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Avatar: The Last Airbender (Tinyhunt Variant III) || CONCLUDED

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    In the future, editting is not allowed. It's not kosher, okay? The Earth King looks down upon it.


    Guest of Honour Vote
    ika: 1

    fontisian: 1

    Bill Door: 1
    Bill Door

    Prophylaxis: 2
    Titus, Prophylaxis

    Nemrut: 1

    Lyrium: 2
    Citrus, Lyrium

    7 votes needed to assign Joo Dee

    Yet to vote: Caligula, Lexicat (silverlasso), Schrodinger, Sloth, Zircon

    Lake Laogai Vote
    Proph: 0 (+ 1)
    Lyrium (D)

    Bill Door: 1 (+ 1)
    Prophylaxis, Titus (D)

    Titus: 0 (+ 2)
    Sloth (D), fontisian (D)

    7 votes needed to send somebody to Lake Laogai

    Yet to vote: Bill Door, Caligula, Citrus, ika, Lexicat (silverlasso), Nemrut, Schrodinger, Zircon
  2. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Deadline vote: Titus

    Because apparently it wasn't counted before? I'll watch the format in the future

    More official vote counts in the future please
  3. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    @mod: Prods for OllieK and Caligula?
  4. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Citrus, why Titus? What is your scum read on her?

    What is your scum read on Bill Door or Fontisian?
  5. Caligula

    Caligula First Year

    Nov 15, 2013
    Still jittery over the fact that this is my first mafia game. Super nervous. :S

    I don't want Joo Dee to be given randomly to somebody who is potentially Fire Nation. Her extra vote and that Check protection can be devastating in the wrong hands. Right now the two possible candidates are Prophylaxis and Lyrium.

    Prophylaxis has been making good posts although I don't trust him as much as I can throw him. His interactions with Bill Door make me wince. Lyrium has been more elusive. However, at least she hasn't been tunnelling which is something that I've notice really experienced scum use to distract and derail the town.

    For that, Joo Dee goes to Lyrium. Hopefully you're not Fire Nation, good friend.

    Elect Guest of Honour: Lyrium

    Regarding the lynch vote, I distrust fontisian. She scares me. I've been reading up on her past games, and something about her current game reminds me of her Evil Self. I'm willing to wait for somebody else, but until good reasons are provided, I'm probably going to throw a vote her way.
  6. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Schrodinger, do you have a completed game as scum?

    The only time I remember you playing was Battle School where the town mislynched you.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 PM ----------

    What do you think of Bill Door?

    Why do my interactions with Bill Door make you wince?
  7. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Can anyone link to games like this one where the roles aren't revealed on flip? I've gone over the Dresden game but content was a bit lacking with that one.
  8. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    I was scum in the werewolf game, that's the only one I recall offhand.
  9. Caligula

    Caligula First Year

    Nov 15, 2013
    I didn't like all that talk of meta, specifically focussing on fontisian. Maybe it's because I don't understand half the meta (didn't participate in those games. T.T). It was incredibly distracting. Post #216, for example.

    My thoughts on Bill are pretty "bleh". I don't know him as well as you do, but I need to read more of his posts before I can make a better judgment call.
  10. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Ok, let’s start then…

    #77/#79/#81: Voted for Bill, claimed you’d explain, and yet didn’t until 8 votes later. The entire time I was growing more suspicious and for every post you made where you didn’t explain, I only got more suspicious. I don’t post until I have something relevant to say, and if I did, I’d explain ASAP. You’re not me, but it struck me as strange.
    In these 3 posts specifically, you were basically coy and pointless, more than in any of the others.

    #83: Agreed with Fonti on #65, easy enough to do because everyone saw that post as stupid, and good way to buddy up. At this point I was looking at all your posts in a ‘what would be the scum reasoning behind this,’ and seeing what fit. Again, you weren’t explaining anything and everything you did was mostly reactive and ‘yep, I think the same.’

