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Current Projects

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Silirt, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    My main story that I am working on. Will be roughly ~150k words... If I ever finish it.

    The Subtle Darkness
    Forced to join the Dark Lord to protect his friends, Harry is taken to a faraway land, where he shall find the markets of the Ottoman Empire have far more to offer than pomegranates and figs, djinn and slaves. Amidst new friends, cultures and creatures, he becomes a centrepiece between two brothers fighting for the throne and discovers magic he could only dream of.

    Side Story to TSD
    The Sultan was dead. His son's march to war.

    This was going to be an entry for the last competition but I ran out of time. It's from the viewpoint of an OC we meet in TSD. It takes place six months before the fic with the death of the old Sultan and the start of the civil war.
  2. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    On Thin Ice.

    It's a Dresden Files fic set after White Knight with the basic Winter Knight!Dresden premise, where he takes the deal to dodge the White Council. Dresden's tasked with trying to investigate the inner workings of the Winter Court by Mab, and meanwhile, Maeve is trying to build support for some sort of coup, which Dresden obviously get dragged into. All the while, Molly's stuck there with him, trying to stay find her place.
  3. Sataniel

    Sataniel High Inquisitor

    Jan 24, 2016
    High Score:
    Most of those sound really interesting but then there is this:
    And I am very suspicious about anything written by someone who would think that's a good idea.
  4. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    I don't think Accel World is that bad.

    Jokes aside, reading things tends to inspire me to write similar things. I started reading web serial trash out of boredom, thought "hey, I could probably write something like this" and then that spiraled into an alternate reality where "Othersiders" take the form of cyborgs and fight to the metaphysical death in order to devour their dead foes' good karma as EXP. I won't deny that the LitRPG part is trashy and there's no real justification for it except that it might win me more hypothetical Patreon bucks were I ever to actually write a decent amount of it.
  5. Silirt

    Silirt Chief Warlock DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Sep 19, 2018
    Thanks everyone for posting in this thread; I have a better idea of what everyone else is writing, and I hope everyone else has found it useful as well, since there was some sympathy for not having anything good to read at the moment. To conclude, I suppose, I just finished my NaNo 2019 novel, so I've been back to writing my HP series that explores a world where a single point of departure leads to a world without Harry Potter. I've published three stories in that so far, each around 100k, but the fourth one is going to be substantially longer.
  6. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Big Projects I'm working on:

    YA Novel (details here but that is no longer the first chapter, it was cut to get closer to the action) - basically it's a story about some kids in the future playing "Gravbrawl" which is like a combination of basketball, quidditch, and MMA. Dual plots of more or less equal importance, of the kids trying to qualify for a tourney and of them getting mixed in something bigger than themselves. Estimated length = 60-80k

    HP Fanfic - estimated 500k epic that I've "been working on" since 2012, so YMMV. It's a "trio fic" at it's heart, as I feel we don't have enough fics that focus on HRH working as a team of three and their enduring friendship through thick and thin. Also a "Master of Death" type fic, where, yes - Harry will be a badass by most definitions. There's sex too! Of course there is. I really want to write this because I need the practice and I deliberately bit off more than I can chew here - even doing this as a 3/5 will mean I can finish something of this nature, and the next thing I write for original fiction will be better for the practice and feedback.

    Small projects? Well, there's always a shit ton of these, such as:

    Red Riding Hood re-telling - I'll probably have my outline posted before Dec 29th when I go on vacation to get some feedback. The local writer's group I've been in for years has broken up (sort of) because more than half the members moved, and we're doing a small self-published anthology of RRH retellings for... posterity, I guess. Estimated length = <8k.

    Competitions - I swear I've had an IDEA for 100% of these, a GOOD idea for 2/3 of them, and a full outline for 1/3. I rarely actually manage to begin writing, but I completed two entries that I haven't posted, because absolute shit that I can't be fucked to edit.

    Old Project - Write a flash piece for every type of POV, each one in a different non-HP and non-Naruto fandom. I.e. Flash pieces for 1st person past, present, future, 2nd person past, present, future, 3rd person past, present, future, omni-past, present, future, etc. It's quite possible this won't actually occur, though some version of it I still might try to push through.

    24-hour Short Story Competitions - I usually do these when they come up each quarter. They cost $5 a pop and I do them with friends and writing groups. Most of my entries are shit but it's good practice and it's kind of fun.

    All sorts of other shit - there's always small projects for me. I've discovered that I am fond of writing fiction that's short (less than, say, 2500 words). I also like to plot longer stuff, but the plotting takes so damned long that it doesn't get written half the time. I get frustrated if I start writing without an outline - it hasn't got to be detailed, but I want to have the MAJOR bits worked out, and there's usually a snag or two that get me stuck past whatever deadline there is.
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