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A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin [Spoilers]

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Philly Homer, May 3, 2009.

  1. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    "We don't hurt little girls in Dorne"

    Somewhere far to the south, Darkstar sneezed.

    That's how I see it happening.

    As far as theories on Doran, feel free to share them here, since I won't ever set a foot on either the Westeros forum or Reddit. Not really my preferred parts of the internet.

    I can already imagine show-Oberyn going "You're a big fellow... I wonder if you're big all over."
  2. pidl

    pidl Groundskeeper

    May 27, 2009
    And of course the reply: "I heard snakes can swallow whole animals, how much can you swallow?" :p
  3. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
    I can send you links and you can wade through them and the replies(which oftentimes are better than the theories themselves) on your own. ;)
  4. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Eh, why the hell not? Post 'em.
  5. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
  6. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    It'd mess with Darkstar a bit, but I can imagine him working well with his girls before Doran knocks him down and let's him know what was what.

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    Lysa's demise was underwhelming.
  8. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Probably because they butchered the final line from the books. And didn't give her enough time to emote despair.
  9. disturbed27

    disturbed27 Professor

    Apr 8, 2010
    That was one of my favorite scenes in the books. Bah.
    Last edited: May 19, 2014
  10. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
    High Score:
    I watched it with a non-book reader that thought it was amazing, so...
  11. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    Liked the interplay between Oberyn and Tyrion.
  12. Aggrocrag

    Aggrocrag Second Year

    Feb 24, 2011
    California, US
    I liked the bronn/tyrion scene more. When I read it a few years ago, Bronn a lot more heartless. I like how it turned out.

    Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk
  13. fire

    fire Order Member

    Dec 25, 2011
    This episode was good in parts. Tyrion and Bronn, Sansa and Lysa, and of course Tyrion and Oberyn. Dinklage is turning up the setting on his Emmy magnet - you can see him cry as he fully comprehends the depths of Cersei's naked hatred for him, and the fact that Jaime had been protecting him since birth (oh the ironing).

    The scene with Rorge was hilariously bad, though. Seriously? She pokes him, and he dies? The Hound gets jumped, out of nowhere? Rorge and Biter are supposed to be some of the most dangerous criminals in King's Landing - here they're wasted in their portrayal as retarded bandits.

    Regarding Doran - he's an interesting character, I think. He's a deconstruction of the concept of the wise prince. Doran is always mindful of the fact, and is fond of telling others, that it is easy to call the banners and go to war (as Robb Stark did) but ultimately people will die and innocent children will pay the price for the pride of their lords. He's pretty admirable in his enlightened views, but the irony is that Doran himself has made various plots (Arianne's marriage pact with Viserys; Quentyn's quest to Meereen) whose success means civil war and the realm bleeding again.

    If anyone's interested, there is the blog "The Meereenese Blot" which offers some fantastic analysis of ASOIAF's themes and its characters.
  14. Starwind

    Starwind Headmaster

    Nov 21, 2010
    Oberyn has become one of my favorite characters.

    Cant wait till the next episode - going to be awesome.
  15. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
    I'm disappointed Tyrion didn't ask Bronn about the 'You told me Shae was on a ship'. Feels like the whole thing was swept under a rug. Instead, we got exposit on Lollys Stokeworth. Oh well.

    Rorge's death was random as hell. Jesus, as it goes Arya should carry her own dice set and roll it. She's an OC on a D&D quest.
    Random bad guy - stab him. Hound is wounded - discover his past. Quest 'Arya on the road, part II' completed! You've gained experience. How would you like to distribute skill points...?

    This is the first time when I felt a bit sorry for Jorah - You're my Friend - Mormont. Nah! Who am I kidding, it was hilarious. I don't know if the producers grasp that showing Dany staring at a map doesn't make her a skilled marshal. Of course we can all pretend that she actually is skilled and shit.
    I was more dismayed at another scene being butchered. Daario and his flowers was played rather well in the books, here not so much. Here we have a horny queen. The scene where she drinks wine reminded me of Cersei in Maegor's Holdfast during the Battle of Blackwater Bay.

    The best scene was Sansa building the castle, her smacking Robert was even better. Baelish was creepy and the kiss even more so. Lysa's end was about as well handled as I could expect. Though, how Baelish will handle the fallout from that...

    One last thing, Tyrion and Jaime still have dark hair. And Sansa is still parading around with that burgundy abomination of a dye-job.
    Last edited: May 19, 2014
  16. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    God damn it all. They had one job. One simple job.


    How hard is it to put that in the show? Do they honestly think that people (the ones who've watch the show and never read the books) would be confused and might think he's talking about Ser Pounce?

    The new Gregor is a disaster. Size aside, he's too friendly, even when he tries to be angry/enraged. His facial expression is that of a prepubescent child asked to solve an equation that's beyond him, frustration and confusion combined.

    Why did Conan Stevens leave the show anyway? On his page he says he was let go, others however claim he left on his own.

    As Himuradono already said, really funny how stuff in the show, the background parts of it, simply exposes or positions itself for Arya's convenience. We all know how the Hound loves telling his life story to people. Quite frankly, I'm surprised he didn't bring up his sister that got killed by Gregor. Or was that too cut from the show?
  17. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    You are only getting it now? ;)

    I'm surprised that they cut out "Only Cat" line. While I get that they didn't want to confuse more casual viewers, they probably could make it that way:

    "Only your sister." A pause. "Only Cat."

    And now a week break before the last three episodes with even more memorable moments. With the whole season being a big finale for the War of the Five Kings the next one may be quite problematic. They will get to the next two books that are mainly about setting up the situation. Compared to the amount of payoffs in this season, the next may feel like a filler and disappoint the viewers who will expect even more epic things. This can potentially hurt the ratings.
  18. psychobob35

    psychobob35 Fourth Year

    Jan 4, 2012
    I think they changed it because they haven't had anyone call Catelyn "Cat" since I think the early second season, and they didn't want to confuse people. I'm not saying it's a good reason, but it is a reason.

    Edit: Ninja'd by Celestial
  19. Himuradono

    Himuradono Professor

    Feb 3, 2008
    I tried my best not to cringe at the scene where Gregor is killing the prisoners. That's not how you show us he's a monster. Fact is that it was rather meh. What do I care about few unwashed no-names? Was I supposed to care? Maybe they were a bunch of rapists/murderers and Gregor was just thinning dungeon population and doing us all a favor? God dammit that scene in season 1 where Mountain killed the horse was much better, this one was trite on level with the one where Dany is carried up in the episode Mysa by the freed slaves.

    Cersei in her mourning gowns looks awesome though.

    And look how badass she is walking all over the guts and shit and not giving fucks. She obviously knows what she's doing being in charge and all, everyone should listen to the grieving mother. What was the purpose of her scene in this episode? Anyone?
  20. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    That seems like the most plausible thing, IMO. And they had that scene to introduce the new guy who was playing Gregor Clegane, since he barely showed up in the previous season and back then he was played by the Beanpole that Rides.

    Had they the budget for it, Charlize Theron would have been even more magnificent, generally speaking.

    Maybe they're trying to show off that Cersei isn't quite the struggling mother in a man's world as they portrayed her in the previous episodes? Foolish hope, I know.

    Also, goddamnit, what are they planning to do with Shireen in the show? I don't like the sound of what Melisandre was implying. What are they doing to Stannis' character? Didn't they butcher it enough? Would they really show him sacrificing his daughter or condoning the sacrifice? What the fuck happened to "Half my army is made up of unbelievers. I will have no burnings. Pray harder," ?