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Abandoned Dakaath: Prince of Darkness by LT2000 - M/NC17

Discussion in 'Restricted Section' started by LT2000, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I hadn't intended to kill Tom off just yet, but I may have written myself into a position where I sort of have to. Tom is in no way stronger than Zharrghast. He's not even within the same plane of existence. And the Elder Gods didn't boot Zharrghast out because they feared him. They kicked him out of the afterworld because he was wicked and a disgrace to their moral codex, and they viewed his very presence as a defilement. He then forged the sword in order to have the strength to fight against them upon an eventual return. Thing is, Harry is sixteen years old in this story. Tom has fifty years of experience and magical development on him, along with the enhancements given by countless dark rituals. Voldemort has Harry's blood due to his resurrection ceremony and a body more suited to the chaos than Harry's own. And so I intended for him to survive the attack just barely, probably blasting Harry's outstretched left arm off before Portkeying away to safety. He would certainly be dead had Harry chosen to use the sword against him in the end, but he didn't. Harry didn't know about everything Tom was, but he would after this battle should the Dark Lord live. I don't know what I want to do now. Killing Riddle here would be rushing the plot to a conclusion far faster than I had ever wanted to. I may have to think on what I'm doing for awhile before posting again.
  2. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    I assumed Tom was REALLY fucked up. I mean, the end implies that he got hit by the sword "Dumbledore's grin" And Tom gave NO indication of planning an escape. I assumed that he was dead. IT would be better for the story if he wasn't though (something to unite everyone around and have MInistry support for Harry) but I don't know how he COULD have survived. If you can pull it off BELIEVABLY then I think you should. I REALLY hope you update again soon. THis is arguably my favorite story out there. :D
  3. Contempt

    Contempt Third Year

    Jul 15, 2005
    The Bitter End
    Why does Voldemort have to be the main enemy? If you kill him now because of Zharrghast, then Harry conquers the Wizarding world. But, that doesn't have to be the end. After all, Zharrghast wants revenge on the Elder Gods, and the next logical step for a young boy with the Sword of the Fallen god is to try and control the other Realms as well.
  4. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.

    A Harry so ambitious that he wants to take over Heaven, Earth and Hell. Whoa :shock:

    Its not a bad idea, my concern is that this will turn into a god-like Harry Potter Fic.

    Also, Zharggast was freaked out by DUMBLEDORE. and frankly there is no vested interest in taking over the other realms. It turns Harry into God.

    FUCK it. LEave VOldemort alive if you can, or repost the chapter. NO one will mind. Have him sense Harry a moment before and use a portkey.
  5. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    LMAO...I sort of intended Zharrghast to get keeled by the end of the fic, and those are his ambitions. Not Harry's. I really want to be able to kill Tom, but I just can't think of a good way to reconcile it with the plot I want to run. I mean, there's no point in purging Slytherin without the need to provoke Riddle into attacking the school. Also, a one chapter fight just seems to small and anticlimactic to be the final battle. Bah, I have no idea what to do. And yeah, Godlike!Harry is not something I want to do.
  6. Old Nuit

    Old Nuit High Inquisitor

    Aug 9, 2005
    Just make smaller attacks at Hogwarts and put the final battle elsewhere. (you know suspense and all that)
  7. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I just can't concieve any way to kill Riddle and still keep my vision intact. I have too many plotlines in the works that involve him still being around, and my whole scenario falls apart if the dark side loses its leader now. I have to keep him alive somehow. I'll figure something out. I know a lot of people want him gone, but I just don't want to rush things.
  8. Old Nuit

    Old Nuit High Inquisitor

    Aug 9, 2005
    You could it make so, Riddle body dies and this time the deatheaters are so scared that they don't betray their master (result: Riddle half death and Dark side hast still their leader).
  9. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Nah, I'm not pulling the Rowling bullshit where his soul escapes once again. Too many fics have done that. I think I put enough leeway in the end of the chapter that I can just barely get away with having Voldemort escape. He did sense something coming before the attack his, and I think his own black (chaotic) magical aura and his stolen dakaathi blood could keep him alive within the blast momentarily. He will likely have been in the process of Apparating from his present location just as the blast hit, thus only being caught for a few milliseconds. It's not the best explanation ever conceived, but I need something. If anybody else has a better idea, I'd appreciate hearing it.
  10. RagefulLlama

