1. DLP Flash Christmas Competition + Writing Marathon 2024!

    Competition topic: Magical New Year!

    Marathon goal? Crank out words!

    Check the marathon thread or competition thread for details.

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other fandoms

  1. TheWiseTomato
  2. pepper
  3. Moridin
  4. TheWiseTomato
  5. Cxjenious
  6. Aekiel
  7. point09micron
  8. Skeletaure
  9. point09micron
  10. Aerylife
  11. Klackerz
  12. Aekiel
  13. funkytoad
  14. Thorn
  15. Lion
  16. ASmallBundleOfToothpicks
  17. ketz3r
  18. DrSarcasm
  19. Cxjenious
  20. X Kronos X8
  21. Alraune
  22. Lion
  23. ShadowLurker
  24. 10dedfish
  25. X Kronos X8
  26. ASmallBundleOfToothpicks
  27. silvanatri
  28. X Kronos X8
  29. Dilla
  30. Onii
  31. X Kronos X8

    One Piece

    So, yea. Does DLP know any good One Piece fics?
    Thread by: X Kronos X8, Sep 25, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Story Search
  32. Celestin
  33. Hello
  34. Antivash
  35. Sin Saiori
  36. Animefan55
  37. Agnostics Puppet
  38. IdSayWhyNot
  39. Backfire
  40. Dilla
  41. Red Wizard
  42. Sully
  43. frodrick
  44. turtle7
  45. Scott
  46. Ryuugi Shi
  47. Hello
  48. Magus
  49. deathinapinkboa
  50. zzxxphaser