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Cloverfield - 1-18-08

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by DGD, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. Rawrixmoo

    Rawrixmoo Second Year

    Jul 8, 2007
    New York City
    It failed epicly for me, I thought it was terrible. It felt really predictable and boring for most of it, the military scenes were somewhat better. I didn't like the monster very much, he was kinda underwhelming although the starship troopers/half life mini creepy crawler things gave me a good laugh. I still don't understand why somehow no one acquired any sort of weapon the whole time when they clearly saw on TV the little things were rampaging around and killing people.
  2. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007
    Just came back from watching it.

    I thought it was good, but for future goers you need to go in there with lower expectations. The advertisement for this movie was amazing, and thus when you go see it you expect a masterpiece, and while its good, its nothing to kiss JJ Abrams boots about.

    To me it was nothing more than a monster version of Blair Witch project.

    What worked:

    I loved the way the characters interacted with each other. To me it felt authentic. It wasn't the usual young hip-hop, stoner, breakdancing bunch you see in every movie, but instead a much more toned down though still realistic group of youngsters.

    I felt Hudd's character was the best and I wished he had more screen time rather than the main character who I could not understand why he seemed more obsessed with the chick than his own brother.

    Some things that pissed me off
    1. WTF was the helicopter pilot thinking when trying to evacuate the gang. Last time I checked evacuation entailed running away from the monster, not circling around to see if it died or not.

    2. Although I understood the reasoning I would have liked to hear an explanation as to why the monster attacked, why it exists, why it chose that time to attack , etc. Without any explanation though realistic it just gave me a WTF kind of feeling.

    3. The lackluster ending. I wasn't pissed the characters died, or that it just ended, but I would of liked to see some resolution of some sort, either kill it or something.

    Overall I'd give the movie a 6.5/10, enjoyable but not mind blowing.
  3. Atomic Lightning-bug

    Atomic Lightning-bug Second Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 7, 2007
    I liked it. It wasn't spectacular, I'll admit, but it was worth watching in my opinion. As was mentioned before, if you get motion sickness, take a pass with this film.

    I enjoyed Hudd's character the most out of everyone, though. He did seem the most down-to-earth person out of the entire gang, and I liked his feeble attempts to keep their spirit's up.
  4. Joe

    Joe The Reminiscent Exile ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter ⭐⭐⭐

    Jan 24, 2008
    Canberra, ACT
    High Score:
    Aw, man, Cloverfield. Yeah it was worth my $9.50 + 90 minutes of life. Wouldn't see it again, however, and probably won't buy it. I foresee a sequel, spin-off, trashy TV series, in the near future. It was directed/produced by Abrams, wasn't it, same dude who does Lost.

    Maybe the monster escaped from the island, and they need Dr. Jack to come and confuse it to death with never-ending plot resolution and dark, brooding looks. That's lame enough to be true.

    Either way, I got pretty seasick watching this damn thing. Cool effects, destruction always a bonus, but yeah - you need your sea legs.

  5. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    There are many rumors of a sequel, and they seem true, from what I've heard. Abrams said something along the lines of "There was more than one camera running that night."
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