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Complete Browncoat, Green Eyes by nonjon - Firefly - M

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by nonjon, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. Roguelyvisage

    Roguelyvisage First Year

    Mar 3, 2006

    Footfetish!Harry ...that's ...new. /chuckle, please tell me there is some sort of technique to what he is doing. I get anoyed at all the fics that state he can make a woman orgasim with a touch...it's kinda cheesey imo.
  2. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    I LOVE this. I am a HUGE Firefly/ Serenity fan.

    One thing, I wish you could include more of the other characters.

    And I love Jayne (my favorite character) He fucks up (see the episode where they visit a major city to get River a brain scan and steal medical supplies. Jayne does something REALLY naughty.) ;)

    Anyway, he's crass, but he's ultimately loyal, and he is just trying to make his way in the world. I would love to have a scene where Harry sits down and talks guns with Mr. Cobb (BRING OUT, VERA!!!!)

    Also, more Mal. He really is the rock (and my other favorite character) ;) of Serenity. He should sit Harry down and ... I don't know.

    Anyway, Update SOON!!!

    P.S. Bring out Saffron!!!

    Oh last thought, Maybe Harry could start teaching River Magic. Maybe she can only do certain things (legilimency and Occlumency, but perhaps it helps her get SLIGHTLY under more control). He won't have to reveal himself to her as he can just claim that he was gifted and learned to control it. Maybe not as powerful as her, but you get the idea. (Also, more River fighting, I love those parts. Maybe River also has a little bit of the "Sight" she have certain premonitions. I would downplay that aspect though. SHe could just be a natural at mental magic.)

    Also, What's happened to the Alliance? I know that if ANY outer rim planet rebels (as you said in the prologue) then Mal would be one of the first people to join them (He still wears a Browncoat on Victory day)

    Give us a LITTLE more info on the alliance since the events of Miranda and Harry vanished.

    Man, I'm really geeked out. Well, you've discovered my one other geeky hobby...Firefly. Oh, and Comics. I'm a geek about those too. BUt that's it. Harry Potter, Firefly and Comics. Hmm, that's actually a lot. Maybe, I actually AM a geek? Nah, I'm WAY too cool for that! :D :D :D ;) 8)
  3. parselmaster

    parselmaster Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2005
    спуститься с небес на землю
    I also found that to be a bit strange, but It is fine, after all, all writers are entitled to quirks.

    EDIT from ParselmasterThis message was posted at about the same time as Chucks and is ment to be read before it.
  4. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    I don't think Harry's going to be doing the naughty with anyone in the fic. Highly unlikely at least. He just was taught how to give a real proper foot massage by his wife, including all the pressure points and when to send bursts of magic.

    He often forgets that he uses magic when he does so. And sadly, I find feet pretty disgusting so I certainly won't be going into detail into a massage. Haven't decided if he is aware of just how much the girls like his foot massages. Could go either way.

    And yeah, Jayne is definitely a mercenary, and early on in the series he'd sell out to the highest bidder, but he's been with them for years now, and grown a bit more attached to them all. As long as he gets his occasional hooker and to fire off his gun every once in a while, I figure he's happy. But I promise, once Harry tells them he's a wizard, he'll cast protection charms on himself and Jayne and they'll play hot potato with live grenades just so they get blown backwards from explosions. Just laughing and giggling happily. That was one of the first scenes I pictured for this fic actually. How much fun those two would have doing that.

    And yeah actually... teaching River to control her gift will help her be a bit less cuckoo for cocoa puffs. It won't completely fix her, but it will help with all the sensations and such she has to deal with. That's mentioned in the next chapter but Harry says he can't do it yet, because she has to completely trust him. She won't be capable of magic beyond legilimency and occlumency, which are almost meditative psychic arts, not magical ones. And of course, a little divination every once in a while if it's needed.

    We'll find out more about stuff as Harry's willing to open up about it. Including what Harry has been up to, and just what he keeps in his little rucksack.
  5. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    YEAH!! I love Jayne. And Vera. He names his gun. Its just perfect to me, and he doesn't even do it in the crazed Full Metal Jacket way

    ("Sir, the Gun's name is Charlene, sir!"
    "Excellent, Private Pile! I might even let you join my core yet."

