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AYAW #2 - Return to Basics

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Riley, May 4, 2014.

  1. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Honesty is the best policy, that's why they were null reads on my read wall, cus I haven't made conclusions on them yet
  2. TerRaine

    TerRaine Squib

    Apr 16, 2014
    ....bleeeh...in pain....

    Job apps first....post to follow...
  3. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    1. Burkion - I know he has personal stuff going on. Hope he can pop in before day ends otherwise scum there's a good NK option for you :p

    2. TerRaine - Any thoughts on what's been going on? Can you point out a scum team and then an alternative?

    3. Sloth - Agreed with me on something and stopped pointing to me as suspicious so I'm wondering what's going on there. Shocking.

    4. Citrus - Let's play game.

    5. Atum - Hey there, agree with some of the things you've said. Who do you see as a scum team\alternate possibility?

    6. Maiden - We were just starting to get to know each other and then you disappeared. The whole "disappearing" thing is straight up Prophylaxis scum tactic. Come back in here and tunnel someone.

    7. Ika - I like some of his rage posts, they're fun to read. Ika, can you reread the past few and pages and update on your reads?

    8. Lyrium is Lyrium

    9. Rubicon - Can't really read Rubicon. Reads as leaning town to me but that may just be the brevity and other.

    10. MathBlade - Seems like she derped and just needs to pull it together.

    11. LochNess - Another post and then disappear, sigh.

    12. Snowvon - Put a vote on me then. Put a vote on me. Put a yellow vote on me then. PUT A VOTE ON ME.

    13. Dermon - Update your reads? More content and less we'll see kind of stuff?

    As for my vote,

    Vote: Dermon
  4. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    No it's not automatic but the way they did it makes me think they are town and that mafia would have loved the confusion for newbs.

    I'm trying to keep this short, sweet and succint but if you need me to ramble let me know.

    Ika is a scumread for me for three reasons 1) His flip flop to Maiden, 2) His push and abandon of snow 3) his fakey random memeyness.
    This post specifically says all something is going to do is incite more rage, but he had not shown any rage yet to me or if it was it did not feel genuine but instead to manipulate...I haven't seen any "righteous townie anger".

    This one was all caps and he didn't even get what ika wanted.

    In the span of 10 minutes he is going from snowvon to maiden ^^ maiden above and more recently.

    It's like he's trying a anyone but him approach and I don't see what ika believes here it's more just emotion and the random meme crap that was already mentioned.

    Maiden scum argument
    Let's look at how she interacted with ika. It was very blase almost like she didn't care ika was choosing her because they knew they would go through the motions.


    Here especially. Usually she seems to be more calm and comforting and here it is a get over yourself. I can practically read the eye rolling. Even after being yelled at there's not much a contribution...just wait and see. And after rereading the rules (apparently I mixed my coding with my posts because my coding forgot all the nines too) if Maiden does get lynched I don't know if we'd get a read wall for one of two reasons:

    1) If she has a read wall why not post it and help us? She is keeping information to herself that may help town.

    2) Twilight is VERY short only 8 hours.

    We're dependent upon her being online in Twilight during those 8 hours. I'm not sure what timezone she is in but she may have an RL or a job.


    Alternate scum team:
    If Ika flips town I'd look at snowvon who he pushed before he went all Maiden y.

    I'd also look at LochNess because of the lack of volume of posts.

    My alternate scum theory right now is really weak to be honest and it's just get rid of a lurker. Everyone is seeming really town and that first flip will hopefully give more information.
  5. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    My thing about Rubi goes back to some quote where he basically announced an expectation to die D2 or D3. In that case, getting him earlier wouldn't help much and until then further posts should have helped figure out his alignment.

    My reads right now are just based off games I've played with similar setups and strategies I've seen used successfully. That being said, an ika/Snowvon team would only be surprising in that it's always a little dangerous to draw that much attention, and I can't really see this working in the long run with only 2 wolves. Regardless I've seen people citing 'guts' as a reason for reads before so I figure I can do the same.

    ika especially, on the above, mostly because it's difficult to get a read on Snow when his first roll play was only marginally more useful than what's going on now. That might be because he's being defensive and answering other people's questions but it's still an impediment.

    ika...I just don't understand. It seems like you're actively seeking out the Seer, which is cool for a better understanding of the game but doing so in a public chat doesn't seem like it'd help all that much. That and the fact that your play style is seemingly easily converted from town to scum makes me leery of leaving you alone, no matter how much you seem to be scum hunting. On the note of scum hunting, you seem to be focused more on Snow and Maiden, basically to the exclusion of everyone else. Whereas last round you definitely asked around a bit more than that. Any reasons?

