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"A Song of Ice and Fire" stories

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by purple, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    We already have, it's been linked to the thread in past, namely The Many Sons of Winter.

    Thus far, I've seen one decent fic there and that was "A Spark of Ice and Fire" (Genius Girl/ASOIAF crossover) but it got boring after a while too.

    At times it's a crackfic, does it well, but then at times it tries to hard to be all grim and keeps on with this perpetual theme of Agatha trying to redeem the Lannisters, namely Tywin. Oh and the scene with Robert in the throne room was cringeworthy, along with many others like it.
  2. ashlands of the cold

    ashlands of the cold Second Year

    Mar 24, 2014
  3. Captain Trips

    Captain Trips High Inquisitor

    Oct 24, 2008
    And Desert Wolves continues to update, becoming even more Cringeworthy as time goes on. Only reading it now to watch the trainwreck in progress...
  4. Jarik

    Jarik Chief Warlock

    Feb 13, 2008
    You know, this is awful and I really should hate it, but for some reason, I'm really enjoying this. It's a crack fic obviously, but still. There's just some absolutely awesomely and hilariously fun things that happen that are quite novel. For instance:

    Mordred constantly trying to cockblock her parents - Jamie/Cersei - only to eventually be married off to her mother from another life (who is unaware).
    Mordred's awesome interactions with Robert.
    Guinevere and Lancelot switching genders, and then being reborn as siblings who are the only ones who don't incest.
    Daenerys being a complete yandere for her brother.

    ...yeah, incest seems to be the theme of this story.
  5. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    This was actually a really fun story which edged into enjoyable parody at times. I dropped it one they started going into a harem (and having characters find out about the reincarnation angle), but the Arthur and Mordred parts were very fun. Sansa parts kind of sucked though
  6. Damask

    Damask Seventh Year

    Dec 6, 2010
    Any good ASoIaF fics that feature Asshai? The place sounds damn interesting. I'd kill for a good depiction of it, even if it's not canon.

    DEADSIRNAIT Second Year

    Sep 15, 2013
    That's no surprise. Even Shirou's goodness can't save that character.
  8. Jarik

    Jarik Chief Warlock

    Feb 13, 2008
    Why does everyone hate Sansa so much? She's a great character, with an interesting plot. And fics like Ties of Blood and Fire really bring her out.
  9. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
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  10. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Well, the hate (canon-wise) originates from how much un-Northern she is, unlike Arya or the rest of her siblings. I mean, you see how poor of an influence the Southron ways have been for her upbringing, and you want to feel pity for her, but then you remember how she defended Joffrey and would have probably cared very little if it had been Nymeria who got executed instead of Lady, and you remember how she tattled off her father's plans to Cersei because she wanted so desperately to be queen, despite seeing before that it was Cersei who wanted the death of one of the direwolves.

    Her misery is of her own making, though not entirely through her actions alone.

    Her greatest accomplishment, in the books, is learning when to keep her mouth shut.

    I don't really hate her anymore, that's long gone, but I don't find her interesting either.

    That's a good fic, I agree. Went in a completely different direction than the one I expected, quite a pleasant surprise, I'll say as much.
  11. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    The link in Jeram's post gets the right of why certain people do, but I think the important thing to realise is that they are silly people. Just straight-up. And most of them are also probably stupid people. Real talk, every time I see someone hate on Sansa, my first immediate thought is that they're probably a thirteen year old boy or some raging late twenty-something basement dweller or a misogynistic construction worker or something. Obviously they're not all that, and casual profiling like that is a bad thing (Might get a pass because they're all straight white guys, though!), but they all still come across that way.

    And the reason why I've come to think that is 'cause I don't think I've ever seen someone say they hate Sansa while also pointing out an appreciation of her arc and acknowledging that there's development. It's all "rawr rawr she sucks rawr". No one takes the time to say if they dislike her role as a character in a plot or if they just dislike her personality, probably because they don't really understand the distinction. No one even resigns to indifference while also showing an understanding and appreciation of the intention behind her very existence. Her role in the plot, the themes she represents, the things she goes through, where she may go... It's all just gut feeling of dislike, all the way down, and a failure to reconsider.

    Again, that's overgeneralisation, but again again, have yet to really see otherwise! And don't much care to, because it's not like they could convince me to hate her, same as I couldn't convince them to like her. Thus, the stalemate of internet discussions continues on, never-ending.

    (Personally, the only sour thing to me about her is Sansan, and even then that's because of the common fan thinking of their relationship getting ridiculously out of hand and doing that thing popular ships do where they make everything about them. There's importance to the dynamic, and it's certainly compelling and responsible for a lot of Sansa's development as a person and a character, but the good gems of fanfic that could pull it off in a plausible way while also getting the point? They ain't shining through the rest of the dirt, that's for sure, and digging sounds very much not worth it when there's enough alternatives that all understand the truest OTP of all: Sansa/Happiness.)
  12. Jarik

    Jarik Chief Warlock

    Feb 13, 2008
    Yeah, agree with what you've said MattSilver.

