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Battle School Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    God damn it. I really am not doing well this game.
  2. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    I see you lurking, Moridin. Just fucking post (and gunclaim?).

    We're all sucking this game, Aekiel. That's why I won't even care if scum wins, 'cause derping has basically made scum and townies unrecognizable one from the other. Inactivity, too. There was 1 freaking (useless again) post in 12 hours. Prophylaxis has even yet to check in. *shrugs* This game is pretty much doomed no matter what happens, IMO.
  3. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Stojil: Was writing a post when you posted.

    Menace: What did you do on Night 3? Aside from using Typhon's gun, I mean. You have a name checker, did you not use that? Why not? Surely the gun is in addition to any powers a townie may have, and shouldn't count as your only night action.

    Typhon: Just tell us who has the gun already.

    Sorry for not participating today, guys. Can't promise anything just yet, but will try to do better. Have been trying to keep up on my phone, though, as much as possible.

    As far as Stojil's three worlds go, I agree that Caesar revealing as scum seems very unlikely. There's little reason to do so, and it puts a lot of onus on him for potentially little gain(going by Stojil's plan, he would be dead by now and, if he were scum, his information discredited). The only use scum could possibly have for that role would be to hunt a third party, and in a high power setup that's somewhat lame, especially if Menace is to be believed and the only reason third party would target scum is to try to take out Graff.

    2) and 3) are both likely. I'd say whoever has the gun should take out Menace, just in case. I do agree that we should lynch Typhon. The chances of him being scum are much higher now, given Sir Karn's info and the general way he reacted to Menace's reveal. If that fails, we lynch Sir Karn, of course. Beyond that, I'd take a closer look at Smile once again, and possibly Aekiel. Aekiel's reaction to Menace also worries me. Aekiel, Sir Karn checked Stojil and Typhon, then Kalas and Menace, IIRC. Not Typhon and Kalas.

    5 scum and a third party would mean scum wins by D4 if none of them die by then (and assuming the same rate of kills as so far i.e. no other oneshot kills activating). Seems awfully fast, and I'm okay with discarding the idea.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 PM ----------

    First off, the multiple actions to be taken based on scenarios is weird considering we don't know which scenario applies.

    Your conclusion seems to be that Typhon is town, from all of this. In which case, how on earth does it make sense to lynch Menace? If Typhon is town, then Caesar is scum regardless of what Menace is, and should surely be our first target. Your fixation on lynching Menace at this point is somewhat unsettling. Then, of course, he reveals and you proceed to push even harder for a Menace lynch, especially since you go on to say Typhon should stay alive regardless of what his alignment is.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 PM ----------

    Either Typhon is scum, or Caesar is.

    Either Typhon is scum, or Sir Karn is (assuming Stojil is town, which I am).

    As such, if we lynch Typhon, we confirm two scum even if we do lynch one townie. Sir Karn is gunned down tonight, and we lynch Caesar tomorrow. We can proceed from there, especially with info on their roles.

    If Typhon is scum, then I'd take a much harder look at Aekiel for his push on Menace (given that Menace and Typhon are the remaining two from Caesar's list). Also Smile for his general scumminess.
  4. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Nah, I'm not allowed to use more than one action per night. That gun kill took precedent over my other power when I chose to use it. Also, I wouldn't kill me with the gun if I was you? It'll pit you at LYLO if there are 3 scum left like you're thinking, and lose you the game if there are 4 like I'm thinking.
  5. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    9 players remaining. Assuming we lynch Typhon,

    3 scum remaining:

    Typhon is scum:

    8 players remaining, 2 scum. Night kill + gun kill (assuming it's on third party Menace or a townie) 6 players remaining, 2 scum. Also, no more guns. LYLO.

    Typhon is town:

    8 players remaining, 3 scum. Night kill + gun kill on Sir Karn. 6 players remaining, 2 scum. We also lynch Caesar, leaving 5 players remaining, 1 scum. Night kill, 4 players remaining, 1 scum. Should be simple from there, though probably not easy.

    4 scum remaining:

    Typhon is scum:

    8 players remaining, 3 scum. Night kill + gun kill (assuming it's on third party Menace or a townie) 6 players remaining, 3 scum. That's a loss I believe.

    Typhon is town:

    8 players remaining, 4 scum. Night kill + gun kill on Sir Karn. 6 players remaining, 3 scum. Also a loss.

    Perhaps it would be better to lynch Caesar, and then shoot the gun based on that? If he's town we hit Typhon, if he's scum we hit Sir Karn.

    3 scum remaining:

    Caesar is scum:

    8 players remaining, 2 scum. Night kill + gun kill on Sir Karn. 6 players remaining, 1 scum.

