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Death Eaters Mafia #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by BioPlague, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    Not that I'm defending HoS, but a possible reason as to why he's acting so strange may be because he's been drunk for the past week because of some freshman camp thing.
  2. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Huh well now this is interesting indeed, I think Mishie raises a decent point that HoS could simply be drunk off his nuts, I am rather stumped on what the motives for killing Vira were though. I see three possibilities really on that subject
    1. It was a ploy to frame either mishie or jwlk.
    2. Its not a ploy at all, we're just supposed to think it is so we lay off of mishie and jwlk.
    3. If Taure is anything to judge off of then the Death Eaters this round just don't care all that much and are icing people at random.
  3. Ayreon

    Ayreon Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 18, 2006
    If we're lynching someone, we should be quite a bit more certain than chance that the individual is guilty, especially now that we have an Auror and more time gives us more people to investigate.

    Atomicwalrus didn't post much, but was otherwise not especially suspicious. I don't know if not posting much is enough of a reason to lynch when we have the upper hand.

    Hero of Stupidity sounds more suspicious, but it's of course possible that he was just drunk and distracted.

    A question to Merrill: Is it possible to discern from your description if someone was killed by Death Eaters or the Dark Wizard, or are you just posting generic sentences and they could refer to either one?
  4. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    Alright. Well idk. Didn't get any information last night.

    Anyway, I don't think we should judge all of the Death Eaters actions on Taure, he was just a simple Death Eater. But honestly, it looks like an extremely see through attempt at getting myself lynched, since I was arguing with Vira the past 3 pages.

    What I'm curious about is the Dark Wizard. Does he just pick someone at random to kill? First Xiph and then Cracked ( I think thats them..) but they had nothing really to die for. It just seems random and not helpful at all.

    EDIT: Pretty sure that it could easily be distinguished. Thats what it seemed like to me anyway. It seems he made it pretty clear. (Dark curses is the dark wizard and killing curses is DE's)
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2011
  5. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    I'm willing to give this a shot. jwilk and mishie are temporarily out of my eyes because of Vira's death. Krogan and the rest of you are still under suspicion though.

    Also, I might not be posting much today. I'm going out with my cousins later, so I might be in late tonight.

    Edit: Serpentine? Does that mean the Dark Lord did it?
  6. Azira

    Azira High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 8, 2009
    Sorry for not having posted much, I was entirely too busy with real life yesterday. I have kept up with the thread though, and honestly the person ringing the alarm bells in my head is Hashasheen.

    Every single post you make accuses 3-4 people seemingly at random, and you posted a few 'voting recaps' that imply you want lynches to happen quickly (showing whos close to a lynch and pressuring people to get shit done). It reeks of sowing dissent in the ranks and just plain bad will. I'm not voting for you yet, but fellow villagers, consider Hashasheen for our next attempt.
  7. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    Does it matter who really did it? Unless Hit wizard was watching them :/

    Anyway, as no one is really bringing anything new to the table, I'll try to think of something. It would be to the Dark Wizards benefit to vote off anyone, regardless of wether they are town or not. Same with the Death Eaters, really. Taure was confirmed as one, and they might have tried to get in with the town by voting him off.

    Soooo I looked at the voting of both of our lynches and here they are:

    People who voted for Rats: Vira, Krogan, mishie, CrackedMind, Taure, jwlk, KaiDASH, Vesvius, Kensington, Palindrome, Hashasheen, Lutris and Fiat Piscis

    People who voted for Taure: Fenraellis, Vira, Fiat Piscis, CrackedMind, Krogan, KaiDASH, Zeitgeist, Palindrome, Aekiel, Vesvius, Scrittore and Kensington

    Now, we can cross off Vira, Cracked, Taure, Fenraellis, and Lutris for sure. I really don't believe Palidrome is a death eater, based off of what I have read from the posts (thats just me though). Of course, i'd say cross me out as well but I'm not confirmed. So if we look at who voted for both, and those can be our suspects:

    Krogan, jwlk, KaiDASH, Vesvius, Ken, and Piscis. Well, thats more than I hoped, but oh well, better than random. Also, Ken was the one who had the final vote on Taure, to me that looks sort of suspicious. Also, KaiDASH somehow voted for both lynches, and yet if I remember correctly he only has about 5 posts... I don't remember Vesvius's posts at all... And well, I might as well make a vote.