    @Lyrium: My best alternative for the above is frankly pretty inconclusive. I get where the Dermon thing is going, especially since his play is noticeably different in tone, but intrinsically the same content-wise. As I've already complained though, I'm not working off much there. Plus, his bit at the end of #397 with the unaligned pairs was good, even if his argument for ika was a re-hash of Rubi's in 317. Can't get a good read on a potential partner though, mostly because his posts seem pretty self-contained.

    Actually, I just re-visited him and his jump from an ika/Snowvon/TerRaine suspicion to agreeing with Citrus on Maiden seems weirdly inconsistent, especially when the reasoning for Citrus' Maiden vote doesn't seem substantial to me.

    @Rubicon: I'll start by pointing out that as far as I can see, I never point him out as a top scum read, I can't even find somewhere that I listed him first. With that out of the way, you've mostly pointed out the answer, my reason for a slight lean on Sloth was that his entirely characteristic aggressiveness is off-putting and similarly to ika might be something he could do as scum.

    Looking through, he's built up an expectation in other players of large walls full of reasoning and a lot of finger-pointing. From there #351 to #394, I not only saw more reads I could agree with from him and questions that I personally thought were of use, but I also got better suspects for scum with more substantial reasoning than what I had for Sloth. That being said, there are no confirmations until someone flips.
  6. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    MathBlade, you scum-read me earlier. I scum read maiden.

    You now scum read maiden.

    I would like you to address your read on me, and why you have shifted perspectives from scum reading me to scum reading a player I scum read.
  7. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    unless if i missed something of upmost importance, not much has changed

    1. Burkion - dealing with RL atm
    2. TerRaine - lacks awareness of any buddies and has an easy flow of thoughts
    3. Sloth - tryhard on being scummy, town
    4. Citrus - tryhard on being scummy, town
    5. Atum - dont see any manipulation and lacks the awareness of wolf
    6. Maiden - scum, already stated why
    7. Ika - in a pissy/serious mood, but town
    8. Lyrium - obvious town, too carefree
    9. Rubicon - lacks the self awareness of a werewolf, town
    10. MathBlade - still saying scum
    11. LochNess - lurks, however the few post have no ill intentions, could see possible scum but unlikely
    12. Snowvon - something is irking about him, but im letting him slide as town atm
    13. Dermon - i could see him being the outliar scum, however 397 though shows a lot of independence and own thinking

    anything else anyone want from me or things that i missed? i just got off work and in a medocer mood atm.

    This is essensaly the best time for me to be straightfoawrad and blunt. Just dont go at me with a fucking brick wall. I'm focused enough to where i can be clear but also at a point where i will snap
  8. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I'm assuming you mean : https://forums.darklordpotter.net/showpost.php?p=721433&postcount=426

    It's not so much that I've stopped looking at you as scum. Your nullreads on almost everyone is a bit suspicious along with bandwagoning, but there's much better suspects. I am not ready to commit to you being in a "scum team" yet. Like you yourself said, honesty is the best policy and I do think some things you've done are scumlike but it's not the top of my list enough to warrant the answer to Lyrium's question. It was also a first impression when I was in that post. Overall you're still a null read leaning scum but I'm not confident enough to tunnel it.
  9. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    @atum, i PoEd everyone as of now, right now i need a focal point. And right now those are my focal points. After i get the needed info, i move on.

    Think of it like casting a giant net in the sea, after that it gets smaller and smaller untill it reachs a focal point

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

    math are you going to fence sit ro give out reads?
  10. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    ika, I'm still not convinced but I can see where that makes since. Also, if you don't mind, could you explain the rationale behind pretending to be scummy as you've claimed Citrus and Sloth are. I'm not seeing it.

    Also, I disagree with you on Dermon in #397, unaligned pairs spiel aside I'm not seeing too much original thought there.
  11. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    1) I'm not scum. Pure and simple. I'm trying to figure out this mess along with everyone else. If I was mafia and in the games I'm successful in I let people use the evidence to draw their own conclusions...I'm also posting my thoughts out into the open. I've only called out some of your posts as weird to me and my vote is on you. Is that why you are labeling me scum? If you tell me what I'm doing that's a detriment to town I'd be glad to stop as I promise I am towny town town and I'm an uptown girl, living in a downtown world. :) Go Town let's raise it up. :)
  12. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    mathblade, seriously, post 484 sounds so fake and so maufactured right now especialy the second part.

    you are hedging maiden is scum but are willing to go at snowvon first

    i have already fuckign told you about my shit ass rage. If you think its fucking fake, you better be ready to fucking fess up to being a fuck-ass scum.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 PM ----------

    No, im slotting you as scum due to you/maiden interactions, you continue to call miaden scummy but refuse to vote her, you then go on to slot cirtus null who you called scum and switch it to snow.

    than you go on and say tat if i flip town you will go at snowvon first, the contridiction there is that you should be going at maiden first.

