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"A Song of Ice and Fire" stories

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by purple, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    Dropped it after 2 chapters, it is mostly woe me, I can't do what ever I want, when ever I want because I'm a girl, Instead of doing something I will keep whining and be a brat.
  2. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    Where to start!? In the show Jon is explicitly told not to fall for Ramsay's provocations. So, not only does he fall for it he then decided to single handedly charge the Bolton army. By doing so ruining all of the battle plans he and Davis had set up. He "won" the battle of the bastards because Littlefinger showed up with the Vale knights and outflanked Ramsay.

    He has spent he ENTIRE SEASON going on about "The army of the dead" "The only enemy that matters is the dead" "All that matter is the living" blah blah blah. He finally has a coalition alliance within his grasp only if he vows to Cersei he won't rise up against her after they deal with the Others. What does he do? Declines and blows the whole fucking deal apart making Tyrion have to do damage control. All because he obviously wants that sweet Targaryen poontang.

    And he's not even subtle when he goes to beg for help. Like he expects everyone to just believe him that mythical creatures thought to be folk lore are real and gets angry when people are skeptical.

    Oh and he gives up the Northern crown because he wants that sweet Targaryen poontang.
  3. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I haven't watched the show since the first season, so I can't really say how many changes they've wrought with characters in general (other than when I see people talking shit about it, which is often enough), but honestly, who in their right mind would vow to Cersei any such thing? I mean, if he was some sort of character that reneged on his word, sure, do it and then fuck her over, but Jon Snow seems like the type of character to keep it. Of course, I base this off the books which I probably read a decade ago the last time I bothered with them.
  4. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    I'm saying he should lie. If he enemy is as dangerous as he says it's not very smart to just turn down the men she's offering because you bent the knee to Dany. Even Dany told him it was the wrong move and that he should've lied. He gives some speech about breaking promises, but it's the same type if shit that got Ned killed.
  5. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    Pootang? always learning something new :)
    So Jon discovers his Targaryen side while also following Ned's book-guide to southern politics ?
  6. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    I feel this argument falls because it's Cersei. Honestly the whole southern plot made no sense all season, but seeking help from Cersei was the dumbest part. The last people who joined her side she systematically alienated and then blew up. Having Cersei on your side is even worse than having her as an enemy.
  7. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    Yeah. But given the fucked up direction the plot has gone in the show who else could they turn to? The Tyrells, Baratheons and Martells are extinct. The only power left in the South are the Lannisters. I guess they could've ignored her and hoped she didn't attack them while they dealt with the Others, but it would've been a bad idea to leave an enemy in your flank. I can't imagine they think Cersei would betray them after seeing what's coming, but they underestimate how evil she is.

    In the show it's inevitable that she's gonna show up to save the day with the Golden Company. You know this is going to happen. She is the queen Westeros deserves.

    Now, who here is in the mood for some *airhorns* angst and romance!!! https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12379202/1/Angel by Katie MacPherson. It's a Jaime/Elia story. It starts off following Jaime's time in the KG. I like how Rhaegar isn't portrayed as a shining beacon of goodness. The story had AU elements such as Aegon being Rhaenys twin instead of an infant. The story begins to massively diverge when Jaime saves them from being killed and Dany having a twin brother.
  8. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    I just read a summary of the TV show plot
    Gutting the Tyrells, Baratheons and Martells? Cersei ending up as queen on her own merit?
    I wonder if all they need to win the war is to get Cersei seduce the Night King.
  9. Mordart

    Mordart Slug Club Member

    Aug 17, 2011
    Show-Cersei's cunt is so cold by now it would probably empower the Night-King.

