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Cast change in fifth movie

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dubrichius, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. Litha Riddle

    Litha Riddle Banned DLP Supporter

    May 17, 2006
    Nottingham, England
    It's hard to get people to play the characters you like, you'll never be able to please everybody.
    I mean we all have different ideas on what the characters should look like.

    I never pictured Radcliffe as Harry but look what we've got.
    Even his hair looked stupid to me, he looks like a bloody member of the Beatles.

    It's a shame we don't have one of those 'Weird Science' machines, because then we could design our own actors.
    I think Harry Potter should have been done as an animation, like Shrek and Toy Story.
    That way the magic would be more believable and the characters would look better.
    I do think she'd look ok, as well as be able to act the part.

    If you'd seen Hurley act you'll realise she's only good for eye candy, her acting is more wooden than Emma Watson.


    SLASH SUCKS Backtraced

    Apr 1, 2006
    Sacramento, California
    Anybody notice the kids chosen for the movies couldn't act there way out of a paper bag. The first 3 movies I thought were just awful. If that is the best the British have to offer, I think they should find actors from other countries and I'm not saying they have to be American. Proefessor Lupin looks like a child molestor, Dan Radcliffe cannot act, his emotional seens like crying make me want to just fast forward because there that awful. I understand actors improve, but you cant get much worse than movies 1-3. I think the real problem is that Dan Radcliffe just looks like Harry potter and he can't act like Harry potter.
  3. Litha Riddle

    Litha Riddle Banned DLP Supporter

    May 17, 2006
    Nottingham, England
    I thought Rupert was ok because Ron is thick in the books too.
    Emma Watson was too wooden and Radcliffe seemed overwhelmed all the time.
    Tom Felton was ok because yet again canon Malfoy is a whiny little shit too.
    The british do have good actors it's just they were going for looks when they picked the kids.

    Also did you hear the director who picked them, he needed knee capping.
    Most of the adult actors were good too it's just it's difficult to accept them when we've pictured them a certain way.
    I think the only ones that got it right were Lucius, Snape, Mcgonagal and Voldemort.
    I don't really like the good characters so never usually give them thought.

    The only goodie I like is Harry but that's because I want him to get a spine.

    After seeing Bonham-Carter in Merlin and Fight Club I think she''ll be great.
    It's the other actors who potentially could fuck it up.

  4. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    I disagree with some of that.

    Rupert Grint was a good pick, he has the 'jesus, i'm terrified/oh man, where the hell am I' look down pat.

    Hermione: She was too good looking. Hermione is supposed to have frizzy, bushy hair, and large teeth. She isn't supposed to be 'TEH HAWTTIE', and is only supposed to look attractive once...at the Yule Ball.

    Harry: He has this fucking IRRITATTING habit of his lips quivering and twitching all through GoF, and i'm pretty sure the other movies. Watch the scene in GoF where he becomes friends with Ron again, and you'll see what i mean. That fucking pissed me off. Also, why the hell doesn't he look malnourished? Radcliffe isn't buff, but he's pretty decently built for his age, nothing like Canon!Harry.

    Snape: Look, i like Rickman...he was fantastic in Dogma. But he is not a decent Severus Snape. He doesn't have the hate down. He comes off as a sarcastic Fanon!Snape instead...the sort that gives Harry a noogie and says "Brat!" in an 'affectionate' tone. Where is the HATE that he is supposed to show? Canon Snape, IMO, practically spits fire and brimstone when hes talking to Harry. Instead, Snape is given these shitty little snide remarks like "Pay attention to your potion, Potter." Yes, featuring a period, NOT an exclamation mark, goddamnit! That scene in GoF pissed me off...the one where Harry and Ron are babbling, and Snape gives this extravagant sigh, then tugs his sleeves up comically, and knocks their heads together.

    THAT, my friends, is NOT Snape. Snape would give them detention and take points for it, and later on, secretly toss a tripping jinx at them while they're going down a flight of stairs. Well, maybe not the last bit, but still. He would get ANGRY, not sigh like a thirteen year old's wet dream.

