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dresden files
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Starting Dresden now.
Okay, before you guys start posting, I have to say that I have no clue about what Dresden Files is about, where it takes place etc. etc. My knowledge about the series (And yes, I do know it's a series) is limited to knowing it's about this character named Harry Dresden and the setting is apparently modern. That is where my admittedly very short amassed knowledge about DF ends. So, opinions about where I should start and whether I should start.
Does it get better?
I really wanted to like The Dresden Files, I really did. If for no other reason than to access the various crossover fics there are. But the series just isn't clicking for me so far. The first book wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. I would say just below average. It also did quite a bad job of explaining things, it felt like I'd started in the middle of the series than the beginning of it (I checked, I hadn't). I have barely any idea who the White Council is, what they do and if normal...
Dresden/Molly plot bunny
So sum assholez were all 'Oh, hey Vlad, check out all the Dresden/Molly you missed in the past years.' And they linked, and I read. And there... was not enough. Never enough. So here's the basic idea. I'm treating this more as a plot bunny for now because it's been so long since I've read the heart of the series that my head-space continuity is fucked. Serious refresh of canon is required. Just want to get a feel for the basic idea. So throw out any thoughts or ideas. ANY AT ALL. Harry...
White/Black/Grey Councils
I thought it might be interesting to speculate who we think it on the councils. Now really this is about the Grey and Black, but I added White for people like the Merlin, who I think are not part of either, pretty much good, but not willing to do anything against the WC. Black Council * Cowl, Kimori (Who I think is Justin) * Peabody (dead) * Some Denarian * ErlKing or someone high in his court (Wolf pelts given to FBI) * Dead members of the Red Court * Marva * Maybe White King...
The Dresden Files: War Cry
In War Cry, four months have passed since the events depicted in Dead Beat, the 7th novel in the Dresden Files series. A war is raging between the vampire forces of the Red Court and the White Council-a war the wizards are losing. So desperate are the Council that they’ve dragooned the experienced and the outcast to reinforce their thinning ranks of Wardens. One of these draftees is one Harry Dresden, Chicago’s only wizard for hire and a guy who’s long been looked upon with suspicion by the...
Book Rankings
I know people have talked about this in other threads, mainly the one on Cold Days. But I wanted to see how others ranked the DF books and why. Best to Worst 1) Turn Coat 9.5/10, Great character, dialog, comedy, epic fight, massive reveal and where the story really ramps things up. 2) Dead Beat, 9/10, Harry again really shows his shit, great clever plot and plan, good character and some great lines. 3) Changes, 8.75/10, Character growth! Amazing fights, emotional moments through out,...
Questions about future
1. Is Sarrisa more loyal to Mab or to Titania now that she is the new summer lady? 2. Why Titania would accept Sarrisa as summer lady being the daughter of her deadly rival Mab, and not kill her and give the summer lady power to the person she wishes? 3. Is like having Sarrisa as summer lady like making the Summer Court as a vassal to Winter Court.
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