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DLP Flash Christmas Competition + Writing Marathon 2024!
Competition topic: Magical New Year!
Marathon goal? Crank out words!
Check the marathon thread or competition thread for details.
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Introducing for your Perusing Pleasure
New Thread Thursday
Shit Post Sunday
Drabble Vomit Thread;
So, this thread is for random word spews: odd drabbles, incredibly short scenes, that have no coherent plot or idea behind them. Drabbles/word-spews like this are seen in iRC all the time - basically, this just opens it up to anyone on the forum. Unorganized random crap that just spews from your brain. Plot bunnies, ideas, and scenes that have things planned out with antagonists, conflict, etc., should go in the Plot Bunny Thread - if you want to write more than drabbles/word-spew, Nuhuh...
Masterlist Gamertags
Link! If you find that your information is not present, or wrong, please post here and let us know, and it will be changed and/or added for you! Have a steam account? Stop and read this before you post: Making Steam Friendships easier for everyone: Enable a custom profile URL, to get one of those fancy http://steampowered.com/id/<name> links: Profile > Edit Profile from the right side list of links. [img] If all else fails, please provide your profile link by accessing your...
Other DLP Stylish Themes
Wasn't sure if I should put this in the FanFiction.Net Themes thread, or make another one, so here ya go. Ficwad DLP Theme v0.9c @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); @-moz-document domain("ficwad.com") { body { background: #0a1c0b !important; color: #cccccc/*ffffd0 cce1cf*/ !important; } a, .action_link button, a:visited { color: #93be91 !important;} a:hover,a:visited:hover, .action_link button:hover { color: #34d238 !important; } #storytext { font-size: 15px !important;...
Tabletop Games
So, I've been GMing an IRC Dark Heresy game for a bit now. I'm up for about anything, but I really would like to run a UA game, probably from the One-Shots book. So far I've got Tehan, probably Trag, Havoc, Jon and Zombie interested. What does this mean to YOU? Well, Unknown Armies is a fucking epic game. It's set in the modern world, but with one big exception to normality. Magick EXISTS. You can feel it all around you, in the air, in the headlines of the newspapers, in the blurry...
Princep's Fury
It came out today. :awesome I haven't had a chance to get it yet, as I'm at work, but I can't wait until 6. <_< If you want to talk about the book, talk about it here, and please use spoiler tags. (spoiler)(/spoiler) Exchange the parentheses for the normal brackets and you're golden. If you don't, I'll kill you. :)
Photoshop [The %&$*] Off
Photoshop /the %&$*/ Off i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii | ix | x xi | xii | xiii | xiv | xv | xvi | xvii |xviii xix | xx | xxi | xxii | xxiii | xxiv | xxv I, being the knowledgable and just generally awesome guy I am decided to kill God and take his place, nah just kidding. :awesome This has come from IRC where I, Knox and Havoc at my request have each created a signature using the same render and size. The only other prerequisite was that they use the tutorial I made an age...
General Photoshop Tips
General tips for photoshopping, feel free to add any you use. Mine: Expand your font collection. DaFont is good. Don't go overboard, though, sometimes Times New Roman is the best option. Expand your brush collection, DeviantArt has a lot of (searchable) Photoshop brushes. If you can't decide on what font looks best, select your text layer (not the actual text), hit the text tool, and scroll through the fonts with your mouse scroll wheel - stop when something looks good. Don't overdo it...
How to Write Dialogue
More and more I'm seeing prominent (and not so prominent) authors constantly butchering their dialogue. I'm guilty of some mistakes myself, so I found this excellent article on writing dialogue. http://www.mcrw.com/lovenotes/dialoguedemo.htm It addresses so many faults I see in fanfiction today, and specifies the reasoning and rules behind each point it makes. An excerpt: The term “speech tag” is commonly used to refer to the “he said/she said” part of dialogue, the part that tags the...
Fanfiction.net Themes
Alright, Syaoran told me that some of our members disliked the default theme for FFN, and in a freak accident I stumbled upon a way each of us, as individuals or as a site, could make new, better themes. There is a new firefox addon called Stylish. It allows you to create javascript codes to change the color theme of any site that you visit. Here is the link to that: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2108 Creating our own themes from scratch would normally be a trying...
Signature Shop
Signature Shop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [warning, above links are image intensive.] Standard Requirements:1 x Render *1 1 x size specifications. *2 Optional:Text : Size/Font type/Colour Border : Size/Colour Style: Fantasy/Grunge/Tech/Etc Any additional features must be stated. If a particular previously made sig's style is required, please specify which one via a link to the image in question....
Post Whorers, Rejoice!
Well, perhaps. As of when we began using vBulletin last week any new posts in this forum since that date no longer count against your post counts, so now you are free to post as much as you want in this forum (within limits, I don't want 6000 senseless spam posts. At least follow the game.)
Fanfiction.net stats...
Fanfiction.net stats... Are you man enough to whip 'em all out? I know there's a number of skilled and/or popular authors around here, and I'm a bit curious how everyone's stats match up. I.E., how many hits per chapter you get, total hits for stories, favorites a story is on, favorites an author is on, C2 groups, story alerts, author alerts, etc... I suppose this is like asking a girl her weight, but I'm curious if you all are willing to share? I won't even yell out how many inches...