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Avatar: The Last Airbender (Tinyhunt Variant III) || CONCLUDED

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    We're like a quarter of the way through the day, you're acting like we're in super late game. Just no, you are wrong about this. My original reason was that he was posting and not doing anything, different to not doing anything. That's still my reason actually, he just hasn't posted for a while.
  2. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    It doesn't matter whether we are on page 1 or page 50. Your vote should be on your scumread.

    Yeah, I'm acting a little as if it's late game though bc I've caught two scums and it's time for the town to get behind me and sheep the ever living daylights out of my ass.
  3. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You

    It's 5 am and I can't handle someone being this obnoxious atm. I'm off to bed, I'll be back in like 12 hours.
  4. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Really, you want meat... ok let me condense this to you.

    1) Bill Door opens avoiding any substance in posting.
    2) Then comes Bill Door's resistance to legitimate wagoning. (He said something like it's too early for a legit wagon).
    3) Then I try to draw him out to ask questions, he refuses.
    4) Then his vote on Citrus is for not doing anything, which at best is blatantly hypocritical at that point.
    5) Then he maintains his vote on Citrus (a null read) while voting Fonti.

    This is in addition to randomly linking players together for being open and candid about their baggage which is necessary to a proper read of players.

    You can call this not my A game or you can actually read my posts and see there's no way Bill Door's thoughts are a town trajectory.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM ----------

    Really, if you think it's me that's obnoxious, you haven't even seen me get started yet.

    As for Lyrium, he's just asking for meat which is something you consistently have trouble providing here but don't as town.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------

    Lyrium, I'll also do Fonti after you understand Bill Door. I've got all night and a glass of vodka to finish.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------

    **5 should say while scumreading Fonti. Blah.
  5. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Yeah, Bill copped out which is not a good sign because goody two shoes Bill doesn't back down.
  6. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Anything i missed?

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 AM ----------

    1. Why do you deserve to be elected as the guest of honor?

    becasue im town and have skills to use to find the scums and as of right now only trust myself 100%

    What skills help differentiate your particular brand of scum hunting?

    i dont use logic the same way others do

    How do you intend to use your votes in helping town eliminate the fire infilitrators?

    by lynching them obviously, at the very least i can keep them from having an extra vote if anything

    What is your scum read on the other nominees?

    answered above
  7. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Right, now do you have any questions as to why Bill Door is scum or are you ready to sheep me?

    Should I proceed as to why Fonti is the scum buddy?

    @ika, I don't know what you mean by "give you a tray". Also, you are still a scumread, just not my highest. I'm not particularly agreeable at all. I'm just going after the confscum first. You'll likely be resolved before that point.

    This site tends to like to keep the dead involved in the game.

    The spirits function as a "dead doctor". They heal someone and they are protected from the night kill. Having the scum get notified of that gives them a beat as to how town should be reading the game free from direct scum influence as scum are usually not spirits.
  8. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    I'll start making a big post after I work out.

    Lyrium, why are you asking loaded questions?
  9. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Go ahead on Fonti, Titus. While I would love to sheep a confirmed logic based town player, since my reads are based on feels, the player has to earn it which won't happen till I have that strong feel.

    ika, you don't use logic the way others do? Why not? What is your method?

    Prophylaxis, my questions making you nervous? You little scum, answer them.
  10. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    I'm not answering obviously loaded questions.
  11. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    "Who's your favored scum team?" Is a loaded question? BS.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 AM ----------

    Prophylaxis, you are scum. Admit it now.
  12. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013

  13. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Scum, scum, scum.

    Prophylaxis, see Titus's condensed version scum read on Bill? Give one for Titus.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 AM ----------

    Can we get one of those timer things so no players can say that they didn't know when day was going to end\etc.?
  14. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Lyrium, I'm far from confirmed that I'm town.

    Anyway, the first thing that said hey Fonti might be scum was her "joke" during RVS about only a woman getting to be souped. I didn't interpret it as a joke at the time but it probably was.

    The posts by Fonti in general still seemed far too aggressive but fake as Fonti isn't extremely aggressive during the early game.

    Fonti then defends Bill Door on the basis that he's more formal as scum than town. I asked him for a link as this is something verifiable. I read the link he provided and grabbed a randomly sampling of his posts. I found that a) his claim didn't match and even if it did, the language used matches the playerbase and the audience for smart players. So his reason for townreading Bill Door, even if accurate, was total shit.

    As we continue through the game, we see Fonti attacking both Prophy and myself claiming that I'm buddying Prophy which is objectively not true and ignoring the various points that scream Bill is scum.

    Most of his focus has been on attempting to attack me for Townreading Prophy (as such would diminish Prophy's influence and be less likely to have the scum get lynched). His attacks are weak sauce and depend on not understanding how gut reads, etc work.

