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AYAW #2 - Return to Basics

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Riley, May 4, 2014.

  1. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    We need a vote count? Riley?

    Trying to avoid "meta-ing" Riley. It's possible he's got a secret sadistic side but probably not?
  2. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Maiden (3) – Citrus, ika, Snowvon
    Dermon (2) - Rubicon, Lyrium
    Snowvon (1) – Sloth
    Rubicon (1) - Maiden
    Sloth (1) – TerRaine
    TerRaine (1) – LochNess
    Ika (1) – Dermon

    Not voting (3) - MathBlade, Burkion, Atum

    13 alive, 7 to lynch.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 PM ----------

    Vote: Maiden
  3. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013

    Thanks, Rubicon. <3

    Updated vote count:

    Maiden (4) – Citrus, ika, Snowvon, Rubicon
    Snowvon (1) – Sloth
    Rubicon (1) - Maiden
    Sloth (1) – TerRaine
    TerRaine (1) – LochNess
    Ika (1) – Dermon

    Not voting (3) - MathBlade, Burkion, Atum, Lyrium

    13 alive, 7 to lynch.
  4. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Updated vote count:

    Maiden (5) – Citrus, ika, Snowvon, Rubicon, MathBlade
    Snowvon (1) – Sloth
    Rubicon (1) - Maiden
    Sloth (1) – TerRaine
    TerRaine (1) – LochNess
    Ika (1) – Dermon

    Not voting (3) - Burkion, Atum, Lyrium

    13 alive, 7 to lynch.[/QUOTE]

    Thanks Rubicon and Lyrium. Adding my vote for Maiden since I gotta go to sleep tonight. Sweet dreams all.
  5. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Oh and here is the clock.
  6. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
  7. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    MathBlade did you put your vote in yellow?
  8. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    wheres sloth and his "giant maiden is town"

    i need to dismantle that

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ----------

    lyrim: do you love me?
  9. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Still waiting on you Maiden
  10. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    While you're waiting on her, Citrus and others with a vote on her...any idea on who her buddy wolf is?
  11. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Who do you think it is?
  12. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    huh, i looked back at maidens read and i see a glaring contridiction:

    TerRaine:seems to be scum hunting, especially at #343, but I'm not quite following why you think that Sloth is scum. Lean town.

    Sloth: So far, he seems to be acting fairly normal. The biggest thing jumping out at me is his 1st assessment of Loch. He seemed to be blowing things out of proportion, which is surprising, considering what happened in WIFOM with his opening joke being blow completely out of proportion. Null, scum lean.

    Anyone else find this odd?
  13. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    Still working on it. >.<;

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 PM ----------

    Snowvon or MathBlade. Preferably the 1st. Reasons soon. Only 2 more pages to read. :D
  14. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Boy, I can't wait to see this.
  15. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I eagerly await your post
  16. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Sloth, "Maiden and Lyrium are town - I'll explain when I come back." Explain. Explain. No, seriously explain. I just reread re-rolled day one and you're giving me scum vibes. Not the usual "long posts" scummyness either.

    Maiden, you're post #421 gives me reason to believe that you had plenty of time to read this thread and your random fluff posts as well. If it weren't for fear of a hammer I would be putting my vote on your right now.

    TerRaine, need to see more from you.
  17. Maiden

    Maiden Muggle

    Mar 16, 2014
    Your mother's house
    A PBPA by Maiden. :D Sorry if my thoughts seem jumbled. I wrote them as they came.