    McGonagall and Dumbedore from the first movie were very well cast. Hagrid too. McGonagall is exactly how i would think f her, with the hair in the bun, and the extremely stern countenance. Dumbledore...how can you write Manip!Dumbles when you think of a man who comes across as that kind and gentle? :D

    Voldemort: He was my BIGGEST bitch about the movie. Voldemort, IMO, was shitty. He looked great, but the acting was terrible. Instead of hissing out instructions, speaking in that awesomely dangerous-sounding voice...he pranced about like a ninny and screeched like Molly Weasley on acid. WTF? He's the fucking Dark Lord, bitches, he isn't a ballet dancer! And regardless of the fact that the books didn't have him wearing shoes in that scene...dancing about in a fucking flappy robe with bare feet made him look like a flamer. Then, we come to the way in which he held his wand...like a painter holds a paintbrush. Sure, it sounds artistic, but it looked like shit. It looked like he was about three braincells away from holding it in a fist and drooling. For fuck's sake...make him look intimidating! He looked awesome, but then acted like a pansy. Fuck, that pissed me off.

    Lucius, IMO, and McGonagall were the best. They looked and acted the part magnificently.

    One thing: A lot of people thought Fleur could have been a lot hotter, which is true, there are more attractive blondes out there...but i found her extremely attractive. I dunno why, but she just seemed really sexy to me.

    About Bonham-Carter...she doesn't have enough meat on her. She has the crazed expression and the sunken, heavy-lidded eyes, but she just isn't built the same way as i picture Bellatrix :( She was pretty crazy in Merlin, though...that was great.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2006
  5. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    All I have to say is that the new woman is a lot better. Cant really add much more to it.
  6. KANE

    KANE Groundskeeper

    May 11, 2006
    I think hurley would have been a good pre-azkaban bella, when she's still supposed to be beautiful and sexy. The new actress is a good post-azkaban bellatrix; still good-looking but not as much as hurley.
  7. Duke of Rothwood

    Duke of Rothwood Professor

    Oct 27, 2005
    Rothwood Castle

    Yes, finally someone who feels the same way I do. Why can the casters and producers not read this and get it through their skullls. Especially the part about Voldemort and Snape, they are supposed to be evil, not gay
  8. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    That's no longer a problem in the film world. If the director wants her to get fatter/skinnier, so it will be. Remember Tom Hanks?
  9. Hellsing Boy

    Hellsing Boy Second Year

    Jun 19, 2006
    Hellsing HQ
    They could've picked better actors, true.

    Dumbledore looks like a drunkard that needs anger management lessons;

    Voldemort came out of the cauldron and turned into a ballet dancer;

    Grint was perfect for his part though; somehow, I don't think he comes across as stupid because he's acting.:p

    And Radcliff's got to go. now!

    P.S.I got to agree with one of the previous responses; Eastwood as Mad-Eye would be a total kickass!:cool:

    SLASH SUCKS Backtraced

    Apr 1, 2006
    Sacramento, California
    OMG Eastwood would dominate. Make my day!!! all crazy eyed. can't beat an eastwood madeye he would play the roll beautifuly because he already looks like has been through three wars. Not to mention he's been in more movies than I can count.

    Richard Harris was picture perfect Dumbledore, this new guy tried to change the character too much to the point where he's no longer kind hearted nice all knowing Dumbelodore, but intimidating angry frustrated Dumbeldore.
  11. Nullify

    Nullify Seventh Year

    Jun 22, 2006
    Hong Kong
    Not to mention manhandling Harry, but I could care less about Radcliffe being thrown against a wall and shaken severely.

    About Helena Bonham-Carter, she's a major improvement and actually looks the part. She was also creepy and pretty good in Merlin...

    Hurley can't act.
  12. Shade Emrys

    Shade Emrys Third Year

    Jun 1, 2006
    Everytime I saw Snape in the movies all I could think of was Die Hard. I think if Rickman would have acted like he did in Die Hard then it would have been closer to Snape then the way he acted in the movies though the bad acting in the movies is also the directors fault as well. They seem to make the movies less dark themed so the little kids won't be frightened.
  13. mcatrage

    mcatrage Raptured to Hell

    May 16, 2006
    shes perfect.

    she was in fight club and that character wasn't exactly sane and she played it perfect.

    i just hope the movies still stay kind of dark