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Complete A Second Chance at Life Series by Miranda Flairgold - T/M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by ChuckDaTruck, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. Burt

    Burt Fourth Year

    Jun 17, 2005
    Santa Cruz, California
    *Scrolls through the page*

    Err, dude, you don't have to tell us every time she updates the fic, you know. I mean, I have it on my favorites, so that handy javascript knocks it to the top of my list whenever it's updated.

    Maybe if you like, commented on the update, instead of just pointing out something that a lot of us became aware of at the same time as you, that'd rock, but, er, it's sorta just annoying to post "updated" every ten days.

    I guess I'll set a good example, then... Ahem...

    I thought it seemed a bit forced, how everyone at Akren suddenly cared about Voldy, when they'd never even heard of him a week before. And for the younger Vamps to think that a wizard would be able to protect them from the older Vamps it's just stupid. The author's made it quite clear that Voldy's a chump when compaired to the Vamp elders. I was actually under the impression that the Vamps weren't simply killing him only because they didn't take him seriously -- I thought that the Vamps thought of the war in the same way that a parent would think of two children fighting over a toy. No wonder the old Vamps are killing off all those kids -- they've all got mental disorders.

    The couch and the electricity fetish -- they've both gotten old. Not funny anymore. Haven't been funny for a long time. I really wished that the author hadn't used it as a device to introduce new character #1 of this chaper, Tyler.

    *vampire gets zapped*
    "You share my passion! Yay!"
    "Yay! Let's go zap the neighbours!"

    Maybe, instead of adding some new mortals, the author should explore the dozen or so characters that have only been in one scene? Like those people that went with them to watch the Warewolfs in the last chapter (or maybe the one before last, I dunno). There's so many characters, and they're all used so sparesly except for a few (ally, daray, silas, rhidea and namach). I can't even keep the umpteen OCs' names straight, and it seems like their personalities are starting to copy eachother (they all seem like clones of the same person -- in fact, all of the characters have very similar personalities).

    I think I like Regulus' character, because the boy knows when to run (and running is, apparently, all he knows how to do), but then, he doesn't say or do much, so it's quite possible that I'll start hating his guts next time I see him.

    Dung stole the Horcrux, eh? Well, who saw that coming? Took me for a whirl, it did! Had my head spinning, truly!

    I think Neville going to Akren is a retarded idea. It shouldn't have even crossed Rahkesh's mind. Neville's a pansy. He'd get his head chopped off by the first pissed off fae he meets. And the fae are pissed of a lot. Even still, I liked the scene with Nev -- I like how Ms. Flairgood writes him.

    I love this fic; it's the only post-hbp fic that I follow. But this chapter wasn't up to par. Hm... This chapter drags on a bit, and doesn't really add anything to the plot, except tell us that yes, it is possible for a mortal to pwn a vampie. I think Miranda's squeezing ideas out of her head just a bit too hard, and should perhaps take a bit more time with the next chapter.
  2. Rob

    Rob Looked into the void

    Sep 16, 2005
    Regina, Saskatchewan
    I like this, purely because I'm from Saskatchewan myself.
  3. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    It's the only HBP spawn out there worth reading.

    And that's the biggest problem with the story. Imagine how cool would it be with Dumbles alive and seeking after Harry. I mean, that new minister and some faceless assasins just aren't up to scratch with good ol' puppet-master.

    I guess what I want to say is that, besides Horacruxes, there isn't really much of the HBP stuff taken over. It's like, Harry is swearing neverdying allegiance to Ron & Hermione, hero-worshiping Dumbledore and thinking of Hogwarts as second home, and next moment, he's ditching his friends and has a bunch of issuses with Hogwarts and Dumbledore. It just seems like OOTP would have made much better starting point for a story like this.

    Oh, and I didn't like that time-travel thing. Everything else is great, especially new magic introduced into story. And I love the idea of Neville joining Harry, seems like a good base for mentor-like relationship.
  4. Lord Osiris

    Lord Osiris Auror

    Oct 19, 2005
    The land down under
    It does sound better if it started before HBP i fully agree, they've made it so it's going to take him what is it...4 years to graduate in the course's he wants? by then there will be nothing left of the UK! the shit's already hit the fan. Neville's strong and all but the bitch would get chewed up and spat out so fast it would make him spin!

    Liked the update it was good hopefully Ron gets put into servitude, that would be quite funny and would make my time reading it far more enjoyable. Awesome story diffinately in my top 10.
  5. Mrriddler

    Mrriddler High Inquisitor

    Oct 23, 2005
    Somewhere high, somewhere low and somewhere in bet
    This girl definitely had some of the most imaginative and most expansive AU universes developed. I remember first reading her land of elves and order of phoenix works, very good writing. That said, she's clearly a fantastic fantasy writer not a HP writer as everyone has pointed out. This new one she has out is just way out there...and for whatever reason her works kind of lost that attractiveness for me. And it takes a hell lot to get into it since it's so descriptive. That's normally a good thing but not in this case for me.

