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AYAW #2 - Return to Basics

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Riley, May 4, 2014.

  1. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Six of us left, one scum somewhere in there. So we have one mislynch + NK, and then one NL available if needed.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:46 ---------- Previous post was at 17:44 ----------

    Maybe there's something in Dermon's posts.
  2. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Oh and while I'm trying to figure out what the fuck happened I'm not putting my vote anywhere yet. I may come back and decide Atum is still scum but I'm having to analyze a couple of things that I don't really want to confront in terms of who is scum and who isn't. It's a good thing we have some time because I'm completely confused now :(

  3. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    i'm curious
  4. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    First thing: Build a massive hypo case on why someone would frame Atum/Rubicon and this well..

    Second: I'm having to debate a possible Sloth, you, or Snowvon scum case. Sloth had a scum tell of being "burnt out" which is common in scum games but I genuinely believed it due to sheeping. You due to no longer being mod confirmed but unlikely because you aren't in a partnership with Atum and seems genuine derp or snow because my entire argument for him being town just fell apart. Rubicon and Atum are probably town due to the frame job. But I want to think first I need to get back into my rational game and think.
  5. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Rubicon, Rubicon, Rubicon. I am just saying.

    Rubicon is nice and safe in Dermon's townreads pretty much up until the point Dermon replaces out.

    Dermon made a few posts concerning specific players: MathBlade, LochNess (Titus), and Citrus. MathBlade is likely town.

    Rubicon points out Dermon has too many nulls. The end. I want a sequel where he actually pretends to care about Dermon's reads.

    I don't think Dermon ever actually explains why Rubicon is one of his strongest townreads.

    The same way Rubicon was in his green list the entire game, not once did my name leave Dermon's red list. I think he intended to drag out his scumread of me for as long as possible for a really easy mislynch later; while I haven't really done much to prove I'm town, people haven't exactly been hungry enough for my corpse to really push the wagon. Maybe Rubicon was townreading me so hard with little explanation to balance that out, save me for later? When people decided my lack of contributing wasn't gonna cut it anymore? Just a guess.

    This is all open to interpretation. But since I'm voting for Rubicon I thought it would only be fair to put in some actual effort.

    @Sloth: You put together such a nice post about buddies a while back. If you have the time, try out Dermon & xyz.

    ---------- Post automerged at 18:22 ---------- Previous post was at 18:21 ----------

    @MathBlade: If it's a frame job, it's pretty damn crafty.
  6. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    And yes I was sheeping/buddying Sloth so you were right on that but not for a scummy reason...I have horrible meta reads so I borrow from town players because I can't read people worth shit. Sloth was right to point out it's my style because well it is.

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:23 ---------- Previous post was at 17:22 ----------

    I know and that's the problem it's why I need to think and get out of the emotional space I'm in. The last thing I want to do is screw the fuck up when I'm irrational like this. I need to think.
  7. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell

  8. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Oh shit group townhug.
  9. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    I am not a hugger but what the hell group town hug feels good but I don't know who's town so thanks for hugging me so I'll hug back? *hug*

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:40 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------

    Okay is it too much to ask everyone for a readwall? I'm working on one too and I'm going to try to have no null leans because IMO it is too late in the game for a null read but I would like it if ya'll could.
  10. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Guys, give me a few minutes to add some changes to my analysis, with Ter dead.
    Sorry, it's been a long night (the good kind).
    Plus a friend of mine just earned his Master's, so I'll be leaving to see him in a few hours.
  11. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    PC restarting will work on it after. And Sloth one werewolf down in mbond fyi one to go.
  12. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Also, there's a hug going? Cool. /hugs

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 PM ----------

    I can’t remember how many times I’ve read this goddamn game back-to-back. -__-
    Time for analysis…
    I’m scrapping my past theories for the time being, looking at everything from as blank a slate as I can make it.

    Monochrome/Delphine (rep. Burkion)
    (Burkion’s lone post on D1 before his emergency seemed to be in par with his previous troll play. But it’s one post, so it means nothing.)

    When it comes to Delphine, she came across as a strong Town read in her initial moves– she was involved and inquisitive, and drawing a lot of attention to herself despite the fact that it’d be much harder not to slip as a scum coming into the game the late.