    #85/#87: Nothing relevant.

    #95: GoH vote on OllieK. As I mentioned before what you were trying to do was transparent. Obviously looking for a reaction, and choosing someone who had yet to post only made it more clear. Perhaps voting someone who HAD posted would have made it more believable. Point being I knew what you were doing and I can’t think of a single reason why anyone wouldn’t.
    Therefore you could just be doing a big show to seem Town when you explained.
    Also it could have been a play in a scum!Fonti-scum!you world to Townfirm her. More on that below.

    #106: Finally, your explanation. I gave my counter in #150, so I’ll just direct you to that. You read it, you said you agree with parts, but you saw holes and could counter. Unless you do, I can’t really say anything more on it.
    Last line: “And fontisian is probably town, based on the OllieK reaction. I really wanted her to be town and the reaction seals it.”
    …this one reaction—less than two minutes later—100% townfirmed her in your eyes? (well, 8/10, by your own analysis). It was one line, and something that, again, any scum with half a brain would have said.
    It rang as either you trying to buddy her, or you two having staged that to make her seem town.

    Here I have to point out the obvious: I DO NOT DO META. It has been brought up by fonti and titus ‘it’s how he plays’ etc.
    I don’t care.
    Meta is really annoying, it can be an asset to you lot, but me, as the guy who is in his second game ever, it has me at a disadvantage. So I just go with what I see, I don’t take meta into question. It’s why Titus and Ika annoyed me so much.

    Now. Here are my questions to you:

    • Your entire analysis on Titus on #267 was about rebuffing everything she’s said, and that’s when you weren’t being totally confused by her and thinking she wasn’t making sense.
      Except for one comment you deemed passable, and one that you deemed good. All scum have at least one good point to their arguments so that doesn’t help much.
      So why are you still not voting for Titus? What makes Bill Door so strong? Did I miss your end-all argument? If so, please quote it to me.
      As for distractions, no. I won’t be ignoring my strongest read because I might be wrong. At this point I very much doubt that I am, but we all kind of accept that risk when it comes to D1. Just because it all seems too good doesn’t mean it’s a trick. Until I see anything that proves otherwise, if we lynch her today, I’ll be secure in the knowledge we linked scum.
      So, again, explain.
    • Have you given any thoughts to my GoH proposition in #261? If so, I want you to try and prove to Lyrium that you’re Town. I’m not secure enough in Fonti to vote for her, much less you. That makes Lyrium our best option

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 AM ----------

    ...And of course, a lot of people have posted since I started writing this and and now Lyrium has more GoH posts. Hm. Scratch the second half of my second question for now, Prophy, I need to regroup.
  11. Caligula

    Caligula First Year

    Nov 15, 2013
    I'm off right now but before I go, I'm going to place a deadline vote on fontisian because I don't know when I'll be back. I'm not 100% certain that she's Fire Nation, but she's my strongest read right now, followed by Prophylaxis. This game is definitely woozy. May the Avatar save us all. :S

    Deadline vote: fontisian
  12. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Going backwards order

    We should absolutely focus on Bill Door today. We can continue to talk about Fonti tomorrow. I don't see any way we are getting 7 on Bill Door short of a miracle. I ain't voting for anyone who isn't Bill Door/Fonti/Sloth.

    Blah... you thought the being stubborn was a towntell while the personalized crumb literally confused the living shit out of you. :facepalm I think this is epically a failure to communicate on so many levels.

    That paragraph (starts with "Oh by the way") is not meant to tell you something. It's meant to give you a feeling of deja vu. Just nod when you finally understand. If you want me to shut up shrug. I don't want to be more direct than that.

    The paragraph about showing an iota of confidence in a townread is just frustrating. I show one in you, and I get pounced on for it. ika would pounce on my ass for townreading him ever. So yeah, I'm just frustrated about candor being punished here and people who pretty much say "Yeah he's town but ZOMG paranoid" can get away with murder (well they actually haven't yet).

