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Couples I love

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Midknight, Jun 8, 2005.

  1. ShanTom

    ShanTom Guest

    The best pairing in my opinion is..............................

    Harry/Harry !

    I know it's slash, but I love it anyway :D

    On 2nd place is Tonks/Harry/Bellatrix (threesome :whipped: ).
  2. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    I've been wondering when someone will finally write Harry/Harry. Personally, I find it as reasonable and logical as say Harry/Draco , and far more palatable. Of course given the people writing it, it may not necessarily be slash.

    I mean I've seen a half dozen fics where he goes back and becomes some tall blonde german guy for Tonks, What if tall blonde german guy got a lil touchy feely with young Harry? He'd usually have six years to teach him all the things the fangirls want to know about their Harry doll, before he'd hafta go back and become tall blonde german guy.

    This is actually a concept very similar to Harry/James. I mean we get Harry/Lily every once in while, where's the Harry/James?

    And let's compromise on the whole fem!Blaise and just go with Harry/Tranny!Blaise. The tits, the Slytherin demeaner, the pouty lips, the husky deep voice, the barely noticeable adam's apple, and the tuck job secret the author never needs to know about.

    "Blaise, sweetie? Why is it only ever anal or oral? Why won't you let me touch your vagi-...WHOA! God your mouth feels great down there."

    See? Everyone wins.
  3. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    -spews coffee out onto newly printed science paper-
    -laughs a small but insane laugh-
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Harry/Marietta Edgecombe

    Marietta gazed into Harry's eyes. "I don't know if this safe, Harry."

    "Shhh, its fine," he whispered as he placed a finger across her lips. He leaned forward and stuck his wet, pink tongue into the air and leaned in.

    He slowly licked the word "SNEAK" written in large festering zits across Marietta's forehead.


    Sorry. Had to get that out there.

    Midknight please don't delete it.
  5. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005

    There is a story around with Harry and Hermione married but him fucking that Edgecombe chick on the side because she broke up with Draco Malfoy... we'll, I only saw the summary and it looks that way.
  6. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Damn you Charlie.. :rrou:
  7. DaytonDeusBlack

    DaytonDeusBlack Seventh Year

    Aug 26, 2005
    Mumbai, India
    That stuck an unforgettable image in my mind.... :O_O:
  8. Lady Rebecca

    Lady Rebecca Professor

    Aug 12, 2005
    American by birth, Southern by the grace of god (A
    Ron/Giant Squid
    Hermione/Giant Squid
    Snape/Giant Squid
    Ginny/Giant Humbold Squid
    Harry/Evil/crazy/strong femme
  9. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    rofl, Havent checked this thread in a long time. To come in here and see that in the favorite couples disturbs me. Striking terror into the hearts of sick bastards everywhere huh?

    I can't remember the name of the fic, but I got the link here, or maybe it was a link to fictionalley from here, and I have seen this. He went back in time, raised himself, and wound up screwing around with himself, and rationalized it as it was the same thing as playing with yourself. This happened all like in the first 3K words of the chapter, and left me screaming at the monitor WTF! WTF! WTF!, before my eyes teared up in pain.
  10. darkinferno9908

    darkinferno9908 Second Year

    Dec 10, 2005
    ......Harry/Harry? How? ... you know what, never mind. I've gotten use to it by now. To each his own I suppose...
  11. ShanTom

    ShanTom Guest

    Harry's a weird guy. He's got all those visions from Moldyshorts, but he doesn't have any erotic dreams. He's a teenager, but he isn't 'consulting dr Hans Jerkoff' (quote from San Andreas, by Sweet, CJ's brother). I've seen only one or two fics with Hormonal!Harry. Maybe all those H/G authors think that it's a satanic act or something ?
  12. Lord Supremo

    Lord Supremo Second Year

    Dec 20, 2005
    The Right Hand of God
    My Take

    Amen to Shan! Here's my list

    Harry/Hermione Is my alltime favorite in theory but its rarely written well, they always go directly from best friends to soulmates in the space of a few sentences with maybe a chapter of buildup (tops) (the sound of a loud and angry buzzer plays) sorry authors, but love does not work that way. Or, they dance around each other so long both "fearing of losing the friendship" that they loose interest and date other people for the bulk of the fic, before returning tearily into each other's arms in the last sentence of the story.