    Her first post she voted Bond, because “I didn't like your predecessor,” despite her later claim she had been looking at Citrus from the beginning – sorta supported by her post, along with some pressing on Atum (no clue what to make of that Snow line).
    Also, in #1325, she switches to Atum with the explanation being “it’s time to wagonhop.” That’s terrible wording even with her earlier arguments, plus I got the distinct impression she was only going there for the most votes, despite her words in earlier posts. #1374 stated that she was fine with Atum now and would probably change her vote soon…which is a bit eh.

    The above are some very small things I noticed but didn’t give much thought to at the time, however, the following string events caused raised some serious alarms and is now throwing everything into question:

    1379 – Delphi states that she can follow Citrus’ train of thought easily, whereas he doesn’t understand what Rubicon’s doing.
    1387 – Mathblade votes for Atum, making it the leading wagon.
    1389 – 10 minutes later, Delphi states to not want a NL, requests VC, and suggests bond over atum as lynch (why not Citrus/Rubicon? Why the safe lynch?)
    1391 – Mathblade rightfully points out that as soon as she agrees to go for Atum, Delphine backtracks. Admittedly, this isn’t entirely out of nowhere after #1374, but that had been over 12 hours ago and there was plenty of time to at least unvote.
    1394 – Vote on Citrus despite #1379??? Also, despite her claims of no NL and splitting votes, this single move does the latter decisively and it was too close for comfort to have resulted in the former. Both Rubicon and Citrus only had one vote each at the time, so it’s not like it could be said she went the strongest alternative lynch (which wouldn’t work given that Atum was that stronger lynch.)
    1417 – Delphine attempts to explain, places a lot of the blame on mentor (possible – even probable given Titus – but there’s no reason to think she’s not lying, like scum lying about their QTs). Claims to have always thought Citrus was scummy (backed somewhat by previous posts), claims Atum lynch would not have been as informative (why is that again?), and once again says Dermon was scummy, without giving reasons for it.
    1422 – points out she could be lying, which is a good point in her favor.
    1425 – she explains this in 1430 as her “regret this lynch” post, regarding Citrus. This being before Citrus claimed to be Town (1428), and before Riley confirmed it (1431). Why was she regretting that lynch already? Was she that waffley on her reads? Sounds like pre-emptive distancing.
    1438 – just a personal note, but anyone saying “yep, I’m totally just derp, totes magotes” after showing themselves to be a competent player is very scummy.
    1463 – attempts to explain herself…mostly confuses me. Trying to figure out the timeline here, but I’m getting she decided to not vote Rubicon based on meta…yet only had a gut reason to vote Citrus since she hasn’t denied thinking he was the one making more sense. Why did she move her vote at all in that case? What about the way the lynch went made her realize Citrus was innocent? Because if there was something, I missed it – Citrus could have simply not put up resistance because he wasn’t around.

    All of the above really jumped out at me in my reread – I said, a scum coming in at this late in the game is far more likely to slip, and I’m actually wondering if that the case here: She did great the first few posts, but now it looks like a slip that got unraveled.
    Delphine, I’d like to you respond to all of this. As clearly as you can, please – I know you tried before, but it all came out jumped and messy and I play don’t understand it.

    Atum’s like the exact opposite of the Ter case: The closer look I give his actions these past Days, the more he seems scummy to me.

    351 - Reasons for his three suspects are iffy.

    394 - Wants Lyrium to be werewolf, Lyrium dies. (This means nothing, but I'm wondering if it's something like 'my sort-of scumread died first Day, I was totally off, get it together, Town.')

    394 - 'Seer Hope' question still seems odd with Dermon as answer.
    890 - Explains Seer Hope. Plausible, but Ter was actually about as active, and he gives an excellent reason to have answered Burkion instead.

    485 - Accused ika of focusing on Maiden and Snow at the exclusion of everyone else.
    602 - Claims ika scummy if Maiden town, due to switch from snow to maiden. This is what Delphine was talking about, although I'm not seeing the issue. It’s an easy-to-follow train of thought.

    485 - Said reasonings to vote Maiden weren't substantial.
    511 - Once again gives the impression that he sees no reason to vote maiden.
    602 - Says he sees Maiden now, based on arguments - except arguments, at this point, were mostly 'look, she's already primed and ready, so unless you want to switch to mathblade...' so I'm not seeing the sway factor of any of them, except #557, where Maiden lists him as Lean Scum (unsure, since this seems fairly weak, but maybe nervous newbie scum would?). Places no vote.
    603 - Claims he now knows he won't make it to Nightfall, still doesn't vote.
    667 - Explains reasons for no vote. First game derp. ...Plausible, but what does ‘first game’ have to do with not knowing to vote? He has claimed past experience (around 10-20 rounds on dpicmafia.com) in non-forum games, and I have yet to play any format of mafia where votes weren't important. Even in my first game, I knew the importance of them, and I didn’t know they were changeable.
    713 - 'Adjusting to the idea of using votes for pressure' ??? We were clearly voting for lynch at this point.

