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Batmafia #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Koalas, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. Fishy Justice

    Fishy Justice Fourth Year

    Oct 23, 2011
    The Terrible Dogfish
    I read so painfully slow it hurts. Redundancy intended. If I do play another game: never again.*

    *As in, being dead for large portions.

    So, as a result of reading 20 pages of stuff, with parts of it being full of laundry most fowl, my head is a bit jumbled. As a result, I am going to give some surface reads and explanations. I'm going to label some folks as scummy, but won't say why as I'd rather ask a question than say "x is guilty because y." A question is more proactive and harder to ignore.

    With that:

    Lyr's question list:

    Quanksor - Lots of reasons have been stated already. I'll have questions tomorrow. Answering Rubicon would help.
    Atum - Everyone seems hush hush on why. If we're being hush hush: reasons.
    Sloth - He's been absent. I don't like his early game. But I don't like pressuring absentee ballets.

    Nemrut - Not much to go on.

    Snowvon - I've liked him as we've gone on. Scumhunting stuff is happening. And I do believe he likes his fluff.

    TerRaine - Scumhunts.
    Lyrium - Scumhunting since day 1. Also fiercely paranoid.
    his fluffiness
    - He started out a little piggyback like, but he's gotten better.

    Mathblade -I'ma hit you with questions in the morrow. All the questions.
    Citrus - Citrus makes me nervous. I don't like the PoE approach. It seems easy. He explained, but I'm keeping at least one eye open at night. Maybe half an eye.

    [FONT=&quot]Kento Kraitos - [FONT=&quot]Not much comes to mind when thinking of him. [/FONT][/FONT]
    Mala - New Challenger.

    [FONT=&quot]Zenzao[/FONT] -Hunting
    - He might also be a hunter.
    Rubicon - He strikes me as real hunting instead of fake hunting.

    Before you ask: No, I haven't considered teams (much). I might when looking through stuff again tomorrow, but day 1 teams are kind of hard to figure.

  2. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014

    I'm only correcting you because the same thing happened recently-ish IRL. Heh.
  3. Fishy Justice

    Fishy Justice Fourth Year

    Oct 23, 2011
    The Terrible Dogfish
    I apologize sir.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 PM ----------

    Oh, and Riley. Riley is null. It's like, he could be wearing a mask, or his face could be real. I don't know.
  4. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Fishy, do you want to vote someone?
  5. Fishy Justice

    Fishy Justice Fourth Year

    Oct 23, 2011
    The Terrible Dogfish

    Riley ():
    Snowvon (1): Nemrut
    Malakittens (1): Sloth

    Citrus ():
    Lyrium (2): Qgqqqqq, Mathblade
    Sloth (3): Citrus, Zenzao, Snowvon
    , His Fluffiness
    TerRaine (1): Malakittens
    Qgqqqqq ():
    Rubicon (1): Lyrium
    Atum ():
    His fluffiness (1): Atum
    Quanksor (3): Rubicon, TerRaine, Riley
    Mathblade ():
    Zenzao ():
    Fishy Justice (1):Quanksor
    Kento Kraitos ():

    Not Voting ( 2 ) Fishy Justice, Kento Kraitos

    17 Alive, 9 to lynch

    Mmk. I though Quank was higher than that and didn't want to risk hammers. The ghost of Luckylee floats around these parts.

    Vote: Quanksor
  6. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Quank and Sloth are both at L-5.
  7. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Vote: Quanksor
  8. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    He knows what he did

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 PM ----------

    Yeah, I didn't get anything out of that read wall fishy. Looking forward to your questions, though.
  9. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Vital for the thread before I go to bed.