    In what universe does this logic make sense? Earlier in the thread, I actually quoted Riley’s post to prove when he said it as well. :/ You really don’t seem to be reading the posts very well, which is obviously a scumtell.
    Mathblade @ 484:
    I’m not really following her reasoning as to why ika could be scum. She mentions that it seems like I’m taking an apathetic approach to ika, because ‘we’re both scum and we’re just going through the motions’, but later, she says, she can hear the ‘eyeroll’ as I’m reading what he’s saying. So do I care or not? I’m confused.
    *shakes head* That is bad, bad, bad. You seriously are scumreading me, because of what ‘the group says’? Really? You are outright admitting that you are going along with the pack and not thinking for yourself. Just, UGH. I could understand if we were really close to deadline, but we’re not. Bleh. You just put a very bad taste in my mouth. Please, MathBlade. You’re smart, so think for yourself.
    In the end, MathBlade is not thinking for herself at all. She’s going along with the pack, and to me, this is a scumtell. I don’t feel like she’s done this before. In B&T, she stood out by purposely derping, in order to gain attention. In WIFOM, she wasn’t afraid to tell everyone to lynch Sloth before she got lynched, even though she was alone in her opinion. Her play now is not the same as her previous town plays.
    Conclusion: Mathblade—SCUM

    Usual trolling of ika in his initial post. (Voting for ika, because ika asked not to be pestered.) Typical Rubicon behavior.

    #317: Useful analysis. No fluff.
    Scumhunts @ 474:
    not only is he actually asking questions (and legit questions, not useless fluff) but it’s obvious that he’s reading and thinking about the game.

    Rubicon’s just being Rubicon. XD He’s asking questions, trolling lightly, and being fun to be around. I wish I had some super deep analysis of him, but I don’t. His play here mimics his play from other games IMO.
    Conclusion: Rubicon—TOWN

    An apologetic opening post. Noted, I don’t really think it means anything. Not nearly enough activity to go on.
    Conclusion: LochNess—NULL

    First post in the new game literally asks to not be pestered. If we were only comparing this game to last game, then it’d be a complete 180 from his past play. It’s also completely on par with his scumplay from B&T. He was lazy, apathetic, and angry, saying he was tired and busy half the time, and giving obnoxious walls with no hyperlinks and hardly any thought put into them.
    His next few posts are a joke(?) bandwagon on MathBlade, which kind of jumps out at me, since his previous post was grumpy. Re-reading it feels like he’s trying to emulate his play the first game, and he’s trying way too hard. Not only that, but he’s just not contributing in the slightest. >.<;
    Once again, not contributing, and being angry just like he was in B&T and not at all like he was in the first game.
    Rage that actually sounds towny. Good for you, ika.  *gives cookie*
    And again @ #509! Good for you, ika!
    You’ll eat those words. At least for my part. I can’t speak for MathBlade.
    I’m very back and forth on ika. On the one hand, he seems to be acting slightly off, and similar to his previous play. On the other hand, I can see some towny rage here. Not only that, but he’s outright stated that he’ll never fake his rage, and I believe him. Am I scum? No. But ika actually seems to think so, and for genuine reasons, not just because I’m an ‘easy wagon’ (which apparently, I am).
    Conclusion: Ika—TOWN

    Conclusion: Burkion—NULL

    Her opening post was transferring over some questions from the previous game, and her post after that was exchanging banter with ika. It seems a little out of the ordinary, as she usually has something more to say.
    Even later on, she asks somewhat random questions that don’t feel like she’s scumhunting at all. Very few, if any, of them are pushing people, questioning them, etc.
    I don’t know why, but I always dislike Lyrium’s walls. They either consist of statements with no commitment (such as town, but no explanation) or the opposite; town, with no explanation. This is no different. I’m going to have to go back through her old games and see if she’s always done this or if it’s something new in this game. If it’s new, then it’s a definite scumtell.
    Honestly, the first time in this game that she’s actually asked some questions to gain information; was also glad to see that she ended up answering her own questions later (though at the behest of someone else).
    Conclusion: Lyrium—NULL, SCUM LEAN

