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Avatar: The Last Airbender (Tinyhunt Variant III) || CONCLUDED

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    GoH = Guest of Honor
    RVS = Random Voting State
    PoE = Process of Elimination

    BD, so how is my play different? You strongly implied my play was not different when you said that the sentence encapsulated what you hated about me.
  2. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Okay, thanks to both of you.
  3. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    You weren't coming off as an asshole in Tinyhunt 3.
  4. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Hey. Today's a travel day, so don't expect much activity from me.
  5. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Scum tend to think I am an asshole in my tunnls. I am equally an ass when tunnelling or not. That is not an ass. I may even be condescending, but not an ass. I don't make shit personal.
  6. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I never said you were an asshole, just that you come across as one.
  7. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    Right, so, I have an unexpected assignment due at midnight tonight, which I haven't started. If anyone's tried coding Breakout in assembly language, they'll tell you how much fun this is gonna be. I'll look through the thread after that. Just didn't want anyone to think I'm dropping or anything.
  8. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Really? And what stuff would that be?

    How is it that you can answer questions I address to someone else, but you can't answer the questions I explicitly ask you?

    Bullshit. I've seen the reverse, and you've known him for long enough to see that as well.

    I'm going to drop this now, and end by saying if was clear you weren't serious about lynching ika and I have no idea how you thought your tunnel would get helpful reactions. If you truly got something helpful, then point it out for me.

    More bullshit. Proph voted for the last person (after you and Bill Door) who I'd want to have lump. And your claiming that naked vote RVS? Really?

    And yet more bullshit. Do you honestly expect me to believe that you only followed up on a scumread because Proph attacked him?

    Yes, I have, in [redacted], where you were scum.

    Lyrium: There are three qualities that should be used to elect the guest of honor: towniness, quality of their reads, and availability at deadline in case of last minute vote changes. I'm the towniest town to ever town, my reads on DLP have historically been pretty damn good, and I will always be around at deadlines. It'll also make me a larger nk target, boosting my already inflated ego when I inevitably get shot early on. I'm scumreading Titus and Bill Door, leaning town on Proph, sort of leaning town on ika, and I can't make heads or tails of Nemrut.

    If you're asking why I'm friendly with Proph, it's because I consider him a friend. If you're asking why I'm going along with his reads and not pressuring him, it's because I think he's made some strong points that Bill Door has reacted badly to.

    Lyrium: Could you explain why you think Proph is scum?
  9. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    At the moment Citrus.
  10. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Holy shit.
  11. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Fonti, calling everything I say bullshit isn't true. Look at Prophy's last scumgame here (I was in and I think you were too). He was much more passive.

    Also, I don't think you've played with me when I've drawn scum in a 48 hour game. The last time I did that was SharTeel and that was eons ago. No need to redact my meta if it's finished Fonti. My scum game is damn good, but I usually try to get town to implode on itself in scum games rather than forcing things through. The latter gets me lynched. If you're going to quote my meta, at least get it right. You're making it too easy.

    I also find it telling you totally left out Sloth as a read given the depth of his statements goes much deeper.

    It is also pretty clear that an RVS vote doesn't mean I'm serious about lynching that player until content emerges. My default state is to lynch ika if all things are equal. Was I scumreading him the minute I got my role PM? Of course not. I don't like your subtle attempt to turn me towards ika either.

    Ika's reaction is the one I wanted. Everyone else I can sort out relatively easily but ika just acts like a scumfuck all the time regardless of his role. So I want to at least try to see if he can give me something townie. Luckily for me though, ika can be town via PoE due to you and Sloth being obvious scumfucks.

    Yeah, RVS votes are frequently naked. It got the game talking. His vote didn't remain there very long which is also what I expect.

    Are you or are you not townreading Prophy? If you are, you should lump him. If not, you should be candid about your reservations.

    You have this subtle fenceshit around you regarding Prophy and I don't care for it.