    Riley ():
    Snowvon (1): Nemrut
    Malakittens (1): Sloth

    Citrus ():
    Lyrium (1): Qgqqqqq
    Sloth (3): Citrus, Zenzao, his fluffiness
    TerRaine (1): Malakittens
    Qgqqqqq ():
    Rubicon (1): Lyrium
    Atum ():
    His fluffiness (1): Atum
    Quanksor (5): Rubicon, TerRaine, Riley, Fishy Justice, Snowvon
    Mathblade ():
    Zenzao ():
    Fishy Justice (1):Quanksor
    Kento Kraitos ():

    Not Voting ( 1 ) Kento Kraitos, Mathblade

    17 Alive, 9 to lynch

    Quank is at L-4

    Snow, why switch?

    Also, good night.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 AM ----------

    *Votal, not vital

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 AM ----------

    And Not voting is at 2
  10. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I said I approved of both wagons.
  11. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    Ugh, reading the thread and whatever, responding whenever (hopefully now). [Insert finals excuse here]

    @Snow and Rubicon: Why the hell would you open me up to an easy wagon tomorrow? Now you've got the Fish person doing it and it'll take me forever to talk my way out of a lynch. Snow reads me wrong a lot, but Rubicon I thought what we had was special.

    Mathblade come talk to me, reading the thread is depressing.
  12. ika

    ika Temporarily Banhammered

    Feb 11, 2014
    Riley ():
    Snowvon (1): Nemrut
    Aekiel (1): Sloth

    Citrus ():
    Lyrium (1): Qgqqqqq,
    Sloth (3): Citrus, Zenzao, His fluffiness

    TerRaine (1): Mala
    Qgqqqqq ():
    Rubicon (1): Lyrium
    Nemrut ():
    Atum ():
    His fluffiness (1): Atum
    Quanksor (5): Rubicon, TerRaine, Riley, Fishy Justice, Snowvon
    Mathblade ():
    Zenzao ():
    Fishy Justice (1): Quanksor
    Kento Kraitos ():

    Not Voting ( 2 ) , Kento Kraitos, Mathblade

    17 Alive, 9 to lynch

    Mod notes:

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 AM ----------

    I'm putting this separately as a notice. I do not mind players doing a VC in my absence. but if you are going to please omit the colors or use a different set.

    The only people who should be using my color swatch in VCs should be Me/Kalas/obs

    This is more-so that it is more clear what is the "official" count and that players do not fall into mod impersonating
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Less complaining, more townposting, you villain.
  14. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    Working on it, but being town is way harder for me than being scum. Also, I'm sticking my tongue out at you.
  15. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Why do you guys find Sloth scummy? I vaguely recall being unsure/unconvinced about it, but its been a few days.

    I still get more of a newb town feel from Quanksor. I mean, its obviously newb either way, but I'm definitely not seeing much sinister about his incompetence. If it came to it, though, I'd be fine with lynching him - because I think a lynch on him is definitely better than no-lynching, and he's got a decent chance of being scum.

    I really do want some answers out of Lyrium, but with her being afk for a few days now, I shouldn't be wasting my vote, but not sure which way to jump.

    Fishy, I don't like the Atum jumping on. Honestly, I don't get the thing being posted about, but you jumping on doesn't look like you actually know what's going on. And sure, I get the you want to ask questions and all, but right now we need to see some content/commitment from you, so I would like you to explain your position on the, and especially on Atum.

    Speak of the devil...don't like Atums last post. Too blatant with the I'm not scum, too unnessecary.

    Ika, Lyrium is listed as two and has one.

    Phone post sorry for issues.
  16. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Message received, sorry for that.
  17. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    @QQlikeyouneedto: Don't call me the devil. How'd you like the post before the last post, since that was more for everyone and the last one was for Von. Would you prefer I be subtly town so the scums don't find out? Since I would prefer to live at least through winter break, I'll wave a Town flag in my Townhouse, while I toast the Town with the Town's Town anthem playing in the background loud enough for the whole Town to hear. If that sort of thing works, scumhunting is a little too mainstream, thanks.

    Sloth's only scummy to me because of hyper-paranoia and cuz his scum game is legend. By his own admission Quank can't really be called a 'newb' so him having a newb town game would be pretty interesting (read: strange).

