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Complete A Black Comedy by nonjon - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by nonjon, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    This was a excellent story. Not only was it hilarious the first time through, but it retained the humor in later chapters as well.

    Unlike some stories that I've laughed uproariously at, but then attempts to reread it later leaves me wondering how I could have even chuckled at such idiocy.

    Anyway, great job, I really enjoyed reading it.
  2. JoJo23

    JoJo23 Unspeakable

    Mar 22, 2008
    Fantastic story, and i ended well too. Although I was slightly disappointed we did'nt get to see Dumbledore's reaction to Riddlebottom.
  3. Joschneide

    Joschneide Groundskeeper

    Jan 11, 2008
    I happen to agree about your potential. I had seen Serenity previous to reading Browneyes, in fact that was the original draw. I had known nothing of subtle character nuances previous to it though and your descriptions made me finally go out and watch the series.

    So if you can succeed into drawing me into a different medium through crossovers, I'm sure you could succeed in drawing me into your original works. Then again, maybe I just have a predisposition to your writing style.
  4. SmileOfTheKill

    SmileOfTheKill Magical Amber

    Mar 24, 2007
    Florida, Sigh...
    I'm back to review again, HUZZAH!
    I must say, I am impressed at the skill it took to write this entire thing.
    You managed to keep it somewhat story driven, and keep it entertaining in the entire way.
    Well, I would love to rave about this story but what is good has been written down already.

    My biggest compliant for this entire thing is this, the characters felt fake.
    I understand this is a humor fiction, but I have seen humor shows act in character.
    My favorite humor thing is Arrested Development. That show had everyone act in character.
    None of the characters really felt like they should.
    Sure Remus is more serious than the others, James is a cop, Sirius is the rebel, Lily is the mothers... well in the end they all feel the same. (I know, horrible examples.)
    They all end up acting the same. Everyone jokes around but they don't feel like a separate character.
    I know this is humor, but if you took the story a bit more serious, I think it could of been a lot more.
    It still is one of the best HP humor fiction ever though.
  5. SeaStone

    SeaStone Squib

    May 21, 2008
    Holy crap! Nonjon is here? Sweet, now I can stalk him even more effectively.

    But seriously, I love "A Black Comedy." Love, people, love.

    I love it so much that I still have the last chapter up in a tab, waiting for me to move from my denial and actually post a review. I'm not ready just yet.

  6. Korisovra

    Korisovra Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2008
    At your mothers house
    A one-shot detailing AD's reaction to Riddlebottom would be freaking awesome. *looks at NonJon hopefully*
  7. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I would love to see a 40 years latter bit as Harry and Riddlebottom sit down and talk about the high lights of the last 40 years.

    Or a bullet point highlight bit.

    If you just focus on the big bits it could well be only be a few thousand words and hugely funny.
  8. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Dammit. I can see how fun a 40 years later follow up would be. This crap's going to be in my head all day now.

    Alright. It's possible I could knock out a short 40 years later follow up thingie. Maybe. We'll see.

  9. Veri

    Veri Denarii Host

    Sep 8, 2007
    The only state that doesn't suck.
    I'm fucking ecstatic. Seriously.
  10. Paravon

    Paravon Seventh Year

    Aug 5, 2006
    The earth.
    Haha, nonjon gets pulled right back in.

    Seriously though, I'm looking forward to it.
  11. Philly Homer

    Philly Homer What you call elephant cum I call mouthwash

    Aug 16, 2007
    Look at the name, it should be obvious.
    Nonjon, thanks a lot for writing the 40 year later follow up. I eagerly anticipate it.
  12. Korisovra

    Korisovra Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2008
    At your mothers house
    I agree about the ecstatic part. Looking forward to it, NonJon.
  13. Voice of the Nephilim

    Voice of the Nephilim Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Feb 10, 2008
    I would be hugely interested in seeing you return to this world one final time. A most excellent development.
  14. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Any news on the 40 year latter one shot?

    You going to do it?

    ...and I just pissed a bunch of people off making them think there was an update.
  15. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
  16. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Yeah, I've got some notes and ideas scribbled together, but it could be a little while before I get it done. Kinda like the one-shot/drabble Oz linked above, I have another one of those odd ideas that I'm not sure what to do with. In this case, it's a one-shot that's mainly drama and fluff about Harry discovering he's a father to a seven year old. That'll probably be out soon so that I can stop thinking about it.