    Vote Player : Kensington

    We'll see how tomorrow goes..
  8. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    You know I hadn't been considering it before but now I'm starting to wonder about Hash, it almost seems a little too convenient now. Vira dies and the obvious thought is jwlk and mishie so people dismiss it as a ploy to frame them but what if it isn't as I stated earlier? Without a second glance now Hash dismisses the two of them as suspects and says it has to be everyone else. Your acting very strangely Hash, as Azriphale said I'm not voting for you yet but your worth consideration.
  9. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    I'm thinking that they knew we knew that killing Vira would look like an attempt to incriminate Mishie. As such, unless they're fucking retarded (genuine possibility) would know that by doing so they drew attention away from Mishie/jwlk.

    I say we lynch mishe as we've been saying we should for a while. Unless, of course, our resident auror disagrees.

    Not quite rescinding my vote from Walrus yet (as Zeit will later cite it in an attempt to analyze my voting patterns) but I'm suggesting we lynch either Mishie or Jwlk if no one agrees with me on Walrus.
  10. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Lol. Is this because I joked about lynching you? Because that was just because you're Israeli, and as Lebanese, I felt I had to give it a go. :awesome

    1. I'm pretty sure I've made the consistent position that I don't trust anyone here, and have just state who I've suspect the most from a day to day basis. Previously I suspected Fiat and Zeit because they were drawing a lot of attention at HoS either way. Then I suspect Krogan and a few others because of their lack of posting (which goes for you as well). Now I'm off mishie and jwilk because like I stated, it seems way to obvious to blame them. I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary, especially when after the rats incident, I've been asking for everyone to think things through carefully and clearly.

    2. Voting recaps were to show for everyone who was voting for what and to be helpful to Merrill. He told me to quit it, so I did.


    I'm fasting in the middle of the Arabian desert in what has to be the hottest August in a while. Do you expect me to not be a little loopy. Add to that my shoulder pain and I'm not exactly a hundred percent into giving a shit about this game.
  11. Atomicwalrus

    Atomicwalrus Fourth Year

    Mar 20, 2011
    That does sound like a good idea on the Death Eaters part and something a smart group of them would do, so I'm going to have to agree with you as much as this will look like I'm trying to get the heat off me.

    Jwlk's idea of comparing the votes though is a good one but I think comparing all the votes for the first day with the votes for Taure might be more informative.

    This gives us the votes below:

    The names crossed out are either casualties or the Auror.

    People who voted for Ratstsrub Vira, Krogan, mishie, CrackedMind, Taure, jwlk, KaiDASH, Vesvius, Kensington, Palindrome, Hashasheen, Lutris and Fiat Piscis

    People who voted for Taure on day 1 Xiph0, Zeitgeist, AtomicWalrus, Aziraphale and Aekiel

    People who voted for Taure on day 2: Fenraellis, Vira, Fiat Piscis, CrackedMind, Krogan, KaiDASH, Zeitgeist, Palindrome, Aekiel, Vesvius, Scrittore and Kensington

    I'm not sure how helpful that is to everyone but for me it tentatively removes some suspicion on Aekiel and Zeitgeist at least, though their votes might be part of some cunning death eater plan to remain undetected by voting for Taure twice.
  12. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Your premise (those who voted for both lynchings are potential DE's) is valid, but the data & results is flawed because of the Taure vote.

    After he was confirmed guilty by Fenraellis, anyone who posted and didn't vote for Taure would be suspicious, so the people who voted are simply those who happened to be online after the start of the day, basically a random sampling. Any DE who was unable to post in the first 2 hours simply went underneath your radar, so I don't think your method will get good results and if it does it's more luck than anything, since you're essentially picking 6 random players and pointing your finger at them.