    811 - I've given my thoughts on this post and what makes me frown on rereads on #1397.

    955 - He asks placeholder questions at times (i.e. questions with obvious or clear answers made simply to look like you're asking questions.)

    1235 - Calls Mathblade Town. List Terraine as Scumpect for both possible teams.

    1269 - Votes TerRaine first thing, like he did ika, possibly trying to rectify his lack of voting D1, and going for the common factor in his teams. Calls #1253 not actual Scumhunting.
    1276 - His very next post reveals his vote on TerRaine to basically amount to "Titus said so," despite all of Titus' arguments being dismantled and she burying her head in the sand about it. Also reveals he just skimmed Teraine's #1253, pretty much destroying his 'not actual scumhunting' argument and making it clear he voted just to vote.
    1361 - First line, the disclaimer, is the very definition of apologetic backpedaling after being pressed. If scum, he expected an easy mislynch here, and didn't get it. Then he unvotes. Which is weird because his case and response against her is fair (aside from the Rubicon quote), yet did it anyway, claiming he had bigger suspects...which he never votes on.

    667 - Lean town for Snow.
    1276 - reveals...something about Snow. Does he find him scummy just hasn't said anything? (kay?) or, despite everything that's happened, he sees him as town based on gut?

    1461 - wait, I just noticed this, why is TerRaine, the most recent NK, not in this list? (also Delpine = Monochrome)

    1483 - Not sure what to make of his team, but this plus 1461 makes me notice he's distanced himself from TerRaine completely.

    Atum has slipped enough times that I’m comfortable placing him as a scumread now, and I mentioned what I saw in his last actions of the Day: Distancing from Ter, perhaps prepping her for the NK? I can’t tell if it’s just a coincidence, but it compounds with everything else I’ve been saying regarding him. Like Delphine, it feels like some of his posts became unwound as the game went on.

    As for partners…ugh, there I’m not sure.
    I think he’s unaligned with Mathblade, at least.
    I’ve pointed out the interactions with Snow, but those are fairly weak and not in any way evidence one way or the other.
    Possibility in Delphine, given her rather weak prodding of him and then defense when I voted, along with thinking she sees him as Town now. I’d like her to elaborate on that.
    Possibility in Rubicon, explained in his section.
    These are all fairly weak and none of them – the last two seem stronger, but not by much. None of them are pulling me.

    So, I’m thinking Dermon/Mbond98:
    394+490+503 - During the first Day or so, Atum made several strange mentions of Dermon. He stopped afterwards.
    Ok, so Dermon stopped really playing altogether at that point, however, what I notice is that when he brought him up, Atum didn’t ask anything of him, or do anything that would be considered scumhunting – it boils down to “I hope he’s not the seer” (see above for my thoughts on that), “I disagree, Dermon’s scummy,” and “we should be looking at everyone, especially Dermon.”
    He seems to bring him up unheeded, without anyone asking anything related to him, and without asking him anything relevant, simply to point out he’s suspicious, almost to say 'look, this guy was always suspicious to me!' if he flips scum.
    Due to the weakness of the other teams, and the unnecessary element of his interactions, I’m thinking that if Atum is scum, we know his partner.
    (Which would make it REALLY awesome if he was actually here to question, Riley.)

    Ok, Citrus/Titus insisted Rubicon’s scum, so I went over his 180+ posts (…ugh.)
    Titus’ argument seemed to boil down to Rubicon not pursuing Ter’s ‘scumslip’ (and now she’s conf!Town), along with his switch to Citrus in D2. Citrus’ argument mostly boils down to gut feels and not thinking Rubicon is playing his Town game (haven’t seen much of that myself.)
    Reading his posts, he still comes out as one of my strongest Town reads despite this.
    I attempted to look at things from a scum pov, and this is what I have:

    He defends players under fire. Like…constantly:
    Snowvon (whom he said the sunglasses line, then he's suddenly just ok, then as of D3, he's probably scum.)
    Monochrome (a bit, towards the end of the day)
    I have no clue why he’d do that as Town – well obviously, to avoid mislynches, but looking at his defenses for everyone but (mostly) Ter, they’re strange defenses (“I believe this is genuine” / “oh if he were scum he’d have done it differently” / “I see no possible way a scum wouldn’t pretend to think that roles didn’t get swaped!” / “Scum can’t lie about what goes on in their QTs!”). Mostly, they confuse the hell out of me, as I don’t think they’re particularly strong defenses.
    Interestingly, none of the people he’s defended have been NK’d (Cept Ter now). They’re all going on towards the endgame.
    I’m wondering if it’s a form of buddying.

