually Harry writes in the Diary and discovers Riddle and learns from him that Hagrid is the Heir.

    - Naturally, Ginny eventually steals the Diary back as in canon.

    - As Hermione is not there to be petrified, and doesn't warn Penelope about a Basilisk, the beast kills Penelope.

    - The Ministry arrives and arrests Hagrid, taking him to Azkaban. Dumbledore is suspended by the board of governors.

    - Harry and his friends do not follow the spiders as in canon, since in canon it was Hermione's petrification that made them enter the forest.

    - Ginny Weasley disappears. Lockhart escapes the school fearing that the other teachers will want him to find her.

    - Down in the Chamber, Ginny dies and Riddle regains physical form. He then leaves the Chamber, takes the Diary and goes looking for Voldemort.

    - Hagrid is released from Azkaban since Ginny disappeared once he was already in prison. However, he is not allowed to return to Hogwarts.

    Unsure events:

    Would Dumbledore be reinstated at Hogwarts?

    Would Harry be suspected of being the Heir? On one hand an attack happened when he was at school while Hagrid wasn’t, but on the other hand the victim was a pureblood girl and a sister of Harry’s best friend.

    Dumbledore in this timeline is missing a valuable piece of the puzzle: the Diary. In canon it allowed him to figure out that Voldemort made Hocruxes and that Harry is a Horcrux himself.

    How would Riddle restore Voldemort? I am unconvinced that they could merge. It is most likely that he would simply nurse the Dark Lord back to health like Pettigrew did in canon. They would then plot to kidnap Harry and use his blood. On the other hand, in this timeline Voldemort did not see Harry burn Quirrell to ashes with his touch, so he may not know about Harry’s protection.
  7. blogwraith

    blogwraith Squib

    Nov 23, 2014
    Hermione isn't necessary for the Flamel Mystery. She eventually solves it, but Harry's involvement is instigated by his friendship with Hagrid which formed before meeting Hermione. I also don't agree that Harry would need a special reason to use his new sneaking cloak to sneak about at night.

    Is Neville now the voice of reason stopping Harry & Ron from being foolish to help a friend? This could work.

    Without Hermione's polyjuice plan there's no reason for Harry to ever hang about with Myrtle in the girl's loo. If Harry gets the diary, it can't be as in canon. Ditto Ginny stealing it back. Either someone else finds the diary or the attacks end.
  8. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    Well, if you continue down that line, the Weasleys probably don't take a vacation in Egypt, Sirius doesn't see Wormtail in the Prophet and doesn't escape.

    You made Hermione's emission influential in parts where it would probably be replaced by a similar action - for instance, instead of using Polyjuice to interrogate Malfoy, Harry can simply decide to use his invisibility cloak to get in the Slytherin common room and listen to the rumors. What I'm saying is, just because Hermione isn't there to do certain things, doesn't mean they won't do those things themselves. The books made her the only one to realize that the monster was a basilisk, but it was for plot reasons, to keep her relevant - if it's not important to the plot, Dumbledore, for instance, would probably know it himself. In other words - lack of a nail makes a difference, but there are still enough nails to hold the place together.
  9. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Except that the only reason Harry even knows that the Stone is at Hogwarts is because he saw Fluffy. In this timeline Harry doesn't know about Fluffy at all.

    Harry found the Diary in Myrtle's loo because he was passing by and saw a huge amount of water coming out of it. He went inside and Myrtle told him that someone tried getting rid of the Diary.

    Harry picked it up and read that it belonged to Tom Riddle. Ron remembered Riddle's name.

    This happened way after the Polyjuice thing.
  10. blogwraith

    blogwraith Squib

    Nov 23, 2014
    You're right. I thought that it was because Harry knew about the Gringotts break-in and the vault that he & Hagrid had visited earlier. And the warning about that particular part of the castle in general. I still think his natural curiosity and tenacity would have got him mixed up in it, but in canon it was a question about Fluffy that got Hagrid to spill the name Flamel.

    Harry wasn't passing by. He overheard Filch complaining about a flooding near where Mrs. Norris was attacked. He overheard this while returning from the hospital wing visiting Hermione, who is recovering from the kitty-cat polyjuice mishap. And Harry investigates because he's already familiar with the area because of the polyjuice plot. I suppose Harry's curiosity could get him there anyway, or you could have him just stumble across it. But you seem to be discounting Harry's curiosity in other areas and just stumbling across the plot seems counter to what you're trying to do.
  11. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Hm, that's true.

