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DayZ Arma 2 Zombie Survival Mod

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Protocol, May 17, 2012.

  1. Protocol

    Protocol Squib

    Jul 6, 2010
    A new mod for Arma 2 Combined Operations that's been circling around the internet. Didn't see a thread here so I though I should post it up. Anyways it's a multiplayer survival game set in a 255km map where you spawn with a pistol and some supplies. You can scavenge zombie infested towns for food and weapons or kill your fellow players for their supplies. Anyways go check it out, it looks pretty good for being in alpha stage at the moment :)


  2. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Seriously. This is possibly the coolest thing I've seen in weeks D: If anyone with arma fancies playing some I'm totally up for it!
  3. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    ARMA II: Combined Operations, which is a two year old game, has climbed to the #1 top seller spot on Steam. It's not even on sale. A lot of people seem to be buying ArmaII:CO at full retail [$29.99] just to play the DayZ mod.
  4. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
  5. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    DLP Hunting Squad? :awesome
  6. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I'm so fucking in if we can get a band together. I've been vehemently trying to find a reason to play this beyond 'it looks cool'. :p
  7. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    It doesn't just look cool, it IS fucking cool. It's horribly buggy, horribly lacking in features, horribly obvious that it is an alpha.

    Yet it's an amazing game to play— tense, nail-biting, balls-out zombie survival.
  8. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Buying now. Did you get the DLC, emb?
  9. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    I bought Arma 2 back when it was on special during Christmas, so I lucked out. It's incredibly tense and atmospheric, and if you need a reason to buy it I recommend watching The Days Ahead.
  10. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Same here, I have this really bad feeling that the day after I buy this they will put it on sale.

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 PM ----------

    Also, I am guessing most of the servers will be in US/UK. Will it lag real bad for me? Any ideas?
  11. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    There should be servers wherever it's popular. My little Aussie ISP has a DayZ server, and it looks like they're about to put on a second. There's probably an Indian gaming group who run a DayZ server or two.

    DayZ Zombie RPG - ANZ7 (v1.6.0.1) dayzmod.com - Hosted by Games.On.Net arma2-2.games.on.net:2302 44/50 Chernarus

    44/50 players at midnight on a Thursday.
  12. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    I have been looking but there is no group on steam with the words Dayz or Arma II along with India. I have seen a few people from India who play it on random forums I found through Google but no mention of a server.

    I am pretty sure that there isn't (and won't be in the near future) a server for Arma II in India. What I want to find out is if I were to connect to the Aussie server you mentioned, will I be able to play or will it lag like hell?

    There are some Minecraft servers in EU and AUS which run fine for me, I am wondering if it might be same with Arma.
  13. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    The commentary the first few minutes was hilarious.
  14. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Ping it and find out. The server name is in my post.

    ping arma2-2.games.on.net
    tracert arma2-2.games.on.net
  15. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    ~240, it sucks for CS 1.6 (which is good at <80 only) but I am able to play (sometimes) at that ping on TF2.

    Any idea where can I find IPs to all/most the servers?

    Best moment was the,

    "He's down help me"

    "I am still here, help me!"

    "Take his shit."
  16. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Many of the NZ and AUS DayZ servers have ping limits to keep out you dirty foreigners because our servers are already full. Anywhere from 60ms to 200ms is what I've been reading. The limits are set by the admins.
  17. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010


    I would set up my own server but prices to get one in an Indian Datacentre are ridiculously high. Plus no one would be there to play with.

  18. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    I was rolling when he screamed out "It's fucking sonic the hedgehog"
  19. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    ^^ I LOL'ed at that and my sis was like WTF?

    In other news, I have been randomly pinging servers from http://www.gametracker.com/search/arma2/

    And almost all are 200+, some are 300+. (y I no haz ISP like yours?)

    Is the 200+ ping kick fairly common?

    Those who have played (nmb, Jon?) are players with 200+ ping common at all? If there are any, try and ask them how it is please! :D

    EDIT: I have found ~5-6 servers with a 190-200 ping. That is the best there is I think.
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
  20. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    I regularly play with a 200~ ping on LA/TX servers. It's playable, provided you're not getting into massive firefights with other survivors.