    His opening post was literally a vote for Sloth, which is completely out of the ordinary for Snowvon. Snowvon, the person who’s nervous of screwing up. Even again, at #280, he says that he’s comfortable with his vote on Sloth, which seems odd for him.
    Evidence to back up my reasoning:
    Exhibit A:
    Exhibit B: In WIFOM, I told that he should place a vote after putting a readwall, and he admitted to being nervous about it. I might find the post after I’m done putting this together to confirm. xD
    Either way, it seems a little wishy washy to me. :/
    Here again, at #328, he states that Sloth is his biggest scumread with no explanation. Almost as if he remembered that he posted a vote on Sloth, but forgot that it was a bandwagon joke to go along with ika. Even arguing that it weren’t a joke wouldn’t make sense, because Sloth hadn’t even posted at the time that Snow originally cast his vote on him.
    Even at #371
    Refusal to name a scum team, and outright admitting that he’s voting for Sloth based on what other people have said, and because of Sloth mentioning Loch, which apparently is enough for Snow to decide that Sloth is lynch-worthy. (Not thinking for himself).
    Interesting, here, as I don't recall ika mentioning that he felt that Snowvon is scum before this point. Guilty slip?
    FINALLY, some rage! XD Sadly, I honestly can’t tell if it’s towny rage or maybe rage at being CFTWR.
    Outright admitting that a post is useless fluff.
    Then there’s the whole back and forth thing with ika pushing Snow for not acting the same as last game. Ika might actually be onto something. I know that when I pull scum, I’m depressed/aggravated, because…frankly, I don’t like it. The same could be happening for Snow. That being said, if ika is onto something, then he’s a giant hypocrite, as he’s being moody/angry in this game, as opposed to happy-ika from last game.
    Desperation? You’ve straight up admitted that I seem town to you. Yes, you mentioned that you thought I was lurking—a thing that I don’t believe in, btw. If I’m in the forum, it’s because I’m reading it, or I left the page up, and went to do something else; that goes for if I’m scum as well, but I digress—but otherwise, you’ve stated townreads on me. Now, you’re okay with pushing a lynch onto me. I’m not sure what to make of that. To me, it shows that you lack a town mentality.
    Conclusion: Snowvon—SCUM

    Citrus’ first few votes consist of grilling people—specifically Lyrium and ika—which I like. It shows a more town mentality, as some scum might be afraid of drawing attention to themselves.
    Why are none of Citrus’ posts jumping out at me? Either he’s a nice town, or a scum that’s really good at blending in. >.<;
    I’m confused. Why would he wait to take post a wall on me until after players have given their stances?
    Conclusion: Citrus—NULL, LEAN TOWN

    As stated before, he seems a bit less active in this game. Then again, he was one of the most active people in WIFOM, so maybe that’s where I’m getting that from. I’m not sure yet. Will watch and wait.
    Seeing this makes me feel like Sloth’s town. He’s scumhunting, and acting the exact same as usual.
    Conclusion: Sloth—TOWN

    I’m having trouble picking up anything particularly scummy or towny from her posts. She’s the epitome of null. Her behavior is that of a typical n00b. She’s answering questions that are easy to answer, and her views seem to mimic others.
    Could be a newb scum or just a newb town. I honestly can’t tell. Yet.
    Conclusion: TerRaine—NULL

    His first post to jump out at me is this:
    Oddly enough, all of his scumreads aren’t for very good reasons. He states that Citrus is a scumread, because he can’t figure out what he’s doing, which makes no sense to me. At worst, Citrus should be null to him. Is there something I’m not seeing? Then, he brands Sloth as scum, but admits that he always reads scummy to him, which should really mean that he shouldn’t read Sloth as scum now, because Sloth has never been scum—can’t speak for this game, but still. That logic makes no sense. He also brands ika as scummy, because ika’s a troll. But ika is ALWAYS a troll, unless he’s a mod.
    Conclusion: Atum—NULL, SLIGHT SCUM LEAN

    Dermon, dermon, dermon. I’m almost done with my wall, and absolutely nothing you’ve said has jumped out at me. Granted, I’m reading faster and faster as the clock ticks by (exams tomorrow, and I’m freaking tired). You don’t seem to have very high post content. :/
    Conclusion: Dermon—NULL.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 PM ----------