    Your vote's in a pretty useless spot right now, why not move it somewhere more fun? And while you're at it, explain your vote -> unvote -> dislike of me pretty please.

    @Quank: What's up man? Are you newb town? Are you newb scum? Are you having a bad week? I've thought of at least 3 rude jokes I could make about your play right now (1 in qt) and I'm not even good at this (humor or mafia, take your pick). Since everybody else seems to enjoy morbid questions toDay, tell me two people you'd shoot if the gun was in your hands right now. Mafia-wise that is.

    I may have been a bit overzealous in my pursuit of He Who Must Be Fluffed, but I'm looking again.

    Edit: Kinda sorta answered below, if you squint at it upside down with blood rushing to your head.
    1) Can't recall now, not going back. I remember being caguely displeased with his walls, but I'm pretty sure that was a mix of not liking the positions of several people and being relatively low on it myself, as opposed to just the former. Unless votals change, Sloth is irrelevant for me D1, and this deficiency will be noted in his final transcript.

    Atum - I am Atum.

    Snowvon - Weirdly inconsistent. It's moved beyond whatever pinged me earlier too. Snow, I asked who you wanted to talk to, but you haven't even tried. Aekiel even started talking right after. Annnd now he's gone. Oh, and then he went and did that annoying thing so now it's looking a little more towny, but I'm still annoyed.

    Rubicon - Followed through on Snow's thing, but it might just be pressure since I generally assume he knows better. He's in a sorta nullish, hopefully scum zone, becsause if he's town he's not being super useful to me yet like usual. Pointing out things to lend support to others' statements and baiting people doesn't count.

    3) Pshh who knows? Going by other suspects rather than alignment I've got MB, Nemrut, and...someone else, maybe the fish guy for his apparent apathy.

    Lyrium why is this question so long I want to sleep>!??!!??/

    Moving on.
    1) I like the vote spread, it's cute.
    2a.) #267. Plus just look at that avatar.
    2b.) Er...answered above. Basically.
    3) Ugh, I forgot this was the annoying one? I'm gonna table this until you answer whether or not I can just run through these as town, scum, or null, rather than explain the fascinating algorithms and deep analysis required to reach those conclusions.

    Thoughts on a no lynch.
    HAHAHAHA. No. We have no killing power outside of the lynch and at this point the flip shouldn't hurt us to be bad on the Riddler front unless he (or she) is really good at the role fishing or figuring out or whatever. So no. We're s tough town, we can take a mislynch, so long as it doesn't start with an A, as in Atum, or any other players names that start with A.

    Personally, I think this is plenty and would prefer to stop now, but if I know the insatiable masses like I think I do, there's probably more to be answered, questioned, or generally remarked upon. Thus I continue, gallantly.

    Thanks for the reminder MB!

    Hey Mala!

    @Lyrium: Nightwing is so interesting and high profile, you take it back.

    TerRaine's frustrsted reaction to Lyrium's mostly passive passive-aggressive activity push was frustrating because it happens to me every game and I think I maybe only gently erupted like once. And it was tiny. Probably.

    That probably belongs deep in the bowels of my qt, but oh well it's 5 and I'm doing this instead of CS.

    MathBlade's Lyr vote is suspiciouly timed.
    QQka-choo's post right after was unnecessary and it irked me so I wrote about it. Probably another QT-worthy note, but I did promise more general remarks I suppose.

    Lyrium asks that we use votes the same why I used my vote on ika in that one game where I was scum that some of the observers liked my play in, I think.

    TerRaine helpfully points out that Citrus has also defended Quank, which i had forgotten. Except then it's weird that she finds it strange that someone had no interaction with Nemrut, who was basically a ghost of the Servant, Saber, at that point IIRC.@TerRaine: Can you explain this to end my confusion and discontent?

    I really hope I don't regret this post after whatever unit of time equivalent to the typical use of the phrase 'in the morning' passes.

    Oh god Q once again posts about RL. I'm not sure why it's so irritating but it really is. My favorite part was the end!