    Caesar is town:

    8 players remaining, 3 scum. Night kill + gun kill on Typhon. 6 players remaining, 2 scum. LYLO.

    4 scum remaining:

    Caesar is scum:

    8 players remaining, 3 scum. Night kill + gun kill on Sir Karn. 6 players remaining, 2 scum. LYLO.

    Caesar is town:

    8 players remaining, 4 scum. Night kill + gun kill on Typhon. 6 players remaining, 3 scum. Loss.

    It appears that in the case of four scum remaining, we have to hit scum both today and tonight in order to continue. Any flaw in this reasoning?

    Well, the only one I see is that I still think it's quite unlikely for Caesar to be scum. Even then, though, the choice is between LYLO and loss (Typhon) or LYLO and Loss (Caesar). The difference is, killing Typhon (assuming he is scum) gives us a shot at a useful kill with the gun. As to whether that kill should be you... well, I guess that's what we have left to discuss.
  6. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Yeah, if there are 4 scum left we can't miss any kills from here on out. Which is why I want to kill Typhon, because scum!Caesar is stupid.
  7. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    Not counting unknown powers that could help town, yes. I honestly don't believe there was a 5-man scumteam and a third party, though.

    We lynch Typhon:

    -if he's town, the gun-holder shoots Caesar (I would consider Sir Karn, too, but that's based on my towniness).
    -if he's scum and not the role Menace says he needs, the gun-holder shoots Menace.
    -if he's scum and the role Menace says he needs, and Menace doesn't win and leave the game, the gun-holder shoots Menace.
    -if he's scum and the role Menace says he needs, and Menace wins and leaves the game, the gun-holder shoots Aekiel.

    This is my opinion. I don't trust Menace as far as I can throw him. I don't trust Aekiel, either, now.
  8. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    I... really don't see how killing me right now can help you guys. Being suspicious of me is all well and good, but if you kill me right now the best case scenario is you guys put yourself in LYLO. Like, why would you even want to kill me if Typhon is scum? I'm actively trying to kill him when I could have just gone after Caesar like everyone else if Typhon were my scumbuddy (which is the only reasoning I can think of for you wanting to kill me upon his reveal).
  9. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Okay, I'm back. Sorry, vacationing and limited to a phone. Anyways, what the fuck, Moridin? You have the gun. Surely, surely you're not planning on pretending it didn't go to you?

    Stojil: I know that I can't say hurr durr, Moridin is town, so I have to be too (and now I'm wondering if he's scum and figuring on screwing me now or what). Still, I was attempting to show it as a sign of good faith.

    Look, I can see how I'd look suspicious. And at this point, I guess maybe you should lynch me, just to be sure. It'll be much easier to react with that knowledge. I'm just saying that, derping aside, there's no way that the whole scum team has committed to this gambit against me that is going to kill me... And then lead to their systematic killing. That's why I say this: I'm afraid we're at LYLO. The setup is high powered, and:

    -At best we out number them by two right now.
    -With a 5 man team (or if Menace is who he says he is and it's a 4 man team), we outnumber them by one.
    -In the unlikely event of Menace being who he says he is and there being a 5 man team we're already even with them.

    So I guess what I'm worried about is that if they have some sort of block or redirect and manage to get the lynch, their night kill, and swap kill targets, that's game over. If they block it, and Menace is what he says, regardless of team size, it's over. 5 man scum team? It's over.

    It's a frightening situation. And I can't prove that I'm town (besides giving the gun to townish (at the moment) players till I flip, so I guess we can lynch me and hope that I'm wrong about this being the end game. But I'm telling you now, Caesar and Karn have to be scum, and I'd probably throw Menace in there as well. If not, Caesar is a dumbass for blindclaiming and praying.

    "Hurr durr stupid ballsy scum are stupid" is a bad argument, but it's really all I've got. I don't know their plans or their powers; this blind setup kills any kind of theory crafting about what they could be up to. And nothing could be all it amounts to; they could just be making a misstep. But that's ridiculously unlikely, and we all know it.
  10. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor

    I was hoping it wouldn't come to this.

    Dink Meeker, can't be targeted by non-killing night actions. ;_;

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

    9 players remaining. Assuming we lynch Typhon,

    3 scum remaining:

    Typhon is scum:

    8 players remaining, 2 scum. Night kill 7 players remaining, 2 scum. Also, no more guns. Not LYLO.

    Typhon is town:

    8 players remaining, 3 scum. Night kill 7 players remaining, 3 scum. We lynch Caesar, leaving 6 players remaining, 2 scum. Night kill, 5 players remaining, 2 scum. Lynch Sir Karn, 4 players remaining, 1 scum. Night kill, 3 players remaining, 1 scum and it goes down to the wire.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 PM ----------

    9 players remaining. Assuming we lynch Typhon,

    3 scum remaining:

    Typhon is scum:

    8 players remaining, 2 scum. Night kill 7 players remaining, 2 scum. Also, no more guns. Not LYLO.