    I suppose a lot of people take the characters as very two dimensional. But even going that way, I never really felt this hatred that a lot of other people seem to. Her mistakes lead to some pretty horrible outcomes in the first book, but she always seemed genuinely upset as those outcomes and so I never really could hold it against her.

    People characterize her as being a bitch for those, but I see her more as the 11 year old girl she is, not really understanding the consequences of her actions. Keep in mind, she led a relatively sheltered life in Winterfell where making the wrong decision didn't see people she cared about seriously hurt.

    So moving past that, people also find her dull because she's not a badass character. I suppose that's subjective, but I do like the development she goes through. Changing from that naive little girl to someone a lot stronger, learning from the worst of people like Cersei and Littlefinger. She's quite passive in terms of directly affecting major events, but her character development goes through significant change, and that's what I find interesting.

    Yeah, this sums it up quite well.

    DEADSIRNAIT Second Year

    Sep 15, 2013
    It's not like I can't see her development, but in the end all I feel(note that this is only me) that she's become like a plot tumor. The point of her character is to show that girls that want to live their lives like a song in such a depraved world are meant to have their eyes opened through pain.

    I hate reading her parts in the book because all I ever read about is her suffering, suffering and sufferrrrrriiiiiiiiiinggggggg. The development is there but what is the point when all she ever does is be pushed around by practically everyone.

    All the good things that happened to her, as few as those are, aren't even things that she did herself. Even now she's a puppet, with no actual control of her own fate and even forced to hide who she really is.

    One day George might actually give her character the chance she actually deserves to strike back at all that wronged her, but right now her character is terrible because I've read nothing that compels me to her since all I've read about her is her sufferriiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggg.
  14. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
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    Huh. I never thought people considered Sansa a bitch. Maybe at first, but that was mostly because she was sheltered, etc.
    To me, at least, the issue has always been than Sansa is a boring and (depending on your outlook) passive/useless character, and her story threads inevitably end up being the same.
  15. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    I feel that the Sansa hate tends to come from the same place as Skylar hate; they're both characters that basically go against the story's flow (Skylar's kind of a bitch, Sansa is extremely passive) but do so in a completely believable manner in order to ground the story. Sansa's isn't, in and of herself, particularly interesting in so much that she's a proper Westerosi lady in training surrounded by action heroes and master plotters, but she gives you a much needed outside viewpoint to how the swords and schemes are affecting others.

    That said, she's still not particularly fun to read or watch; at least in the transition the Brienne chapters went from a slog to some of the best parts of the show. A huge part of what makes Cersei interesting is how she takes the role of Perfect Lady she loathes and tries to twist it to her own ends. Sansa simply exists in it, and seeing her naivety broken just isn't enjoyable, as necessary for the overall story it may be.

    Also, good god I tried to read another chapter of that cracky GoT/FSN cross and started bleeding from the eyes. Talk about throwing away a fun concept.
  16. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
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    I feel like y'all are focusing too much on her character and attitude and rather skipping over the fact that she was pretty much entirely responsible for Ned's death, who was, at the time, most people's favourite character and the supposed protagonist.

    Yes, she develops and learns. But after you've contributed to starting a war that leads to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, you can only be redeemed so much. Most people dislike Sansa for her really shitty decisions, not for her "girly" character.

    DEADSIRNAIT Second Year

    Sep 15, 2013
    There's that too. I guess.
  18. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Joffrey also having Ned killed certainly contributed to starting the war. Or Ned started it by refusing to lock down Cersei and her kids at the right time. Or Catelyn started it when she took Tyrion hostage. Or Joffrey started it when he sent an assassin after Bran. Or Jaime started it when he pushed Bran out the window. Or Cersei having three kids with her brother. Or blah blah et cetera.

    Sansa contributed to Ned being trapped in King's Landing because she made a silly girlish mistake because no one put her in the loop, and she trusted the queen. But folk in the Riverlands were already being killed way before that, due to past mistakes that weren't hers. Classic cascade of things, no need for anyone to pin any contribution on her without also acknowledging every factor to it. See, everyone's to blame guys, that's half the fun!

    And everyone make shitty decisions and mistakes! Rhaegar wanted a third head for the dragon and started a war. Aegon The Unworthy couldn't keep his cock in his breeches and started a war. Robb Stark couldn't abandon Jeyne Westerling's lost maidenhead and lost a war. Jaime and Stannis and Theon are pretty much defined by their mistakes early on, but grow and change out of it due to circumstances, just like Sansa is, slowly but surely. Maybe hate the mistake and the decision, not the person? That can't be too hard.

    Otherwise, using a "this character made shitty decisions and that's why people don't like 'em" logic, everyone should hate everybody, man. The end.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
  19. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
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    Well, most people do hate Joffrey, Catelyn, Cersei. Though to clarify, I should say that it's not making shitty decisions in and of itself, it's making shitty decisions which harm the "protagonists" (Ned, Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, maybe Arya).
  20. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
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    No, Ned and Littlefinger were mostly responsible for Ned's death. Sansa had only a minor impact at one point, which was really caused by those two I mentioned.