    That being said, I can't state how much I grieve for the show that those early leaks were RIGHT. Show-wise, I'm team White-walker now. Not like the characters can be any worse dead.
  10. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    Any fics where Bran's advisors (when he is the Stark in Winterfell) have more than two brain cells?
    Quite surprising Luwin, or Rodrick who ever else was present in the Harvest feast.
    Didn't push to have a war council, to check the North status during the war.
    Any half wit, will realize due to the Ironborn history and culture, they might be a danger.
    Taking some measures to be alerted if worst things come to worst.
    With the Stark words Winter is Coming one could thing they will actually practice it.
    Not to mention overseeing the North is kept safe while so many of its son are far away.
  11. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    Theon getting caught would be an interesting divergence in of itself. Winterfell doesn't fall so Robb probably won't seem as weak, or be grief stricken enough to sleep with Jeyne, but the Northerners are still massively outnumbered. The Red Wedding wouldn't work with Bran still in Winterfell, and without the fait accompli I doubt many would cooperate with the Boltons when there's a viable alternative. It would be messy, and the only thing that would probably save them is Daenerys or Aegon killing everyone in the South.
  12. ashlands of the cold

    ashlands of the cold Second Year

    Mar 24, 2014
    A Dragon of Ice and Fire updated.
  13. Aisucold

    Aisucold Muggle

    Jun 24, 2014
    Well I can't say i'm surprised where the chapter went but it's still depressing af. Jon will most likely pull through, but not without taking major losses.

    His army will be decimated, manderly alliance is in trouble, white harbor majorly damaged, his dragon half blind, and his lover (the only person with common sense) killed.

    Only thing left to do is see how he picks up the pieces and how he's going to change as a person. I know alot of people on here said they were done with the story, but its still the only readable thing for asoiaf, current updating to me.
  14. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    There are high chances the red wedding will happen as in canon.
    There are some theories that Sybell Spicer (Jeane Westerling mother) was conspiring with Tywin.
    Robb is what 16 years old kid, who is treated by a lovely girl, whose mother might dabble in various potions learned from her mother, which might include lust potion?
    Not to mention realizing Theon betrayed him by trying to assault Winterfell and taking his brothers as hostages or worse kill them, that he miss judged and screw that much up.

    In addition Walder Frey and Roose Bolton could do the math, the North is going to lose and badly.
    The Lanister/Tyrell alliances will see to it, not to mention the Eyire still sit out of the war.
    Hell even without Jeane Westerling debacle there were high chances Walder Frey might jump ship.
    He is a survivor and Roose is an opportunistic.
    With Robb dead, the North is left with a cripple king and 5 years old heir in the south eyes.
    Not to mention, Roose have a chance to take hostage most of the North lords and heirs.
    To pressure their troops to kneel before him as the Red Lord.
  15. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    I agree the Freys and Boltons will see the writing on the wall, but the Red Wedding worked because Robb was the last Stark capable of acting. The Northerners lost all their leadership in one night, which they wouldn't if they still had Bran and Rickon as figureheads in Winterfell. Things will go badly in a different way.
  16. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    The Red Wedding was useful tool to cripple all the north leadership.
    They killed the king, and took hostage many of the nobles.
    Maybe they will keep Catelyn alive.
    It is the best chance for Bolton to take leadership of the North.
    They will dismiss Bran as a challenge due to his age and physical status.
    If you have alternative ideas I will be happy to brain storm.
  17. invinoveri

    invinoveri Fourth Year

    Aug 29, 2012
    A lust potion?.. Who is she-- Molly Weasley?
  18. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    she granddaughter of Maggy the Frog
    who deals with love potions and other stuff.
    Maybe she inherited some of her grandmother potions manuals.
    There is a reason to mention that Sybell is Maggy granddaughter
  19. GiantMonkeyMan

    GiantMonkeyMan High Inquisitor

    Sep 8, 2008
    Reducing Robb's relationship with Jeyne to the result of a magic potion really cheapens his actions and failures.
  20. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    I don't want to cheapen his failures, He didn't marry her due to love/lust potions.
    I'm just saying he was just more horny than usual or had extra push to shag her.
    What he did afterward to marry her to keep her honor intact isn't related to the potions.

    In our world there are known aphrodosiac foods (it is questionable if they work)

    Just saying there might be another layer of scheming going around