    Harry/Tonks Again, a very good one in theory, since Tonks and Harry are both always going to be looked at as "different" but, I can summarize the plot of almost every H/T fic in a few sentences: Harry, distressed after loosing Sirius at the DoM, boards himself up in his room and refuses to talk to Ron or Hermione or anyone else. Dumbledore sends Tonks to bring Harry out of it. Harry and Tonks gradually fall in love, and then fight off oppressive Order members, especially Molly Weasley, who try to keep them apart due to the age gap. Bleh!

    Harry/Female Character not developed much in canon (i.e. Susan Bones, one of the Patil Twins, Fem!Blaise, Lavender, etc) These tend to be the best since the character hasn't been much defined by JKR, the author can easily mold the new character into the perfect person for Harry; beautiful, intelligent, strong enough to keep him in line and focused on defeating Voldemort, but at the same time not whipping him into submission (as H/G authors like to have Ginny do), etc. Usually provides Harry with a good counter-balance and moral center without being overbearing about it as Hermione is wont to do in any HP story.

    And last but certainly not least,

    H/Many!! #1 on my list any day. Harry's rich, he's famous, he's dripping with magical power, he's damn good looking, and, above all, HE'S A TEEN! Harry should not be thinking about marraige or soulmates or anything of the kind during his 5th or 6th year! Give me a fic where Harry casually dates a lot of different girls, has sex, doesnt give "settling down" a moment of thought, and generally acts his age any time.
  13. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Agree 100%. Im sick of all the fucking ships and uber-romances and soulmates and grand weddings and fluff and harems and sex-slaves and other shit. Everybody keep forgetting that Harry's fucking 15-16 and that wizards live 100+ year in average. He has good 10-20 years of experimenting before even considering marrage.

    The guy who writes romance exactly right is Thor Naida. You should check out his stories for unpretentious teenage dating, sex, breaking up etc... Just normal stuff, no overdone uber-shit.
  14. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Well, I'm doing a wedding in my story soon, but it's more for political grandstanding and gathering foreign powers to ally with against Voldemort than something Harry genuinely wants to do for love's sake. He'd rather not marry at all, but it's a convenient way for him to get things done so he's doing it.
  15. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    ChuckDaTruck wrote:

    THis is as true today as it was over half a year ago. A couple this perfect comes along once in a life time. I think we should all say a silent prayer in the hopes that Harry and Winky get together.

    Thank You.
  16. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    I still shudder after reading that.
  17. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Aye. Chuck, you wouldn't be half as nasty as you are if you didn't seem sincere...


    `Hellatrix` (as someone here dubbed it) - Shes insane, slightly old, dark, and a largely unknown char that can be done well in a post-OotP.

    Harry/Narcissa - Dakaath actually made me like this ship, something about Harry screwing his nemisis' mum is a hilarious plot element.

    Harry/Cho - This is actually going on my hate list also, largely because the only fic I've read where it was well done was... again... Dakaath.

    Harry/Tonks - Sometimes, Infrequently I'll find a good Honks fic.
    Plus': Metamorphmagi, Spunky, not incredibly older then him.
    Downside: Auror, OoP member..
  18. Mrriddler

    Mrriddler High Inquisitor

    Oct 23, 2005
    Somewhere high, somewhere low and somewhere in bet
    Hm...lately I been fishing for H/ Gryffindor chasers and H/Hufflepuffs in addition to the old crop of H/slytherin girls. Hmm... though if well read fans of the traditional ships make recommendations, I'm even willing to give H/Hr and H/G a whirl. Yeah, guess I'm kind of desperate.
  19. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    I personally like the unusual pairings..
    Harry/Susan underused, can be very good
    Harry/Katie also underused
    Harry/Fleur i love harry getting the hot older chick everyone wants
    Harry/ anyone not cliched
    Ron/ not hermoine
    Too much romance is horrible and so is too much sex..
  20. Schilling

    Schilling Second Year

    Feb 6, 2006
    My Computer
    my favorite pairing of all is...

    G/CF/Umbitch/Filch/Dumbledore/Hr/James/Peter/TR/Crookshanks/Basilisk/Hagrid/Buckbeak/LM/Ron/AW/PW/CW/CD's corpse/Snivellus/Giant Squid/Mrs. Norris (whatever happened to Mr Norris?)/TR's Dad's corpse/Flitwick..... all in one big orgy... *drools* pure ecstasy
    really though, i like
    most other odd H/ unusual coupling