    You might find this useful too (link) so you can at least get accurate numbers when you mention post counts.
  13. Ayreon

    Ayreon Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 18, 2006
    You're right - the votes on day 2 don't tell us anything because Taure was confirmed at that point.

    People arguing for not killing ratstsrub and lynching Taure instead are somewhat more trustworthy, but I'd expect the Death Eaters to have one of their numbers always among the people voting for Death Eaters. That way they would have one person relatively safe.
    Seeing as one in four is guilty on average and we have 4 names on that list it doesn't make it any easier.
  14. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I agree that it's likely one of the Death Eaters voted for Taure, at the risk of incriminating myself, since it's a basic ploy to try and avoid suspicion. Unless the Death Eaters truly don't care about this game, which has been suggested based on their killing pattern, in which case it seems as though we're back to using posts themselves as evidence.

    Personally, I don't think the evidence has shifted far away from Fiat at least being suspicious, especially since Vira's death has cast doubt on the guilt of Mishie and jwlk. I'm holding back from voting now though, since I'd prefer to hear Fiat's defence against this accusation before condemning him. As with my last post accusing him, I believe his aggressiveness in accusing people is blatantly suspicious, and he's changed his vote to a seemingly random person yet again this phase.
  15. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    I've been up late appreciating the high quality of my new computer, after I got back from my brother's party earlier.(I had less than two hours to make use of it after building it, before I had to get ready and go)

    Anyway, I'm honestly quite surprised at the relative quiet in the thread. Zeitgeist has a point I suppose, where at this point, especially with a lack of a direct guilty target, people want to post a minimal amount, such that almost any posting can somehow be construed as guilt by somebody else.

    Personally, revealing any of my suspicions would be largely counterproductive, as it would initiate a shift in a person's behavior, innocent or guilty. I have mostly been spending my time reviewing others' posts, the few times I have been on this evening. Re-reading twenty-two pages of thread before investigating last Night Phase was... bleh. Especially with the dud result.

    So please, Death Eaters, reveal yourselves by what you do, or do not, say. It would make all of our lives much easier, eh?
  16. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Well, I'll give it a shot now. Nobody is posting, and nobody's making a move. So here I go:

    Vote Player: Hero of Stupidity.

    I will rescind if it looks like we have a split vote (caused by an up-surge in mishie/jwlk votes, perhaps?), because ultimately a bad lynch is still better than no lynch at all.

    nb: Fiat Piscis is fishy, but he's lower than HoS at the moment. I don't buy the "drunk" excuse, because he's already made a number of posts outside of this thread. Moreover, Hero of Stupidity seems to be coherent enough to make comments about us on the IRC.
  17. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Vote Player: Hero of Stupidity.

    Also, to relieve Krogan's suspicion of my "strange attitude" and the throbbing pain in my shoulder, I just broke fast to eat something (meatballs in pita bread) before taking some pain-killers. I should be acting normally until I head out with my cousins.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2011
  18. Atomicwalrus

    Atomicwalrus Fourth Year

    Mar 20, 2011
    Well since vote for Hero of stupidity are picking up and I need to go to bed.

    Vote Player: Hero of Stupidity.

    If we haven't lynched anyone by the time I get up and we need to break a tie I'll change.
  19. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    I don't quite want to join a Hero of Stupidity train quite yet - although he's still suspicious. He has been working freshman orientation events this week (according to HoS on IRC) so that knocks him down on the suspect list a couple notches for me. That said, if it looks as if we're a vote or two short to nail HoS, I'll rescind this vote and swap it over.

    There is something just plain off to me about Atomicwalrus. For lack of a better choice,

    Vote Player: Atomicwalrus.
  20. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    I know this will make me more suspicious then I already are, but I have to ask : why am I suspicious? I admit I was not the most active member of this game, but I had my reasons. Plus the ungodly hours, 10 EST PM is like 4 in the morning here.

    If you ask me it's mighty suspicious of them ( Zeitgeist, Hashasheen ) to point at me, doubtless they are covering for somebody or something like that.

    So without further chitchat Vote Player: Atomicwalrus