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"A Song of Ice and Fire" stories

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by purple, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Dario

    Dario Squib

    Nov 15, 2017
    I second this recommendation. I remember reading it quite a while ago and enjoying it. I’m glad I was able to find it again. A few minor spelling errors, but nothing major jumped out. It’s just long enough for you to connect with and like Elia’s character.
  2. Silveron

    Silveron First Year

    May 22, 2017
    High Score:
    Man, what a shit show of a finale.

    The Shadowchaser and Stormborn.

    Honestly I'm shit at summaries, below is the authors.

    Old powers waken. Shadows stir. An age of wonder and terror will soon be upon us, an age for gods and heroes.

    Ned Stark escapes the battle at the Tower of Joy only by Ser Arthur’s mercy and without his nephew, a boy with silver-gold hair that Ser Arthur is determined to restore to the Iron Throne. Lord Stark desperately seeks to balance his obligations to his sister Lyanna, to find and keep her son safe while remaining loyal to his best friend, King Robert Baratheon.

    In the east two factions of Targaryens rise. One loyal to Prince Viserys and his sister Princess Daenerys, led by Lord Lucerys Velaryon, former Master of Ships for King Aerys II Targaryen. The other loyal to Prince Aemon, led by Ser Arthur Dayne, the most formidable member of Aerys II's Kingsguard

    The story has only just rounded off the childhood of Aemon/Rickard and it hasn't touched upon Daenerys/Viserys/Rhaella (who lives in this one, apparently), but it's hitting interesting concepts. Aemon possibly being a Euron-type figure which is hinted at from dreams/visions and also him giving someone an aneurysm after being contacted by the Three Eyed Raven previously. Ashara 'wed' Brandon in the black cells after he learnt of her pregnancy and raises his son, Rickard, alongside Aemon and making Neds claim as Lord Stark questionable and able to be challenged. Which looks like it's going that way as Ashara is killed during a failed kidnapping by Neds Trusty Northmen, in which Rickard loses an eye and a mother and Aemon learns to lobotomise, setting up a reason. One thing I don't like is how.. illogical the Starks are being with getting him back, feels incompetent especially after Arthur acknowledges how good of a commander Ned is.
  3. Blank402

    Blank402 Second Year

    Jul 7, 2010
    I was whole, whole I would remain by dwellingondreams

    Rhaella thinks perhaps the gods, any gods, have heard her prayers, when Aerys vomits up blood in bed. (Aerys dies before the 'trial' of Rickard and Brandon Stark can commence. In King's Landing, Rhaella at last finds her footing. On Dragonstone, Elia makes her preparations. And in the Tower of Joy, Lyanna comes to a series of cold realizations).

    A decent read so far. Well written. Follows the POVs of Rhaella, Elia and Lyanna. It's a slow burn but things are picking up in the most recent chapters so I thought it worth recommending.
  4. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    I second that recc, dwellingondreams is the perfect fanfic writer in that they have fics that are consistently well-written, have good characterization, godly update pace and always completing their fics. But while most of their fics are decent AU's they never really diverge wildly off-canon and they found their niche I suppose in always having premises like this that are little tweaks instead of epics like dragons of ice and fire or albion's fics.

    For this I'd give it a 3/5 because I sort of feel like the characterization is a bit off with Brandon and Rhaegar seeming to always be on the extreme edge of their canon characterization with Brandon being constantly angry and Rhaegar stupid. I would rate it 4/5 depending on how it continues and I hope they're intending this to be a longer fic then their usual.
  5. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    I have been enjoying the heck out of The Dance is not over the past few days. It's an AU where the Dance of Dragons doesn't end at Dragonstone - Aegon II dies in a dragon duel against Princess Baela Targaryen, perpetuating the war. They're all basically OCs given what little we know of the people involved, but it's advanced the plot in a compelling way so far and the characters are decent.
  6. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Finished Shadowchaser and the Stormborn over the weekend. It's an okay story. Well written. But, it reads like something that came out of a fanfiction randomizer. Ages are changed, people marry different people for seemingly no reason... feels like a lot of names are just swapped arbitrarily. Some things don't really make that much sense either, like all the Stark lineage stuff that comes up in the later chapters. Like, if Brandon is betrothed to Catelyn, how can any marriage in the black cells that may/may not have happened be considered legit by actual anyone. It's all just kinda silly and not very interesting. As for things I outright dislike, that's mostly just what magical mumbojumbo this Aemon has. I think I would rather read where that didn't happen and Aemon actually gets captured and brought back across the sea.
  7. pbluekan

    pbluekan Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2014
    Dancing in the Mindfield
    The False and the Fair

    I’ve been reading this over the long weekend and it just updated Monday. Basic premise is a genderswapped Jon. That’s also the piss poor summary from AO3. But if all of the Jon genderswaps, this is the best I’ve read. She also isn’t named Joanna, so +1 for that. It’s well written, and most of the characters follow their canon selves.