    Im done talking to you atm
  13. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I don't fess up to lies....*sigh*

    If you flip town then I'd be willing to fess up to making a mistake and that's it because I'm town. I got asked for an opinion and answered it and explained why I thought you were scum with an argument with multiple posts. All you have is 484 sounds fake. Your entire rebuttal is one word. I'm town but if you don't want to have an actual discussion or points to rebutt I can't explain how I'm town other than to say I am. Because the truth sets me free.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:57 ---------- Previous post was at 19:55 ----------

    Yay an argument finally !

    On the Maiden thing yes I think she's scummy but I think you are too. Last vote count I saw had you with more votes and town needs to lynch someone.

    The contradiction is not there because if you flip town your best argument was snowvon in your arguments you had. If your maiden argument gets better I'd look at that if you flip town. It's read and assess.
  14. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    2 things for you Mathblade:

    A) Am I missing something about the ika rage thing here? It's coming up more than I thought it would, especially from you, though ika's taking it pretty seriously as well.

    B) I'm not sure where your thinking was when you wrote #491, but it's not great to me. Defensive, and that joking at the end doesn't sound like your previous posts.

    Considering I don't see any votes on you other than ika, why just keep defending like this?
  15. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    The ratonel is this if it makes any sense: its based on my playstlye

    I am basicly the epitone of anti-town play. Everything i have been doing by everyones POV has been anti-town or scummy. So taking it from my perspective, they are delibertly trying to look scummy so they can go "ah-hah" (espcialy sloth) in a game where lexi "townread" him she was scum. So now he has this paranioa about it. Hes intentionaly trying to look like scum to bait scums in. Same with cirtus for the most part.

    I am just normally an anti-town player so i can usally tell the diffrence between somone trying to be scummy and someone who is natraly scummy.

    B&T, sloth tried to act scummy to draw suspicion, avatar same thing, here its basicly the same setup.

    He says he always has a plan or some of the sort and it always starts with "look scummy", I have a high immunity to it of town trying to be scummy, maiden is being more natral but has a very high awareness of herself atm which i find unlikely in towns.

    Sloth and cirtus are forcing thenselfs to be scummy.

    Make sense?

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 PM ----------

    maiden and math are just natrally being scummy, and their town-play does not match that
  16. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    It's more a combination. He's been angry or random or posting memes a lot of the time instead of being a positive contribution. He's also been flip flopping as evidenced above. It's more anger outward at why won't you do what I want versus I'm angry that you even suspect I'm scum I'm not scum I'm a town because ....

    B) I was trying to defuse some of the tension to see if I could be more helpful or anything or supportive. Sometimes I put light hearted jokes or sarcasm in my posts to ease the mood. Mafia can be a stressful game and unless you have fun with it can eat you alive. This way if town mislynches me I can still look back and go "that was fun" rather than "Why did they lynch me it was clear as crystal I was town? "
  17. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    @ika: That makes weak sense, I can see where it might help the individual, but town play to me is always about the best way for town to come out on top, and acting like scum may alleviate the fears of the wolves in this case, but I can't see that as a net positive when you consider the town suspicion that also draws. But I guess we'll see.

    Why'd you drop your line on Snowvon?
  18. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Again you are trying to use meta where I have not had a scum board game here. The scum game I have interacted with the group on was IRC mafia and it was VERY different because my scum play is different. There is a certain mantra, which no I will not share, that I keep when I am scum. By being the epitome of anti-town play, you can't be surprised that I suspect you as scum. You don't get a free pass because you say you are "anti-town" otherwise every scum in the book would use it.
  19. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I posted a read wall with 4 null reads. Did you not see this post? Are you just sleeping off Rubicon's post that I fence sat on 2 players?

    MathBlade, I have a request for you. Please read the Damn thread. Because it's becoming blatantly obvious to me that you aren't.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

    Don't you meta clear yourself. Answer my question about maiden and me
  20. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    You are such a cruiser. Other people acknowledge it, and I still don't know how you get away with it. Especially since your first reads list was next to useless, and it was quite a while before you updated.

    My heart will be very sore if you're scum. I am just saying.

    Why don't you lynch one of us and find out for sure.


    Also if Sloth is only acting scummy does that mean I shouldn't be scribbling "I lynch Sloth" in my diary?
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