    In 1058, he adds Atum to the Town bloc, but I haven't seen a reason why specifically.
    1081's "Citrus isn't giving it his all, is all!" really bothers me actually, why would he think that?
    1256 is confusing as hell actually: "Ter, you raise good points. Vote Ter! Also, Snow's coasting."
    Flip on Citrus with minimal push. 1336 makes it sound like he was just waiting for an excuse to jump back on the wagon.
    1367 & 1371: Terraine unsure/confused means “genuine emotional response”. Citrus angry at ika lynch means “AtE.” ??
    1420: Bothers me. He sounds 100% certain Delphi’s not lying, and is Town. Why is that?
    1447: Useless fluff, the kind I'm not used to from Rubicon. Almost mocking? Might be thinking about it too much.

    Trying to move from Ika to Citrus is actually a good town move for him - I don't see why Scum would have done that. Divide the vote? I think he'd go for a more likely target then, like Snow.

    Mathblade, similar to Snow, I made a case about her.
    Looking on her posts, her style hasn’t changed: Strange moments of derp at the start, reasoning that no one can wrap their heads around, stubborn clinging to that reasoning despite EVERY single player telling her why it’s wrong, ridiculous amount of buddy-buddy behavior
    If I saw this behavior on literally anyone else, I’d be tunneling them into the ground as scum. With Mathblade, it just seems to be her Town-self, going by WIFOM and B&T. Everyone seems to have accepted that, me included, and her new posts don’t really seem to be straying from that.
    She’s been actively scumhunting, leading wagons, questioning, not taking other people’s reads into consideration when making her own case…things I wouldn’t expect any scum to do. But that just goes back to who knows how scum!Math would act.
    I haven’t seen anything to make me change my mind much, and that makes me paranoid, with Titus’ warning hanging in the air. I’d be interested in a detailed case by Atum on why she’s scum.

    Ok, I’ve given my analysis of him already and not much has changed on reread. Going over his D3 posts…
    Well, he overall did much better, finally.
    He and Atum probably aren’t aligned: He was looking into the Titus/Ter argument (like Atum) and saw him lynch her for those same reasons. He could have easily hopped due to it, but didn’t. It’s a point in his favor.
    He’s pressing Atum, in ways I approve of.
    However, in everything else, he’s uncommitted.
    He uses terms like ‘I froze’ constantly to justify his inaction, and every time he does I feel he might be hiding behind it so his actions aren’t question it, since we can’t prove him wrong – except he was fairly active in WIFOM, a lot more active at first and willing to lock horns with me when I started pressing him there. Why would he backtrack?
    I also don’t follow his moves at times. I have no clue why he voted Rubicon when his wall seemed to point at Citrus, and then when he unvoted it seemed like backpedaling (much like Atum with Ter).
    When you look at that angle, I’m wondering if he’s trying to set Atum up for a mislynch.

    I really don’t understand why he wasn’t lynched D1. If nothing else, my argument against him was strong, my defense of Maiden was stronger, and his attitude didn’t change much in D2.
    Given his play and my suspicions, taking him out while we could afford a few mislynches would have worked for the best because he’s always been in most of our minds as possible scum and having a solid answer on it would have shown us the best way to go.
    With this in mind, he’s either Scum right now, or Town that scum tried to keep alive this long simply to sow confusion in the final votes.
    Meaning that anyone that came to his defense becomes more suspicious, even if he were to flip Town right now.

    ((Outside the game, I do like your play D3, Snow. I wish you had started off like this D1 and built up on it.))

