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Harry Potter Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vaimes, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    No, you can't imply 3. I've played plenty of setups with that kind of warning in the rules where it simply wasn't true. And when it has been true, its generally because of the way town power roles are structured, not the way that scum power roles are structured. I'm currently assuming that flavor means nothing.

    I've been busy/lazy this gameday. I'm largely trying to sift through owner/majube posts and come up with a definitive read on the both of them that I can hinge opinions on other people off of. Normally being nice and encouraging, with some% needling questions mixed in lets me at least give myself a strong idea where those types of players stand, with something acting as a dead givaway in one direction or the other. This game they've both been kind of a muddled mess of mixed signals despite all of the discourse I've encouraged.

    Will get back to you with votal analysis later.

    (@Zenzao, is this a Citrus scum softball?)

    IIRC, this is year 3? Maybe 4? Its hard to remember after fantasystrike got nuked and Kai hasn't hosted the archive yet.

    1. We won't get any actionable information from a parity cop that refuses to check themselves even if things go according to plan.
    2. This is a closed setup and owner has plausible deniability for things not going according to plan.

    Like the general strategy you're employing of "make claimed PR use their ability according to town wishes to force the scumteam to help town or out themselves if fakeclaiming, or get useful information or make scum use up a NK in the claim is real" is a good one. It just doesn't really apply to owner's claimed role.

    *REDACTED* is why its fine to do anyways. But don't think for a second that owner is still alive because of your "plan".

    ---------- Post automerged at 23:11 ---------- Previous post was at 23:09 ----------
    owner , hmm, here's an exercise that would help me understand your position better. Could you quote, or paraphrase, the scummiest thing that each of proph/miner/jarizok has done this game INDEPENDENT of any other reads. Like, if you had to show me one post from each of them to convince me that they're scum, which post is it?
  2. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Thanks for answering Mal, Own. So I'll try an answer your earlier questions tomorrow Mal, sorry.
  3. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    Majube, I know I've thrown a lot of questions your direction with recent posts, but could I ask you to do a similar thing. What is the scummiest thing that Bill Door has posted this game? Direct quote or paraphrase, either would be fine.
  4. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Alright last thing for today
    I really wish you let more then one in conjunction cause look at posts hm, very scummy stuff out of context. This one because of how hypocritical it seems in hindsight. I don't know his playstyle but seems like mafia badly imitating town-in just this one post-by trying to deflect shade onto miner. Though keep in mind this post was from around early d1
  5. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    Day2 Vote KaiDASH

    Mmmm, actually can we do this? Citrus The Waco Kid Bill Door Prophylaxis

    I've had on again/ off again paranoid thoughts about all 4 of you because you've all been playing very "clean" in a way that I associate with scum!Citrus from Off the Grid, wherein scum get away with it by pushing the "obvious" world and by minimizing posting. While town will be messy and have weird little disagreements with you just from approaching the game from a different angle. But I think that at some point, I have to just roll with the people that actually seem to be reading the same game I am, instead of some entirely different game.

    And to me, Kai has just completely clashed reads the most, while also pushing the easy lynches. Like, I cannot think of any game with town!Kai in it where I so thoroughly disagreed with the gamestate with him. I talked about wanting to keep Kai alive on Day1 because I'd be able to read him easier later, but I'm really no longer sure that's the case. And owner/majube are feeling more and more like noobs I've mislynched, not noobs I want to murderize.

    ---------- Post automerged at 23:32 ---------- Previous post was at 23:29 ----------

    ugh, do I really prefer a KaiDASH lynch over Majube or Bill Door though? ugh ugh ugh.

    I'm going to step away from the current part of the thread and do the votal stuff/ reread stuff I intended to do earlier.
  6. owner

    owner First Year

    Sep 25, 2016
    here, in the present
    High Score:

    ^^Here's a town read that isn't a town read on Delphine. He starts by saying she's town, but adds that second line that basically says "I haven't seen Delphine as scum so accuse me if I read her wrong or fear vote her." (or that's my impression.) And then done at the bottom, he's pressuring his teammate to play better. But mainly, I'm referencing this for the Delphine comment.

    This isn't the only one that's scummy; there's probably tons more that are equally as scummy. But you asked for an individual read.

    Playing town isn't that hard so that leads me to assume he's got a better chance at being mafia here.

