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Almost Recommended VI

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 9, 2013.

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  1. Infidel

    Infidel Auror

    Feb 26, 2011
    The underverse
    I actually liked the story. I think the absorption of all the artifacts was cool because in a way it restricts both Harry and Hermione. It makes them unable to cast most magics openly since it would get rid of the glamor. I will take the part where Hermione describes herself as a chimera as sarcasm rather than outright self glorification.

    As for Harry turning into a dragon during the fight, when has he ever not used the most obvious method of dealing with a problem? See a large flying creature and he goes, 'Hey, wait, I'm one too and I can breath fire. Let me fix the problem'. Hermione, on the other hand stayed hidden as long as possible, used Thor's help and won.

    In the end, they managed to hide their more powerful and versatile abilities, which they gives them an ace up their sleeve when needed.

    I can rationalized their 18 year old appearance as them trying to hide their ignorance of technology that most people take for granted. Two young runaways were more likely to be tech illiterate than two 30 year olds. They started studying, got their degrees and had to maintain that appearance once they found out about the degree of electronic surveillance that this world had.

    But, I completely agree that the author needs to explain a lot more than expect readers to come up with their own conclusion.
  2. The Iron Rose

    The Iron Rose Chief Warlock

    Jan 13, 2012
    I'm forced to agree. It's a pleasant time waster, written quite well, and not nearly as masturbatory as I initially feared.
  3. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    Hmm, I thought it was one of the main plot points that a lot of the magic that were able to use before is a lot difficult due to the whole absorption thing that went on. If anything, do they even have wands anymore?

    Edit: I guess they still have their wands.
  4. Photon

    Photon Order Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    I of all people noticed that there is something weird with grammar so it is probably horrible.

    I liked the bit about merging with artifacts, interesting curse and problem. Certainly not original, author probably copied it from somewhere - but still, it is the first time that I encountered something like this.
  5. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    Also, for those that follows every update, apparently the author sometimes post what he/she has written first, and later goes back to it to update and fix grammar mistakes. It's a pretty weird policy, but it also explains why some chapters have exceptionally bad grammar.
  6. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Not certain if someone's placed this story in here before (hell, it could be in the library, though I checked the Rejected Submissions list before bringing it here) but this is a story somewhere in between a guilty pleasure and a library-worthy fic - most likely going in the Recycling Bin.

    Anything's Possible by sillycucumber

    Harry knows now what he has to do. He's the only one who can. Everyone helps him out with the fulfilment of the prophecy, but he receives help from last person he would have ever expected, a relative long thought dead. AU DH

    Lily is standing on the Dursley's doorstep the summer after Dumbledore dies. Harry flips shit, stuns her, and takes her to Grimmauld Place. It's not God's gift to storytelling, and many people will barf at the illogical premise, but it is DLP quality writing and I think a few will enjoy the story if they can suspend their disbelief. To this point, even Lily has no idea why she's come back from the dead (I'm on Chapter Seven) and Ginny is the only person who realizes Lily is alive outside of the two Potters. (James is still dead, of course).

    Drawbacks for DLP members: Harry/Ginny (though it's mostly Harry pushing her away per canon), unexplained return of Lily and slow (read: none whatsoever) action.

    However, I've never seen a fic that had one of Harry's parents returning while he's in Hogwarts (except for perhaps AU stories) so it's at least borderline original in that regard.

    Try it out. You might just enjoy it.

    EDIT: Lol, derp derp. Changed the link to Chapter One.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  7. NTD

    NTD High Inquisitor

    Jun 2, 2012
    Roaming, accruing charges... Please wait
    :facepalmYeah its pretty obvious you're on chapter seven since that's what you linked to.

    Still, I'll give it a shot.
  8. Joe's Nemesis

    Joe's Nemesis High Score: 2,058 ~ Prestige ~

    Jan 29, 2012
    High Score:
    Thank you for that three-word phrase. Brilliant, but the simple things usually are.
  9. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Christ. That dialogue is just.... brutal. If I were a political prisoner, this is what they'd make me read, to see if I would crack.

    Hmm, and it looks like my age old nemesis, "Of my own 'violation,'" is rearing its ugly head again.

    And, Harry is apparently afraid of Guinea Pigs. :confused:
  10. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Wait. What? Guinea pigs?

    I like the dialogue.

    "Guess I'd better sweep all the excess Cocaine off the floor then."

    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  11. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Didn't like (or understand) the guinea pigs reference myself, but it was easy to ignore. The dialogue is much better than that throughout.
  12. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Part of the problem, for me, is that the author seems to be trying very hard to do two things.

    Firstly, it seems like they're trying to go out of their way to give the characters personality and natural dialogue. But, what they're accomplishing is everyone acting slightly and annoyingly out of character, with dialog that has a very sterile, artificial, feel.

    Purposely, deliberately, natural = unnatural.

    Bear with me for a bad metaphor, but it feels like they went to a lot of effort to cook a fancy meal, but then resorted to replacing an upscale ingredient with spray cheese. Something's not quite right.

    Secondly, they're trying very hard to have a constant stream of funny comebacks and one-liners come out of the mouths of pretty much every non-Dursley we've seen, so far, and (for me), they're failing every time.

    This was the solitary one-liner/smart remark, in a constant stream of swings and misses, that actually worked for me.

    Also, suddenly we go from Lily showing up, to her having been strapped to that bed for an entire week. We saw Harry feed her all of -what?- once: How and where the hell has she been evacuating waste?

    It's also bugging me that Harry has access to magic, but apparently can't think of anything to do to confirm Lily's identity, other than yell random moronic statements at her, until Ginny mentions blood... at which point he, somehow, gets a muggle DNA test done.