    RagefulLlama Seventh Year

    Aug 10, 2005
    Or just have since Harry's 'final' attack was a chaos burst and tom was somewhat resistant to it. You remember like you described at the beginning of the story? like chaos magic in someones body is good and increases their defence against other chaos spells and weakness to was it order magic or something like that? ? ?

    For you not wanting a god-like fics I guess this would not include mixing his human and demon magic cores so that he has high defence from both human and demon magic huh :roll: meh. I don't really care if it's God-like!harry or not so do what you will. My only comment about the story as it is now I guess is don't have Cho explode to bad I think the main things I don't like about cho is that people have her reactions to everything so over the top you start thinking 'why oh why didn't I take the blue pi- er . . . I mean why oh why is she not confined in Saint Mungos and heavily sedated? :p
  11. Old Nuit

    Old Nuit High Inquisitor

    Aug 9, 2005
    Or you could send Voldemort with the last blast to another plane, you know where the demons live, this would even give Zharrghast a chance to get his revenge.
  12. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Yes...condemn him to the demon realm and hope hes torn apart. Brilliant chapter, though I hope Tommyboy isn't dead yet...you've yet to torture him!
  13. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I read the new chapter a couple seconds after you posted it, changing the /23 to /24 (Why is it godamned FF.net takes forever to update the scrolling chapter selection box?) tried to review and it told me the chapter wasn't there, lol

    Anyway, meant to say I like Fenrir and his werewolves, could have them collectivley called Harry's Dogs/wolves of war or something (wolf pack?)

    Ideas since you asked:

    -Have Voldie conjure up some sort of solid shield, that'd catch Harry's blast and sent him flying dozens of feet away, possibly into the air where he can activate a portkey before he is turned into mush

    -Tom has a variant of draught of living death in his veins constantly, a spell he's created is triggered to activate it whenever his body suffers severe, near fatal injury, to place him in statis, and transport him away somehow

    -The spell burns off most of his flesh, leaving some areas exposed bone, Snape or a Order member turns traitor and grabs Voldie out of there. (I'm fairly drunk atm and can't remember anything about Snape atm other then he has his asskicked) This could be turned into a partially healable wound, and leave some parts of Voldemort Lich-like. Having some of an animaguses blood, and Harry's he could be able to survive with certain parts missing, by cauterizing the ends of the nerves/skin and using magic to help him move the bone only spots. harry has been upgraded to a badass apperance, why not Voldemort?

    (looking sort of like this: [​IMG]

    *shrug* results of a 5 minute drunken brainstorming session, I'm sure you'll think of something
  14. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    My one problem...

    In your story when Harry is standing across from Voldemort in the begginning of the chapter or right after that you refer to Fenrir Greyback as Fenrir Greyback... However this is BEFORE Fenrir introduces himself to Harry...

    Just thought you would like 2 know.
  15. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Well, I just assumed that the readers would know who he was regardless. Sometimes I muddle up whose perspective I'm writing from. I can go back and edit it, I guess. I'm going back to do some minor revisions here in a minute anyway.
  16. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Nice picture Mid, I can see Voldemort looking like that.
  17. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    ty, I tried to find one that looked Dementor-ish while powerful at the same time. If Serapheth doesn't use it I may do something with it, using a ritual involving the flesh of a vampire or something weird
  18. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Be funny if he did something like that then he couldnt walk in sunlight very long, lol. Fucked the ritual.
  19. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Because they don't make bone sunscreen!

    Come to think of it.. I'll do something like this with Serverus
  20. Old Nuit

    Old Nuit High Inquisitor

    Aug 9, 2005
    Let the ol' grease ball die.