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Almost Recommendable Worm Fanfiction

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by NoxedSalvation, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. Kraken

    Kraken Sixth Year

    Jul 4, 2008
    I've found that fanfic authors very rarely are able to write Superman stories or crossovers well at all. They're unable to provide meaningful conflict or development due to Superman's overwhelming power and have no idea how to actually do character development without shoehorning in a terrible romance.
  2. Dark Belra

    Dark Belra Minister of Magic

    Feb 14, 2008
    Dublin, Ireland
    Intrepid kinda took over the whole fast updating story for me. I have a major issue with its pacing though. Having 3 different characters and the jumping around randomly is hurting the story quite a bit when I just want to see the Taylor story or maybe just the Emma one.
  3. Lavanya Six

    Lavanya Six Squib

    May 5, 2015
    Not that much, honestly. I got into the Wormverse Threads around #14 but even then there wasn't the lime-scented content you'd expect. Even joking (or not so jokingly) shipping Missy with Taylor was frowned upon. That said, there was a definite tightening of standards since then. I once posted a snippet that had Weaver come down with morning sickness and discover her birth control had failed. I'm certain I'd be kicked for a week or two for that snippet now. I'll run my snippets past a mod if there's so much as an allusion to sex or sexual violence involving minors.

    If I ever wrote the Lily/Amy or Sabah/Amy shipfics that have been rattling around in my head, I wouldn't post them on SB or SV. I'd default to AO3 and FFnet. I wouldn't feel the same restriction with, say, AtLA shipfic even though the actors would be younger than in Wormfic.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2015
  4. Saot

    Saot Groundskeeper

    May 9, 2011
    This applies to most of the people paid to write Superman stories too.
  5. notes

    notes DA Member

    Sep 5, 2013
    Lavanya Six is right that there wasn't much lemon, even way back when (first snippet of Cenotaph went up in thread... 3? Terrifying. Also funny to look back and see it that small). I don't think things are as tight as asserted, though - I'd expect fade to black to still be safe. A crush, thoughts that don't spill over into explicit fantasies, flirting, talking... fair bit of room to work with. Wouldn't try describing a teenage makeout session in any graphic detail there, though.
  6. Jarik

    Jarik Chief Warlock

    Feb 13, 2008
    Please do. My yuri senses are tingling with anticipation already. XD
  7. Ferdiad

    Ferdiad Unspeakable

    Oct 23, 2011
    Limerick, Ireland
    Nah, apparently the author of Unnatural Disaster(fic where Taylor has an unrestricted shard) couldn't even put a sub-plot in about a teen getting pregnant.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015
  8. notes

    notes DA Member

    Sep 5, 2013
    Inspection says that the author of Unnatural Disaster didn't want to risk it - not that the banhammer came down. Might have, might not have.

    Think the boundary is more self-enforced than mod-enforced... but that does leave the boundary's location fuzzy.
  9. S1234567890m

    S1234567890m Third Year

    Aug 28, 2014
    IIRC the Author said he asked the mods, they said if he did Banhammer.

    EDIT: [LINK]
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015
  10. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    See, I don't even know the point of that.
  11. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    On worm and mods on spacebattles.

    I've never read Panacea quest, but my understanding of it is that it goes MUCH too far, repeatedly. But as all the sex stuff came after previous body modification stuff, only fans were around at that point, and therefore nobody reported the content. BANS ALL AROUND.

    Silencio was good fun. A bit silly, and the birth of one of the stupidest memes in the fandom (IA IA SHIPPING CHART is up there with 'BULLSHIT'). A story about a Taylor who is, at least, bi-curious, and her power of making invisible props. Who is dating Amy Dallon. Lots of bans handed out, and people arguing with the mods over it, and people not reporting fast enough... It was much less explicit than Panacea Quest, but was happening at a similar time. The mods were already pissed off enough.

    There's been several other stories that come close to crossing the line on Spacebattles, and LOADS on other sites (See Ack's Ao3 account
    for Danny/Taylor incest story, Grue/Aisha incest story, Everyone/Everyone 'Naked Sex World' story, Brian the Rapist story... And then multiple other pieces on his QQ account. For just ONE author).
    The characters of Worm are in that annoying age, where romance is going to be a thing. IF the characters were real people, dating and sex would be inevitable.
    But they're underage by American law.
    And writing about underage smut can cause legal issues, and can cause advertising issues. Neither of which the owners of SB want.