    Vincent Donoffrio and R. Lee Ermey in Stanley Kubrick's "Full Metal Jacket...Universal Pictures, 1985

    Anyway, yeah, that would be SWEET! Grenade catch!, oh I can't wait!
  6. Kaotac

    Kaotac Second Year

    Sep 3, 2005
    Lismore NSW Australia
    If you really want a good look at what the world is all about, I can get you a link to where you can download a PDF of the Serenity RPG book. It's about 15mb.
    Also, while I think EVERYONE should buy the series because it is so damn good, it is legal to download the episodes for free. I'll try to find a link for that as well. Or when all else fails, you can't go wrong with Wikipedia.
  7. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    where is that possible...? legal? you sure?
  8. parselmaster

    parselmaster Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2005
    спуститься с небес на землю
    thanks kaotac for the link. I had completely forgottten about wikipedia.
  9. Kaotac

    Kaotac Second Year

    Sep 3, 2005
    Lismore NSW Australia
    From what I understand, it is legal download the episodes without buying them, though I don't have any websites that can back that up, only a post on the Serenity MUSH that I play, which has a link and the title "Download Firefly Legally."
    The only place I can find the RPG for download, is at a personal website, and I don't want to send people there to eat up all her bandwidth. I'll keep looking and let you know if I find somewhere.
  10. Akalon

    Akalon Second Year

    Aug 24, 2005
    Columbus, Ohio USA on weekends, weekdays The Void.
    Damn good fic so far, though I could have done without knowing what happened to Both and the Preacher/Agent. I'm hoping to see more soon from you.
  11. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Err... "Both and the Preacher/Agent" ?

    Are you referring to Wash and Shepherd Book? Because the Operative referred to in the Prologue and Shepherd Book are two entirely different people.

    Not to mention, it'd been over three months since the DVD of the movie came out when I put up the Prologue. Spoilers are pretty unavoidable when the fic is "Post-Serenity".
  12. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    nonjon, I haven't yet read the fourth chapter because of RL stuff...

    But I have read the first three chapters, and although I don't know much about Firefly canon, I love the story. It's got your own unique trademark humor, but it's a bit less in your face than the other stuff you've written.

    I love the idea's behind the Trading for Tea Chapter :)

  13. Akalon

    Akalon Second Year

    Aug 24, 2005
    Columbus, Ohio USA on weekends, weekdays The Void.
    I thought you had mentioned the black guy from the show. I'm hoping
    Sci-Fi has more episodes for the show, because I've watched most of them and there was no way they had showed all 44 episodes ( 44?).

    Sorry if I confused ya, I'm hoping for more chapters soon.
  14. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    There were only 14 episodes ever made of firefly before it was cancelled.
  15. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Yeah, it sounds like you're unfamiliar with how the series went.

    Only 14 episodes. (The pilot's a two parter so kind of 15). 15 x 44 minutes to watch them all. Entire series you can get for like $25 at Walmart.

    It was canceled way too soon. Last 2 or 3 episodes never even aired on Fox. I think Sci-Fi network has shown them all though. Series was canceled in like early 2003 I think, though the sci-fi channel might still air them.

    Then in September of 2005, there was a follow-up covering all the loose ends of the canceled show in the form of a major motion picture called "Serenity." Serenity came out on DVD a few days before christmas. There is nothing more in store for the show or more movies, yet. People ask for more, want more, etc... but it's unclear if anything will happen.

    If you've seen the show, you should definitely see the movie Serenity. Tons of action sci-fi and my fic starts up shortly after and in response to the events of the movie.
  16. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    And read the comic. It bridges the gap between movie an TV.

    Great new chapter. I like the explanations so far funny. I don't think you've captured the "action" aspect of the story yet, but I am eager for you to update.
  17. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    I got my comic and read it.

    Interesting and it does explain how we got from Firefly to Serenity, but I doubt it's worth the effort for non-comic fans to track down and read. Nothing terribly important it seemed to me.

    And you're right I do need to action it up a bit more. Small chase sequence in the next chapter. Mal takes a hit, but I think he'll survive.

    Maybe I should change the category. Mainly I didn't want to call it "Humor" because I think me putting "Humor" as a genre carries some connotations that the average author putting "Humor" does not. And I don't want people thinking this is a humor fic. It is a generic, general one first and foremost. Drama, sort of. Angst, nope. Romance, not if I can help it.

    Maybe I should categorize it General/General. Oh well. I suppose I could just write more and include more action sequences.
  18. That_Boy

    That_Boy DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Dec 10, 2005
    Wellingon, New Zealand
    Just got back from a weekend away and saw an update. I love it. This story rocks, it has already moved up to my number 1 spot in my 'fics to check' list. Keep it going.
  19. Roguelyvisage

    Roguelyvisage First Year

    Mar 3, 2006

    ...for the record pepsi burns when you laugh while drinking it and it goes up your nose :headshot:
  20. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I've been slacking with reviews coz I'am always reading half-chapters from your Yahoo group. But after reading the latest chapter properly, I have to say it - you're a genius. This is truly brilliant fic; It's not as hillarious as some of your other worls, but general atmosphere and feeling are probably the best in both fandoms at the moment. Even being a crossover (which I generally despise) couldn't ruin this fic for me. Good job!