    Rubicon's 335 suggests an eager association of Lyrium and TerRaine or an undue readiness to address Lyrium when you take some of his other posts into account. Also, he's partly responsible for my current lack of brevity, which makes him basically evil.

    I agree with the Fluff on Nemrut, which is either here or QT (they're becoming one in my head now) and that's pretty disconcerting/uncomfortable. Then his Atum read sounds like some of my reads when they're cleaned up in my head and I have sleep. Which is frightening again. I still don't like how he refers to his scum reads, it pings me as suspicious even while I'm busy being discombobulated by the voice of his post.

    Side-note: Off the Air is the craziest show I've ever watched, but still can't make up for the ridiculous decline in quality of Cartoon Network and the atrocity they now refer to as Boomerang.

    And just as I was having fun reminiscing about television, I see another Q post. This was almost fine, until I realized he's fixated on her telling him she thinks he can't read (his interpretation) or comprehend, or do both together or something. Now I'm laughing way too loud for quiet hours.

    MathBlade quotes TerRaine's explanation post, but does not offer the expected sympathy, which adds ridiculous numbers of points to her scum score. This deficiency will be reflected on her final transcript.

    Mentioning Lyrium asking about a no lynch has reached critical mass and is now a scum tell. So let it be written, so let it be done.

    Riley demotes his Quanksor vote to a pressure vote, lowering it from suspiciously unbacked, to hilariously unnecessary and almost scummy. I'd marked you as irrelevant for D1 Riley Poole, but I guess I'll stalk you halfheartedly now. Whoa, wait, I missed this as well, but like Rubicon a few minutes ago (Atum-reel time) Riley also rushes to judge Lyrium instead of the question's intended target.

    I want a word count on this post.
    Also, Die Fluff just pounced on poor Quanksor like an unfortunately roused jungle cat, with poor dinner etiquette and a lingering paunch.

    I for one, want to see Snow's brain flail around like a dying fish and am appalled that no one else signed on for this incredible opportunity. For shame, Gotham, for shame.

    Sloth's head isn't absent, the entirety of Sloth is.

    Quanksor's 354 is when all the rude jokes started in my head and holy crap it's 5:40. Actually I can't ignore the sadness of this readslist, where's the effort guy? Seriously the jokes have descended from rude playstyle things to mean, playground style bashing, which is hilarious for my brain, but traumatising my flaky moral compass. I spent so long in the stupid IB program that I still sometimes spell things like I'm from across the pond. Gross.

    Vote: Quanksor
    I was not expecting to do that tonight, but I was also not expecting to do this tonight, so it all works out.

    Lyrium also mentions you being new, but you're on FS apparently enough for people to have meta, so Quank I really need to know your experience status here. It probably won't change my shiny new vote (now in big letters) but it may stop the demeaning jokes in my head, which have become a distraction.

    Remind me to never do this again.

    KKmissing-a-K finally points out the MB thing after several more experienced players just kinda comment on it. Sad. Then he goes back to that question I asked a bit ago and loses some of those cool points he's been earning, but not enough to fall into the null-zone. So that's good. Asking questions about Math gets those points back anyway so no worries, despite the scary thing I just did with your name, still in most of my acceptable books. The good ones, you probably don't want to be in.

    When Q calls Von 'Snowy' my resistance to the urge to break into hysterical laughter caused by Quank was almost shattered. Reading the actual post now. Oh god, it was a serious evaluation of Quank's readlist. There go the tears, at least I tried.

    I want to see who responds to this first.

    Read Math's AttemptAtHumor twice and understood the amusement she meant to convey. The first read was tinged with disappointment due to her interaction with Quanksor.

    Mostly like Zenzao's wall which is cool. Then he talks about pissing people off, which I'm pretty sure townfirmed him for me in CYS, but does so negatively, which is understandable but still mildly hilarious.

    I don't understand Ter's gif featuring a character I'm pretty sure is Milhouse and some creepy uncle dude or whatever, but I think it has something to do with friendlessness. Or loneliness. Or something creepy. Also she calls the phrasing curious, but I call it MathBlade.

