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DLP Flash Christmas Competition + Writing Marathon 2024!
Competition topic: Magical New Year!
Marathon goal? Crank out words!
Check the marathon thread or competition thread for details.
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Introducing for your Perusing Pleasure
New Thread Thursday
Shit Post Sunday
plot bunny
Same Title; Different Plot
It used to be a fanfiction staple. JKR would release the title of the next Harry Potter book. The forums would go wild with speculation. And fanfic authors would write their vision of the next book, using JKR's title as a starting point. The result? A hundred "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" fics, all of them featuring a different Order of the Phoenix. So, here's your challenge: put yourself in the shoes of a fanfic author of the elder days. The days before repetitive fanfiction...
Plot Bunny Thread V2
Hm. (sigh) No one has ever written a Bunny!Boiler Tonks or Fleur. :( "Don't worry, Ginevra," Tonks said brightly, even as Ginny continued to try and scream and curse through the tightly packed, moth-eaten rag. "Even though my Harry will soon be all sad and alone, I'll be there to comfort him and lift his spirits in his hour of need. After all, who would suspect me - bright, cheerful, innocent Tonks - of being the cause of your...disappearance?" She paused for a moment as the sound of...
Plot Bunny Thread
I think we all have a million and one plot ideas (or partial plot ideas) running around our heads that we know we're extremely unlikely to ever put onto paper, either from a lack of time or a lack of will. This thread is for the sharing of those ideas. It's not a challenge thread, and people can't go stealing ideas without permission (unless an idea is incredibly broad e.g. "post-OotP indy!Harry"). It's just somewhere we can talk about all those cool little ideas we've had, and maybe even...