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dresden files
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Dragons and Ferrovax
So, somewhere on the JB forums Jim said that dragons are beings with some kind of authority over part of the universe. Originally I thought of this in a geographical way. Like, dragons = stars. But then I thought more abstractly, like dragons could represent laws of the universe... or categories of matter. And then I remembered Ferrovax's name. The "ax" bit is clearly some sort of suffix for dragons, but "ferro" - it's my understanding that "ferro" means something like "relating to metal"...
Word of God Thread.
So, anyway, Jim says a lot on his site, but you have to go looking for it. I figured I'd put it all in one place for you guys. I'll put everything I think is important here, though probably not all at once. No wards on the office. You need a threshold for anything but teensy defenses, and the office is a public place of business, not a home. Actually, Harry first uses a veil in "The Warrior." And there's a big difference between magic done by sitting down in a lotus position,...
Stars and Stones
I've read on Butcher's forum that the last three books are going to be called Stars and Stones, Hell's Bells and Empty Night. You'll also probably know that these are curse words in the Dresdenverse, so I've been wondering... Why? From the two clues we've got I'm going to take an enormous leap and guess that they're three signs of the Apocalypse being nigh, or that they happen after the Apocalypse. Also of significance is that the White Court is the only one I can recall saying 'Empty...
Outsider Time Limit?
I was thinking about trying one last time to write a fic and just as I started to get into it I hit a little snag.Outsiders. They're meant to play a big role in the story but I couldn't remember whether we were ever told that they could only stay around for a certain period after summoning. I'm pretty sure that demons go back to the NeverNever at sunrise but I don't know if the same rules apply to Outsiders. Do they go back to the Outside, if so is that part of the NeverNever, or do they...
Another short story
It would appear that on July 20th 2010 Another anthology edited by P.N.Elrod will be published - Dark and Stormy Knights. It is official, all the contracts for the new anthology I'm editing are signed and sent in! The new urban fantasy collection is called DARK AND STORMY KNIGHTS and will be about the anti-heroes, those guys and gals who end up being good 'uns in spite of themselves. It seems that this will be the Marcone POV story Butcher mentioned a few times during signings and...
Side Jobs Cover
The cover for Side Jobs, the Dresden Files short story collection due out on November 11th of this year, has been added to Christian McGrath's site. The anthology will include all Dresden shorts up until Changes in the Dresden timeline (including one that hasn't appeared yet) and either three brand new short stories, or one novellete. You can see the cover here: http://www.christianmcgrath.com/MainPages/sidejobs.html
Quality Dresden material.
To be frank, Dark Lord Potter and perhaps The Archive are the only two websites I trust to have quality Dresden Fics. However, the list of material is shorter than any of us would prefer. Where, if at all, do you go for more of the same or similar quality Dresden fiction?
Fic Search
I'm not sure this is the appropriate place for this but here goes: The fic I'm thinking of was a HP/DF crossover, wherein the White Council goes to war against the Wizarding World and wipes it out. Potter ends up making a deal with Satan or somesuch to go back in time and stop it. The catch is, when he goes back he's possessed by the devil, who is attempting to initiate the End War. The Host is up in arms about it, and sends several agents after him, while Harry is busy trying to get...
News on Changes.
On complete accident, I stumbled across this: http://www.jim-butcher.com/news/000352.php Long ago, Susan Rodriguez was Harry Dresden's lover-until she was attacked by his enemies, leaving her torn between her own humanity and the bloodlust of the vampiric Red Court. Susan then disappeared to South America, where she could fight both her savage gift and those who cursed her with it. Now Arianna Ortega, Duchess of the Red Court, has discovered a secret Susan has long kept, and she plans...
Reading order.
I recently went out and ordered the first 10 books of The Dresden Files and went to pick them up last night only to find some bitch sold MY copies of books 3, 4, 5 and 6 so now I have 1-2 and 7-10. As you can imagine I was pretty pissed off. Ive finished Storm Front and am half way through Fool Moon so my question is this. Is it essential to read the books in order? I dont want to have the few books Im missing spoiled by reading the latter books if this is the case then I will just wait til...
Sell me on Dresden Files?
Hey guys.... Been around the forum for years now and only ever found a strong interest in HP series. Then comes fanfiction, and the more mature focused DLP favored content specifically and I find myself after years of reading exhausted of good material. Of course a few gems roll in every now and then but seems seem so slow these days. A couple HP crossovers (namely Shezza's Denarian series) has really caught my interest. So as someone who's never picked up a Dresden Files book I find...
pre-fic fact checking
First off, thanks to you guys, esp Shezza, for making me curious enough to pick up Storm Front and actually try reading the series; best $90 I've ever spent. Note: Spoilers through current (Turn Coat, no Changes speculation) Basically, I have an idea that I've been chewing on ever since I read Dead Beat the first time, which mutated as I finished the series. The outline that I have - sketched very, very roughly 25-30k words - is something that I want to present in a oneshot. I...
Just got my first book...
Sadly Turncoat from a bookstore nearby and I decided to take it anyway. Since I already know enough from the wikis and the sample chapters online, I'm up to speed on much of the stuff in the book. I'm seriously liking Dresden and his attitude through the book. Epic shit, but the whole skinwalker thing took me for a loop. Seriously, Butcher couldn't find anything else to overpower him with? (Only up to 220, so...) EDIT: nearly done, and I'm speechless. FUCK YES TO THE BUTCHER. Awesome shit. :D
Let's Write a Fic Together
I've often wanted to write a DF fanfic, and have in fact tried. The problem is, I simply don't have time to write a full fanfic. I'd be happy, however, to contribute an occasional chapter to one. I suspect I'm not the only one. So, I'd like to propose that we write one together. This has many advantages: - We can write a fic. - It will have a fast update rate. - All the authors can also enjoy the story and the suspense. Provided enough people (>2?) are interested, I think it could work...
