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Best Actor

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dark Lord Rostam, Mar 27, 2006.


Who do you think is the Best Actor in the HP movies?

  1. Daniel Radcliffe

  2. Rupert Grint

    0 vote(s)
  3. Emma Watson

  4. Other

  5. Richard Harris

  1. Litha Riddle

    Litha Riddle Banned DLP Supporter

    May 17, 2006
    Nottingham, England
    I can't see why people like Ms Watson so much, they could've put a trained chimp in to play her role and It would be an improvement.
    Although I've always disliked Hermione but after the films I just wanted her dead. I mean she's bossy and up herself enough if the books but T-watson over acted with the prissyness.
    My favourite actors from the films have all been the Slytherins so far.
    Snape was exactly how I imagined although they shortened his role in the films, I mean if he was that minor a character then why did HBP centre round his past etc.
    The Malfoys were perfect and Mr Felton was snooty and whiny enough.
    Tom Riddle was played ok but Ralph Fiennes was amazing, if it wasn't for his portrayal of the Dark Lord I would've used the disc as a coaster. It was even worth sleeping through the christmas ball, which was disapointing because I was looking forward to seeing Dress robes but was disapointed with the stupid turkey-dracula outfits. That's all I can say without thinking of The weasleys' and Grangers deaths so I'll finish here,
    Miss Riddle