    Well, there are plenty of chapters already up, so I'll keep going for a bit and see if it improves.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  13. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    I'm twenty six chapters in, and so far I like it. The premise isn't pants-on-head retarded. The writing is smart and fun and makes me laugh fairly often. I'm enjoying it.

    That said, there are some issues. Hermione, for instance, has been fanoned into being annoying as shit. Also, the relationship between Harry and Lily feels odd for awhile. Almost like they're flirting. Which was a bit odd.

    I don't mind the Harry/Ginny thing that much, though it's a minor annoyance.

    What I DO like about it is that Harry and the rest don't Waffle around for endless chapters going "OMG I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. OMG." While they bicker and argue like in Canon, what they get done isn't based entirely around luck, but instead on reasoning and forthright action. Something I appreciate immensely.

    Harry, also, has been mildly powered up from Canon realms. But not extremely. Which makes me smile, since I hate 'AverageWizard!Harry'.

    Update: Harry is a bit of a berk. And I'm getting realllllyyyyy tired of his martyr attitude. Of course, I felt the same way when I read the sixth and seventh books, to a degree. So he's refreshingly in character.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  14. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Ι didn't like that fic at all. Lily acting like a condescending little bitch even though she knows the mental torment Harry must be in really put me off. The rest of the fic was okay, and I liked Harry's characterization, as well as Ron's, but the fact that it is Harry/Ginny and that the premise was executed so horribly made this impossible to read.
  15. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    I don't see her as acting condescending at all. She's been rather patient with him, actually.

    I'm far more annoyed at Harry's Martyr complex. Yes, he's got a shit place in life. Yes, he's got lots of burdens. But he unneccessarily heaps endless more amounts of burdens onto his own shoulders and then takes that anger out on everyone else when they try to help him. A good warrior, a good fighter, a good soldier knows that you CANNOT DO EVERYTHING ALONE.

    He respects the ones who try to help him by not patronizing them. He trusts them to be able to defend themselves just as good as he. He supports them by understanding that they have their own reasons to fight and that it is not his decision, nor his responsibility, for their choice to do so. He honors them by doing his best to protect them while respecting their decision to be there with him, supporting him, on the front line, no matter how much he wishes they were not in harms way.

    Harry does none of these things. He is a good person who wants to help others, who wants to protect others, but he is self centered, inefficient, chaotic and stupid about it a large part of the time.

    That's why I say he's in character, because he does the same damn thing in the books. It bothered me to read then, and it bothers me to read now. That's one reason I like the fic, actually. Harry is VERY in character. Because he's being a petulant brat about 'not needing any help', about not wanting to talk about his sometimes retarded assumptions and fears. About not letting them help him handle his stress levels. Harry has a disgustingly hard place in life. But he makes things harder on himself, a LOT.

    He is incredibly self destructive. Only the endless, respectable, incredible support from many, many people give him even a fighting chance. Without them, he would fail utterly and totally. But he does not show them the respect they have earned.

    That's not to say he's a terrible character. But that he's flawed. Just as the rest of them are, and honestly, a fair bit more than some of the others. He's still a good person, he's trustworthy, he's dependable, he's friendly, he's generous, he's self-sacrificing in the name of what is Right and Good. These are all respectable traits, when he actually lets them shine through.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  16. FreakLord

    FreakLord Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 13, 2011

    This is one of the best posts I have read recently.
  17. Materia-Blade

    Materia-Blade First Year

    Jun 15, 2011
    Fussa, Japan

    I'm on chapter 11 and so far I like it. Surprising in that I normally don't like Lily or James at all as they are inescapably original characters in every instance. We have very little canon information on the two so any interpretation of them becomes what might as well have been an original character. Rarely what I read fanfiction for.

    I admit my first thought was bloodtests and how the fuck did that take Harry so long?

    Also how would he have expected to receive mail? By random chance he caught the mailman who had the test results...? Oookayyy...

    But most of all the dialogue. There are at least three or four jarring muggle culture references per chapter and they make my eyes bleed. Evil Kineval? Really? Admittedly some of them were a bit funny (Cocaine bit) but most fell flat and were irritating, particularly when coming from characters like Tonks.

    Bar that, the characters were quite 'in-character.' Harry's reaction was pretty much par the course, and I like Lily. She's lost 16 years of life so still kind of acts like a younger her might which I find refreshing, though disturbing when Harry/Lily banter comes close to flirting.

    Eagerly anticipate the Order's, and more in particular, Snape's reaction to her. If the fic is good enough to make me 'eagerly anticipate' anything then its worthy enough in my books.
  18. esran

    esran Professor

    May 19, 2013
    Title: FATHER
    Author: Carla Lute
    Pairing: Not especially
    Rating: T
    Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8008839/1/FATHER
    Story Summary: What if Lucius Malfoy had adopted Harry Potter?

    This story is pretty interesting, if weird. The most glaring flaws are the extremely wierd writing style, and the early characterization of Draco. It also reads like a summary, at times. despite this, the story contains a lot of interesting ideas. I liked the idea of Voldemort attempting to convince Harry that muggles are evil, and the part where they kidnapped and brainwashed muggleborn children, as well as many other cool ideas throughout.
  19. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Allcaps, plus 'father' as the title. Bad sign.
    But then it moves on to:
    What if this story was never written? :facepalm
  20. samkar

    samkar Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 26, 2010
    By: Mark Geoffrey Norrish
    AU from the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, where Harry has an accident with an exploding clock and begins randomly hopping through time. Short-distance jumps, backward and forward, stable time loops. It makes more sense on the second read-through.
    Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Harry P., Luna L. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 11,570 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 18 - Updated: 1h ago - Published: Dec 13 - id: 9921193

    If you're up to a crack like story. Chaotic, hilarious and with a certain charm. You might like it.
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