    Mbond98 (rep. Dermon)
    (Dermon seemed to be scumhunting and trying to ask smart questions, and answering them well, giving me a somewhat lean town feeling for the times he did post – his biggest hiccup was that bit with Maiden/Ter, but it was explained ok enough. Still, his moves were so few and far-between I never got a clear picture of him, so he’s a null.)
    Mbond on the other hand is pretty much pointlessly null. -__-
    Riley, are you looking into this? Is there going to be a modkill? We need to know ASAP, please.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 PM ----------

    Lynch analysis to come.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:03 PM ----------

    ...Wait, what?
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    We tried to tell you.
  14. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    ...Huh. Ok, catching up on the Day. For now, Atum = probable Dermon-partner.

    @Delphine, I'd like you to give me a case on exactly what you found scummy about Dermon, please.
  15. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Okay this is the short version of scumminess I see from people:

    And this is the two second "gut" version. I rarely do gut calls but right now this is where I will start from and see what goes from there in the interest of thought sharing.

    And no right now this is not ranked it is in the order of who is alive from Riley's post:

    1. Monochrome - Scummy play in the Atum flip but that's really all I see, with both you and Atum unable to be of the same alignment this really reads me as Titus freaked you out. She does have a strong personality so I buy it but....I would like you to explain in further detail like Sloth asked to be sure. -

    3. Sloth
    Your readwall doesn't really rank anyone like you sometimes have done and reads more like I'm going to try to redirect attention from myself after someone mentions where you have been and that I'd have to reevaluate you too. You realize there is a group hug going on which is after the night kill but then don't modify your read wall to notice the night kill? Chronological order seems off.

    The questioning of Delphine kinda seems like you are sheeping me. You mention(the bad kind) that you don't like my arguments but then you use an argument I had? This seems kinda messed up. It's like you're trying to deflect from what may be a sheep.

    Combining this with prior posts it almost seems like Atum is too easy here. Like it'd be an obvious play. I pointed out reasons why Atum seems scummy but at the same time his play does lend itself to an easy conf!bias hang which is why he will probably remain on my radar. Especially the whole what do you think of me now post.

    5. Atum

    Why I have belief he could be scum asked and answered about a billion times...Just look at prior posts. Although looking more and more like derp town that doesn't contribute his opinions than scum.

    9. Rubicon

    A lot of the vote flipping has been mentioned and I still don't like his softball questions from today but it may be town hunt like he claimed earlier. The whole gunning Citrus and not having any reads or pressuring seems not like him. Gut is off here but it was off when I was thinking about pushing harder for Rubicon lynch. Overall something is off and I don't like it.

    10. MathBlade

    Town town town

    12. Snowvon

    Been doing a lot of sneaky by and around for most of the time. I don't like how he never reevaluated when mbond turned up scum. And his words of at least put up an effort rub me the wrong way like why should he have to put up an effort to be townie?

    **Overall thoughts: How can an inactive changer change things so damn much?***

    This is the towniness I see from people in that order.

    ---------- Post automerged at 18:53 ---------- Previous post was at 18:44 ----------




    1. Monochrome - Looks like most of this she is trying to scumhunt but doesn't give up a lot of opinions. Sends off warning bells but says it because she is pro town. With one entire "day" of almost no burkion/Dermon activity we're probably looking at a townie here but need to look at posts and timestamps to confirm.

    3. Sloth
    Lots of scum hunting and posting why he believes what he believes. Very pro town play here which makes me wonder why almost everyone has him at town? Rubicon himself mentioned what would he do if he drew scum? What if he did?

    Overall lots of townie play here but there's that lingering doubt that doesn't want to shut up since mbond's death.

    5. Atum

    Way too much risk of conf!bias here. That night kill may have been a good thing in disguise. Very little protown play which bugs the CRAP out of me. But at the same time his defense at times was good and at times bad...:/ Bleh.

    9. Rubicon

    Looks like he genuinely believes what he is saying and is willing to die for it or wasn't concerned about the lynches/night kills. But at the same time that tunnelling of Citrus wasted a lot of time. I really hope to see some serious scum hunting later or a definitive vote placement.

    10. MathBlade

    Town town town

    12. Snowvon

    Looks like a lurker but posts intelligently and helpful when he is here...RL may have actually gotten the best of snow.
  16. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    Uh, well now that he's flipped my thoughts on him are subject to that confirmation bias so I feel a little weird writing this but okay. In my in-QT notes from 4 days ago on the first 27 pages of the thread (inc. prereroll) I had him down as boring (lol) and that if Maiden flipped town then he looked scummy due to interactions w/ that. On an initial read of D2 Citrus's push on Dermon and Dermon's push on TerRain were interesting to me, and I had a crazy theory that Citrus was distancing from Dermon by pushing him after setting up the ika lynch and that Dermon was trying to distract from the Citrus wagon by pushing TerRain.