    I would be very shocked if you were ever NKed. Also, I've never seen ego Fonti and I've dealt with you a fair amount, even when you think you have the game solved.
  12. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    What the actual fuck is this?
    I can't. Why is the first paragraph even a thing? Since when am I not aggressive early on? I'm as aggressive as I fucking like to be when I feel like it. Where did I defend Bill Door? How can you think a couple minutes of reading through a single game of Bill Door's posts compared with the many, many games I've played with him? What do you mean by "even with accurate?" When did I attack Proph? Where did I ever ignore points against Bill? I'be been saying you're scum with him! I haven't attacked you for town reading Proph, I've attacked you for townreading him back when there was nothing to base it on, and the bullshit that you keep trying to feed everyone. How the fuck are my attacks "weak sauce" and what do you even mean about the gut reads? Since when have I moved off of you and where have I given a shit about how other people are reacting to you? Where have I ever encouraged you to tunnel ika, and how can you say "continue" when you were never tunneling on ika in the first place?

    Deadline vote: Titus

    I'm so done.
  13. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    My question about #158?

    By all means, bog down the thread. Right now I’m on the fence on both you and Bill, and while you could both be Town, maybe, it’s just as likely that one of you is scum. I want a clearer read on you.
    Good news though, I’m fairly convinced you’re not both scum.
    Right now, both the quotes above remind me rather strongly of this,
    ‘Oh I would counter everything, but it’s so obvious and bad, why bother?’
    Undermining your target’s argument on zero basis is a scumtell, especially when, as shown by my earlier posts, I think Bill’s counters are valid.
    Add to that that Bill has stopped defending so much and is mostly scumhunting now, and you come out looking the scummier. So please, always bog down the tread.

    This is irrelevant, Kalas is not Bill. You were doing much better before this post.

    Might as well start now: We don’t flip at all in this game anyway, so it doesn’t make a difference.
    (Flipping means their role is revealed at lynching, correct?)

    Ok, that said…I’m going to lay my case on the table. Let’s start by looking at all of Titus posts.

    #53: Irrelevant dribble. Votes ika just because, start of ika/Titus nonsense (only mention I’ll make of this, the rest I’ll ignore unless it has a point)

    #55: Deliberately dim? Who the hell wouldn’t be able to tell that’s a joke? Votes Fonti.

    #57/#62/#64/#67: Pointless posting, voting on ika due to history, for, and I quote “I want him settled and you explained the joke I didn't get. Our baggage goes back a year plus.”

    #97: Backs up Prophy for reasons she still hasn’t explained. Quoting semi-aggressive play, which was nonexistent at that point, and any further arguments she gives revolve on information that only became apparent after Prophy came back and explained. She knew what he was doing? It’s impressive that she feels so confident on her ability to read him like a book that she takes this one post and deems it enough to instantly back him up without the need of silly things like testing and pressuring him.
    Even Fonti, Prophy’s other follower, demanded answers before throwing her lot.
    Conclussion: This is a very obvious attempt at buddying, or at backing up a fellow scumbuddy. Look to #158 for more detail, I like that post.

    #99/#101/#103/#104: Dribble. Speaks of laser focus on D1 yet focuses so much on ika it’s hilarious. Ridiculous argument against deadline voting.

    #107: Weak argument against Fonti, countered in the very next post. (Yet still keeps that ‘laser focus’ on her even now). Votes Bill.

    #109/#114/#118/#131: Letting this go. She says she can work with language tells. Fine, I have no reason not to believe her, who knows, maybe that is how she caught Citrus. Possibly point against Fonti, still pretty weak.

    #120/#122: …That IS the very definition of meta, and I think it’s ridiculous she’s still trying to paint it as not. I don’t know if I call it scummy, but I’ve read weirder strategies.

    #125: Defending tunneling without prompting. Pre-emptive strike?

    #127/#129: More irrelevant arguments, more talk of meta. Makes effort to move away from it, which is possibly Townish, but not enough.

    #133/#138/#140: Nothing word noting.

    #146: Asked twice to explain what she means, has yet to.

    #149: Basic questions.

    #155: Townish reaction to my Katara/Aang theory. Claim indicates misunderstanding of my RVS point, and despite multiple prodding, hasn’t explained.

    #157/#159/#161/#164: Nothing worth noting.

    #171: Insultingly weak argument for GoH vote. Change to deadline vote for Bill Door seems to be more to assert the fact that she’s part of the popular wagon, and pretending she didn’t understand the Governor role.

