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Control by Fatpunk - K+

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by ip82, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. Element

    Element Seventh Year

    Jan 20, 2006
    Just a note to say that this has been updated.

    And the update wasn't good. IMO, it was pathetic. I was quite enjoying the story, to be honest, but with this latest chapter, its like the author has suddenly reverted back to awful writing. I saw quite a few grammar mistakes, but worst of all, the plot has suddenly switched back to Philospher's Stone. Admittedly, I haven't tried writing an AU starting from first year, but is it really so hard to have events happening differently or, god forbid, different events?

    I can't quite remember what has happened in the story before this chapter, due to slow updates, but it appears Terry Boot has been suddenly and very quickly drafted into their little 'group'. The foreshadowing of Boot's and Hermione's relationship is rather like, dare I say it, giant anvils. He doesn't appear to have any other reason to exist, other than he plays McGonagall's chess board rather than Ron, and for Hermione to cry over him when he gets hit over the head from the chess piece.

    Its all just a rehash of canon, with a slightly smarter Harry and more powerful Harry. Its worth noting that Harry actually never uses these powers when he finds Quirrell/Voldemort at the mirror.

    Not recommended at all. I do remember enjoying the earlier chapters, though.
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