    I thought I'd recount my most recent experience with this game, as a way of encouraging people who are otherwise sitting on the fence to get involved. Excuse my storytelling ;D

    I was chilling down at Elektrozavodsk when I got word that a friend of mine was in the North West Airfield near Grishno, with two broken legs and a horde of zombies chilling at the base of his sniper nest. I quickly mobilised, only pausing to hit up all the local hotspots; the grocery store for food and ammo, the office building where they keep the stash of bandages and the bar where the proprietor was kind enough to leave a hunting rifle in the top rooms.

    With my ALICE pack well stocked, I headed north, making the slightest detour to Rog Castle, where I hoped to find a map. Under the cover of twilight I crept up to a small ridge overlooking the old stone ruins and surveyed the fall of the land and the top of the tower with my rifle's scope. I was certain I saw the barrel of a gun, just peeking over the edge of the battlements.

    I crept into the tower, my heart beating in my throat as it does with every player encounter and my trusty Makarov raised, expecting the worst. I'd only climbed one flight of stairs when I heard footsteps above.

    "Friendly?" asked the person above me.

    "Friendly," I agreed.

    And as he rounded the corner, we both opened fire at the same time.

    Two of the bullets from his G18 flew past my head, while my own three shots buried themselves, two to the chest and one between the eyes.

    To my great joy, not only was I able to liberate his G18, map and compass, but he also carried a hunting knife. It'd allow me to catch some dinner on the way up to meet my friend.

    From Rog I headed North West, following the main road that ran up through Guglovo to Novy Sobor. The first of these towns I avoided— far too many zombies for the few barns that I would have to search through, but in Novy Sobor, I was feeling the pangs of thirst and my last scavenged Coke was a distant memory.

    So I found a hill overlooking the town and surveyed it grimly. The streets were choked with the rambling dead. Plotting a course around them to scavenge the houses was impossible. I had two options — go in all guns blazing and hope I'd retain enough ammo to fight my way back out again, or wait until dark.

    Hoping my friend would be able to hold out against the legion of undead for just a little longer, I opted to wait.

    Darkness truly set in only ten or fifteen minutes later, by which time I'd formulated a rock solid attack plan. I cast a lit flare to the far end of the village and watched happily as the horde of undead shambled off to investigate this new, interesting phenomenon. I descended into the village, creeping from building to building, looking for something to drink.

    Finally I opted to fill my water bottle at the well. I'd hoped to find some coke, possibly even some tins of pork and beans, but I supposed it wasn't to be my night. Little did I realise just how much luck was against me.

    I'd just begun to head out of town, when I came around a corner to find another survivor, standing in the middle of the road, Lee Enfield in hand. We both stopped, his rifle and my glock poised, neither wanting to take the first shot. He was too far away for my pistol to be of much effect, his rifle would bring every zombie in the town down upon us. We stared at each other, neither willing to take the risk of hailing the other. Seconds turned into half a minute, while we stood, watching each other.

    Then to my horror, he squeezed the trigger of his rifle.

    His shot was hopelessly aimed, flying high and wide of the mark, but it wasn't the survivor that I was terrified by. Already I could hear the ravenous, furious screams of the undead bellowing behind me. I didn't even pause to glance over my shoulder.

    I ran straight at the other survivor, who missed his second hastily fired shot, this one hitting the dirt at my feet, far too close for comfort. But heedless, I sprinted on, out of the village and up the dirt road. A third shot was fired and this one hit me. I turned, to aim back at him, just in time to see a wall of the undead descend upon him, batter him to the floor and eat him alive.

    I fled.

    A little later, having drunk my water, bandaged my wound, popped some painkillers and avoided the Novy Sobor's larger brother Stary Sobor I arrived at the airfield — a notorious hunting ground for bandits.

    It took me a little time to reccy the place. One of the towers I knew was occupied by my friend, who was covering my approach with his own, high calibre sniper rifle, but between me and him were a number of hangars. Hangars that always held the dual dangers of automatic weapons and trigger happy bandits.