    A lot of it was gut though - his phrasing in several posts seemed labored as fuck to me (I can cite if you want but I'm kinda lazy!) #397 seemed boring and like it was pushing some easy lynches, hunting for aligned pairs that early on seemed weird/dumb. The exchange with pestering Rubicon, and then wanting to revote him for being defensive, and then him putting Rubicon as #1 on his list of townreads all with zero elaboration was kinda weird. His Snowvon vote in #270 implied having certain meta expectations of Snowvon, him saying Snowvon's posts "didn't come from a townie mindset" in that one post was lolwat (oh, there's a citation for you), and then in #517 he seemed to be speaking of Snowvon in comparatively general terms.

    Uh, don't think I'm gonna bother retroactively figuring out what exactly bothered me about his Maiden stance because I never actually followed up on it.

    In partial response to your wallpost at me, my top 2 scumreads upon my first readthrough were Dermon and then Citrus. I don't understand what contradiction you're apparently seeing w/r/t that so can you be more specific? (I might cover it when I figure out how exactly to address #1532 in a way that's clear? but)

    Also I'm ridiculously excited that I was right about *something* <_<
  17. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Dermon last post: 05-11-2014, 16:46
    Mbond first post: 05-15-2014, 01:48

    Burkion last post: 05-06-2014, 12:37
    Delphine first post: 05-14-2014, 04:27

    This means from 05-11-2014, 16:46 to 05-14-2014, 04:27 no posting to the forums.

    The night Titus died started at 05-12-2014, 19:40 and ended at 05-13-2014, 16:00

    So while it's POSSIBLE that scum could have only came on to post which probably would have gotten them replaced quicker IMO it's not really that likely. Plus someone probably had to read the thread to do a Titus kill.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 19:10 ----------

    Go Delphine! *high fives*
  18. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    Oh, I also thought that Dermon flaking in general was a little off, as pre-reroll when he was town he seemed pretty active and like he was enjoying himself.

    I thought that he might be town for #271 and for #706, though. They felt genuine. But yeah anyway done talking about flipped scum
  19. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Ugh read wall taking forever :( I will finish in the morning. I need a nap or something. Be back later.
  20. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Wait, are you seriously sitting here trying to say I haven't been insisting that Snow was scum for the entire game? What?

    ...you're a little too comfortable pulling out that 'first game' card. I get that it is: That's the whole argument for Snow's behavior pinigng weird to you, you're not used to him.
    Plus, no offense, but you're too competent a player for me to think you wouldn't act independently and speak out for what you see as off after weeks of this game. Maybe you wouldn't the first few days, but not more.

    That's fair. You'll note I don't include those lines in my analysis.

    A ML tells us the alignment of a player decisively. It tells us if we're in the right track, look into those who pushed or subtly steered clear of the lynch, or even scrap everything we have and start from scratch (which we've done a lot here.)
    This is another placeholder question, btw - is there a reason you didn't just ask your mentor? Or even just think about it?

    This ENTIRE post can be reduced to "I'm fencesitting on Snow."
    Nothing in his actions or in the arguments made about him rings true to you?

    What I find unlikely is you not noticing Night had started for over an HOUR.

    I'm not sure this is for Math or for me, but I personally applaud you for that. I look at it the same way, but most of the others don't. I have no reason for it to be otherwise with you. 'Anxious desperation' is an exaggeration. Look at it like the sort of apprehensiveness you get from a video game fight scene.

    I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying this is a scumslip? If so, why?

    This post makes a lot of good points. However, I want to point out that it's common for newbie scum to list at least one of their buddies as a scum read.
    Admittedly, it seems much more unlikely when there's only one buddy.

    I probably won't today, but given his amount of posts, maybe tomorrow.

    Why is this your immediate reaction to scum being caught? I get you were emotional later at being wrong, but this seems like you're pissed at Riley.

    Sigh, they were never Townfirmed, I still don't get why you insisted so.
    What do you mean by frame job?

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:36 PM ----------

    Ok, I'll be back in a few hours/tomorrow. If anyone has any questions for me then/or an analysis, I'll reply then.
    I'll reply to yours too if you want, Math.
    Sorry, RL
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