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Batmafia #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Koalas, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    Interesting. So you're...not looking for the Riddler then?
  2. Kento Kraitos

    Kento Kraitos Muggle

    Nov 14, 2014
    Newly found land, Ca-na-da
    As of now Quanksor seems suspicious.
    -It's because of his post #50 It's strange to me that he asked about Clayface being able to steal the Riddler's ability, but never mentioned Clayface as an issue like he did the Riddler.

    Snowvon seems suspicious as well to me for a couple of comments.
    -One he made in post #126. I'm not sure if I should be reading this straight as town, or it's an intentional mental throw as scum.
    -The other being post#166. There's one sentence midway that reads "Still waiting on a few other ducklings to Tell Me I'm Pretty." It just reads really wrong that the last four words are capitalized, considering that the majority of the rest of the post uses really good grammar.
  3. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    And for the record, Town PoE'ing is hella strong when done correctly. I've been looking for town as I have more confidence on my town hunting (and especially with some of the players in this game that I feel really solid on as town)
  4. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Where did you get that idea from?
  5. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014

    Why TerRaine?
  6. Kento Kraitos

    Kento Kraitos Muggle

    Nov 14, 2014
    Newly found land, Ca-na-da
    Fluff vote. It just seemed like the thing to do as a fair number of people that posted before me voted.

    Unvote would be the proper thing to do then until I believe someone is a scum player?

    On an unrelated note, is there any reason why it's called fluff instead of filler?
  7. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    From the fact that you listed a 3-scum group, and then another 3-scum group. You're giving scum-reads only paying attention to the scum-team and totally ignoring the fact that the Riddler is also scum and in this game

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:15 PM ----------

    Personally I prefer to leave it on but some people (cough Lyrium cough) don't seem to be ok with that

    They're basically the same thing, but fluff is kinda more inane comments while filler is more stuff to make walls of text but not having content, I guess
  8. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Oh, those reads weren't scum-teams, just people I find scummy.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 PM ----------

    I just happened to post three each time.
  9. Kento Kraitos

    Kento Kraitos Muggle

    Nov 14, 2014
    Newly found land, Ca-na-da
    @ Riley I'd also like to apologize for the lack of quantity of posts. I only have a couple hours I can catch up on posts and respond. I don't lead a busy life but it consists of sleep, work, and the hours between sleep and work. There was also a personal issue that I had to attend to for some of the day yesterday.
  10. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Kraitos, I'm actually a little bothered by Snow's #126. I'm not sure he'd bother to post something like that as town...

    Uh huh. Could you give an example of a post/statement from him that you like?

    I think I can agree with Lyrium and maaaybe Aekiel on this list. But I don't understand the placement of Snow, Citrus and Atum.

    I don't dispute the value of getting good town-reads, but I don't remember you making it such a focus for your early posts in other games.

    At any rate, what's bothering you about Sloth?
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    KK, the tell me I'm pretty thing was just a silly way of saying "respond to my questions." The meaning doesn't get any deeper than that. And I randomly capitalize words for emphasis all the time because italicizing and bolding things is a pain.

    Rubicon, it's my job to be wary of you. We all have a place and a routine that needs to be adhered to.
  12. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Hello, children.

    So. What do we got?

    Riley’s probably town for the same reasons he was Town in B&T.
    He came in clumsy and said a lot of insane stuff that really should get a wagon on him on the spot. That’s how Riley as Town always is. He only finds his balance and starts being competent later in the game.
    If he had started the game with forced clumsiness or just very strongly, I’d be voting him right now.

    He didn’t. He’s probably Town.

    Second reason is that you’re insane if you think Fonti would give up a villain role in a Batman game. She’d only do that if she were dying.
    Snow, is Fonti dying?

    That said, I’m still watching him…
    This answers why you think your chances suck but not why you’re wary of Lyrium. Connect that?

    You seem very focused on Lyrium for relatively needless points. Why?
    Also, you’re saying Ter’s scum here?

    …Evidently not? So what ARE you saying about her?
    And do you seriously have no reads on anyone based on their performance so far?

    Where mah hoes at, dawg? /holds up fist

    Kento Kraitos has no experience yet he’s not playing like a frightened newbie, but someone confident and not nervous after being scum on his very first game.
    He’s making basic newbie moves and trying to do well, so that indicates he has no scummates to coach him, so I’m thinking Town.
    Do you have a mentor, Kento?

    V didn’t really give much of an impression, (though his mention of detrimental Batman has echoes of my scum game, which is my town game) but Rubicon came in strong, so I’m liking him for now. Waiting for his reads and analysis once he catches up.
    Come at me, bro. Show me your colors.

    Fishy Justice is attempting basic analysis and seems generally disinterested in the game, and not really giving it his all.
    Seems genuine, I think. Not much to say beyond that, given his own relevant post didn’t do much but repeat others.
    Possible Riddler?

    Zenzao also seems to be almost Town giving his odd criteria to what makes scum scum (i.e. voting on people I see as town makes you scummy) and the fact that he seems what I see yet arrives at different conclusions (REDACTED.)
    His criteria for how scum would make choices also seems off, and makes me somewhat weary.

