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Best Super!Harry Fics

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by Conquistador, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. Hiraelle

    Hiraelle Third Year

    Apr 12, 2015
    It has been put up for review and got in almost recommended actually, the thread is here if you want to go drop a review.
  2. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    it was in the Almost Rec'd thread, although not much discussion. Got put up for review, and got less than 3 stars.

    It's a decent story, although it doesn't have too much real struggle, if you focus on the expansion of the wizarding world it's interesting. But I think the update rate's on the decline (June, August, December, January for the last four chapters, before that it was ~1 per month).
  3. Dicra

    Dicra Groundskeeper

    Nov 12, 2014
    It has been put up for review already.

    Note to Dicra: Remember to look if the site's got a second page since you last refreshed.
  4. Johnnyseattle

    Johnnyseattle Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 25, 2011
    I think it's in the Almost Reviewable somewhere - I looked for our opinions on it once a few weeks ago - but maybe I will tonight. I'm forced to use old ghetto IE at work and it dumps formatting a lot of the time, so it's not worth the frustration here.

    edit: forgot-to-look-at-the-current-page ninjaed.
  5. Fudoutoku

    Fudoutoku Fourth Year DLP Supporter

    Mar 6, 2011
  6. natero

    natero Squib

    Jan 30, 2017
    High Score:
    One fix that hasn't been mentioned yet here is Honor Thy Blood, by TheBlack'sResurgence. It involves a boarderline Super!Harry with a Harry/Daphne pairing. The story starts out weak, but gets stronger as it progresses. However, it does not have much of a focus on politics or Harry's wealth, although they come up or are implied, but I think that anyone who is much of a fan of Super!Harry would enjoy it.
    Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12155794/1/Honour-Thy-Blood
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  7. TMD

    TMD High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 4, 2015
    So I was curious. I started reading this straight after I finished Blindness (from page 1 of this thread).

    I never normally do reviews, formal or informal, until i've completed the entire story - but in this case the story is 893k words and after several days of reading I only passed the halfway mark yesterday.

    This story is slow. Really, really, really goddamn slow. The story starts around July after Harry's 3rd year at Hogwarts. 500k words later, and we have now arrived at the 29th of October. Every single possible conversation is explored. The author seems determined that upon the characters learning a new piece of information, it is absolutely necessary to write detailed thought processes and conversations where that piece of information is explored and digested and dealt with by the characters. Is it absurdly realistic, yes, but it's also an incredible drag.

    Secondly, after 500k words there have been 0 real challenges or threats to the main characters. I would argue this is more of a Super!Sirius fic than a Super!Harry, although it's clear to see the latter is being developed over time. Sirius in a moment of sudden clarity after escaping Hogwarts comes up with a plan to take over everything and through various political manoeuvres, run Magical Britain from behind the scenes, make every other major family subservient to him, get custody of Harry, neuter Dumbledore, get all the information and begin destroying horcruxes, acquire and research the hallows, implement massive legislative reform, hunt down death eaters...all at the same time as trying to be a loving and supportive parent to Harry.

    And don't even get me started on Harry's characterisation. Yes he didn't have the best time at the Dursleys, but he's a fairly capable and confident young kid. I get that the abuse angle is overplayed a little bit to create some emotional melodrama, having part of the character development being the adaptation to a loving home with Sirius and Remus...but seriously, Harry is written as if he's an overly emotional 6 year old in many instances. And that would be bad enough by itself, if not for the almost comical bipolar syndrome he's clearly suffering from, because whenever he ends up in a room with other Wizengamot members, politicians or heirs to noble families, Harry suddenly becomes an incredibly powerful, charismatic, thoughtful leader-of-the-future who transfixes everyone with his every idea and leads them all to swear fealty to him.

    There are, obviously, cliches. Ancient and Noble Houses, pureblood politics, alliances and life debts. The author, clearly intending to advance the HP fandom to dizzying and revolutionary new heights even decided to take some cliches from other series, most notably a time bubble where the outside world proceeds by exactly 1 week no matter how long you spend inside. This was used to give Harry and Sirius an extra 2 months of mental healing and bonding time during the summer (and you best believe every moment of those 2 months was written out, conversation by conversation and activity by activity).

    This isn't even a review thread, but I just felt a compulsion to plant a massive WARNING label in the thread where this fic was mentioned, in case any other DLP member or guest might stray across this.

    There are good Super!Harry fics, and there are good time-waste fics. This is neither, and only my inability to leave a story incomplete prevents me from dropping this story and forgetting it ever existed. Alas, 500k words in and 400k remaining it is already too late for me, but not for you. Heed this warning DLP, and stay away.
  8. Johnnyseattle

    Johnnyseattle Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 25, 2011
    You know, I hadn't looked at what the link was, but read through your review anyway, as I love good snark. Halfway through reading it I thought to myself "Man, this sounds like A Marauder's Plan" in a nutshell. Well done.

