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Almost Recommendable Worm Fanfiction

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by NoxedSalvation, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. kostigan

    kostigan Temporarily Banhammered

    May 19, 2012
    Somewhere in the mountains of the Balkan peninsula
    I dunno, maybe making Harry as close to Taylor's age as possible, so book 5 maybe? Use the whole ''falls through the Veil while trying to save Sirius'' cliche. I would be okay with that. As for the Worm, well start from the begining or maybe a bit before that, just after Taylor triggers.
  2. DvorakQ

    DvorakQ Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 29, 2006
    Or a random drive-by Simurgh kidnapping plot might become one of the cliches of the wormverse, hell, cauldron might be the kidnappers or any one of the other tinkers with a dimensional travel device. :p
  3. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    Or Taylor gets the Elder Wand and it whispers spells in her ear as she progresses. Also it tells her to kill the shit out of people, cause whats an all powerful battle wand with out a little mass murdering tendencies. Also no AK, cause that would be cheap as fuck in regards to Endbringers and Scion.
  4. someone010101

    someone010101 High Inquisitor

    Aug 7, 2012
    Bullying is a serious issue for Taylor; in HP, Harry was bullied by Dudley and the Muggle school in general, Snape and Malfoy and the Marauders bullied Snape (and he bullied back as best as he could).

    Just saying, hearing mid series Taylor talk to Dumbledore, Harry, Snape, anybody would be really funny. In a darkly humorous way.
  5. oakes

    oakes Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2011
    I'd be more happier seeing Harry in the Worm universe, always hated fanfictions where other series' main character comes to Hogwarts to be the DADA professor, all the while being a BAMF, talking down Dumbledore for being so incompetent etc.
  6. NoxedSalvation

    NoxedSalvation Temporarily Banhammered

    Jun 24, 2010

    Would that indicate that HP magic is some form of Clarke science? Because that's a shit concept which stinks of Yudkovskj.
  7. kostigan

    kostigan Temporarily Banhammered

    May 19, 2012
    Somewhere in the mountains of the Balkan peninsula
    Or she gets the Diary.

    I agree, Wormeverse seems like a more exciting place.
  8. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    Her getting the diary would be a good way for her to learn some good spells, without having the sheer reality bending that Older Voldemort and Dumbledore could do.
  9. someone010101

    someone010101 High Inquisitor

    Aug 7, 2012
    I think that's more of an execution issue then one of the setting. You can just as well have super!Harry bashing Cauldron, the PRT, Protectorate and oneshot Endbringers. HP magic is harder to balance too.

    Personally, I just want to see straight HP people react to Taylors blatant yet somehow strangely convincing hypocrisy (see Yamada Interlude, her talk with Fletchette).
  10. kostigan

    kostigan Temporarily Banhammered

    May 19, 2012
    Somewhere in the mountains of the Balkan peninsula
    If you ask me she doesn't even have to be magical. Just having Tom Jr. influencing her decisions and messing with her head would make things enough interesting. I can easly imagine this scenario with her being a lonely, bullied girl and all.

    Not necessarily. If say, you drop Harry into Wormeverse at the end of book five he's still barely a half-trained wizard. He can't cast the Unforgivables or Fiendfyre, can't Apparate, can't do memory charms and is certenly nowhere near Dumbledore in Transfiguration. The most destructive offensive spell he knows is Reducto and that hardly makes him a superpower in Worm.

    Or you can allways de-power him a bit. Why not make him wandless? I wonder why authors never use that route when they throw Harry in some new world. Why not make him work his ass off to gain some limited control over wandless magic (because it would be stupid to first make him wandless then make him as good without a wand). And because we are in Worm, why not make him trigger then connect his Shard with his magic somehow?
  11. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place

    I'd want her to be magical because in the first Leviathan fight I'd have either the wand or Tom takeover her body completely and go HAM for a few minutes. Trading blow after blow only for Tom-Skitter or Wand-Skitter to underestimate a wave and be knocked out. I was thinking of having Tom try the AK first only for it to tear a small hole in Leviathan. It'd be a good fight scene for most of it but I'd imagine that you'd need Dumbledore or Voldemort levels of power to effectively fight against any of the endbringers and 1v1 them. Taylor would also suffer some mental setbacks because of the control she had to give up. Also points a spotlight on her as someone who could damage Endbringers given enough time to grow.

