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Advent of Jupiter, 62k, Super Hero Scifi, need Betas

Discussion in 'Original Fiction Discussion' started by Thorn, Nov 24, 2020.

  1. Thorn

    Thorn Professor

    Jan 3, 2006
    Jesus, DLP.

    It feels like years since I posted here. Shit, it probably has been. I recently finished my first original story, Advent of Jupiter, and I've probably done things out of order a bit. I've been querying, and outside of a couple standard rejections, the last couple for the first 5-10 pages has been 'It's good but not for me kind of stuff. One of the agents suggested having it beta'd, and Jesus I'm not sure why that didn't occur to me. Anyway, our lovable hive of scum and villainy is the first place that occurred to me to look.

    Below is just a general pitch. Please let me know if you're interested.

    Patrick Fellows grew up admiring superheroes and following their battles, but he never thought he'd be one.
    Before that fateful night when his future changed forever, he and his mother lived alone in a two bedroom apartment in Akron, Ohio. One evening his dog Zeus escapes into stormy darkness and he and his mother give chase. When they venture too deep into the wrong part of the city, they're cornered by a violent gang. In the ultimate act of parental love, Patricks mother sacrifices her life to save her son. As he stares in shock at his mother's still form, a brilliant blue bolt of lightning strikes him and raises him into the air. In an incredibly rare event known as an Advent, Patrick instinctively takes control of the storm's energy and takes his vengeance on the thugs.

    With no one left to call his own, Patrick seeks shelter with his best friend Drew's family, The Finnigans. Although ultimately unable to adopt Patrick, Drew and his parents act as the closest thing the new super has to a brother, mother, and father. As he grows up, the tragedy of Patrick's past threatens to drag him into a future of darkness, while the love of the Finnigan's pulls him back toward the light. As he grows, Patrick falls in love with a girl who uncontrollably manifests her nightmares while she sleeps, is blackmailed by a vicious pyromaniac supervillain, and fights against a new superheroine who could be the most powerful in the world.

    Pulling the strings of it all is The Shadow, a cultured and rich super who envisions the advancement of humankind - by placing superhumans as mankind's masters. With a whole cadre of villains and heroes at his command, The Shadow will attempt to bring Patrick to heel as Earth's ultimate energy source. In the end, Patrick must choose between helping people his own way or enforcing Shadow's vision of the future to ensure what happened to his mother never happens again.