    Typhon is town:

    8 players remaining, 3 scum. Night kill 7 players remaining, 3 scum. We lynch Caesar, leaving 6 players remaining, 2 scum. Night kill, 5 players remaining, 2 scum. Lynch Sir Karn, 4 players remaining, 1 scum. Night kill, 3 players remaining, 1 scum and it goes down to the wire.

    4 scum remaining:

    Typhon is scum:

    8 players remaining, 3 scum. Night kill 7 players remaining, 3 scum. LYLO.

    Typhon is town:

    8 players remaining, 3 scum. Night kill 7 players remaining, 3 scum. Lynch Caesar, 6 players remaining, 2 scum. Night kill 5 players remaining, 2 scum. Lynch Sir Karn, 4 players remaining, 1 scum. Night kill 3 players remaining, 1 scum. Down to the wire again.

    Hmm, while the ability to take down another scum is gone, at least we don't have to worry about accidentally hitting a town and ending the game.
  11. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Menace: I think you are scum, which is the main reason I'm pushing to kill/disregard you. If you were town, you'd have followed the plan, killed Caesar, and we'd be in the clear now. Instead, with a scum Menace receiving my gun, Caesar didn't have to worry about things. He could claim, and, if I'm right about the powers, put us at essentially LYLO with no danger to himself. It's a clever ploy, really.

    You're right, though. You're the last I want to eliminate of our scummy players. Caesar needs lynching, then Karn needs shooting, and then you need lynching. If the game is still going, then maybe we should shoot Smile? I don't know; I'll feel better about the game by then. We should have a bit of room to figure things out.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 AM ----------

    Are you fucking kidding me?! Why the hell wouldn't you have said something? That's freaking killer.

    And damn. I think you're suspicious for not saying anything, but I can see your rationale, I guess. Lynch me if you have to, we'll all cross I fingers and hope that I'm wrong about us standing on the edge.
  12. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Are you kidding me? The plan was for me to shoot bob99 so that's what I did. I knew one of him or Schro was going to be town because of my own third party-ness, but I didn't know both would be at the time.
  13. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    No one went after Caesar except derp/scum!Aekiel. And it's not the only reasoning for us wanting to kill you. You could still be third party, but killing Fen on night 1 hints at either you being a derp or that kill not being a one-shot.

    No, it wasn't.

    You derp/liar.

    How likely is it that you and your buddies have a rolecop and knew Moridin's power? Very (and the gun-kill, if it even exists, is in scummy hands).

    How likely is it that you're town and Moridin is scum with Caesar and Sir Karn? A little.

    How likely is it that Moridin is in it with you? Not at all.

    I'm positive we're not, otherwise scum would have piled on you with the 4 members you think exist, plus Menace, reaching hard lynch and winning the game.

    So, in a world where there's a 5-man scumteam, you can only be part of it.
  14. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Alright, fine.

    To be fair, though, that was when I still needed to kill Shen. It was also when you could still afford to kill me without losing!

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 PM ----------

    Wait, no, what am I saying. I don't need to defend myself against being a deep/scum here. I've already explained this. I didn't shoot Caesar because I knew I wasn't town and predicted bob99 was more scum than Typhon. I won't even pretend I planned on hitting Shen when I shot him, heh. Good thing it happened though!
  15. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Yeah, about that:

    Vote: Caesar
  16. Sir Karn

    Sir Karn Guest

    Lynch Caesar/Shoot Typhon toNight works. I'm fine with that.

    Rescind Vote: Typhon.
    Vote: Caesar

    Probably lynch Smile or Akiel Tomorrow since Typhon is scum.
  17. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    Vote Caesar

  18. SmileOfTheKill

    SmileOfTheKill Magical Amber

    Mar 24, 2007
    Florida, Sigh...
    Aekiel will forever be known as the one that ruined the town.

    Vote Lynch: Caesar

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

    This would have been more epic if Eidolonic was here to lock it right away but whatever.
  19. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Day Four Ends

    Paranoia is rampant as numbers dwindle. Who could be responsible for the travesty that has been occuring?

    The question is answered as the day draws to a close as a bunch of bullets fire simultaneously, killing one of your own.

    Caesar has been lynched.

    Vote Count 4.2

    Caesar (5) Aekiel, Typhon, Sir Karn, Prophylaxis, SmileOfTheKill
    Typhon (2) Menace, Caesar

    Abstaining (2) Uncle Stojil, Moridin

    With 9 alive, it was 5 to a Hard Lynch, and 3 to a Soft Lynch

    Night Four will end as soon as all night actions are in. Make it snappy.
  20. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010