    Prophy, Fonti is using the past as an excuse to say nothing about you and warm you up at the same time. Generally, we like people who townread us. She's getting all the warm fuzzies from you but can reverse that at a moment's notice and highlight... oh I was paranoid all along. People who fenceshit like that are scum. Fonti's better at it but still isn't really wanting to be held to anything.

    I am aware of how hard mafiascum players can bus. It's also stupid to do so, unless your hand is absolutely forced to do so. Bussing is usually exchanging something for nothing. Both sides move their chess pieces trying to accomplish a particular endgame. An action without a benefit to a particular player makes no sense.

    If a player has provided enough content, then a player should have a read on them, or they should be unsettled by this. The fact Fonti has no read on Sloth is very troublesome.

    Really, I mean both Fonti and Sloth coming after me, simulanteously not directing a single scumhunting related question at each other, while both of them don't really say much about each other having any alignment whatsoever. They're avoiding each other and focusing on me. Hellooo scum!

    Paragraph starting with Fonti posts this type of posting... When I look at a post, I look at not only what was said but why it was said. Maybe that comes from me knowing my own scumgame and that I rarely lie but rather I selectively tell what information I have to my own advantage. I'm seeing Fonti use relationships in a similar manner. I'm getting this from Fonti's retaliation for me pushing obvscum. No one in their right might pushes against someone who is lynching scum. Yet Fonti did. Why? Answer, because townblocks are deadly to scum. There's no other reason to willfully attempt to attack naturally forming relationships in a game. Now, paranoia of someone buddying you... sure. Calling organically forming townblocks paranoia is bad. Notice how I'm the only one who actually has voted anyone else for a lump. We're on Day 1, we should be getting townreads unless it is scums intention to stop those from forming. Whose posts naturally stop townblocks? Fonti's, no one else.

    As for the meta comparison, I have no problems with a meta comparison that is both a) true and b) actually indicative of Town!Door. Fonti's defense does neither. That's why she's scum.

    As for grabbing quotes... I can do that sure. It's stalling up my posts right now, and I want to get to the rest of it. I'm just doing one example bc short on time.

    That's from the scum game where Bill Door should be speaking in formalistic language. He's not. A random selection of his samples shows no tonal difference from this game than his scum games.

    Lastly, the ika opening is designed not to help ika and I resolve each other but to make ika look scummy to the group and mystify our interactions. Fonti's not looking at word choice (very generous interpretation) but rather bitching about ika picking me to resolve early. There was nothing suspicious in ika's word choice at all. I'm voting you because I want to know your alignment is transparent and not scummy in RVS by itself.

    Sorry for going backwards but I am running out of time.
  13. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    This voting seems fine. Here's my count just in case:

    [FONT=&quot]Voted by[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Bill Door[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Bill Door[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Bill Door[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

    This voting is not.
    Titus has 3 votes. Citrus', made in #243, isn't there.
    Nor is ika's vote on Proph at #208.
    Or Bill's on Titus at #154.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

    ugh. My table got screwed up. Permission to remove it, Zeit?