    Vote Snowvon

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 PM ----------

    Vote Snowvon

    For emphasis.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 PM ----------

    Alright, exams tomorrow, and I'm tired of staring at this computer screen. Good night, all. I'll try to be here early-ish (around 9AM, Central time) to check up on things before D1 ends. Good luck everyone. ^^;
  18. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    you still have 5 nulls.....

    its a nice bigass wall, but not treiibly convince atm to me

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 PM ----------

    im prefrenced on yours or mathblades right now. if you do flip town i will have a lot to be looking back on.

    so you should move your vote to math if you want my support.
  19. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Who is fontisian mentoring again? I love seeing her on this thread and thinking that she's raging, "You idiots the answers are so obvious."

    Maiden, you didn't address any of my questions to you which wounds me to the core. Also, it's becoming like a scum tell when people read me as scum and know better.

    I mean you started out toDay reading me as "bubbly town" and now for those same exact posts you're reading me as scum?
  20. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Jesus, you assholes suck…70 posts…I hate you all.
    Disclaimer: I’m near freakin’ dead right now, so sorry if this is sloppy.
    Disclaimer 2: I hate pull-ups.

    Answering as I read them…
    …please work on your spelling. I’m exhausted and it took me forever to figure out what you were saying here.
    3: Citrus (assumed), ika (assumed, considered 2), Snowvon (hoped), Dermon (unbalanced).
    2: Rubicon (probably), Maiden (original game only 2), Sloth (mod-confirmed).
    Don’t know: Terraine (2 or 3, no idea), Mathblade (totally oblivious).
    I really don’t know how much can be gained from this, though, given the Riley said how many wolves there would be. If anything, the ones saying 3 have an equal chance at being clever scum as they do to not pay attention.

    To be perfectly honest, yes, more often than not I have a plan…but I usually don’t go at it trying to look scummy. It just sort of happens. Blab said it best in his analysis of me.

    … You do not get to say ‘oh I suck at them, so why do them?’ (I assume that’s what you’re saying), learn by doing. Being able to justify your reads is an integral part of the game.
    It’s all fine to agree with others, but doing so blindly (parroting) is suspicious as hell, since you apparently don’t have your own things to bring to the table.

    You also don’t get to just…ugh. Look, if you’re Town, these are the things that are expected from you.
    You’re supposed to contribute, instead you keep saying textbook-perfect scum statements, which might seem like a Town that doesn’t give a shit, except, once again, you’re not contributing.

    What if she’s the Seer?
    Though the worst of it for me is that in that statement you seem so desperate to stay alive, you’re willing to throw some other random player under the bus at first chance despite the fact you never seemed to find her scummy and just flat-out stated you didn’t have a read on her at all.


    To be fair, this is actual post content. The gender and info of a player is to the side in smaller font, and I generally don’t pay attention to that section, only the name and avatar.

    This is also not a reading to townread anyone: All either of us did was tell you information available to everyone.
    …last time you did something like this, I led the train against you and you ended up Town. Bleh, at least there’s precedence for this behavior.

    This isn’t…quite right.
    Your ika points are fairly good, however it could just mean he had two targets. Still, I haven’t seen him try to connect maiden and snowvon. That’s what’s off, not him questioning multiple players – especially given his suspicions on you only solidified afterwards.
    Regarding his anger…like I said, I tend to take all of it with a grain of salt until more info comes after Night, however I haven’t seen him not deliver on it. In fact, if he doesn’t temper himself, he’ll just get lynched D2 probably, if he doesn’t toDay.
    However, I think you’re wrong on Maiden – I can’t think of any other natural response to ika being a giant asshole. At least, not polite responses. As for her readwall, she gave it already – it’s on #423.
    Not entirely sure what you’re getting at with the twilight bit either.
    If ika’s scum, I doubt Maiden is his partner. Who’s your next read that fits with him?

    QUICK, Billy Joel, or Westlife?

    I can sort of follow your reasoning – so, give me an updated read of your scumreads. If ika or snowvon are scum, who’d be their partners? (Since I assume you’re having them as unaligned.)