    But the walk around was plagued by the undead and I was almost certain that getting to my friend would require some shooting anyway. The quicker I could reach him, the quicker I would be out of the way of clawing, undead hands.

    I crept into the first hangar, which was eerily still. Nothing in here, not even some bandages. This gave me pause for concern, it meant it had been looted recently, a worrying prospect. The second hangar was equally empty and I knew this was no coincidence. I readied my G18.

    I leaned around the entrance to the third hangar and could just about discern some shapes scurrying about in the darkness. I could see three automatic weapons and a rifle. I swallowed and considered walking around. But no, the safest choice was to try and creep past them.

    I'd covered almost half the distance, creeping along low and quiet, when the first shot rang out at me. Luckily it was the rifleman who had fired, getting only a single shot, which missed. I realised the game was up and pelted full steam across the tarmac toward the tower.

    I watched over my shoulder as a dozen zombies descended upon the hangar and three AKMs fired up, mowing them down almost instantly. Then an assault rifle bearing survivor stepped out of the hangar door, took aim and I knew that there was no way he was going to miss me.

    A shot rang out.

    The survivor dropped like a stone.

    The second man that stepped out of the hangar was likewise dropped by my friend in the tower with the sniper rifle and the pair of them lay bleeding on the tarmac. As I reached my friend's position, I could see the horde of zombies gathered around him and realised I had no idea how I was going to get in.

    To my relief however, my friend tossed a smoke grenade out of the other side of the tower which drew them away, allowing me to enter without incident.

    I spent a few moments patching him up with bandages, morphine and the few bloodpacks that he'd had the sense to carry with him, all the while he watched the hangar intently through his scope.

    A few tense seconds later, the group in the hangar reached us with a message. They wanted a truce, to collect their still alive, but rapidly bleeding friends from the tarmac and depart peacefully. This required discussion between my friend and I.

    Though we both had sniper rifles and the four of them pinned down, neither of us had bullets to spare for either our primary or secondary weapons. Getting involved in a firefight was only going to deplete our few remaining rounds, draw the horde of undead back to us and pose an unnecessary risk.

    After careful deliberation, we accepted their truce, informed them of our obvious superior tactical situation and bade them hastily retreat.

    Almost instantly they descended upon their wounded comrades, dragging them back into the hangar. We waited a little, patiently, for them to patch their friends up and leave. We waited and waited and waited.

    We called out, trying to get an answer from them.


    We expected the worst, readied our scopes and just as we'd drawn up our shots, all four of them poured from the hangar, heading for our position.

    I missed, but my friend's first shot took one of them in the head, killing him instantly. I hastily loaded a second round into the chamber and this time I hit, wounding but not outright killing my victim. My friend's second shot killed another. By this point the remaining two had worked out our position and poured automatic fire on us, forcing us to retreat.

    Luckily, the undead were drawn to those two instead of us, allowing us to descend the tower and exit through the rear. We heard the gunfire continue, though whether to our old position or to hold off the wave of undead, we couldn't be sure.

    Regardless, while they were distracted, we sprinted to the nearby firestation, circled around it, nearly avoiding the undead and flanked our aggressors.

    Two quick shots ended the problem for good.

    It was only after we'd cleared the last of the undead, both emptying our final rounds in the process that we were able to approach the still cooling corpses. Or, that was what we'd thought. One of the party, despite having taken two bullets from me, was still going, though unconscious and bleeding.

    I looted an assault rifle from the corpse of his friend and fired a round into his head, point-blank.

    We gathered a considerable amount of their possessions, taking watches, ammunition and a tent from them, before deciding that the Airfield was probably a little heated for our liking.

    With nary a glance backward at the flies buzzing around the corpses behind us, we headed east toward the coast and Berezino.

    Maybe we'd have better hunting there. ​

    So I dramatized a little bit, but that's all true and everything I mentioned (thirst, flies buzzing around corpses, distracting zombies with flares or smokes) are all awesome little game mechanics that really bring it to life.

    As it's been said though, the game is in early alpha testing, thus buggy. But the persistent open world really is what ever you make of it.
    Last edited: May 31, 2012