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Cyberpunk 2077

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by MrINBN, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Viewtiful

    Viewtiful Groundskeeper

    Jan 9, 2010
    Upgrading Quickhacks is done through the Crafting menu, but be aware that you don't need any crafting levels or perks to do so, the Quickhacking tree itself has all the perks related to upgrading your Quickhacks. They also take unique components rather than the generic crafting components that you get from disassembling items - you get the components for upgrading your Quickhacks from hacking Access Points, which also nets you some money.

    On my own character I was a few missions into Act 2 when I felt unsatisfied by how thinly I had spread my Attributes - I hadn't done many side-quests so I decided to just restart with a proper plan in mind. I'm going 100% Quickhacking, trying to get through the entire game without ever firing a gun or using a melee weapon. It was really rough going at first - I had to rely heavily on using the distraction and blinding hacks to get by enemies, but things are picking up now that I've got the Rare-level Quickhacks. I'm having a lot of fun committing to this style of play, even if it means entirely ignoring certain game mechanics.
  2. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    My biggest annoyance so far is my inability to find crafting specs for ... most anything, other than the occasiona common and uncommon shit at vendors (even then barely 1 or 2 specs) OR any higher quality quickhacks than my rare ones atm, even though I'm able to craft higher quality.

    The crafting aspect of the game is actually quite productive, but imo takes too long to enter the scene and by then players already have a working system and/or build.

    That said, I fucking need more decent clothing mods and no clue how to get any. Vendors don't sell shit.

    Also, quick tip. If you like handguns, pistols/revolvers ... use the Crash.
  3. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Thanks for the tips. Bought a legendary cyberdeck and the added space let me run all the offensive hacks alongside ping and optics, and it feels a lot better.

    The police are the most annoying thing. I keep killing pedestrians accidentally with vehicles. Then the police come and shoot me. They are immediately available in full tac swat gear with air support, but they don't let me surrender or try to arrest me. It's just immediate murder.
  4. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Break line of sight, go around a building, enter stealth and wait a few seconds.
  5. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    I know I've only really posted memes here, but goddamnit quality is quality

  6. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Man, why is the User Interface for this game so bad? Surely there had to be a department that was responsible for designing and developing this element.
    Its incredibly cumbersome to use.

    I also wish the Devs had done more to innovate in terms of quests.

    Giving yellow icons to check off based on the danger level is not engaging.

    It completely renders the concept and inclusion of fixers useless.

    Why can't they call you and offer you Gigs and acting as actual fixers. The more you increase your Cred and rep with them, the more high paying and varied gigs they give you.
    I wish they had done more to immerse us in that life.

    The bugs are really limiting my enjoyment of this game. One time, a really emotional and poignant moment was completely destroyed because one character was in T-pose, and the other was a featureless mass of polygons.

    I think I am far enough and seen enough of the game, that I am content enough to wait until next year march to pick it up again and just enjoy the story, because so far, its the only thing that kept me playing.
  7. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Got legendary quickhacks, can't afford to make them. =/ Short on epic components.

    It does feel incredibly powerful now with a legendary ram deck. Need to do some more perks into ram regen, but I basically kill everything before entering combat, and if I do enter combat odds are I can kill them with a combo.

    Also found out that you can wreck your vehicles. I summoned a bike and got a little notice on the white item scroll on the left side that I had been charged insurance premiums to get a new vehicle-600ed to replace it.

    Rescued a girl in the badlands who wanted me to take her ride too. Vans bounce like basketballs and I bounced into a full flip and through the earth into nothingness. When I reloaded, I got yelled at by the fixer for leaving the girl 'high and dry in the desert'.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
  8. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:

    Also how. Tbh, one of the first perks I got was the datamine, and I've been hunting down access points for money ever since. I think it's been my cyberdeck that actually revealed the access pointss nearby from a certain point onwards, but yeah. Lots of components, no schematics beyond rare.
  9. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    You got the perk for them? It’s in the Quickhack tree.
  10. Primarch

    Primarch First Year

    Jun 29, 2018
    Personally, I'm really enjoying the game, but I'm playing it slowly, doing all the side content and not rushing the main story at all. I have a pretty good PC, so the highest settings have been working just fine for me.