    Qgqqqqq’s one of the few people that are following up and pressuring for answers to his questions, rather than just bring it up and then not mention it again – see, the Nemrut thing.
    Seems like Townish behavior, not seeing the fluff.

    And what did you discover from this?

    Citrus, despite saying a lot, doesn’t really have a presence in this game.
    Citrus explain your Town Block, in detail.

    TerRaine’s only really here because I’m being careful. That whole tiff with Lyrium was entertaining, but everyone seems to be ignoring how what she brought up was valid: Bane’s targeting, the oracle, and Quanksor.
    No one’s really addressed those. And she’s absolutely right. Seriously, guys?
    I’m keeping her here, but her actions are aiding Town more than now and she’s not pushing something that would benefit scum yet.

    “Oh she fooled you on CYS.”
    Yep. And I’ve caught her immediately every game since. I don’t make mistakes twice.

    Yo. /waves

    I held off on posting simply because of this.

    Why is reading the set-up for a 30-player game we’re not currently playing relevant?

    Ayup. What has bringing it up again accomplished? Did you maybe not feel like you had something strong to say without it?

    his fluffiness didn’t read the flavor, which made me vote for him.
    Otherwise he’s contributing with thoughts I can approve of. Main issue is a lack of original thought, but no hurry on that.

    Heh. Cute.

    Snowvon’s Snowvon: Fluff and cuteness until pressured to do more. Could be either way at this point.
    …This entire post is pointless fluff.
    Why did you write this? No one is on Lyrium’s case as possible scum, ‘cept maybe me right now. Why did you feel the need to waste a long-post defending her?
    I mean, other that seem like you’re a contributing Town, that is.

    …MFW. /stares

    Aw, aren’t you sweet. If I was younger and gayer, I’d be all over you.

    Riley was part of it, as stated above. I was curious about your reaction.

    Schrodinger…I guess we wait to see what happens here? He mostly seemed overwhelmed. In Avatar he seemed much cooler under pressure, despite being scum. (Until the end, that is)


    Penguin, obviously. Bane’s ability would have been much more tempting in 30-players, not here.

    Are you ignoring the other players that role block? (Batman, etc?)

    What about it is ridiculous? She’s right: Your claim you didn’t luck into catching her is…silly, honestly.
    What I’m curious about is why you’re trying to paint it as relevant.

    Titus is not a good player, Lyrium. You should have understood that after playing with her for 3 games where she kept her head in the sand.

    Wasn’t paying attention back then and mostly spit-balling. Still am not 100% focused, really.

    The rest of this, just… ugh…why are you throwing a tantrum? Stop acting like you’re 5 and actually do something worth listening to. Don’t rely on a crappy fluke last game to get people to listen and DO something.

    Speaking of doing something, you haven’t really done much of that have you? Your intentions are the easiest to read when you throw your back-to-back stream of questions at everyone, yet you’ve only done that once this game, which is telling on its own way

    Also, why are you convinced the Bane-Penguin debacle was a pre-game choice? You said pre-game specifically. Why?

    Atum’s the opposite of the Fish, posting and being around often…yet leaving almost as much of a mark by not having said a single relevant thing.
    So, not exactly the opposite of the Fish, but definitely not Townier.

    Game unless it’s relevant to whatever role I have or it benefits Town to have the answer publicly.

    Quanksor – because honestly, Ter’s notes on him are enough that I do think we should be looking closer.

    How do you know this again?

    Nemrut has only had 2 posts so far, and they’ve all be mild mechanics/fluff talk.

    Just agreeing with V without really contributing, rewording what he already said on Batman to contribute to Booster.
    Using the phrase “While each scum...” which is overtly diplomatic and subtly pushes focus somewhere else.
    Lack of worthwhile contribution.
    You know, little things.

    Very poor choice of words.

    Yeah. No.

    I can see Lyrium being able to convince herself that somehow she was on the right in that whole argument, that her points made sense and that she didn’t keep screaming ridiculously and not hearing what was being told to her.

    But you? Nah.
    Hell, everything you’re saying here is even a huge stretch. You’re both too good a player and too smart for that. Hi scum


    Anyway, off to work. Bury the scum.

    I stopped reading at…#199
  13. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Huh. I liked Snow, then after you asked your question, I reread the thread to find a post by him I liked, and found that he posted lots of fluff, lots of assurances that he's town, and very little actual content. He's now more scummy than Citrus to me.
  14. Quanksor

    Quanksor Muggle

    Nov 9, 2014
    Airstrip One
    Any plan I was talking about hinged on the death of both the Riddler and Clayface. I did not specifically say "and Clayface" in every situation where I meant to, but for that to be a scumtell I would have to have assumed that the thread would not remember the existence of Clayface before beginning to claim. Neither I, nor the thread is that stupid.

    For some reason, I cannot quote the relevant part of #212, maybe because the post is so long. Anyways, the answer is I asked a whole pile of questions in my QT, because as you may have noticed the rules are not as polished as they could be.
  15. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Quick phone post: I did the Lyrium Is Town thing because TerRaine asked me too.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:18 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

    Also fonti isn't dying, she's probably doing physics work right now and that's basically worse than death. So I take that back, she's dying.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:19 ---------- Previous post was at 19:18 ----------

    Why did you like me in the first place? Did I dazzle you?