    When I fail to get traction from anyone but ika or scumbuddies (well ika could be a scumbuddy but just to be clear there), Fonti switches over to attacking Prophy. Again, his reasoning for attacking Prophy is also not sound. Prophy's actions have a clear town trajectory here.

    Fonti's also wanting me to stay behind and really focus on tunnelling ika, rather than moving the game forward and investigating.

    That's the short version on Fonti.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 PM ----------

    Err only a woman getting lumped I mean. Damn it...
  15. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    I'm almost tempted to catch up now given the major problems with the above couple of posts.

    I'll be back in half an hour.
  16. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Nope. How you catch the avatar has no point and thus is loaded. He already did answer his scumteam and I get his paranoia. It's wrong but I get it.

    I'm rarely as direct as scum when I buddy btw. I've changed that a lot and its resulted in a hell of a lot more wins as scum Prophy. ;)
  17. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Ya i dont exactly always make sense when trying to portary my train of thoughts per say. Some of my post even tend to be illogical at times. It more becasue i play off emotions. When I get into a game (like this one) i get into it. When im just in a meh mood, my post are shoddy.

    My post come more based off my mood. It is also how i use the tools to scum hunt. I tend to find whats wrong with many post when people want me to look into it or see somethign that may have not been noticed at first glance.

    One thing you must know though, my rage is always pure. It is the one thing i can not fake, you will know if i reach that point.
  18. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    …From this point onwards, I’m just going to ignore any Ika/Titus bullshit. It’s half your responses.
    Also, I find it interesting that Titus and Bill both reacted to my stating of Aang/Katara possibilities with anger. Fonti didn’t, she’s used to me.
    But you didn’t either, why is that?
    Also, Jesus, you’ve officially flipped your votes more than anyone else. And most of the others did it as jokes (like getting fonti’s name wrong), you do it as a serious gaming strategy. Stick to something.

    …Ok, ignore what I said earlier, are you seriously telling me that Prophy would vote for ika without caring about his alliance simply to resolve whatever soap opera you two have going on?
    That’s it, I’m done again.

    I said it was a possibility, and anyone could have made that connection. It isn’t even a strong possibility.
    Besides, I think we’ve seen that off-hand theories on PR don’t affect the final voting.

    …You either deliberately or accidentally took my post in a way it wasn’t written in the slightest.
    I let that pass last game and it cost me, so let’s try again, shall we?
    I said that it was premature to say he was trying to stay in RVS, not that it was premature to leave it.
    Either address what I said correctly, or I will not bother replying to you. That goes for everyone.

    You still haven’t explained what this means

    Yes, thank you for reminding us of how you vote against Bill Door by switching to Deadline. Much Town. Very Mafia. Wow.

    I direct you to…
    Or basically anything I said in #144.

    Try not to ragequit.

    Why would it make a difference, or seem nervous? If anything what Titus did, changing to deadline earlier, is what screams nervousness. Deadline voting from the start just seems standard.

    It’s fine, but unless you’re suggesting scum!Bill would play exactly as scum!you, it’s not terribly helpful.

    …Wow, this is hilarious. Look who suddenly wants to be aggressive instead of a mousy scum! I almost wanna peg you as Town over the drastic change. I hope you keep it up, staying on the sidelines won’t work this time.
    That said… …what? You’re going to need to give specific examples of waste. My scumreads on Titus is strong though.
    Why did you vote for Prophy? You talk about Bill being scum, and you have non-stop trolled Titus since you arrive, yet you vote on the guy with no votes? I suspect him too, but I suspect Titus more.
    …In fact, is your entire post anything but baseless accusations? You’re throwing rapid-fire questions, throwing people off and you haven’t been asked any.
    Answer—Why Prophy. What are your reads?
  19. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    titus fence sitting on me is make me think she is scum.... she seems to be trying too hard now to fake a scum/town read on me.
  20. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Awww...it's like dumb as fuck Sloth from last game finally learned how to play. Better late then never. My scum game was pretend to be stupider than usual and it almost worked out well.

    My town game is get people riled up because that's when they show their true colors.

    My vote on Prophylaxis, your little scum buddy and former Sith master, is based on a few interrelated things. First his vote on OllieK aka Zircon, who I targeted as fake scum last game because he just didn't post and was an easy target. Then, he's upset that only fontisian reacted to his fake vote when day is still young.

    His particular reasons to see Bill Door as scum (recognize the tells blah blah blah no explanation of the actual tells) especially since the Titus\ika exchange reads as bizarre in any case.

    The nail in the scum coffin:

    Really? So she's town because of a one line reaction? That's bullshit. Calling scum buddies.