    Harry with all of his strength even wouldn't be too much of a hax against Worm heroes. Sure there are the unforgivables but I doubt Harry would be throwing those around. Even in the prologue Harry was just an above average Auror, he wasn't some powerhouse like Dumbledore and Voldemort. A 22 year old Harry being dropped in Worm verse would be interesting as long as it isn't a super harry fic. Against the Endbringers he'd be especially vulnerable, just super mobile with apparation. He might have occlumency to fight Simurgh though. It'd actually be pretty cool to have him think it'd save him only for the scream to be worse for his mind, throwing him away from the fight.

    A cool fic would have Voldemort at his prime sent to wormverse. Have the killing curse backfire and transport him through one of the portals. He'd essentially be another of the S-class threats because of his shear versatility, strength, and the killing curse. One touch and he kills you. Eventually I'd have him set up a new Death Eaters thinking that parahumans are the replacement for magic users in this world. Not sure where it could go after that, him fighting the S9 maybe, or against the Triumvirate, though I don't know how'd they fair once he just starts throwing around AKs.
  12. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    AK don´t cause physical damage, it simply kills (living) things. So either you argue that the leviathan is a construct/robot and has no soul or an AK should kill it/him.

    And I don´t think Voldemort in WormVerse would be that interesting because what goal would he have? He wanted to lead the wizards onto another Golden Age where they would rule over the Muggles, which is impossible if you are the only wizard.
    And without the Statue of Secrecy/disbelieving population and with a world where the paranormal is an accepted fact of life and people are looking for it would it only take weeks at best before someone kills him (Because lets face it, he would never follow the rules and, unlike the S9, he has no idea what the capabilities of his enemies are).

    A young Harry in Worm could work but I am not sure how long you could keep him in character and alive or how you would let him interact with Taylor (because they have very different characters). And most his powers are not that useful for actual fights, especially against endbringers. (Even if it would be funny to see how they would react to some jinxes/cheering charms or maybe even a simple wingardium leviosa)
  13. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
  14. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    I'll just drop my HP/Worm bunny since I'll never have time to write it - not that I've ever finished anything ever anyway. Do with it what you will.


    The fic would be a self-contained narrative, placing Harry - about to graduate Auror training - into the Wormverse somewhere around the turn of the millennium. It'd be Harry's story in Earth Bet, as he figures out how and why he got there in the first place. The Simurgh is involved.

    Basically: Harry is knocked out/killed/whatever'sconvenient, and wakes up at night, in an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar city. Judging from the noises coming from outside, it's a large one (it's New York City). He investigates. The room he's in is a teenager's bedroom, and despite looking like it hasn't been inhabited in several years, it's clear somebody's been cleaning and tidying up regularly. He finds that he's dressed in his old Hogwarts robes, but is without his wand.

    Voices come from downstairs - some people downstairs heard his footsteps. Cue a confrontation with a living Lily and James Potter (with a very Awaken Sleeper feel). James has a gun, expecting to see a burglar and instead coming upon the son who ran away from home several years ago. Harry is unnerved, and the ensuing conversation sets him on edge enough that he attempts to escape. Even without a wand, he's proficient enough with basic charms that he disarms James with magic and flees, using Unlocking Charms and weak Banishing Charms to move past obstacles. The Potters alert the authorities that their son has mysteriously appeared, disoriented and apparently a parahuman.

    The PRT and New York Protectorate send some Wards after him, and Harry is chased down by [insert heroes that aren't Legend here].

    This would be the first segment of the fic - functionally, it'd probably work best as an extended prologue. Harry's story would pick up several months or years later, with Harry as a member of the Protectorate. Since he'd probably show up in Earth Bet at around 2001 or 2002, I'd add a year or two so some of the more fleshed out characters from Worm could make appearances.