    But the worm smut on SB doesn't turn up in the first few chapters. Or the first few months. It turns up when all the people left reading it are the actual fans. And if some smut does sneak in, they're not going to report it, because that would mean updates would be delayed (and because nearly none of the authors there post their works on other sites, because everything else is inferior).
    So SB just takes a very simple NO FUCKING OR ROMANCE OR KISSING. OR ELSE stance, even implied, because people pushed the rules and the mods too far.
  12. Ayreon

    Ayreon Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 18, 2006
    I don't think that's a real danger in the US, unless you seriously push the envelope at least. (You can find underage sex scenes in books in pretty much every bookshop and library.)
    Afaik spacebattles doesn't have ads either. (Though ads are commonly a reason for stricter site limits on porn than the law demands.)

    What I gathered, is that at least some of the Admins/Mods can be easily matched to their real identities and (understandably) don't want these connected to underage smut.
    (Or they just really dislike it.)
  13. Lavanya Six

    Lavanya Six Squib

    May 5, 2015
    In Silencio's case, it was the readership that pushed the mods rather the story itself. Some of the goofier omakes got pervy, as did the running jokes in the comments. It probably didn't help that Skitterpan brings out biokink gags about augmenting Taylor's cup size.

    Silencio itself is pretty tame, in a lighthearted PG-13 way. I rather liked the way it treated Taylor's initial relationship with Amy, where she was unsettled by the idea of dating another girl in a "Am I bi?" way, even if it didn't linger overly long on that phase. Although that's forgivable. The messy introspectiveness it would involve wouldn't mesh well with Silencio's tone. Still nice to see, though. Most shipfics don't bother.

    Kissing is fine, I think, as long as you don't get graphic with it. No hands and all that. The shipfic that gets posted tends to focus on the relationships rather than mashing two dolls together to make smoochy noises.

    I think there's also the forum culture factor. If you allow NSFW material to be posted, you're going to drive away certain posters and attract others, and it'll affect what other places will link to you because of your content.

    Plus, there's not really a need for SB or SV to radically loosen their rules. Both sites have a fair degree of membership overlap with Questionable Questing. It's basically their shared unofficial NSFW subforum.
  14. CleanRag

    CleanRag Professor

    Dec 26, 2009
    --> ? <--
    This is a lie that they tell you to make you accept their censorship. US laws concerning legal age in art are intentionally vague. If it doesn't contain images of real underage teenagers than you are definitely free and clear. Even then people have gotten away with it because it contains 'artistic value' in a non-pornographic sense. Here is a list of mainstream underage nudity that a quick google search turned up.

    Underage pornography laws don't exist to discourage something that people find morally wrong, because nobody will ever agree over a definition. Instead they exist to stop people from hurting naive children that haven't yet learned better. They don't apply to anything written.

    If advertising was a concern than you wouldn't be able to walk down to the local bookstore and find bodice rippers everywhere. 50 Shades of Grey wouldn't be given prime real estate in every Walmart. Above all, underage teenagers wouldn't be able to buy any of it.

    The mods and admins at spacebattles are no different from any other advocate of censorship. They are petty egoists enforcing their world view on anyone stupid enough to enter their domain.
  15. Bramastra

    Bramastra Groundskeeper

    Sep 26, 2014
    a rip in time and space
    Didn't CxJenious' CYOA thread get closed because of him making a little girl happy?
  16. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Just out of curiosity, if Worm itself was posted on SB/SV, would it get banned because of the scenes between Taylor and Brian?

    Because if so... :facepalm
  17. Bramastra

    Bramastra Groundskeeper

    Sep 26, 2014
    a rip in time and space
    It'd probably be banned for all the underage sex slave groups Lung owns
  18. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    Without context I have no idea how to take this.
  19. Bramastra

    Bramastra Groundskeeper

    Sep 26, 2014
    a rip in time and space
    I think he used his power go make her day better or something like that


    After he saved her life
  20. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Yeah, we're still missing a lot of context here.
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