    There are a few things that stick out and drag the piece down, and one of them is Tywin. His character flaws are so egregiously inflated that he ends up as a crutch to force empathy for the main character.

    I’d probably give it a 3.5/5 trending down.
  8. Johnnyseattle

    Johnnyseattle Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 25, 2011
    Man, isn't this the truth. I imagine Tywin is a character that's hard to write well, but he's just too over-the-top here. I get the same feeling from Catelyn in parts too, but not as much.

    Overall, 3/5 at best.
  9. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    I've been reading through Our Choices Make our Fate lately and it's really good, the premise is a bit weak (Rhaegar tells Ned of Jon right before the battle of the trident and convinces him to fight against Aerys and Robert leaves to become a sellsword). But most of the canon characters besides Robert are in-character and decent (especially Arya). Some of the OC's and characters that we barely know in canon are brilliant as well.
  10. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    Jon Snow/Robb Stark Oberyn Martell/Jon Snow
    Those two tags didn't deter you? brave man you are.
    My search exclude this type of stuff.
    Just because the Targ, Jaime and Cercei are incest crazy, why authors write everyone else as well.
  11. pbluekan

    pbluekan Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2014
    Dancing in the Mindfield
    So long as I avoid the slash, I’m usually ok with it if the writing is decent, which it is. If you’re gonna avoid any mention of incest at all besides the Lannister’s and targaryens, you’re gonna avoid basically every ASOIAF fic that is even halfway decent.
  12. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    Isn't it the opposite, those Jon/Sansa, Jon/Robb, Jon/Arya, Jon/Theon, Robb/Theon, Robb/Theon/Jon.
    The dregs of the fandom?
    Note this is before Jon/Dany, Sansa/Sandor,Tywin and other crap.
  13. pbluekan

    pbluekan Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2014
    Dancing in the Mindfield
    You’re setting some pretty weird lines here man.
    I mean, slash in any fandom is almost universally terrible. So we can just ignore it.

    Jon/Sansa and Jon/Dany is about 90% of the fandom. Some of it is decent. I don’t know what pieces you’re reading, but even most everything in this thread is one of those.
    Harems are retarded.
  14. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    So this isn't the typical story - it's written as a screenplay script. It was started before the season came out so any similarities are just coincidence. It's not a masterpiece but it's good and it's better than the actual season 8.

    It's worth a read for sure.

  15. Garden

    Garden Supreme Mugwump

    Apr 25, 2010

    Wow. Amazing. Just spent like 5 hours engrossed in this story. No punches pulled, creative.
  16. Dagro

    Dagro DA Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    We talked about this (and the authors other storys) here before, personally I detest it. The worst thing is, he could probably write a very good story but get's sidetracked by endless angst, weird romance & questionable decisions by characters, that feel just awkward. The OCs while they grew on me initially, got tiresome after some time. (I think one gets even recycled in another story) Spoiler later chapters
    At one point it looks like Jon died, and I was really happy about that, finally all that whining could stop, everything up in flames, but no, he comes back. :p What comes after that? Don't really remember, I read some after, is it another 'find yourself' arc?

    The authors storys in parts read like bad romance novels your mother buys when getting on a long train journey.^^ But it has also been a long time since I read this, maybe I remember it worse than it is.
  17. VanRopen

    VanRopen Headmaster

    Apr 22, 2011
    Los Angeles
    Just finished powering through all 580k words. There’s definitely some...I’m not sure angst is really the right word, but there’s some moping. Don’t care for the romantic conflict either. But it never really felt overbearing, and it’s definitely not the majority of those hundreds of thousands of words. What the fic does have is some dope battles, and solid tension throughout. Good character work too.

    Overall, I’d say it was pretty fucking great. For all the slow start and feeling later on that things were dragging on, there’s some fantastic stuff there.

    Fucking Mirrorverse!Based Bobby B, man.
  18. Arshunk

    Arshunk First Year

    Dec 24, 2018
    I've been reading this story for a while and didn't see it being mentioned here. It's WIP.

    "The Lost Emperor"


    I actually liked it more than I thought I would.