    Anyway, stuff about how all this works:

    The Harry Potter we know and love (henceforth Harry) is a figment of someone's imagination. That someone is the Harry Potter of Earth Bet (Harry Bet), who is the son of British expats Lily and James Potter, who make a comfortable living in New York. Harry Bet left home at some point in his late teenage years, and hasn't contacted home since that time.

    Earth Bet has had cultural exchange with Earth Aleph for several years at this point (if this isn't canon, fuck it), and several shipments of the Harry Potter books (by the year 2001, Goblet was the latest installment) are in circulation. Harry Bet, being an upper-middle class kid, had the books.

    Harry Bet scoffs at but is secretly fascinated by this supposedly immensely popular character, whom he shares both his and his parents' names with - but develops a complex as a result. There are people with fucking superpowers in his world, but he doesn't get any? This, combined with teenage angst and unfortunate drug use leads to his running away from home.

    Several years later in the early 2000s, he's unfortunate enough to be in the same city the Simurgh decides to make her first appearance in, and triggers as a result. His trigger event is also the same thing that causes our Harry to appear in Bet's old bedroom.

    Harry Bet is a Master, with a secondary Thinker rating. He's emotionally cornered, and barely escapes with his life - the Simurgh's song causes his trigger event. His powers involve wishful thinking, living vicariously through the eyes of another - he triggers, and brings to life an idealized, fantasy copy of himself. This copy is Harry, our protagonist. This is also the reason Legend can't be in the prologue of the fic - he's busy dealing with the Simurgh's appearance, as is most of the Protectorate.

    Our Harry is essentially a manifestation in the vein of Manton and the Siberian, differing from her in that he has a flesh-and-blood body, is fully corporeal, and operates independently from Harry Bet. His curse scar however, links his mind to Bet's. This means that Harry's magic isn't the magic we know from canon, but what Harry Bet imagines the character's skillset would be given his incomplete knowledge of any canon later than GoF.

    Harry Bet's Thinker powers basically would allow him to jack into Harry's mind and vice versa a la Harry and Voldemort in canon, and Harry essentially functions as a Horcrux for Harry Bet. This'd be thrown in later to complicate things for him.

    Future shenanigans would have included:

    -Harry eventually encountering the Travelers (Earth Aleph natives encountering the 'real' Harry Potter? Come on. That's gotta happen.)
    -"The New York Incident" = Harry vs. Echidna.
    -Harry Bet tracking Harry down via mind link. He's probably jealous, the turd.
    -Simurgh shenanigans.
    -Harry coopting the Adepts when they're just starting out. OR defeating them. Whatever works. A real wizard taking down self-proclaimed magic users? Has to happen.
    -Maybe the Slaughterhouse Nine?


    But yeah. Those're basically the extent of my notes. Tear'em apart, ignore the post, write it, whatever. Enjoy!
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2014
  15. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Or, you could just make HP's cape name Myrddin - he'll just be an actual wizard pretending to be a parahuman. It's the sort of obvious idea that would work exactly once, but if done properly, it could be awesome.

    Anyways, I just finished Propagation, due to some recommendation on the second page here, and all I can say is bleh. It's exactly the type of story I don't like. Give Taylor all the powers, then put her into the wards. Who reads that, and honestly, thinks it's a good idea? It started out interestingly enough, but then I just slowly lost all interest.
  16. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    The Epilogue for Cenotaph just went up.
  17. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    Is there a Worm story with a Thinker/Tinker Taylor that is good. (The only ones I know of are Clockwork and Death Head and both are more meh than wow). I would love to read a Programmer Taylor befriends Dragon type of story.
  18. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    There was one in the spacebattles ideas thread about a Programmer!Taylor who befriends Bakuda's civilian ID and was in the process of making the Digital World from Digimon. That's the closest I can think of to what you're looking for. Not sure what happened to it.

    Here's the last of four published bits of it (with links to the previous ones) if you're interested.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
  19. Rym

    Rym Auror

    Aug 4, 2009
    That sounds freaking awesome.
  20. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    Clockwork? This story has not been mentioned in this thread before, and I haven't come across it. Link, please?
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