    My Corpo V:


    Definitely my favourite vehicle that I've purchased so far:


    Now to save up for a Rayfield Caliburn...
  11. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Which one are you referring to? I have most of them.
  12. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    It's in the quickhack tree[​IMG]


    I don't go hunting for access points but I grab them whenever I see them on any mission and have the reveal access points perk, but I crafted every epic version and the legendary ones cost another 48 epic pieces. I have 2 legendaries crafted right now. Most of them crafted now. Didn't take a lot more grinding. I cleared out badlands basically and those bases had tons of access points.

    The legendaries are sick though. Ping lets you quickhack through walls so one ping and you can start taking out the entire compound. Might make it OP.

    Most quickhacks seem to get a passive ability on their legendary version when you have them equipped. I've listed them below:

    Ping, sonic shcok, and Burn do not, but do gain additional effects.

    Contagion lets all quickhacks jump an additional time.
    Cripple movement makes enemies unable to sprint if affected by any of your quickhacks.
    Cyberpsychosis makes them no longer avoid friendly fire while affected by any of your quickhacks.
    Grenade makes any enemy defeated by an explosion reduce the cost of your next ultimate quickhack (legendary? or something else?) by 2, stacks up to 4 times.
    Reboot optics unlocks optics jammer daemon for breach protocol.
    Short circuit makes crits from from any weapon apply level 1 short circuit.
    Suicide passive makes it so if you cause an enemy to panic, you reduce your next ultimate quickhack by 2 ram.
    Synapse burnout causes any enemy defeated by a quickhack to cause allies nearby to panic.
    System Reset: defeating an enemy reduces the cost of your next quichack by 1 ram stacks to 6 times.
    Weapon glitch unlocks weapon glitch daemon for breach.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
  13. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    If you have the extra components quickhack, buying sodas, decomposing them, and selling the basic/uncommon parts almost doubles your money. I just spam the button until it sells out whenever I see a drink machine. Chromanticore and Nicola are the more common ones. Edit: Actually each drink costs 10ed and returns 6 basic and 3 uncommon parts, which go for 5ed and 8ed respectively, so each can you buy is turning 10ed into 54ed. Quintuple your money. I spam the machines, deconstruct in big piles, and sell them to vendors when I buy something to get back the money I spend.

    But if you want a caliburn...
    If you go to the cave in the badlands from the first panam mission, you get a free caliburn. It's just stored there waiting for you. It's way too fast for me. It accelerates super quickly, struggles heavily on turns, has weak brakes, and fishtails horribly. I like riding the bikes in 1st person.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
  14. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    Best car is the Nomad-ized Quadra, the Javelina if memory serves. Just feels so good to drive.

    My only real complaint with it (and this applies to like 85% of all cars) is the horrible fuck-off bloom effects in first person. Out in the badlands, or anywhere there's a lot of light, the bloom gets so intense that the windshield is nearly solid white and I can't see the road at all. I have to drive in third person just to be able to see the road.
  15. Meerkats

    Meerkats Unspeakable

    Dec 16, 2012
    London, UK
    I'm enjoying the game for what it is rather than what cdpr promised it to be. It's basically fallout 4 with a more visually interesting world and witcher 3 tier writing at the expense of the exploration that made fo4 so fun.

    The bugs can range from funny to infuriating. Fairly often characters will talk over each other or the end of one sentence and the beginning of the next will overlap.

    I had one side quest where you're supposed to rescue a hostage have 3 different quest breaking bug that required me to do it 4 times and maneuver the minefield of bugs to complete.

    The writing is carrying it for me though, I'm definitely getting the same vibes from the witcher where I genuinly miss characters after their mission are done and wish they had more content.
  16. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I wish there was a 'vacuum up items' option or an easy way to filter all the shitty guns enemies drop. I'm legit about to stop picking shit up after neutralizing people.
  17. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I'm at that point. Level 31 50 street cred. I'll keep spamming f as I walk, but if I clear out a room and don't see any blue/purple/red pop up I just keep walking.