    Miner's refusal to vote until he had an opinion or him being fixated on lynching between the two new people would probably be near the top. I'm trying to recall if there was anything more scummy from him individually. That I haven't said already.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ----------

    how does KaiDASH play when he's mafia?

    Cause he was town for all 3 of WH7, Tinyhunt 6, and Concussion. And I would probably bet that he didn't have the same reads as you every game, so tell me what makes him scummy here?

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 PM ----------

    Better background music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEMVNuUfDuI

    Sorry Mal, I think my song is better than yours.
  7. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
  8. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    That's fine to ignore it insofar as being wrong on you, but you know that neither Mal/Bill are scum?

    With all due respect, ma'am, I expect you to drive your opinion down my throat so at least I have your stance on all matters. It's sure better than HF the mystery basket ingredient(this is both a reference to the usually entertaining Chopped as much as a jab at HF for being a gust of wind in the thread all game, there's no clear alignment in his behavior and I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't be scum-leaning him).

    Not unlike Waco>Majube>Jarizok in their first interactions(and now that I'm on a desktop again I do wonder why Waco mentioned trying to get a reaction out of Majube with his supposedly-RVS vote at GameStart). Also, how does either of those two's activity you just mentioned remove them from being aligned?

    Fair enough.

    I also figured he was just sticking his dick in the timeline like everyone else until I re-read his posts. His frustration with you felt more than a little 'general' IMO. And by your last line why are we keeping you alive then?

    So this doesn't actually discredit a scum!Bill world is the general take I'm getting here.

    re:260. Right now I'm feeling the former.
    re:441. You can post one if you want but to be frank I don't feel like trawling through another game before DayEnd.


    I think we're miscommunicating here. I don't recall your wall at that time and in my re-read of miner I was referencing his player placements not where yours were. I take it we're both still talking about miner with this paragraph?

    I feel its accurate to adjust your reads across the Day as different interactions arise, but I also expect an amount of consistency therein. If miner felt Jarizok was worth placing beneath Majube in his wall then, unless he placed them there at random, why was he not voting Jarizok instead of Majube as both were new and both were(insofar as I was concerned) radiating scummy behavior early on?

    It doesn't bother me as much as miner's determination to avoid voting D1, and I'd be a hypocrite to complain given my own take-my-time-to-vote process previously. But in line with what I said above about reads, place a vote and adjust as makes sense.

    His town-read of her was in #374 and it doesn't really help because he doesn't offer reasons.

    [/quote]Where's your head now in terms of worlds? [/quote]
    Majube is still there for certain. As I said in my #970 I'm on the fence about you and Bill(thus my re-vote onto Majube a little while ago), I am open to Proph being scum mostly if you are in fact town. Kai hasn't really changed much so far. I'm beginning to scum-lean HF for his utter death of a presence. Mal has made more town posts than scum posts IMO and I'm mostly grinding his gears to test his reactions.

    So Maj/Kai/(Owner=Bill=Proph).

    I could see it as newb!scum trying to get some credit for being on the 'lynch wagon'/'popular opinion' at DayEnd, and since the clock was about to run out it didn't ultimately matter much from the point of conversation.

    At the time it didn't bother me. But in hindsight(and after seeing Waco I think it was drop a wall before DayEnd) did I wonder about that when I was going through some of your recent posts at that time, especially after your presence in the game so far and how many players you had rubbed shoulders with. A lot of other players had strong feelings about one another, you not having any wrt town felt off.

    Yeah, I'mma call you out right here on that. You previously wanted only my thoughts and not what I felt my scum-leans were saying, but it mainly requires both together to get the point across. I feel that you have made more town-perspective posts by and large but the scummy ones don't just magically(haha) vanish into thin air because of that.

    Folks, Mal hasn't been transparent with his reads because he's scum masquerading quite elegantly as town. /s

    Post-Delphine flip you were one of the handful to stand out to me going back over the thread, so yes, I was looking for posts that fit you into a potential scum world, and those did IMO. Combined with your at the time refusal to address any of the post except for the final thoughts on scum-worlds and my vote on Bill you only added to that suspicion early into toDay.

    Re:Citrus scum softball; quite honestly I don't know. He's been town in my past couple of games together and I don't think that we've played a game or I've read a game of his where he rolled scum.
  9. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Gotcha, didn't realize you were female, noted for future sorry!

