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WIP Crossroads

Discussion in 'Review Board' started by Lindsey, Sep 6, 2024.

  1. James

    James Unspeakable

    Jan 22, 2015
    I had high hopes after reading all the raving reviews, but abandoned it after first chapter (and couple of random checks over the next 18 chapters)

    this is not a fresh harry potter for me, but a deadpool ripoff with a wand instead of guns and katanas.
  2. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    I’d say the early chapters are misleading to the tone and overall quality of this story. If you really like the Harry you see at the beginning, the rest of the story will probably be disappointing. If you think he’s an annoying asshole at first, you should probably give it a second chance and keep reading.

    In my opinion it ends up being a surprisingly clever fic. Avoids the most common tropes in this genre and does some things I can’t remember seeing before. Great take on professional dueling. Harry, Tracey and Daphne all end up being more interesting and ethically nuanced characters than they first appear.
  3. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Given the reviews, I gave this fic a go. These days I read a fanfic on average every 2-3 years.

    Honestly kinda enjoyed this. When it finished I was left wanting more.

    That being said, as others have noted, the start is of a higher quality than where it ends up. I really liked the take on the professional duelling, even though Harry is way more powerful than is reasonable. But hey, I'm kinda here to see that so why not. Characterisation was interesting, had potential, but it's not really believable. It suffices though.

    Overall, 4/5. Would read more if it was there. Will probably forget about it by the time the author comes back to it though.
  4. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    When DLP has reviews like this in the year of our lord 2024, my ears perk up.

    Ended up reading it all in a day, so that should tell you something right there. For better or worse, it's a page turner and if there was more I'd have read that, too.

    I'd hesitate to call it a straight 5/5; I think it's got some pretty shaky sections and Harry's internal monologue is very hit or miss for me. Definite shades of trying too hard. I think the author is funnier and on more solid ground when writing dialogue.

    The standout for me would be the dueling champions. Each one that Harry goes up against feels interesting, over the top yet grounded in some degree of realistic nuance, etc. They're all different and unique, and the way the fic talks about skill, training, gaps in talent, Harry's abilities, etc, all hits this very nice middle ground of being, well, fun and semi OP but not to a degree where it actually becomes boring like a lot of OP fics do.

    The relationship is interesting though as I write this (22 chapters I believe) it hasn't developed to a point that I'd consider the real test of quality. I respect the author for making all three of them pretty flawed people, even if those flaws are somewhat glossed over at times. The Tracy PoV chapters definitely didn't mince words with how fundamentally damaged she is, for example, yet the actual consequences of this and the way it ends up playing out in practice doesn't feel particularly high stakes - at least for the moment.

    This fic reminded me a bit of Knowledge is Power - it's nowhere near as over the top, but the whole non-BWL Harry, Harry does lots of stuff outside school and loves to snark and be the knight in caustic armor, super talented etc etc, it's got shades of that feel. Thankfully it lacks the weird anime-esque treatment of women.

    4/5, adding it to my list of things to check in on.
  5. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    This kicks pretty decent bricks. I think a solid editing pass could remove a lot of crust and the triangle isn't the best in the world but it's fun and has momentum. Haven't seen a story at its level in years for the fandom.
  6. DarkAizen

    DarkAizen Professor DLP Supporter

    Dec 5, 2007
    It is definitely a 4-star fic. I really disliked the Harry Dumbledore interactions except for the last one when they talked about Magical Theory; that was a top-notch dialog.

    And finally, Voldermort, HOLY SHIT! Really really good characterization, I was on the edge of my seat reading it.

    The romance is fine, barely an inconvenience and the mystery of what happened with James, Sirius and Lily will probably keep me going.
  7. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
  8. fire

    fire Order Member

    Dec 25, 2011
    Read it, liked it. Took time to get used to Harry's voice, but it grows on you, and I think the story does a great job of making you (eventually) care about Tracy and Daphne. The duelling was also fantastically done, particularly the world finals. Excited to see where this goes.
  9. lozzamaniac

    lozzamaniac Squib

    May 18, 2016
    High Score:
    Really enjoyed this, 4/5.

    Harry starts off as a complete twat, but I agree with previous folks that the author did a good job of fleshing him out and adding a lot of nuance, like with the girls. I found the flow conversation and banter fantastic, it was so organic in a way I find fan fiction generally struggles with. Dueling/magic was great, not too much exposition into theory either which I appreciated, show not tell.

    A unifying thought for the above is that it all fight really tight and well edited..

    The unique characters and extended world of the duelling circuit was also fab, loved Chang. Also really like how the other Hogwarts characters are presented, feels like they really have a grip over the core aspects of the characters.

    Also final scene was 10/10 and really shifted the vibe, very much looking forward to the next half and where it goes..
  10. A Lizard By

    A Lizard By Any Other Name

    Feb 11, 2014
    On a rock under the sun
    Enjoyed it quite a bit and read it through in one sitting. Did experience some fatigue, however. The banter fluctuates between hilarious and trying too hard. Harry's thoughts too, and while much of it is witty, it's got that I spend hours on Wikipedia just to show people how smart I am vibe that makes it feel unnatural.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with this kind of banter or prose, but it ends up being kind of exhausting to read when every chapter, every conversation, every thought, is written like the people involved are forty plus year old philosopher-historian-poets. I've known plenty of intelligent, witty people, but no one is this witty all the time. (Especially not teenagers). I think there's a fantastic sweet spot to be had, though I'll admit I'm not quite sure where it is.

    They hint at all the personal tragedy and trauma behind each character (I wanted to cry and give Tracy a big hug during her interlude), but as others have mentioned, it does sort of feel like none of it really matters at the moment. We get a glimpse into the depths of despair, and then things just go back to business as usual.

    I like most of the characterization, but the reveal in the last chapter was fantastic.

    They mentioned earlier that fear was a vital part of Voldemort's campaign, and the author did a fantastic job of showing that. The cold-blooded calculus involved immediately showed Voldemort is exactly who everyone is afraid he is and not just an idiot with a big gun. Gives me great hope for a competently written villain, and the stakes were raised masterfully.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2025
  11. Crash

    Crash Fifth Year

    Jul 6, 2011
    This just updated. I'm happy that the chapter is moving forward. The last couple chapters keep making the story more interesting.
  12. caparot

    caparot First Year

    Nov 4, 2016
    High Score:
    My only issue with the latest chapter is whether the author can pull it off.
    There was no prior hint that Daphne would eventually be capable of removing the Dark Mark curse. It seems impossible for a 16-year-old to accomplish something that even far older and more skilled individuals couldn't.
  13. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I'm kinda loosing interest in this tbh. I'm not sure how much I like the direction this is going. Wasn't much of a fan of the voldemort interaction, or where it's leading to.
  14. Fic_reader

    Fic_reader Squib

    Dec 27, 2023
    I think this is fantastic. Decent characterisations, good humour, expansive world building. Has to be one of the best fics written in the last 5 years that I’ve seen.