    TerRaine in 371 just got all the laughs, and a metaphorical thumbs-up in responding to Quank. The vindictive pleasure I got from reading that is almost as troubling as the jokes that finally stopped a while ago.

    Snowon's 373 drops him right back to weird, since Q definitely doesn't seem...unfocused. There are definitely other words that come to mind, just apparently not this mind in this instant. Later maybe.

    Fishy 376 made me unwilling to lynch him for at least 2 Days. No discussion.

    Annnd I'm finally at the end of the cycle kinda, that annoying Thing Snow did. Hopefully Snow, this post is so shockingly powerful that you never do that Thing again and no one has to worry about ever seeing this in a thread again. I sorta doubt it though.

    Fluffy jumps on the scum Atum wagon despite being absurdly hesitant to come out and say that in previous posts despite zero posts from me to change his opinion. So he gets a bajillion scum points, catapulting him to the depths of the Scum station, one stop before Quanksor since we're apparently trying to consolidate or whatever.
    . Colored and stuff so I notice this later. This was actually a major relief because I was slowly being convinced he was town. Hey buddy, could you do me a favor and just post all your scum reads so I don't have to undertake the impossible task of looking through all 50 of your posts to maybe almost piece them together? This definitely is not the first time I've asked. Written in fonti's color to instill a sense of urgency mixed with exasperation and casual arrogance/disdain which is surprisingly compelling.

    Fluffy gets baited by Rubicon right after. I should do this more often.

    The MathBlade waffling is getting ridiculous. Okay, two posts down I get a Math-y reason for it but still disquieting.

    Fishy's list is less hilariously bad then Quank's and settles for being dully bad, just like his intro, which is a disappointment and the cause for excising my above declaration. Or it would have been if I found the button that makes words crossed out. But I didn't. Just remember he can die now. To be fair, I guess some of it is good, but I had some unrealistically high expectations.

    @Rubicon, me doing what I did is a poor excuse for you doing what you did.

    Okay, this is done and I refuse to edit it. If I magically missed something you can point it out, but getting over my skepticism is going to take a long time, plus I'll hate you so maybe don't expect an answer to quick. Responses on the other hand will be more favorably addressed. If I managed to offend you, your response will probably make me laugh more, but I offer sincere apologies on request. To most people.

    Word count puts this post at longer than an HOD major's final essay, which is maybe my most hilarious realization of the evening/sunrise/morning.
  18. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    If it was unneccessary than why bring it up? It's a pressure simply because we still have over 48 hours and no good response. I'm not going to touch the first part.

    I misread it having had someone ask me earlier about TerRaine and Lyrium since it was a big focus a couple of pages.

    Quit making mountains out of molehills.
  19. Atum

    Atum DA Member DLP Supporter

    May 26, 2012
    I'd say the same to you actually. You were two comments in a fairly large bunch. This is a game of analysis and so I point out behavior I find atypical of a town player and attempt to understand the reasoning behind it. I project this thought process, sometimes with conclusions, to everyone for review. That's it. I didn't say, Riley must be scum because of this, I simply pointed out your aberrant behavior, in hopes of receiving a response.

    This is me not liking your response and letting you know that.

    Back to your first point, I decided to bring it up because A) I decided to bring up basically everything at some point, and B) It was scummy. You weakened the reasoning behind a popular vote, possibly in the hope of disassociating yourself from the wagon later. Which only scum should know to do. That is a possible analysis of your play that I have offered for review.

    I will stop making mountains out of molehills when you stop leaving scummy molehills in my backyard.
  20. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    If it's a single one, why not post the others? Why focus on the scum side of it. Surely you can hypothesize a town version?

    Again, the use of lackadaisical words to try and enforce a sense of urgency.

    "half-stalk"? Really the aberration was so great that you'll now be half-heartedly following my every move? Talk about

    As for weakening a vote? If it's my first vote and it hasn't strayed this entire time, is it weak?