Lash Theory
What happened to Lash has been a long standing question in the Dresden fandom. I'd like to put forward my theory. Let's look at the facts we have: - Lash is an imprint of Lasciel in Harry's mind. - Lash gets the Free Will to change from Harry's soul. - Lash changes, at least somewhat, to Harry's beliefs. - Lash disappears after psychic attack; Harry gains Soulfire. The proposed theories have mostly been variations of: - She's injured in his mind and will return. - She was destroyed....
Who has met Bob?
Ii was reading a fanfic the other day, and there was a scene where Bob starts talking while Murphy is in the room. She acts as though it's nothing. So, I thought about that... and realised I can't think of a canonical instance of Murphy and Bob ever meeting. Does Harry just keep Bob away from women? Butters and Thomas and Michael know him, but I don't think Murphy and Molly have met him. Have I missed a story?
Audio Books
As I'm sure we all know, James Marsters (most famous for being Spike in Buffy) is the voice for the audio books. I was surfing the net and randomly came upon a forum page that contains links to rapidshare uploads of the audio books. The two I've tried work, so that looks fine so far. I've never listened to an audio book before so I can't comment on the quality of Marsters performance. Seems decent, I guess. But I'd prefer to read. They be here. Unrelated comment: The person who...
Why no Turn Coat discussion?
The book came out a few weeks ago I believe. I picked it up the other day and read it in one sitting. I then came on DLP to discuss it and see what everyone thought about it, thinking that the DF section would have blown up with at least a big thread or two regarding it, but to my surprise there's not a single thread about it. Weird. edit: epic fail...didn't see the thread below. *kills self*
DF Fanfic Ideas
So Taure started a plot bunny thread for the HP fics, and I figured it wouldn't hurt to start one for Dresden. I've only got a couple and they're both based on things we know happened in Dresden-verse canon. 1. Not really a bunny, but something I've wanted to see for a long time now. Has anyone thought to write a fic portraying the fights with He Who Walks Behind, Dumorne, or both? We know Dresden made a deal with Lea for more power, and that he doesn't remember much of the...
Wish List [With TC Spoilers]
There's so much I want to happen for this series. I know Butcher will give as good as he's always given, but I would still like to see certain elements happen and freaking happen soon. Next year can't come quick enough. I figured in this thread everyone could maybe post what they would like to happen, or just speculate on what's coming/happened. -I want the Senior Council to see Dresden wield soulfire -The return of Chauncey -The gate(s) that need keeping -MORE Senior Council action -Maybe...
Strange Brew, Last Call
Jim's next short story is called Last Call, and will be a part of the anthology Strange Brew, which will be released July 7th. There's not any info available about the story itself (when it takes place, what new developments it's based on) yet, and there probably won't be until Turn Coat is released. Also, if you keep up with the graphic novels, Storm Front will be done in two volumes (at least), the first of which will be released May 19th, and the second will be released October 27th....
Butcher On Mab's Voice...
Ok, so i've been over on Butcher's site, mostly to get my shot of Dresden (or Dresden speculation which is equally as fun) when I ran across an interesting thread. Persephone, a forum member there, was nursing a theory that Mab isn't going insane--she's wounded. Jim replied in the same thread, saying: Quote: Quote from: Persephone on February 23, 2009, 10:55:46 PM But the thought that really hit home, especially considering the intensity of her wrath in the final scene at the...
Storm Front comic
Read it yet?
Dead Link Knight Harry by PeaceThroughSuperiorFirepower - T (One-Shot Harry Potter Crossover)
Title: Knight Harry Author: PeaceThroughSuperiorFirepower Rating: T Genre: Adventure/Supernatural Pairing: Harry Potter/Alicia Carpenter (but barely worth mentioning) Status: COMPLETE (though author may expand) Summary: Dumbledore was right. The Power Voldemort Knew Not was Love. Just not love as the Headmaster thought it to be. Xover with Dresden Files. Oneshot. Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4832979/1/Knight_Harry This is just an 11K word one-shot that sometimes reads more like a long...
'Turn Coat' sample chapters!
Just found this in my inbox: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jbannounce/message/80 There'll be sample chapters of 'Turn Coat' posted over the next five weeks, starting in 40 minutes if everything goes as said in the message. Here's where you can find the chapters: http://www.jim-butcher.com/books/dresden/11/ DLP's thread with preview chapters posted here: Turn Coat - Jim Butcher - Preview Chapters - N
Welcome to the Jungle
Has anyone read the Dresden Files comic, Welcome to the Jungle? I was over at B&N today with the girlfriend and while she was browsing, I saw it and picked it up. I sat down and read it and finished it within 30 or so minutes. It was awesome. Just like a Dresden short story with amazing artwork. There were some lulzy one liners from Dresden too.
Mean Streets
I was over on Butcher's site and decided to check out the forums (really need a decent Dresden fix) when I saw an announcement for Mean Streets. It's apparently a book of novellas about paranormal mysteries written by Jim Butcher, Simon R. Green, Kat Richardson and Thomas E. Sniegoski, and will be released on January 6th, 2009. Jim had this to say about his own contribution: "At the moment, I'm calling it "The Warrior," and it's going to deal with the aftermath of Michael's injury and...
Crossover idea?
Ok, so I had a vaguely thought up plot for a HP/Dresden crossover.The basic premise is that both Harry and Voldemort receive help from the Dresdenverse (so as to balance each other out). My idea was, that Voldemort was a White Court vampire from birth. Now before you go all 'Vampire!Succubus!Voldemort = buttsecks!', just wait. You should all recall that White Courts feed off the essence of life and emotion, not specifically sex. I figure Voldemort would take the route of a Malvora vampire....
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