    Sooo definitely accidentally got wrapped up in for hours playing board games with some friends. Going to try to catch up real quick but would appreciate pings on anything particular I should look at
  10. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    EBWOP: utter dearth of a presence.
  11. owner

    owner First Year

    Sep 25, 2016
    here, in the present
    High Score:
    That's going to be me tomorrow night except it won't be so accidental. (Technically, it turned tomorrow 30 minutes ago but whatevers.
    I should get some sleep.
  12. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    I'm also heading to bed. May eye the thread from mobile again but any lengthy posts will probably wait until I'm back to the desktop in the afternoon and evening.
  13. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    I'll be posting tomorrow morning; apologies for my absence. Since it's the Thanksgiving break I should be more active from here on out.
  14. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Ok, rapidly skimmed through

    I think there's a dichotomy in Owner + Bill Door maybe because of how Bill Door reacted to Owner's claim, which felt pretty genuine. I've been waiting on a town!tell from Bill Door which isn't necessary for him to be Town but would make me feel pretty good about him should it occur (very high chance of him being town) of [redacted], and it hasn't happened. But even drawing him at a null, I'm leaning towards him being town based off the way Owner's played for the duration of toDay. That said, it seems like almost everyone has decided Owner gets a free pass toDay for mechanical reasons regardless of all the behavioral reasons to not do so.


    I'm still leaning town on Proph, but I really hate the fact that 1) a wagon piled up on him toDay and 2) he has been V/LA for most of it, which has basically meant a combination of 0 resolvement of Proph AND a ton of stagnation for all the votes on him. But he said he would be around and posting for Friday so.

    I still need to look at Majube, but I'm already at a deficit for sleep tonight as of sleeping right now, so pushing that til tomorrow.

    Vote: kaiDASH

    Should be Day soon over in Australia, so would love to see more than a couple sentences on: why Proph (specifically, because I'm still waiting on an answer to this from you), your thoughts on Owner, who IS aligned or UNaligned with Proph and why

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 PM ----------

    Urgh, I need to look at who's actually on the wagons still.

    I'm just going to do that in class toMorrow, night all

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ----------

    Also good God, we still aren't at 1000 posts and D2 is almsot over. This is like the first game in a long time on DLP where 1000 posts wasn't hit during D1, how unfortunate
  15. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
  16. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Back, ended up going out with some friends since I was off from work tonight.

    Two years in January, although I've taken a couple of breaks along the way

    Gun to my head it's this. That rule comes directly from Eido's set-ups where scum players would be given unused flavor names that blended with town.

    Highly doubt there's soup, that's generally an open game thing.

    Your showing a confidence I'm not feeling if your planning lynches 3 days in advance.

    I agree, it's not helping my feeling of owner/Majube at all

    In regards to the bolded in order:
    1) Owner's your top town, but "we have to wait on her checks" sounds like something you'd say if there was a reason to think she's getting lynched today, or you were abnormally concerned about her surviving, rather than something that let's us see why owner is really towny to you
    2) Can you explain to me what that comment about Zenzao is supposed to be about?
    3) Still on the priest thing huh? It was totally a semi-serious gambit, or maybe it wasn't. Regardless, I'd recommend you read NarutoMafia after this game ends, may explain some of the confusion you're having with me.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 AM ----------

    nods at the Proph quote

    Miner's one that I'm not sure on. His post just feel different than WH7. Less in your face, in the spotlight. Just not sure if this is his next developmental step, or him trying to imitate his town game. He's had some posts the read to me like "I'm a lone light trying hold back the storm," and other that have been plain iffy.

    That's Zenzao's town play in a nutshell

    It's both. That it was Majube was random, but I tend to keep an eye on people after I make the RVS vote to see if they give a tell in the aftermath. I had a read on Snowvon like that for a long time, and it worked on Delphine in WH6(?)

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 AM ----------

    My current thinking is to stick with my gut and vote Majube.

    Going to do some re-reading and think about it overnight
  17. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    why proph





    2 of 4 in owner, bill door, mallorean, majube
  18. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    KaiDASH, while you're here.

    Can you expand a bit more on your thougts about mal?
  19. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I guess I'll settle for post 999 rather than 1000 upon waking. Bit of a letdown but I'll get over it. Lurkers w8in for post 1000; this is your moment.
  20. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Post 1,000 is mine.

    Going to bed. night all