    The implication I'm getting here is that you're not reading posts but still claiming you have reads on them.
  16. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    That sucks, hope everything is good and stuff.

    Citrus, yes I found your voting on a newbie who you don't know at all and then not changing that vote to be weird. RVS is fun silly crazy vote time so your vote doesn't make sense. Don't cough on me Vitamin C :p

    Riley, speak as much as you need. Interactions are an important part of the game so ask everyone questions or figure out who isn't asking who something and query them. Also anyone who targets players who are known as being imperfect or not as good (like I would put myselt in that category) are to be tunneled into non-existance for their hubris.

    Sloth, responding to what was relevant since some of your post was whatever.

    Titus is an excellent player. I've been in 3(3+ish?) games with her. Dresden where she figured out scum and helped town win. Prophys WH where she managed to kill most of town by manipulating us. And the CYS game where she had good instincts but got caught in a tunnel with me. So agree to disagree. Oh and I wasn't in B&T but she messed with everyone in that game. SO yeah Titus is a good player. I <3 Titus forever.

    I wouldn't call it luck, I call it instinct or gut feelings. Luck also discounts all the interaction analysis stuff I did as well. As for TerRaine, she started doubtcasting me while calling me town while trying to make it seem like everything I say is irrelevant. I'm not sure how teaching me a lesson about a past game in a totally different game makes sense, if that was the goal why not do it in the CYS thread or in private or over IRC why in a whole new game? Doesn't make sense and seems opportunistic or set up for some later fail.

    I find it fascinating how far I fell on your little rainbow, from way up top to the middle in so little time.

    Re: Batman and the other blocking - Batman has interrogation so its not blindly rbing and same for the other role there's a way to keep from just blindly.

    As for questions and such I do things as I wish and feel like it. Just so you know, I try to wait until most have answered the questions (for example in post #158) before running off again or deciding to interrogate someone.

    Finally, re: Snowvon (asked by Atum and mentioned by others). I don't see him a the most pressing issue. He started off strange and then eased back into fluffy Von. He's also a known quantity unlike some of the other players so I believe that with enough of his interactions I'll be more sure of what he's doing. The silly posts seem more like town Von.

    On Aekiel, I've only seen his town game in Dresden and CYS and he seems town so far, similar playing style. Actually, same thing goes for Nemrut.

    People who I don't have feels for yet:
    Qgqqqqq - Isn't reading carefully but feels the need to comment on stuff that he hasn't read.
    Rubicon - is a fun player and when he was third party he still was helpful
    Atum - can be hard to read but he's also good
    His fluffiness - unsure, but seems less devious inclined
    Quanksor - already mentiond the mechanics focus and asked him to discuss his mafia experience a bit
    Fishy - post more
    Kento - post more but so far so good

    Oh and just for old times sake and because this is fun.

    All players, heroes, villains, answer the questions in a sentence:

    1. Are you scum?
    2. If you had to place a vote on a player right this instant, who would you vote and why?

  17. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    1. No.
    2. Since Sloth posted a read list, I would vote Nemrut, for not participating, and for having bad posts overall.

    In fact,
    Vote: Nemrut
  18. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Riley (1): TerRaine
    Snowvon ():
    Aekiel (1): Sloth
    Citrus (1): Kento Kraitos

    Lyrium ():
    Sloth (1): Citrus
    TerRaine (3): Lyrium, Aekiel, Rubicon
    Qgqqqqq ():
    Rubicon ():
    Nemrut (1): His fluffiness
    Atum ():
    His fluffiness ():
    Quanksor (1): Zenzao
    Schrodinger ():
    Zenzao (1): Quanksor
    Fishy Justice (1): Qgqqqqq

    Kento Kraitos ():

    Not Voting ( 8 ) Lyrium, Nemrut, Atum, Schrodinger, Fishy Justice, Snowvon, Riley

    17 Alive, 9 to lynch

    Mod notes:
    The unvote in 206 is invalid
    -Not bolded
    -Not on new line

    Added day end to Sig
    -Thanks sloth for the idea
  19. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    It would be lovely if votes came with comments (or like mentions to specific posts) and also if you vote someone...ask them questions about their posts or something?


    TerRaine, I'm keeping my vote on you for now. My first theory is that your scum and that Snow is somehow aligned with you as well as one of the newbies.

    My second theory is a WIP.

    Therefore, let's discuss Sloth. What is your read on him and what is your compare\contrast of his reads and your reads? Why is he wrong?

    Oh and Sloth, for you:

    You moved Snowvon up in scum, is there anything between his an TerRaine's interactions that pings to you?
  20. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Catching up. Will post revised readwall tomorrow morning and go from there.

    1. No. And I doubt I could pull off faking an alignment after CYS where I gave off Scumvibes every other post.
    2. A lot of conflicting opinions here, but I'm putting some trust in y'all's reads(with a grain of salt, given last game's annual myslynching :\) and adjusting my own as I go. I'll answer this proper tomorrow, but for right now, Quanksor still.