    But in figuring out the setting and tone for the one-shot follow up here, it might be a little more than 40 years later. Or it might not. I will say that the idea in my head is for Tom to be dead/dying. And in an effort to be cruel and humorous, Harry will be torturing Voldemort-jellyfish/goldfish with tales of just what Tom Riddle has done with his life and done to the Voldemort name before Harry finally wraps things up and ensures Voldemort is really gone. It makes it a semi-relevant plot and provides me lots of opportunity to give you the forty years later highlights.

    So the fic will happen eventually. But it's not top priority in my head just yet. No clue on how short or long it'll be either, but I know it'll be a one-shot.
  17. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    While that would fit the plot a lot better it may develope to much angst. And from what I remember Voldemort cant think to much in that tube, no higher thought processes.

    Its your fic but what I had imagined was something like the end of most Boston Legal programmes where Allan and Denny sit down for a scotch and talk about... stuff. Have it before something important... a retirement or something and have them talk about the highlights of their lives.

    It also allows for more banter than just a "Harry brags to Voldemort" bit.
  18. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Double post and necro... I'm :awesome

    I got bored and reread this over the last week and had a few plot points and questions.

    Latter on in the fic (which I quote latter) you mention that Remus gave the map to Jimmy under James' orders. So Remus must have always had access to it not giving Fred and George a chance to have it.

    Now this is Harry saying this so he wouldnt know it, but he's saying it to Remus who obviously would and would likely correct him. Not a huge deal and considering Harry just brings it up as a way to prove he can get Remus a job at WWW, its not needed since he already owns 1/3 of the company.

    Okay you did this twice during the fic and I'm not sure if its on purpose. Calling Voldemort "the Voldemort" seems really weird. It reminds me of people refering to Batman as "the Batman" in TDK. It doesnt seem right to me, especially since its never used in canon. It makes it seem like Voldemort is a position not a person.

    Again not sure if you did this on purpose. Sirius is right, she was 19 not 18.

    It could just be the way Harry is speaking but "me and Sirius" reads and sounds bad. Even if its just Harry not speaking correctly most people tend to say "mine and Sirius" even though "Sirius and I" would be the most correct.

    Just an example of where you said Remus gave Jimmy the map.

    I believe Testiculars is the wrong word there.

    Two small things. Remus says "they are" not "they're" again might be done on purpose to add weight to the statement.

    Also you refer to Voldemort as "The Voldemort" again.

    Not sure if this is a "rule" of writing or just me, but when writing numbers either go with words, or with numbers, doing half and half like you did above reads weird.

    Okay done with the nitpicking. Honestly none of those points really matter but I was just copying and pasting bits of it as I was reading it.

    One of the questions that I had while reading, did you signifigantly change your plot guideline while writing?

    In the first few chapters it seemed like you were going to make it so Dumbledore and the Potters would know about the Lords Black pretty quick.

    Sirius though Dumbledore might know, or suspect, about him by himself. Add Harry to the mix and it would seem to confirm the fact. Honestly I'm suprised you Dumbledore didnt work it out a lot quicker. Maybe not exactly what/who they were. But the general gist that the Lords Black, had a lot in common with two people he knew 25 years ago. Especially people that had a rather big impact on his life.

    The whole time while reading it I was thinking "how can people not work out who they are?", again maybe not exactly but again, the general gist of something sus. If Lily can make the observation that Harry seems to be in the same world with different people, how can she not work out Sirius?

    My general feeling on the fic reading it in pretty much one solid go...

    Parts of it were pure gold, I literally had a smile on my face entire chapters, Off the top of my head chapter 3 where Harry first meets the Lupins, the auction of the soul, and basically any Harry/Dumbledore interaction. The midget detentions and pensive explanation were also fantastic.

    Would have been cool if you worked in one more bit in the Lords chamber. Lord Potter was a great OC.

    Some other bits, such as the Hermione/Nuduu chapter were very tiresome and I pretty much had the chapter on scoll stoping on the ocasional one liner.