    I just want to make the most plausible and realistic timeline given canon facts.

    I may just reread Chamber of Secrets because of it.

    I want to know what Hermione's absence does to this year.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I spoke about this in the Wand/NoWand thread, but I expanded the premise a little bit and would like to present it:

    The Dark One

    When Lord Voldemort casts the Killing Curse at baby Harry, it rebounds as in canon and destroys the Dark Lord's body.

    However, he does not immediately return to the world of the living.

    Instead, he is trapped between life and death for a long time.

    To him only seconds passed since the destruction of his body, but in reality many decades have passed.

    Upon finally appearing as a shade, Voldemort sees before him nothing but rubble.

    His shock and fury caused by his failure to kill Harry is somewhat tempered by what he sees as he explores the land.

    Not only he sees that there is very little to no plant life, but the sky is covered in dark, thunderous clouds.

    The muggle cities he sees are in ruins, as if destroyed by some kind of apocalyptic wars.

    Eventually he approaches a field of some kind, but it is a field unlike he has ever seen.

    Hundreds of thousands of pods with human beings sleeping in them.

    The humans, Voldemort notices, are floating in some kind of pink liquid and have many cables connected to their bodies.

    Assuming these are muggles, he attempts to possess one of them for information.

    As he does so, he suddenly finds himself in a completely different place.

    At a table in a muggle restaurant, with a woman sitting before him.

    He looks around and sees a reflection in the mirror, recognizing the man he possessed.

    Meanwhile his Occlumency abilities allow him to realize that what he sees is no more than a very convincing and powerful illusion.

    He attempts to learn some more about this place, but he is interrupted by a muggle who looks like a government agent.

    One thing leads to another and after a brief struggle the Agent kills Voldemort's host and the Dark Lord finds himself back in the field with pods.

    And so begins the Dark Lord's quest to learn what happened to humanity, both muggle and wizard.

    Some ideas:

    - Neo is actually a wizard, that's why he can do all sorts of cool stuff. It would also explain how he was able to use his abilities outside of the Matrix.
    - While Voldemort's Horcruxes are no doubt still existing somewhere, the wizarding world is long gone. He would most likely never get a new body, let alone a wand.
    - Because Voldemort is able to do what he does, programs like Agent Smith cannot assimilate him.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
  13. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    In canon Voldemort was pretty stationary for the most part. It seems to me that there would be no animals to infect with his presence. With no Quirrel or Wormtail how would he learn about the world?

    Might I suggest the machines somehow find him and help him regain a body. Only because he is a horcrux they can't fully assimilate him. So he escapes and somehow finds Zion.

    I would definitely be interested in a Matrix fic where Voldemort explores the real world more. I also can't see a fic where he is unable to access the Matrix. What do you think?
  14. Steelbadger

    Steelbadger Death Eater

    Nov 9, 2013
    United Kingdom
    Some men are born cowards; others, born warriors. A few, a magnificent few, are born kings.

    Wizarding Britain is the world's one true Republic, and is ruled by the Sorcerer Kings, chosen from birth to their rightful role. When any wizarding child is born they are tested for aptitude, for stength and for intelligence. They are then taken from their families to be trained from birth into the profession that best suits their temperament, whether warrior or poet.

    Muggleborns, as they cannot be tested and properly trained, are accepted within society only as serfs. Their children may join the glorious ranks of the Pureborn, but they may never do so.

    The children of the Warrior Caste, and the Sorcerer Caste are sent to the Rearing, at the ancient castle of Hogwarts. There they learn all they need to fulfil their role to its fullest extent.

    Albus Dumbledore has led Britain through war after war, to victory after victory, but the throne of the Sorcerer Kings is wobbling. A group of upstart Muggleborns, led by the Muggle-raised Tom Riddle, fights a guerilla war against the Aurors of Britain's Warrior Caste and in Europe Grindelwald leads a coalition of democratic nations against Britain.

    Into the world is born Harry Potter. Tested at birth he is immediately found to be of the Sorcerer Caste; the kings and rulers of Britain. Albus Dumbledore's eye turns to the potential successor, and so too do the eyes of his enemies...