    • Warning: it's really not for you if you don't like to read heavy smut and heavy incest


    With a successful expedition to the forbidden lands of Old Valyria, dragons have returned to the world accompanied by the resurgence of powerful magic. The Targaryens are not the only faction that seeks to harness the eldritch powers for their own ends. In the third century of Aegon’s dynasty their reign and very existence will be threatened as it has never been before.​

    Before reading it I thought it was yet another pro Targaryens wank fic that has harem. It looked like it, not my problem!
    But how wrong I was...

    In my opinion this is one of the best Targaryen centered stories around
    I usually don't like to read Jon Targaryen AUs because the main problem with such fics is somehow when authors put Jon into a Targ setting (like Rhaegar lived and their dynasty continues on) his character is not changed in the slightest - he loves Starks, he is honourable, he is broody and has bastardy complex. And I can't understand how and why is that the case, so fics like TLE are really hard to find.

    I find Targaryens and their history the most interesting out of all the Houses
    300 hundreds yesrs of Targaryens ruling Westeros only few were mad.
    Personally I think their madness gets overplayed most of the time.
    Power corrupts and they were the most powerful human beings(are they even human?) through all Westeros and if your family survived doom because of a vision it's not so hard to get obsessed with visions and prophecies.
    So many people have the wrong idea about them and it doesn't help that they put modern world views into a medieval setting such as asoaif.

    So before starting to read the story please read this author's note below

    • Notes:
    One thing I would like to reiterate as that while I am using canonical characters as a template (Jon, Dany, etc.) they also have massive parallels to their historical counterparts. A thing I see in this fandom is either whitewashing of the Targaryens (usually making Jon & Dany the ultra noble white knights) or making them blatant one dimensional villains. Part of the charm of Targaryens, beyond their control of dragons, is their hedonism and sometimes blatant disregard of their society's standard of propriety. I've seen a lot of criticism for my fic in my comment section and even comment sections of other stories on how I portray the Targaryens, mainly people being uncomfortable with the polyamorous relationships and incest. ​

    First, multiple Targaryens have been noted as being hedonistic, engaged in polyamorous relationships, or simply having multiple sexual partners: Aegon I, Maegor, Rhaena, Jaehaerys I's two daughters: Saera and Viserra, Daemon the Rogue Prince (who Jon is heavily mirroring in TLE), Aegon II, Rhaenyra (who Daenerys is heavily mirroring in TLE), Baela Targaryen, Aegon IV, Daemon Blackfyre wanted a polygamous marriage, Sheira Seastar, Aerys II aaaand Daenerys maintains a lover while entering a political marriage in Meeren. So please let us dispel the notion that the Targaryens were saints. They were far from it. ​

    Secondly, very close incestual relationships are one of the main things that makes Targaryens - Targaryens. There is this fanon notion that Rhaegar wants to end incest marriages. Please, if Rhaegar had a sister-wife the whole Robert's Rebellion thing would have never happened. In Planetos, banging and breeding your sister helps you control the world's only fire-breathing airforce. The King certainly wants to see it continue.​

    If you don't want to see the Targaryens hedonism on full display while they try to maintain control of their kingdom then this is not the fic for you. Dragonlord Jon AKA Jaehaerys Targaryen ≠ Show Jon (AKA Ned Stark Clone) or even sexually repressed and honor obsessed Book Jon (who is a lot darker and more interesting than his show counterpart). ​

    I agree with him 100% here.
    It's a good heads up too so I mentioned it.

    Now let me tell you: this is a well written story.

    The writing gets better with each chapter. The smut scenes gets fewer and character interaction gains more and more focus throughout the chapters. The author knows how to handle different situations.

    The romance side of the story is handled maturely and realistically

    The political situation at KL is the favorite part of the story for me.
    The politics and different schemes are nicely crafted, most of the time there's a good and strong logic behind each action and the tension surrounding the Targaryens and their reign adds so much to the story.

    They're at their weakest so unfortunately they have to answer to both gods and men. It's going to slowly change with their prince coming back.

    Attention to detail is lovely and subtle and it doesn't overstays its welcome.

    World building is huge in this and it's some damn good world building.

    Martells and Dorne are big and important in this so expect some classic Doran moments.

    If you like good smut in your long complex asoaif fanfiction, I just gave you the best one there is.

    Characters are interesting especially Rhaenys. I think it's the best version of her I've seen in fanfictions. You won't even notice that she's basically an OC(Well, Daphne is basically an OC too, right?).

    Jon's siblings don't hate/dislike him without any good reason or just because the author want to make him an emo weakling. So that's a plus for me. I hate that trope.

