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Almost Recommended VI

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 9, 2013.

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  1. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Maybe "Irregular," in this case, means an extra yard of fabric?

    "And to which side does Mr. Potter dress?"

    "Tell you what... You Savile Row guys are pretty good at this, can you just make these with a middle leg? Otherwise, I don't even know where I'm gonna put it. Why do you think I'm still wearing trousers made for a guy three times my weight?"
  2. gbbz

    gbbz Professor

    Jul 21, 2010

    By Diresquirrel. A Fallout/HP crossover. Some good ideas, but mostly a guilty pleasure, though of good quality. It is a story in its own right, although the last chapter made me think of it as only a set-up to the main story, a prologue of sorts, which is a shame. 100,000 words for a prologue...
  3. Photon

    Photon Order Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    I like this story, though I suspect that it will end abandoned. I have feeling that it will be disliked here, but I am not sure what is causing this.

    I would prefer to describe what was written as the first part, not prologue.
  4. Joncis

    Joncis Third Year

    Aug 25, 2013

    This fic is strange, but all the better for it. It intentionally delves into the absurd, and there are many instances which, if taken out of context, would be at home in crack fics. However, the author manages to create a unique AU that keeps the absurdity from being unbelievable or overwhelming. The result, to me at least, is a fic that is entertaining and different.

    Overall, I'd say the technical writing is good, except for occasional instances where commas are missing.

    The main problem I have with this fic right now is that it's short. It's hard to tell where the author is going with this story since most of the scenes so far have been setting up the bizarre premise. Also, despite being an interesting character -she reminds me a lot of Luna-, the protagonist is rather hard to identify with, something that will likely not change.

    I don't think I can really go into the details of what I like without spoiling, but if you're not adverse to a little bit a weirdness (and the whole thing is less nonsensical than the summary may lead you to believe), give it a try.
    Last edited: May 1, 2014
  5. bbodysplash

    bbodysplash Third Year

    Jan 24, 2012
    Thought it said Lily and the art of having syphilis.
  6. Joncis

    Joncis Third Year

    Aug 25, 2013
  7. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    I'm with Joncis, good find Odran. A good time waster, almost good, but there are somethings that just don't let it be good.
  8. Photon

    Photon Order Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Despite slightly stupid description it is a really promising story. It is slowly updating WIP, but with well done AU, characterisation etc. But plot is just starting.
  9. KGB

    KGB Headmaster

    Jan 18, 2011
    Fallen By: ForgerOfLies

    Here is a complete fic I read all the way through and enjoyed. It's a crack fic a la Black Comedy, only shorter and with a tighter focus. The central premise is that Harry gets confused for Satan and the typical comedy of errors things happen to make everyone believe in it.

    It's not really a library candidate. The writing leaves much to be desired. Harry has the same super luck he had in Black comedy and that might turn people off. And the narrative is a bit disjointed with odd PoV switches that relies on reader to be rather familiar with Buffyverse to fallow it.

    It's a decent read if your in the mood for a crossover and don't mind some crack fic elements in it.

    Edit: Oops it's not actually complete. Forgot to turn that filter setting on. It is abandoned at the end of the first arc and thus feels like it's over and just leaving a place for a sequel.
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
  10. Deplore

    Deplore Seventh Year

    Mar 22, 2011
    Yeah, I agree with him. It's basically a far less polished version of A Black Comedy, with far more crack than usual. Nowhere near library material, and the writing is terrible for the most part.

    But it is a decent time waster.

    What he didn't mention was that this particular story is a buffy/HP crossover.
  11. Stormey

    Stormey Groundskeeper

    Jan 7, 2008
    I actually enjoyed Fallen. Pity it's abandoned. I would easily recommend it for others to read.
  12. arkeus

    arkeus Seventh Year

    May 26, 2006
    Yeah, i was pleasantly surprised by the overall good quality of it.
  13. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Hmm, Reign of the Serpent looks intriguing at first glance, but Hermione... irks me. Perhaps I'm still riding the wave of detest I acquired from another fic that I recently read where Hermione's character was beyond repulsive.

    It is as Photon said, the description is stupid, but the story, the world-building and so on show great promise. It's just that I am obstructed from fully enjoying it because of my irrational hatred for Hermione. I honestly wish I knew how to cure it, it's becoming a tiresome thing, more hampering than helping.