    You're way more masochistic than I am if you're going to finish that. :)
  9. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    TMD - Your post reminds me of my own experience in this thread... I read Blindness, and immediately after checked out another fic by the same author, With Strength of Steel Wings.

    It's also very slow and very long. I did finish it however, and while I'd say the first 300k or so is a slog that I almost gave up on numerous, numerous times... the last 400k or so was somewhat engaging and I enjoyed it.

    I can't really recommend it, and indeed it is somewhere in the Trash Bin on DLP I think, but it is very much a Super!Harry story that has some interesting aspects to it in the second half. Second half only.
  10. Socialist

    Socialist Professor

    Feb 13, 2006
    The root of mt. Olympus
    With Strength of Steel Wings suffers a lot from the muggle OCs, both Harry's friends and the whole Hound thing. I honestly could not be bothered to care for any of them, right from the start. Which meant that any time their contrived shit consumed half a chapter, I grew sort of furious. Maybe I'm a muggle-hater.
  11. Dn18

    Dn18 Third Year

    Dec 31, 2014
    I enjoyed strength of steel winds but there was quite a bit of skimming at first. I didn't mind the muggle OCs and organization at the start, but I soon just wanted the plot to progress forward.

    Still, I enjoyed most of the setup enough to read the good bits and as CheddarTrek mentioned later on it really starts to get good.
  12. thejabber27

    thejabber27 Groundskeeper

    Jan 4, 2012
  13. Jamesdobby

    Jamesdobby Squib

    Nov 18, 2016
    High Score:
    A Marauder's Plan by Cats are Cool meets most of your criteria. It's definitely political and delves into family magic and Harry's power over it which exceeds everyone elses experience/expectations of it. Its not slash and has a pairing, but its Harry/Hermiome unfortunately. It's a Sirius takes charge fic and super long but a good read.
  14. TMD

    TMD High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 4, 2015
    My eye just twitched.

    So I finished this fic last week, all 900k words of it (see my 500k word review above). Everything said above basically applied to the remaining 400k words.

    I partly want to do a full review, because after finishing the fic and realising how much time I wasted in doing so, I felt a deep-seated anguish that needs an outlet. On the other hand, that would be wasting more time on it.

    Here's the executive summary.
    - The entire timespan of this fic is from just before til the end of Harry's 4th year at Hogwarts.
    - I don't know why the word count is so high
    - Most of the conversations (several thousand words per scene) are fluff or pointless bullshit
    - Harry is massively overpowered and never faces a genuine challenge, unless it's some contrived bollocks reason that makes him upset and emotionally needy, to give a reason for a sappy father/son bonding scene (again, several thousand words) with Sirius.
    - Moments that seemed cool in the authors head but make the reader roll their eyes - i.e. towards the end (spoilers) when the head of every house just bends over and swears fealty to awesome!leader!general!14yearold!Harry because he gives a one-paragraph speech about how he wants peace and equality in the wizarding world.
    - Sirius is also overpowered, with every single obstacle being dealt with via his incredible political charisma and skill (don't worry, being in Azkaban for 12 years wasn't a problem once he visited the Time Bubble (tm) healing clinic in America and had a few nutrient potions and a sesh or two with a shrink.)
    - The first allies Sirius gets are the head of the Department of Mysteries, head of the DMLE, and Cornelius Fudge. They obviously recognised the power of plot armour and knew to fall in line at the first opportunity.
    - European politics was touched on, and Lupin's interactions with the european werewolf clans had potential. Unfortunately, THOSE conversations were summarised in one line, leaving room for another 5000 word scene of Harry and Neville getting the birds and bees talk.
    - I don't have a preferred pairing, Harry/Hermione doesn't bother me in fanfiction...but that said I couldn't give less of a shit about the romance in this fic. Remus/Tonks was sooooooooooo slow, and after all of that he didn't even throw in a single lemon for fucks sake. Like the author has an obsession with writing out every possible interaction between the characters, and he writes the scene beforehand when they're on the couch...and the scene after when Tonks is like "yo we had sex and now im up the duff" - but he skips the ONE scene that might have been an oasis in a desert of mediocrity.
    - There are average or decent things in this fic but I don't really remember them a week later. The writing is technically fine.

    If someone took a red marker and cut out all the pointless shit, and this fic ended up as 100-200k words, it'd be a decent 3/5 super!harry timewaster.

    As it is, A Marauder's Plan fits a particular niche in Harry Potter fanfiction. If anyone ever asks you "hey man, I want to recreate the feeling of having teeth pulled out slowly, but via reading something" then you know exactly what to recommend.