    #175/#179/#182: For someone who ‘doesn’t give a fuck’ seems to be unravelling and becoming frustrated here. Speaks as if she had given a good solid argument for her GoH. Thinks to dictate how the game should be played.

    #184/#187#194/#196: Nothing worth noting. Arguments on Fonti perhaps relevant, but if Titus is scum, then Fonti, her oldest target whom she never tried to buddy up with and thus isn’t distancing herself from, likely isn’t.

    #201/#204: Chooses to continue to ignore my arguments and constant prodding and instead focuses on the irrelevant parts of my post. At this point, I’m assure as I can be that she’s scum.

    #207/#209/#217: Nothing relevant. You don’t have to be scum to be thought of as an asshole. Think Luckylee.

    #211: “if I had an extra vote, I'd place it on ika”

    Finally, let’s take one of the most recent ones after my last post, #215, and break it down:
    Don’t tell me what makes me scum. Let ME tell YOU what makes me scum.

    No? Ok. What did you do in those two posts I pointed out, if not twist? They’re all up there. You still could answer to them, if you want.

    …Again, no. You didn’t. Not even Prophy buys that you did (I think. Prophy?). All up there.

    Yes, what else do I think, ma’am? Do I also think there’s a badger in my underbands? Or maybe I think putting words in my mouth is almost sad? I need you to tell me.

    …This post being your very next post after 211. Where you stated, if you want to read above “if I had an extra vote, I'd place it on ika.”
    And now she’s Town. Presumably because I’m Scum?
    Ika didn’t post at all from #212-#214.
    I posted, once in #213.
    Now I’m going to sit here and I’m going to wait for you to explain, simply and in very clear words, exactly what about #213 made you think I was scum SO THOROUGHLY that you changed your surefire vote on ika less than 2 hours ago.
    Was it the part where I attacked you over your avoidance? Please, I’m ever so curious, Little Scum.

    Anyway, that’s my case, guys.
    I’ve been keeping score of my feelings on everyone, and how much there’s a chance they’re scum. As of now, Titus stands at a whopping 6 points.
    The second highest scum read stands at 3.

    Here’s my point. I want to know, from the people 2 people voting for Bill (Fonti and Prophy), the two voting for Prophy (Lyrium and ika), and the one voting on Citrus (Bill).
    What, exactly, makes your targets so much more likely scum that you would vote on them over Titus. I haven’t seen anything as unforgivable as the crap she’s been pulling, and I do not understand why I’m the only one voting for her.
    So yes, explain. Convince me. Because I’m not changing my vote until I feel anyone has displayed at least as much scumminess as her.
    If you can’t, then you should REALLY be changing to the right wagon already.
    I’m waiting.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 PM ----------

    Ah, scratch that question to Fonti. Hi there, nice to have you on my wagon.
  14. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Ok there's this bullshit myth about me not explaining shit. I say the same thing over and you move the goal posts saying "That's not good enough." Just because you fail to like the explanation, does not make it not an explanation.

    Yeah, scum Prophy doesn't open aggressive Fonti. I've played with him for a little more than a year now. I know the different. Scum Prophy wouldn't mind me doing this. Scum Prophy would love the fact I am townreading him. See the last tiny hunt

    You also avoided answering my question and went all the way back to my inital case on you for Lyrium. Do you think Prophy is town? If so, why haven't you lumped him? If you don't want to lmp him, where are your reservations?

    Sloth, I don't feel the need to pester Prophy with credibility building questions when I already know him to agree with me. I just go, synergy, town and move the fuck on. Prophy opened strong out of the gate as well which isn't scum!Prophy. Period. Same explanation 50 times over.

    None of my arguments, but for the governor thing, have ever been countered. That's because they can't. Fonti's meta defense of Bill sucked shit and now she's engaging in revisionist history claiming it never existed.

    Fonti's also been encouraging me to attack ika as a subtle shift away from her scumbuddy Bill Door.

    None of my posts have been defensive without prompting either. I explain my actions, that's not defensive. I try to explain our baggage, again not defensive but transparent allowing for easier reads.