    No Honorable Ned 2.0 bs. Jon's an actual Targaryen prince for once.

    The OC isn't Mary Sueish. I don't want to spoil anything but don't get fooled because POVs aren't a reliable source of information.
    One of the strongest sides of the story.

    Again don't get fooled. I'm telling you because I got fooled.
    This is not about Targaryens living in harmony and peace. Characters have flaws. Real, big flaws.

    The human heart in conflict with itslef theme is strong.

    In general character work is above decent.
    The plot seems complex enough for an asoiaf fanfiction.
    First arc of the story has ended and I can say with confidence that this story is very promising.

    Now it's not perfect.
    I have a few problems with it:

    with over 200K words written, it still feels we're at the beginning. Slow progression. As much as I love the world building there has to be balance​

    The romance conflict that is present from the first chapter isn't convincing and imo lowers the quality of story​

    Dany's character is bland for now

    The first few chapters Jon(Jaehaerys) was OP(author fixed it)

    Some of the characters' desicons don't make sense.
    Like Rhaegar sending his best Kingsguards to go and find Jon in Essos
    If I had to rate it, I'd give it 3.5/5 but it can easily be 4.5/5 for me if it holds it's quality.
  19. pbluekan

    pbluekan Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2014
    Dancing in the Mindfield
    This is precisely what this is. It hits every cliche on the list.
    • Jon is a badass
    • Sam Tarly is inexplicably there
    • Viserys is nice and cool!
    • Jon is infatuated with his half sister and aunt.
    • Jon hatches a dragon
    Here, have a sampler:
  20. Arshunk

    Arshunk First Year

    Dec 24, 2018
    Yep the first chapter didn't make me like the story either.

    • I respectfully disagree.
    His mind is messed up, not to mention the PTSD. You're judging it by the first chapter. I don't think he's that OP but he was with Jaime for 4 years so I think it's believable for him to be a competent swordman. And he's a strong warg who has a dragon. Give Pycelle a dragon and he'll become badass.
    And isn't Jon already a badass in canon?
    We're seeing him as a man not a child in this story.​

    • Sam only has one pov and isn't mentioned much after that. I think it was just to have a POV who was with Jon. So the readers could get glimpse of him and his journey. POVs are unreliable and Sam would've fucked Jon if he was a girl. So he's fangirling over him hard. Jon isn't that magnificent or glorious. And the writing gets so much better believe me.

    • I wouldn't say nice and cool but he's not his canon self, true.
    Are you say he should act like canon when he didn't go through that traumatic childhood or when he didn't have to be a beggar king?

    Even in AGoT Dany mentions that he was sweet and gentle and always had her back. It was after he had to sell their mother's crown that he went cruel.
    He is still a cunt here. He dishonored Arianne and was the main reason that got Dany into a marriage with Martells.
    He was only thinking about himself and didn't tell his family about Jon. He did his own thing and went to Lys etc
    He has children now, being a father makes you better most times. It's not cliche.
    You're seeing him through Dany's eyes. I'm sure the Redwynes don't think he's cool and nice.​

    • They're Targaryens my friend. And he didn't want his sister. He wouldn't have even think about her if it wasn't for Rhaegar's plans to wed them and the intimacy in the bed. She's not his half sister. She's Lyanna's too. Full sister.
    Jon isn't sexually depressed. He's a royal. A Targaryen, all around him are the hottest girls in the realm. He's hot, the girls around him are hot too, I think it's more cliche for have him be Ned 2.0 and not to notice the girls' beauties. Is he taking every girl he sees? No Myrcella and Visenya are his brides. He didn't have sex with Nym in Volantis. He only has sex with 2 persons in this story. Her past lover and now his soon to be bride who was basically throwing herself at him when he was drunk. About Daenerys? I think she's fine without him​

    Was Daemon Targaryen a cliche to you?
    Cause he was fucking everything he saw

    • Is hatching a dragon always cliche? It's not like he did it easily. His action had consequences and you'll see what a hard task it is to hatch more dragons. They are going to try hatch dragons and bring their main power back, just like Egg did at Harrenhall. They're somewhat following his footsteps
    He's not Aegon I reborn and his dragon isn't Balerion the black dread. Magic is a double edged sword and I think the story makes that clear. Also the story doesn't shy away from showcasing how Dragons are basically nukes in their universe. ​

    You made some valid points. I agree with some of it but I still think you're judging it early.
    The first few chapters don't do the story justice.
    I don't think it's a Targaryen wank fic. Sure it's focused around them but it's not about sunshines and flowers.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2019