    Have you voted? On whom? (normally I’d check, but I’m sorta…bleh right now.)

    Disagree. In this sort of setting, a desire for self-preservation should be the last thing in a Town’s mind. We scumhunt and do our best to leave town with as much useful information as possible in the event we DO get lynched.
    It’s the fact he’s not scumhunting that’s wrong.


    …please tell me how this screams Town for you.

    …why did you drop your vote on Dermon as SOON as Rubicon did it?

    Ok, am I insane? Snow trolled with ika, has refused to give reads or actively scumhunt, then comes back and goofs around all over the place, and he’s Town to you? What the hell? Someone explain this to me. Talk to me like I’m 5.


    Maiden is Town, her play is not at all like it was in WIFOM, rather like in B&T – she’s asking relevant questions and trying to work out the game and make sense of it, and she is dealing with exams, so I’ll give her some leeway on that. She’s not sheeping anyone or being a general placeholder – her reactions are natural and what I’ve come to expect from her as Town.

    “Oh, Sloth, what do you know, you can’t read Maiden at all, remember last game?”

    Yes, of course I remember last game. Who’s the idiot here that would assume I wouldn’t immediately rectify a shortcoming in my reasoning?
    After that happened, I reread the games and tried to get a better feel of her cues, and I’ve been watching her like a hawk this whole game.
    This whole game.

    Here’s the bit: Maiden and Lyrium were scum last round.

    Neither of you have to confirm this, but it’s freaking obvious. Looking at my analysis of the last game, I had three suspects, Lyrium, Burkion, and Maiden, in that order. Burkion only higher because of him being on my wagon. Lyrium I was sure of, the other two were weaker reads.

    The first thing I did when the new round started was to look for differences in posting style from one round to the other (signifying a different role), and obviously, I focused on my scumreads first.

    “Sloth, that round was too short to compare!”

    As of now, this round is only about 10 hours longer, and I arrived to my conclusions before that point. They are thus:

    Burkion hasn’t changed, or at least hasn’t posted enough for a significant difference. That’s fine.

    Lyrium has stop with the pointless questioning, the ‘nuggets of gold’ are back, and everything no longer feels forced or fake, and while the withholding information is annoying as hell, I can see her playing the game as Town.

    Maiden has stopped with pretending to be a moron (ika, how come your list is out of order? Ika, I have no idea what this color code could mean, green, red,yellow? I’m so lost!, there’s daychat? Let’s talk more about Tish’s tits!), she’s actually trying now.

    Both their styles have done a 180 in comparison, which means their roles have changed. Either I was totally freaking wrong again (doubt it this time, I don’t make those kinds of errors), or they both went from scum to town. They could have gone from town to scum, but their play is now beneficial for Town, so it’s not likely.

    Plus, Maiden had several slips of her previous status as scum in…
    Trying to brush off the reveal.
    And specially,
    That pretty much reads “I was scum, but how do you know? Riley say I couldn’t tell.”

    Admittedly, I could be wrong, on both, maybe they just learned from my analysis and learned to seem different than their previous play, assuming the astronomical odds of them both landing as scum again. The odds of Maiden doing so three times in a row are almost as bad, too.

    (“Using odds is not a good way to decide towniness!”

    I use what I feel works best. Don’t care if it’s not liked.)

    I’m gonna call it an 80% chance they’re Town. If nothing else there are better targets.

    Point being, they’re TOWN. It’s freaking obvious they’re Town.
    Now get off the stupid wagon and either vote on Snowvon or sell me on an actual read.


    Bleh…that’s it. Don’t expect much more from me today. I might say a few things, but will mainly read.

    ---------- Post automerged 05-08-2014 at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was 05-07-2014 at 11:56 PM ----------

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention: It's the fact that I'm only 80% sure that I'm still asking questions of them. Statistics point to insane odds, but if Isee something off,screw odds.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------

    ...holy crap, did maiden try to copy my posting style?
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