    Basically, something of a mash-up between Plato's Republic and Spartan society, mixed with Harry Potter. I have a sneaking suspicion that this bunny might have appeared before...
  15. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I was thinking about Groundhog Day scenarios recently and a discussion on another board about it caused me to wonder what would happen if the TimeLoop involved more people, a lot more people in fact.

    How about the entire Hogwarts?

    Say that it starts in Harry's 4th year, so it also involves people from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. It could start on the day the students from the other schools arrive.

    So the day before Halloween.

    The Loops would last from that to the day of the final task, so it involves Voldemort's resurrection (though he's not aware of the Loops). Which is basically the entire year, more or less.

    I'm not sure how long the loops should last, perhaps several decades.

    Oh and it could be Harry/Fleur if that's your thing.
  16. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Hm. Those are some pretty hefty changes. An entire year is a very, very long time, especially for the entire triage of schools to be in on the matter. It does open up some interesting perspectives, especially if after the second or third loop the people begin believing Harry that Voldemort is both still around and on the way to a new body.

    Perhaps a person is only stuck in the loop for however long it takes them to meet some unspecified change for the greater good- IE Draco matures, Snape finds some measure of peace over his enduring hatred, Dumbledore forgives himself for what happened with Grindelwald, I dunno. Those people gradually vanish when the loop starts over again, but they don't quite return to reality- they're kept in stasis, waiting. Of course it becomes something of a horror when the last stragglers are still holding things up decades later, unable to change or unwilling to.
  17. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    That sounds like it could very well turn into one of Perfectlionheart's stories.
  18. Sran

    Sran Disappeared

    Feb 13, 2016
    High Score:
    What do you think of this plot?

    The plot follows a team of secret agents called The Unknowables which is a temporary task force headed by Kingsley formed in response to Voldemort whose job is to find and eliminate terrorists who are planning attacks in Wizarding Britain.

    While attempting to rescue a fellow security agent in Germany , Harry captures a traitor Terry Boot who formerly worked under Harry and threatens to kill his family unless he gives them the information about their terror attack plans on Britian. Harry is told about a terrorist plot to cause a magical explosion in a Diagon Alley which he and Ron are able to prevent. In the process they learn that this was only the first, of a series of massive attacks that had been planned.

    Terrorist mastermind Robert Greengrass, is causing trouble near the England France border. He plans and executes a daring Azkaban escape plan for Lucius Malfoy.

    Thanks to a tip a Harry and team of officers is dispatched to interrogate Ludo Bagman who is an terrorist posing as a local ministry worker. Harry manages to get information on their local contacts after torturing him. They go to their hideout, but things go haywire when all of the squad members on the mission except Harry are killed in an magical explosion.

    To collect further information from a terrorist logistics planner in France, Harry and Hermione travel to France pretending to be husband and wife. Their plan to capture the terrorist Blaise Zabini goes wrong when Zabini finds out that Hermione is in fact an undercover officer. Hermione manages to hold Zabini and Harry arrives to find that Hermione has him unconscious.

    As per the information given by Zabini Kingsley sends Harry, Ron and Bill Weasley to meet their deep asset Viktor Krum in Bulgaria where Lucius is holding meetings to discuss the funding and execution of their plans. Harry and Ron crack into Malfoy's room with the help of Bill and manage to kill Lucius. As they are about to return, they find that Robert Greengrass is also at the suite. Ron stuns him out and they decide to bring Robert back to Britain, under the pretext that he is a relative who needs to visit Britian for an urgent medicine available only in britain. They manage to get permission from the local authorities for Robert (being shown as Krum's ill uncle) with Krum's help.

    For successfully bringing in Robert Greengrass, The Unknowables is given permanent status.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2016
  19. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    Did you have to fuse two of the existing ten or so black HP characters?

    The name is like a worse version of Unspeakables, and it's already terrible when Unspeakables are spies.

    If Harry is going to murder a traitor's family if the traitor doesn't talk then he's possibly worse than Death Eaters were in canon. Pretty sure they only killed the people opposing them not their families unless their families were also active opposition?

    EDIT: Wait! you're the guy who stole the plot from a movie wholesale for a fic before, is this just a movie I've already seen and liked more than this idea being painted over with the HP brush?
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
  20. rick

    rick Disappeared

    Feb 29, 2016
    High Score:
    It looks like a good action spy thriller. I think a good writer like Joe could do wonders with it.