    One thing I find a little odd... I find it odd Harry/Dumbledore/Riddlebottom seem to bo on a even level. Sure some are probabaly stronger than others but they are in the same league.

    Dumbledore understands magic on a level like none other.

    Tom is similar, although he is more willing to dabble in "dark" areas. His control probably isnt as fine though.

    Harry... I found hard to grasp. He has his freaky arm thing. But if you take that away from him exactly how good is he? He can memory charm and ward. He is powerful enough to make shields to block Voldemort level spells. With out his arms how many DE's could he take down? Could he do a Dumbledore in OOTP and round up most of the inner circle?

    But I could never really place where is basic understanding of magic was at. Could he do what the unspeakables did at the auction, break out of the iving wards with out being detected?

    Sirius is the same, he seems to know a bit and be reasonably powerful, but at times he seems to be several levels above evereyone else. Compare him to Remus, same education, if anything Remus did better than him at school. But then Sirius was locked up for 12 years with no chance to practice magic, since then he has only had a few years of minimal magic use. Remus has had 20 years of magical living under his belt. Yet Sirius seems vastly more knowledgable/skilled than him. Its hard to place.

    The whole time I was reading the story it was nigling at me. Is Harry a one trick pony or does he have real power/knowledge? How is Sirius so good?

    Its just odd.

    But yeah, over all a fantastic story, a bit long winded in bits, and I get the feeling you changed your mind part way through the story. Hope to see the 40 year latter fic sometime soon.
  19. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Well, I finally got around to reading this. For as long as I've been in the fandom I was sort of surprised I hadn't managed it yet. For the record though, I had it mixed up in my head with a very similar story I'd started reading and given up on as being too irritating (though I think it was popular as well).

    I decided to go ahead and bump with a review because I figure with all the new people we have around DLP maybe someone else has missed this little gem of a story too.

    I'll start with the TL;DR so you can skip the rest if you want -- The story is about Harry more or less becoming best friends with Sirius in a new world. Voldemort is secondary, but there. The story is full of humor and well done running gags, but it does have substance to it as well as the comedy. I rate it 4.5/5, and round up.

    I really enjoyed all of the characterizations. Well, except Ginny's, but I'm pretty sure we were meant to gag at her whenever she popped up. For what it's worth that was done great.

    Dumbledore was fantastic too, though I realized partway through that the reason I liked his characterization so much is because it's not what we expect from him some of the time. I mean, if we didn't have canon to fall back on for comparison he wouldn't be nearly as much fun in this story.
    At any rate, it's just... fun. As much as I liked it and enjoyed reading it though, I didn't feel like there was ever that much to be concerned about on behalf of the characters. I admit I was curious for a long, long time about who "That Fucker" was going to be, and I didn't manage to guess it. The clues were there though, so if I hadn't read it all in one go I might have thought of it.

    But apart from that, well, yeah. I never worried that things wouldn't all turn out just fine and dandy. Maybe I wasn't supposed to though, since the story was really about the relationship between Harry and Sirius. I just felt it could have been better, a full 5/5, if there had been a bit more at stake at some point (or felt like there was).

    Oh, and the party? Hah, the party was fantastic. One of the best parties I've read about in HP fanfiction, if not the best.
  20. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    Just because you raised it from the dead, I'll add a few words.

    Having read it a while ago (has it been this much already), I still remember this story with a lot of fondness. Most probably it's my favorite fanfic I have ever read.

    The humor was spot on, the plot had enough going for it to be interesting, the fights were over the top and awesome.

    I don't have anything much to add - it's one of the reasons for not wanting to revive the thread with praise.

    Still, the whole plot with that fucker worked wondrously, and personally I enjoyed it even more, because I always figured that if in the second year Tom Riddle would have been revived he would have contested Voldemort for the Dark Lord-ness at least in some way - he would have become a different entity. It is the case here, and even if Tom is slightly more sane and grey aligned (sorry for the fannonish term) that I would have expected him to be, it still brought immense pleasure.

    The few thefts did drag on a bit too much, but I enjoyed them nonetheless.

    The duel with Voldemort was epic.

    I think that's mostly all. Except I do want to make a shirt "Fuck you all very much..."

    "And your mother twice."

    Still, might be some time till I actually decide for it ;D

    5/5 from me.
    Last edited: May 8, 2012