    In any case, I'm following this fic and getting back to it in a year or two when it has enough chapters updated to sate me temporarily.
  14. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    No, no, no.
    Her relationship with Snape was purely platonic, on her part.

    Shame about that story. I read it on TTHM a while back and deemed it a decent enough time-waster, but I quickly gave up on it being updated.

    Yeah, Half-Blood Prince does that to some people...
  15. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Oh you. I was actually referring to a certain crossover fic from another thread whose name I won't voluntarily divulge, but I'd most certainly link were you in the mood for observing some Hermione-wanking and then shitting all over it. God knows I enjoyed reading your post on "Dangerous" when I came across it for the first time and this one too.
  16. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Thanks, but I'm too tickled at getting "Oh You'd" to waste it by reading something that would probably ruin my mood. :)

    Hehehe. Much appreciated.
  17. Qwop

    Qwop Squib

    Aug 15, 2013
    Title: Industrial Magic
    Author: Heliosion
    Rating: T
    Summary: AU. Where Harry is the oldest of his broken family, one father lost in his bitterness, the mother gone to a faraway land. The boy who was once cursed but now freed by Death stands alone yet strong. Come read as the consequences of his life, a world filled with greater mysteries, battles and challenges begin to bear fruit and new dangers await for him.

    Figured i'd use my first post to recommend a fic i stumbled upon the other day. It's an AU that takes place during the quidditch world cup/triwizard tournament. Harry is 3 years older than canon and his little sister (who has yet to be introduced) is apparently the girl who lived.

    It incorporates several elements from the dresden files, such as the magic system (though it is viewed as somewhat old and powerful, but also out of date by most magic users, since for instance evocation requires a fair bit of power to pull of) or veelas being somewhat related to Fae.

    Harry comes of as being quite talented, having already undergone several bargains with creatures from the Nevernever (which I imagine will be expanded upon later) and while his new wand is a bit... special, it doesn't come off as being a "super wand" and most likely serves as being part of a connection/bargain he made with a certain denizen.

    It's currently only 2 chapters long (20k), but I find the ideas behind the fic quite interesting and definitely worth a read.
  18. Photon

    Photon Order Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    BTW, there is an additional reason why Reign of the Serpent is interesting - story has low number of reviews and authors responds well to feedback including critical one. And at least I like to discuss random bits of worldbuilding.

    I am not sure whatever something may be done with it. I for some weird reason hate reading stories about Tonks - and nothing managed to change this. And I see how this story may irritate somebody that dislikes even traces of super!Hermione.
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  19. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Stories about Tonks? That's a rarity in what I've read through so far in the year since I've become thoroughly engrossed with reading HP fanfiction.

    But yes, super!Hermione or this... I just don't see it. That's all. I'll always be stuck with the image of a girl that cried and bawled when she was taunted and insulted with mere words in my head and no amount of fanfiction can change that.

    It's for the same reason I dropped Applied Cultural Anthropology. Several authors I've come across have too much of an inclination to make certain events benefit Hermione, that things fall her way, even when they go bad (like Harry getting Obliviated by Lockhart just when he discovered how fucked up Hermione was in ACA), because suddenly she either has this 'power' within her or she's all sneaky and smart (I'm not denying academic smart at all), or she has older, powerful characters suddenly aligning with her for reasons of their own, which in turn aren't all that greatly devised to hide the fact that they're being written that way to simply make her more powerful than any other character in the story.

    I'll stop rambling now, I can go on unceasingly about this particular matter.
  20. TripticWriter

    TripticWriter Groundskeeper

    Nov 28, 2006
    Well, you certainly are aware of what DLP like. It's a little short for now but I can definitely see that going to the Library or at least deserving the attention of the WbA.

    It's not exactly my cup of tea, too much mythology and general lore-wanking. And there was just too much Veela, which I don't give a shit about. I can go behind the fact that Harry is respectful and knowledgeable about other races, cliché but why not, but the back story with the little girl bored me.

    Still, like you said we have a really competent Harry and the general mystery around the family situation is certainly interesting. But I still have the impression that there is nothing really new, we have apparently Bigbro-independant!Harry, GWL!Sister, Cold-Distant-(maybe cheater)!James, and Dead(unclear)-Fae(?)Lilly. Things that I have already read in some forms or another, even if here the quality of the writing is better.

    I suppose we shall see where this is going, still nice find.
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