    I've found the game to be much more enjoyable with some levels. Early game on high difficulties is really frustrating. Some QoL things like double jump, enough hp to not be one-shot, enough ram to do more than one thing, etc. make the game feel much more manageable. Biggest qol would be a save hotkey outside of esc-->f5. Doing that more frequently has made me like the game way more.

    It's such a shame that this game has so much negative shit about it, because some things are truly great.
    The quest storylines are actually amazing and the voice acting is great. That's hampered by the lack of meaningful choices in them.
    The 3d nature of most missions feels great, but stealth and alternate paths for completion feel cheapened by the terrible AI.
    The soundtrack and sounds in general are pretty amazing. Roaring through the badlands in my Caliburn was truly enjoyable, but that's ruined by the disappearing traffic in the distance. Oh, and the freaking ragdoll physics on cars that make them an absolute pain to drive.
    The setting is so amazing. Several districts have very distinct feels to them and I absolutely love it. It's a shame that in the end it is just set dressing, your actions don't affect the world meaningfully and the world doesn't interact with you.

    The combat is serviceable, but guns are just guns and now hacks are actual hax. I wish quickhacks were more like mass effect. Just regular spells in combat, while the breach protocols and daemons could work as is and maybe work stronger or apply your quickhacks if you use your daemons effectively enough. Space magic=tech magic=wizard magic. As is, I just get to turn this real-time rpg into a turn-based rpg just for me and apply my spells to whoever I want while they can't react. Now that I've upgraded these skills, they are honestly too strong and I clear out buildings without ever entering combat. The power differences are staggering. I haven't yet tried melee outside of boxing, but it seems a bit underdeveloped there where it's too easy to lose track of your enemy. That'll probably be my next playthrough: crafting and weapons.

    This goes back to setting where the idea of hacking and netrunners and 'strong-solos' etc. seem cool but the lack of balance makes you feel like every enemy gonk is the same. Enemy netrunners so far have been a huge disappointment. There is no rock-paper-scissors to differentiate weapon types, resistances don't seem to really matter, and certain things (system reboot and tranq grenades) are OP.

    More on setting: the themes, clothing, and customization that should be available in this world are so elaborate and extensive and awesome. Just did a quest with a girl who did 'full body remake' to change her appearance, but we can't do the same once we've created our character? Characters are limited to 2 body types? Freakin FABLE let you get swole if you wanted to get swole. Can't get a tattoo, change my cyberware meaningfully, lose my humanity as I become more machine, etc.

    But even worse than that are the outfits. Looking like a clown all the time. So few choices, incredibly difficult to customize those choices. Mods seem exceedingly rare unless you spec into the crafting side of the tree, and most clothing items don't let you make them good with mods anyway. How is it I can't even change clothing colors?

    There are tons of pros and I am enjoying the game that is, but mostly because I don't game a ton and when I get in on a game I get in hard. This just feels so lackluster when I consider what I would've done differently. It's such an amazing world to use, and I mourn for the game that could have been. Maybe updates and expansions will fix it, maybe it only comes in the sequel, or maybe it never comes. I really hope it does though.

    edit: protip, definitely put 1 pt in cold blood so that you start getting cold blood experience which gives you a few extra perk points
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
  18. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    You do realize you don't need to hit esc to save with F5 right? You can't rebind it, but you can just hit F5 at pretty much any time to save the game, I do it all the time.

    As for the outfits, you're not wrong, but the game's really easy. Just wear clothes based on the look rather than the stats; you stop looking like a clown and the game gains some vague semblance of challenge/risk when you have half the armor you "should" for your level.
  19. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Don't. If you're looking to reach max level and a corresponding build, you'll need the money and materials.
  20. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Hmm, probably another logitech quirk thing. I definitely have tried plenty after I read that tooltip. F5 only works for me in the menu, and I've checked for binds/alternate options.

    Appreciate what you're saying about clothes, but that's my point. The customization system is both needlessly complex and also incredibly shallow. 3 different types of materials to craft/upgrade/build quickhacks, with 4 rarity levels within each, all for mostly useless gear, and all of it looks like a clown suit because there's not a ton of available variety and there's no color matching options. And also the mods are incredibly difficult to get, not salvageable unless you're 18 pts into tech, and also, as you say, mostly useless because there's little balance to power levels.
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