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An Idea I had

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by novaschamp, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. novaschamp

    novaschamp First Year

    Apr 9, 2009
    Northen Virginia
    The idea I had involved a world war theme with conflicts spanning the globe. Starting with the ICW dictating policies to it’s members and a faction led by Great Britain and her allies breaking away and starting their own league because of what they view as an infringement on their sovereignty. Think of the Warsaw pact in response to NATO.

    The world Rowling gave us it is assumed the UK is the preeminent magical state in the world. My reasoning or this is two of the most powerful wizards in the world were born their AD and TMR. AD was the Supreme Mugwump of the ICW and of course he defeated Grindlewald.

    The story starts from the moment the killing curse backfires and kills Voldemort and Harry is the master of the Deathly Hallows. I have him cutting ties with everyone from England and leaving to travel the world and become the defender of the magical world he viewed Dumbledore as being. No cliché plot movers like time altering and magical trunks just a lot of traveling and learning different magic. Much like the time period when Tom Riddle disappeared and remerged as Lord Voldemort.

    I have Harry in the same raw power league as TMR and AD. My evidence for this is the Patronus in PoA and being marked as his equal (love magic not withstanding). There will be others in the world in the same league but in my outlines it is a very limited number only 6 or 7, which is what makes these wizards so special because there are so few of them. I have Harry claiming the Hallows as his own about the beginning of the second story arc as the means to an end. The end being more power. At times in the story he will use the cloak as he always has and the stone. But only when things get desperate and he returns from his journey does he declare himself the master and re unite them.

    The Hallows will not make him the master of death but will function in a way as to provide him with advantages over some of the more powerful wizards. Think Harry being in the top 3 percentile but that means 2 percent are more powerful than him. Of course at that stage it’s all relative just how much more power it is.

    The first story arc is Harry’s journey and learning different regional magic and seeing the rest of the world. Growing further disgusted and disenfranchised with how things are and seeing that, despite his thoughts, Britain is not the worst and that begins his slow fall to the dark side. Earning the title of Dark Lord through the ultimate Darwinian environment, combat, Harry returns to England as both savior and conqueror. Hero and Villain (Kotor). His fall is modeled around Jacen Solo’s fall to the dark side and his quest to restore order to the galaxy from the Legacy of the Force series.

    The second story arc is Harry consolidating his power in Britain; think Julius Caesar’s return from Gaul and the crossing of the Rubicon and the civil war where he emerged victorious.

    The final story arc would be the resolution of the wizarding world war that has engulfed the planet.

    The difficult part of the story is I wanted to tell it from the 2nd person point of view in order to provide a more realistic feel for Harry’s motivations and thoughts during this descent to becoming the next Dark Lord. The PoV doesn’t get done very often and I think this PoV would provide a unique perspective on a Dark Lord Potter. Assuming it’s done well enough.

    Thanks, let me know what you think.
  2. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I think you need a lot more plot than "Harry gets stronger and war breaks out".

    You're quite fixed on how strong Harry is etc. You can't make a story out of this.

    I think you'd be better served at writing a character profile and listing all his skills and knowledge to get it out of your system.

    Also, "raw power"? I thought we had all moved past such notions <_<

    I lol at your approach to the idea of "Dark Lord" as some kind of official or magical title. It isn't. It's just something Voldemort (or his followers) assigned to himself to big himself up.

    As far as we know Voldemort was the first Dark wizard in history to do so. Grindlewald is refered to not as a Dark lord but as a Dark wizard.

    But yeah, needs more plot.

    Not that you're ever going to write it. The moment I saw the words "second book" I knew this was just a personal fantasy that'll never see the light of day.

    As for second person: don't. Just don't. Writing in second person is about as beneficial to your story as deciding to write every third word backwards.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  3. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    What part of this idea makes you want to dump your girlfriend, sell your car, and drop everything for three years to write this? Make no mistake--the three arcs you've laid out would require 600k to 1000k words to tell properly. Don't start unless you're ready for this kind of commitment.

    So far, with the exception of the 2nd person POV, I don't see anything different from concepts explored elsewhere in other settings. Dark, jaded, powerful Harry? It's been done lots of times, Fayr Warning's Reign of Power being a case in point. Harry leaves and returns, at once a powerful hero and pariah? Cygnus Crux did it seven years ago. The world unites against Harry? Bobmin has a five story arc that did it already (an idea that's not very interesting, frankly).

    As for second person POV? Surely you've read jbern's Bungle in the Jungle and sequel? It's not Dark!Harry, but it is Indy!Grey!Harry and does second person about as well as I've ever seen done in fanfiction or original fiction. Having written a novel with somewhat nontraditional format (Dagger and Rose is third-person present-tense), I aver that you will turn off half your prospective readers because of the form.

    Don't get me wrong--I'm not saying the idea is "no-go," so much as, "why?" Something as ambitious as you've presented demands that you be able to articulate your motivations clearly and stay focused on them. Otherwise, I can say with almost complete certainty that you'll get about five chapters in and abandon the idea when your ambition and excitement start to peter out.

    Unless you've got a novel or two under your belt, I recommend you start smaller. There's far less chance of your turning into nuhuh that way, with a half dozen monumental, epic starts and no follow-through. :)

    [Edit: Yeah, what Taure said.]
  4. novaschamp

    novaschamp First Year

    Apr 9, 2009
    Northen Virginia
    Yeah, I am forced to agree. I'll never finish it and the only story I ever wrote tapped out at 70,000 words and took me 4 months to write. I think theres a Potter Law that says something like "if you think you have a good idea meditate." I clearly did not meditate enough.
  5. ParseltonguePhoenix

    ParseltonguePhoenix Unspeakable

    Oct 4, 2007
    South Carolina
    The idea of Harry traveling the world after defeating Voldemort is one that intrigues me.

    It'd be a good way to get him away from England (or, more specifically, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny) for a while, and to really improve his skillset. Also, canon Harry still sees Dumbledore as a mentor, even after he learned how his life was manipulated and orchestrated, so following Dumbledore's original plan to travel the world would probably appeal to him.

    As Persp and Taure said, though, your original idea would be collossal in size. If the idea really appeals to you, you could always break it down, figure out what part makes you want to write it, and focus on that as a story instead.