    As for slash, mehe *shrugs* You really can't be too surprised, though it does get depressing considering what kind of works that group can get on its side... but then we got sera and vash so..hehe. I would be just a tad careful though. I'm sure she's going to try to keep romance out but expect it to slip up time to time. I.e. like some semi-sensual male on male vamp feeding or something. I saw that in one of Mione's (sp? She's the one who wrote Council of the Elves and other stories...) works where Harry fed off of Snape...

    ok that was a bit weird.... yeah imagine me when I saw that part, oh well.
  6. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Like the poster above, I liked her first two works alot, but this one didn't catch me. I think i read 20-25 chaps in and just stopped, deleted the bookmark and walked away shaking my head :?
  7. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I tried reading her previous stories but they seemed so immature and rushed.

    I remember one where we see Harry figuring out he's an elemental and wandless mage or something and then next moment going to the Burrow and saying "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we became pranksters?" - "Yes, let's do it!" - "Great idea"... And it all happened in less then 1000 words.

    I mean, does it get better later or what? What is her best story other than "A new chance at life"? Any recomendations?
  8. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    I can remember reading her Order of the Phoenix, and it wasn't bad from what I can remember, though I did get pissed when Ginny had the Order's power as well.
  9. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I'm pretty sure you're talking about Ruskbyte's "Order of the Phoenix", when the order is some super well of power that Harry has control over and then he shares it with that fucking bitch... God, how I started hating that story after that. That could have possibly been the moment I started disliking H/G, so at least it was good for something...

    Anyway, I'm talking here about completely different author.
  10. Lord Osiris

    Lord Osiris Auror

    Oct 19, 2005
    The land down under
    Oh yeh i remeber that story well, load of fuckin shit! if your looking for stories from Miranda there's none better then second chance at life, you've lucked out ip82!
  11. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Ack, I thought it was by Miranda. Been so long I must have gotten them mixed up.
  12. MysterioX

    MysterioX Professor

    Dec 15, 2005
    off the record
    I have been coming across this fic a lot lately but been too scared to read it thinking it might be a H/Hr or H/G.
    Tell me what the pairings are so I can go read it
  13. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    This fic, A Second Chance at Life, has no pairings yet. Probably won't. I think once she finishes it she may rewrite an alternate version and make that one slash, but if I hadn't said that, you would never know it from reading it. (Maybe a few vampire feedings described potentially homo-erotically, but nothing you'd really notice)

    As for her other stuff, she has a habit of just going off away from the HP canon world and bringing in all sorts of fantastical things like elves, war mages, gypsies, dwarves, orcs, vampires, druids, drow, fae, etc...

    I enjoy her other stories, but it helped I hadn't read as much as I have now, and if you go back to them now I suspect they may seem a bit cliched.

    If you're tempted to try any, I would recommend Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix II, and it's unfinished sequel/follow-up Land of the Elves. It features soul-brother!Godric Gryffindor and falling back in time etc... pre-Hogwarts. But it will always, ALWAYS, hold a special place in my heart for being the first and best fic with GIANT KILLER SHARKS! Like 50+ feet gigantic demonic behemoth sharks! And well, sharks are sooooo much cooler than things like vampires or elves or whatever the latest homosexual 'magical' creature authors abuse these days is. Maybe Succubi? But simply, no one's done giant killer sharks better than (I think) chapter 17 of OotP II.

    That and she never irritated me with an excessive amount of romance. Well okay, any romance at all I consider excessive, so I guess I'm not remembering any of the usual stomach-emptying fluff that ruins so many other good fics.
  14. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    I like how in recent chapters that its bringing more of the Harry Potter world back into it. It was starting to get a little far away.
  15. Lord Dragon

    Lord Dragon DA Member

    Nov 22, 2005


    Uh...wth does that have to do with this topic Dragon? Keep it on topic, and don't post some random bull, please. - srispg
  16. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    What did he type? Rofl.
  17. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Those of you who found this story too AU should really give it another try.

    She got over that Inca/time travel shit and is on the right track again, with more subplots connected with Hogwarts and England, including a lot of politics... The story's really getting better by the chapter, and it seems it will get even better once the summer break hits. Then we should finally see some confrontations with DE's, Voldemort and the Weasleys.
  18. Lord Osiris

    Lord Osiris Auror

    Oct 19, 2005
    The land down under
    Thats exactly what im holding out for! seems there's gonna be some awesome Ron bashing hehehe im giddy about seeing that pathetic tosser get his head kicked in. I only hope that Nev, the red slut or any others dont go to the school it will be a real kick in the teeth!
  19. Quack

    Quack Second Year

    Jan 3, 2006
    Ehh... the time-travel bugged me for a bit. I wanted to skip it, but managed to drag through.

    Her magic system is my favourite out of all the stories I've read. Very imaginative.
  20. ShadowedDarkness

    ShadowedDarkness Second Year

    Jan 20, 2006
    time travel bit seems to be over... as it is I find all the descriptions of magic and the working of the various races and groups to be quite interesting. Plus Snape is going to die at some point, draco's a goner as well, and so is ron. I can't even recall if ginny was even mentioned in here.

    Add in Shacklebolt, Moody, Remus, and Regulus back in europe you have a fairly solid cast. Not to mention I can't wait to see Voldemort and his death eaters expresions when harry transforms into a basilisk or whips out some major blood magic.

    Also I like the fact that harry is not growing into some obscenely powerful being no one can stop. Few authors can carry that off well (Non-Jon comes to mind).