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 AM ----------


    Actual table. Small italics mean changed votes. Haven't kept track of Deadline vs Lynch yet.
  14. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Look at the last tiny hunt game. :nod:
  15. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    I'm going to go page by page instead of post by post or whatever, in an attempt to get a sense of the group dynamics here. Starts on page 3. I'll also list my 'levels of scumminess" from left to right each time.
    Page 3: First of all, what the fuck is a tunnel. Second of all, what the fuck is going on in that little ika/titus/fonti orgy? I don't even know what to think of it, it's like watching three baby oil coated monkeys trying to gangbang a double-ended fleshlight on waterbed. Other than that, there's one nonpost by Bill, which is fine, since bill Nonposts a lot. General impressions by level of wtf, descending order: Ika, Titus, fonti. I'm tempted to lynchvote Ika just so I don't have to see goddamn lowercase I's. If Ika and Titus are a scumpair, they must be going the full-retard mode of 'no one can possibly suspect we're working together if we jerk each other off in public.'.
    Page 4: Ika is definitely an idiot, and can't spell engage. No, seriously, if Ika isn't scum, I still want to lynch them becuase everything they write is so fucking stupid. Most of this page is a continued comedy from page 3, except with Billdoor subbing for Fontisan for most of the page as the fleshlight. Ika and Titus seem super scummy, Billy comes off as pretty town, to my instincts. Near the bottom of the page, Proph comes in with a naked vote that hopefully he will support in the next page. Fonti calls him on it. List: Ika, Titties, Fonti, Bill.
    Page 5: I really dislike Proph's holier than thou attitude, here, and the interchange between Fonti and Proph reads too much like a planned chat. I also don't see the 'problem' with Bill's post 65. Prophy in general this page is acting secretive and weird which just makes me uncomfortable. Net results of this page, Proph comes off as scum, no net change for fonti due to good+bad posts, a gain for Titus, who comes off as less scummy than before, a gain for Bill Door, who continues to feel town. Prohylaxis votes for OllieK. I have no idea who that is, and they aren't, by all indications, a user on this forum. I checked in IRC and neither Oz nor Syao knew what UN he's going by right now, and I'm way too tired to play guess and check so I'm posting this much for now and continuing tomorrow morning. Proph Ika Titus Fonti Billdoor, no opinion on Citrus yet.
    Please don't draw any conclusions from this incomplete analysis, its just here so people don't think I'm not contributing because I am.
  16. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    I appreciate the help, but in the future, my official tallies are the only official tallies.

    I didn't count many of the votes you mentioned, such as #208 and #154, because they were formatted incorrectly. Nitpicky, perhaps, but when you're using Control F and wading through votes, correct formats mean everything.

    Here's the actual current tally.

    Guest of Honour Vote
    ika: 1

    fontisian: 1

    Bill Door: 1
    Bill Door

    Prophylaxis: 2
    Titus, Prophylaxis

    Nemrut: 1

    Lyrium: 3
    Citrus, Lyrium, Caligula

    7 votes needed to assign Joo Dee

    Yet to vote: Lexicat (silverlasso), Schrodinger, Sloth, Zircon

    Lake Laogai Vote
    Proph: 0 (+ 1)
    Lyrium (D)

    Bill Door: 1 (+ 1)
    Prophylaxis, Titus (D)

    Titus: 0 (+ 3)
    Sloth (D), fontisian (D), Citrus (D)

    fontisian: 0 (+ 1)
    Caligula (D)

    7 votes needed to send somebody to Lake Laogai

    Yet to vote: Bill Door, ika, Lexicat (silverlasso), Nemrut, Schrodinger, Zircon
  17. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Ok a lot happened in the timeframe so my thoughts are all jumbled up now on everything. this is more of random brain dump

    Then hand it over, I will be more then happy to take it. If you know im town vis PoE as you said, then why so hesitant? If you are going to assume that im just gonna keep parking it on you then your wrong. I will be using it for the benifit of town.


    im willing to join it, but i want to hear titus responses to my questions and everything first


    request denied. how about you answer the reasons why you couldnt answer the "loaded questions" lytrim reasoning is rather solid. so instead you answer that.
  18. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Alarmingly aggressive, but in a different way from the other game. Also, there were a few posts that seemed very forced.

    I had this post started an hour ago but got sucked into a game of League of Legends, so this will have to suffice for now as it's time for bed haha
  19. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    In case I don't wake up by noon tommorow, which HOPEFULLY will not happen, based SOLELY on analysis up to page 5 (yeah, yeah, so shoot me)
    Deadline vote: Ika
    Guest of Honor Vote: Bill Door
  20. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Schrodinger, you and I are remembering two totally different Bill Doors.