    Fonti has this undercurrent in her posts about Prophy possibily not being town, giving her an out to switch over. She utterly refuses to take a stand on him, despite prodding to do so. Fonti's bussing Door, but she realized that I cannot be swayed.

    Fonti keeps asking why not vote ika when I say Bill is confscum no less than 3 or 4 times in the thread. Baggage, no matter how bad, won't stop me from voting the confscum.

    I don't really mind 1 v 1 ing Door since I am 99.9 percent certain that Bill Door is scum.
  15. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Also, I wanna echo the earlier request for a countdown till Day-End, especially with the Daylights Savings Time last night, I have no clue how long we have left.
  16. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Fonti, even if your meta read was accurate, your meta read on Door was no reason to say Bill Door could not be scum as people change their speaking patterns based on the audience. I've said it two or three times already.

    I don't need to read every game to know your push protecting Bill Door with his meta was shit. I just need a random sample of posting. Of course, your whole meta defense was bullshit anyway.

    You're making appeals to authority Fonti. You may have been here awhile, but I'm a pretty damn good scumhunter myself as I am the reason town won the last mafia game.

    I have been on a streak for most of my towngames lately. Why? Because when people are honest, teams start to emerge and it gets obvious real quick who the scumfucks are.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 PM ----------

    Ok now who is twisting. Quite frankly it's a proper response to say yeah I'm hostile. Deal with it.

    Second, yeah the last spot has been you or ika for a damn while Sloth. Your behavior is totally scummy while ika's has moments of towniness to it. So yeah, ika is town via PoE.

    I don't see any "arguments" at all. Put them in formal logic form please. I'll shred them apart in one post.
  17. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I really tried to resist commenting on this, but seriously? Like, seriously?

    Also, why are you considering it a scumtell if someone is not 100% certain in their reads?
  18. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    I'm not considering it a scumtell if someone is not 100% certain in their reads. I'm not 100% certain on Sloth scum and ika town, but that's highly likely.

    Appeal to being the best sucks balls, and you've just made my point for me Bill Door. Thanks for that.
  19. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    This looks like you're saying it's a scumtell because Fonti doesn't seem to be certain about Proph.

    I'm not appealing to being the best but you saying you are the reason town won last game is so wtf I don't even.
  20. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Loaded questions like, "Why do you want to kill the Avatar? How dare you?" are easy for town to answer. It's when you don't answer that it becomes a scum tell.

    Let me explain. Loaded questions + guilty conscience may = train wreck response. Delaying answering a loaded question means trying to figure out how to answer it carefully. I would know because last game when I was a scum, I panicked and said something about apples or kept delaying and refusing to answer like you are.

    Prophylaxis's post #212 screams scum to me. He's this epic level 5% thinker who's doing all the town's work but he's done jack shit so far other then make weird statements. Do explain your reasoning behind your Bill Door hunt.

    I want everyone who has ever played a game with Prophylaxis to tunnel this fire infiltrator until he begs for mercy.

    Fonti, I began my explanation of scum!Prophylaxis in post #200 and the rest is above. Anything else you want to know or add?

    Your reputation Fonti, as a wily, cunning figure in mafia precedes your so I need to see you use your skills in scum hunting.

    Sloth, in RL "I, Lyrium, find your very existence to be a futile exercise."

    To address your game related questions:

    Titus is abrasive as town and if she is town her judgement is solid so I'm holding off until I see more of her posts and reasoning. She made a comment that no one picked up on that reads town to me, will discuss further.

    Bill Door gives off a "nice" vibe. I don't think he'd play this stupid as scum and there's the added fact that my number one scum read Prophylaxis has been targeting him from the beginning.

    Kill Bill can definitely become a theme with better arguments from the people on this wagon but I don't jump on the first train and find it more than a little suspicious.

    Nemrut reads as someone who has a shiny sword, made of fire. Schrodinger reminds me of a tiny acrobat with a strong dropkick.

    Finally, from the game rules:
    "At the beginning of the next day phase, if a person was killed, he/she is identified by the Game Host and the process starts anew."

    That means roles will be revealed upon death.

    Some of my play style will be explained when I've seen more responses from everyone.

    1. Why is Prophylaxis not scum?
    2. You're wrong, Prophylaxis is scum. Let's tunnel him until he breaks.